The Sins We Carry - Sarifinasnightmare (2024)

Chapter 1: Welcome to Delacroix

Chapter Text

“Your daddy is a fool! A damn, stupid fool to let a man the likes of him on his property!” said Rosaline “Roz” Casper yelling at Sarah Wilson outside one gray morning. “What if he hurts my grandbabies!”

“This is our property and Daddy can rent out the spare house to whomever he wants. Plus why are you harping about a man from jail? Have you forgotten where De’Andre is right now?”

“You shut it! Don’t remind me where my baby is now. It’s the government’s fault for putting him there!”

“It’s his fault for f*cking around with a high school girl, the pervert!”

“That illegal bitch. She sent my boy to jail.”

“So you sent her mom back to Mexico,” Sarah shook her head. “You’re just a ray of sunshine, Roz. Go home, you have no say in this house.”

“Let me see my grandbabies!”

Lord give me strength! “They don’t want to see you! Go home.”

“You bitch! When De’Andre comes home you’ll be-”

“Blah, blah, blah! Go. Home.” Sarah walked back into the house and shut the door. She could hear ex-mother-in-law shouting but eventually there was the sweet sound of a car door slam and the tires screeching on the gravel.

AJ and Cassius looked up from their cereal. “Thanks Mom.”

She kissed each boy on their head before going back to making their lunches. “Welcome, babies. Now finish up, it’s almost time for school.”

Because of Roz’s unwelcome visit, she came late to greet the boat, but she put on her work gloves, scooted between Tim and Carlos to help separate the catch of the day.

Paul, a stout man with a receding hairline that he covered in a blue sports cap and two arms covered in faded tattoos, studied his tardy daughter. “Trouble?”

“Took care of it.” She quirked a brow. “Partly your fault.”

“What did I do?”

“Roz found out Tim’s replacement is a white boy.”

Tim looked at his employer. “You replacing me with a white boy?”

“You don’t get to bitch, you’re moving remember? Besides it’s a favor. He had my back so now it’s my turn.” Paul shrugged.

“Where’d you find him?” Carlos asked, wanting to know since he’d be the one really working with the new guy.


Now he had their attention. “What’d he do?”

“He never really explained, wasn’t much of a talker.”

Sarah glared at him. “You’re renting out the guest house to a guy you met in prison, and you don’t even know why he was in there?? Daddy! What about the boys!”

“Look he’s bringing someone with him okay? A sister about fifteen. I figure a man trying to start over with his kid sister can’t be that bad. Besides we’re going to need the help soon and a little extra money definitely won’t hurt.”

No, it definitely wouldn’t, not that they were starving, quite the contrary. Business was booming because of a little dumb luck, but because of it the Wilson’s restaurant on the pier got extended, the ship was in the best shape it’s been in a while, they could easily afford to keep sending the boys to private school and put a little away for bad weather days (which is necessary in Louisiana to be honest).

“But if white boy is going to work on the boat and he’s going to be living in your spare guest house isn’t the rent money he’ll pay just him giving your money back?” Carlos pondered.

“I ain’t complaining. Now where is your wife?” Paul asked.

“Heating up the kitchen.” Jerking a thumb in the direction of the restaurant.

“Better go help her prep then.” Sarah replied before picking up several buckets of sea life.

“I’ll be leaving to meet him later today. You’ll be alright?” Paul asked.

“Daddy I’ve done this alone before. Don’t worry.”

A heavy, sad sigh escaped the man. “I know…I know.”


“Bucky, good to see you again. See you grew it all out.” Paul greeted.

Bucky stepped out of the moving van followed by a teenage girl flushed pink and fanning herself with her t-shirt. “New life and all that.” He replied simply offering a tight smile.

“And this must be your sister. Welcome to Delacroix.”

Rebecca offered her own tight smile. “Hello! Is it colder in the house?” She asked with a slight Russian accent.

“It is, you must be eager to see it. Come inside.” Paul said, urging them to follow.

The guest house was once used as servant’s quarters almost a century ago. Two bedrooms, one bathroom with the kitchen, dining room and living room all in one space. Some of the furniture looked neglected, but the structure was sound.

“I was worried I’d have to replace the AC unit, but it turned out Ol’ Alf had some spare parts so it should be running smoothly now.”

James and Rebecca circled around the place. It was small, but clean and it would be their home. “It’s more than we could ask for.” He handed Paul an envelope with three months’ rent inside. “Thank you.”

He took it, glad that he kept his word. “You’ll start on Monday. Hopefully that’ll give you time to get settled.”

“I’ll be there.” Bucky replied.

“Call if you need anything. I’m only a yard away.” Paul pointed at the blue house ahead of them with a grin.

Once he left, Bucky and his sister got to work moving in.

“You can have the bigger room.”

Rebecca’s eyes lit up. “Really??”

Bucky shrugged. “You have the most furniture, plus I pulled you out of your school and hauled you across the world. It’s the least I can do.”

She rarely saw her brother growing up but hardly any of her friends saw their relatives. They all attended and lived at the private school. All their fathers and brothers were off in the city doing “business”. He’d mostly sent letters every month or so, then about a month ago he appeared and told her they were leaving Russia. She was given three days to pack up her things, say good-bye to her friends before she was whisked away to Moscow and then on a plane heading towards the United States.

“Did you do something wrong?” She’d asked her brother tentatively.

“No, actually I’m doing things right.”

Bucky felt guilty for uprooting his family abruptly, but he’d done his time, earned his keep and now he was determined to put as much distance between him and the old life. The old life was harsh, isolating, and unkind. This was a new start for them all and if things went well, they could establish a home and finally be a family.

His gaze went over to the blue house only a few yards away. Paul had come through and for that he was grateful to him. The older man told him he lived with his daughter and two grandsons, and he made a mental note to make a quick assessment of them once he saw them, but already knew it was best that he kept them at a distance.

“When are we going to visit Babushka?” Rebecca asked, breaking his concentration.

“We just got her settled in the nursing home, so let’s give her a day.” He replied. “You know how to cook?”

His sister snorted. “Hadn’t taken classes for that.”

“Guess we’re eating out until we both learn.” He mused.

“You’re going to learn with me?” she asked with an excited smile.

He noticed the gleam and realized how hungry she was to make a connection with him. It hurt him that he had to keep her at a distance for so long. “Yes. Promise.”


Sarah and her dad always traded closing times so that one of them was home when the boys arrived. Stepping out of her truck she noticed a lot of movement going on at the spare house. Remembering about the new tenants she thought about introducing herself, but she was tired and wanted to get dinner going, plus she’d meet the new guy on Monday so she tramped inside the house to rest a bit before preparing for the evening. Business had been brisk, but it would probably slow down as it was a Wednesday. The August heat was intense, but anyone living in Louisiana worth their salt knew how to deal with it. The boys had been complaining how hot the walk was from the bus to the house and decided to allow them a popsicle when they arrived.

The sound of hammering interrupted her quiet thoughts, and she wondered what was going on. Tapping the wood spoon, setting it aside and lowering the heat, she went to the side door to investigate.

The spare house was mildly shielded by some trees so she couldn’t see clearly across the yard, but she did make out that the new guy was hammering away on the screen door. Clearly the heat was getting to him if the sweat stains on his dark blue shirt were any indication. Still, he wasn’t making any movements to take it off. She frowned, noticing that one hand was of a different color than the other. As she got closer she realized why.

Good Lord did Daddy hire a handicapped? She thought with a mental groan.

Bucky quickly felt eyes on him, and he turned to face the invader. He paused when he saw a tall black woman in t-shirt and jeans. His instincts kicked in and he couldn’t help assessing her. A nice face but hard-working hands with a spine so straight she could’ve been mistaken for a soldier. Her brown eyes were dark, filled with suspicion and she was as guarded as a communist wall. Clearly Paul’s daughter he lowered his gaze modestly he nodded in greeting. “Madam.”

Sarah blinked, surprised by the timid greeting coming from this long-haired bearded man who looked like he could bust through a wall. “You’re the new tenant Daddy told me about.” She folded her arms across her chest. “You got a name?”

“Bucky.” He said simply.

“Bucky, hm?” She smiled faintly, finding it odd. “Nice arm. Does it work?”

He knew what she was asking. “It does. I can pull my weight.”

“Good, because you won’t last long if you can’t.” she replied coolly and she meant it. If he couldn’t do the work then he’d have to go.

Rebecca stepped out looking at an old recipe book left in the kitchen and was startled slightly at their guest. “Good afternoon, Madam.”

The accent was more pronounced with the young lady, but Sarah could tell without a doubt that they were related, what with those matching blue eyes and cheekbones. But whereas Bucky looked like a pillaging Viking, his sister looked like Snow White waiting for Prince Charming to whisk her away to the castle. No princes here unfortunately. “Hello, welcome to Delacroix. How are you liking it?”

“It is nice.” she replied eagerly. “Hotter than Russia.”

“I’m sure.” Sarah smiled faintly surprised by that bit of information.

“Don’t mention Russia.” Bucky muttered softly to his sister with a firm stare.

“Oh okay,” she said faintly, then pointed at the book, “I want to go to shopping for food.”

He nodded. “Okay, go make a list.”

“Goodbye Madam.” She smiled at Sarah before disappearing back into the house.

“Keeping secrets?” Sarah asked once the girl was gone.

“I like my privacy.” He shrugged.

“Understood. Well good luck trying to keep it. This town is known for nosy neighbors, but I do have a question. Daddy told me he knew you from prison. Did your crime have anything to do with children?”

So, Paul told her that much. “No, I never dealt with children.”

He could be lying but sensed that he wasn’t. A knot of worry lifted off her chest. “Good, I have two boys.”

That reminded him. “I have a question now.”

She arched a brow at him. “I might give you an answer. I like my privacy too.”

He nodded, understanding. “I need to find a school for my sister. A good one.”

“St. Simon Academy. It’s all grades and has a good reputation. Plus, the bus drops students close to home. It’s a little pricey.”

“Thank you, Madam.”

“Sure, no problem.” She went back to her kitchen and soon heard them leave. Sensing the no nonsense nature of the man she decided to make sure the boys left the new tenants alone.


Bucky’s thought didn’t linger long on his meeting with Paul’s daughter. He was more focused on things that had to get done before Monday. First, enroll his sister in a school, get her supplies, then get a vehicle since the moving van had to be returned promptly, then visit their grandmother to make sure the nursing home was seeing to her needs.

Babushka was a tiny woman who’d lived through a lot of rough times, was now wheelchair bound and going senile. It had been confusing for her to be moved from her Russian nursing home to an American one even though he’d done his best to explain it to her. Still she took it all in stride, enjoying her first plane ride, liking the warm Louisiana weather and pleased at the updated facilities she had been installed in. He’d gotten her a private room and they’d meticulously arranged things to her liking. She was very surprised at the sight of her nurse, who was a slender black lady. Diversity was not common in the homeland.

She had taken the woman’s hand and rubbed her skin in utter fascination. Bucky apologized and explained to the nurse who had been incredibly patient. Babushka wasn’t a hateful person, but he told her firmly nonetheless not to hurt anyone’s feelings.

The trip to the grocery was rather interesting. Rebecca and him carefully made their way through all the aisles buying what they needed and possibly a few things they didn’t. Sometimes they reverted to Russian, and a few shoppers gave them funny looks, but no one approached. They ended up needing a second cart and the bill was huge, but he quietly paid for it with cash and effortlessly carried the bags to the van and back to the house.

It was dark when they got back and quietly they moved around each other as they accommodated all their stuff into the tiny house. Rebecca threw on her new bed sheets and organized her backpack. After they ate she looked out the window listening intently to the nightlife and studying the lone light from the private dock.

“Brother, will this be our home from now on?” She asked.

Bucky had been quietly putting away his things in the lone cabinet and closet. “For the moment, I think. I don’t want to uproot us too much, especially while you’re still at school. That’s why it’s important we keep a low profile.”

Rebecca sighed. She may be naïve, but not that naïve. After all she went to a school with other students who had parents that were involved in “business”. What that meant was deliberately unclear and sometimes for good reason. “Are we in danger?”

“No, but I don’t want people to investigate. If anyone asks we’re from Estonia. Our parents are dead, our grandmother lives close by. I work for Paul Wilson on his fishing boat, and I’ve always been a fisherman.”

“What about me? What’s my story?”

“You are Rebecca Barnes and you went to private school for most of your life. Don’t elaborate, just keep the story simple.” He assured her. “I’m hoping things work out here so then we can buy a bigger house.”

“Why didn’t we move to a big city like New York or New Orleans?”

“Big cities have unsavory types that I’d rather like to avoid.”

“Small towns have unsavory types too.” She pointed out.

Bucky pulled out what looked like a safe box, opened it and studied the knives and guns he had within it. He had no desire to ever use his old tools again, but he found it difficult to part with them. “Hopefully those won’t be trouble for long.” He replied, shutting it tight and putting it under his bed.


The days passed by, and the Wilsons didn’t see much of their new neighbor although Cass, a freshly anointed teenager caught a glimpse of Rebecca and was excited at the prospect of talking to a girl.

“She looks pretty. What’s her name?” he asked excitedly.

Paul was amused. “Rebecca if I heard correctly. You’ll get to talk to her soon enough since I think she’s going to be enrolled at St. Simons.”

“We’re going to take the same bus!”

AJ rolled his eyes, not nearly as excited about girls. A friend would be nice though.

Sarah gave his son a stern look. “Now look, don’t go thinking you’re going to get anywhere with this girl, ya here me? Just because she’s our tenant doesn’t mean she owes you anything. Respect her at all times.”

Cass’ enthusiasm immediately deflated. “Yes Ma’am.”

Sarah didn’t want her son to hate the girl either and added more gently, “She’s older than you, but she seemed nice. Plus she’s new to the country and she needs a friend more than anything. Be a friend to her, the both of you. Say hello and see how it goes, okay?”

“Okay.” AJ said with a dutiful nod.

Cass thought about it for a moment before nodding as well, “Okay.”

The topic now over in the youngest Wilson’s mind now drifted to other things. “Is Grandpa Felix going to visit us during lunches this year?”

“Yes, I sent the list of approved visitors already…and signed you up for more piano classes.” Sarah replied.

AJ grinned. Grandpa Felix always tried his best to come have lunches with his grandsons since it was the only way he could meet them without his wife knowing. Sarah refused to let that woman anywhere near her boys. Cass was a little subdued by still managed to tease his brother about his excitement. Cass liked his paternal grandfather, but much preferred his Pops, whereas AJ loved talking to Grandpa Felix, who had encouraged his love of music.

Later when the boys went off to bed, Paul sidled up to his daughter. “A might too harsh with Cass don’t you think? He’s just a curious boy.”

“I don’t want him to have the wrong idea.” Sarah argued. “I don’t want either of them to ever think that a girl owes them attention.”

“I doubt that was on his mind.”

“I’m making sure the very thought doesn’t plant inside his head.”

Paul sighed heavily. “You really shouldn’t worry. They don’t take after their daddy very much. If anything, they’re more like their Grandpa Felix.”

Ugh just the mention of their father made her wince. “Thank God….thank God for that.”

“Sarah. They’re good boys.” He leaned over and kissed her temple. “They’re good boys.”

She blinked a little and smiled weakly. “Thank you, Daddy.”


Chapter 2: Curiosity Can Be....


The kids get to know each other as do the adults. Curiosity is a healthy thing, but exercise caution all the same.


Let the conflicts begin!

Warning: Perverted behavior from the police. Also, some bullying.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Monday, the start of a new life. Bucky saw his sister off before driving his new used truck to the docks where the Wilson Family Seafood restaurant stood. Paul and Sarah had already gone ahead of him so he was the last one to arrive.

Paul introduced him to Carlos and his wife, Rita, who helped run the kitchen with Sarah. Carlos was stout man of middling height, a beer belly and arms of a Mexican wrestler with peppered hair and beard. His wife was a large woman with box braids, dangling earrings and well-manicured nails. They were like any other couple of middle-class workers, dependable and respectable. He now had a closer view of Sarah and found her pretty but still guarded. She looked at him warily and barely gave him a nod of greeting. Dressed in jeans, T-shirt and vest with her braided hair tied away from her face, she was ready to work. He gave her a polite nod back and focused his attention on Paul who was showing him the boat. He’d worked on various types of sea crafts (though not for fishing) but was keen to learn everything as quickly as possible.

Sarah watched the new guy go, glad he made no comment or tried to start a conversation. He still had the slightly unkempt beard, but his long hair was loosely tied and hidden underneath a baseball cap. He was solemn and listened intently to whatever her father was saying. She had noticed that he was hiding his metal arm in long sleeves and gloves, and that he wasn’t as handicapped as she thought when he picked up the heavy netting without hesitation. The three men went off on the Paul and Darlene and by the time they came back her dad gave her the thumbs up. All had gone well. Good.

“How’s the new guy?” Rita asked when she came with the newly cleaned batch of fish and shrimp.

“Looks like he’s a quick study.” She murmured. “Daddy looks happy.”

“He looks a little rough around the edges.” Rita commented as she watched Bucky hose off the deck. “Cute butt though.”

“Rita honestly!!” She gasped, then her gaze instinctively went over to him. “Okay maybe.”

“Is he single?” The older woman asked with a smirk.

“Why, are you looking to replace Carlos?”

“You know what I mean. For you.”

Sarah scoffed. “No thank you. I’m happy, extremely happy being single. Besides he works for us and lives on our property. There are rules about office romances.”

Suddenly Bucky placed a bucket of crabs in front of the ladies, startling them a little. They fell silent and he stared at them for a heartbeat. Sarah and Bucky naturally locked eyes; Blue met brown as they seemed to square off. He studied her and she studied him back. They shared a squint, then he made a minute nod of acquiesce before he broke off and went to finish his duties.

“Talkative, ain’t he?” Rita quipped noticing the contact.

Sarah didn’t quite know how to handle the stare off. His gaze was certainly piercing and it just created a knot of curiosity within her. Shrugging it off, she rolled her eyes and focused on prepping for the lunch crowd. Definitely not.

Bucky heard them, but it didn’t matter. Paul was a good teacher and Carlos a wholesome man, so he didn’t have a thing to complain about. Women will gossip, it’s what they did, plus it was harmless. Rita appeared to like him, but Sarah still had that look as if waiting for him to do something. He was familiar with that behavior; it was common among people who’ve been hurt by others before.


Cass and AJ waited patiently for their bus to arrive, curious as to why the new girl hadn’t come to join them yet. The teenager had checked himself out in the mirror and made sure he was especially groomed, hoping to impress her.

“She’s taller than you, ya know.” His brother reminded him. “Not to mention white.”

“It’s the 2000s AJ, color only matters if you’re a hater.” Cass countered as he looked around. “She’s coming! Act natural!”

AJ made a face. “You’re the one acting weird.”

“Hey Casper!! Look at you in your cute, little clown suits!” A group of boys on their bikes stopped across the street from them. “Gonna go perform like all the other sissy clowns at that circus!”

One of the boys started doing a carnival tune and the others laughed. Cass snapped back, “Shut up Marlon! At least I can afford clothes and all my teeth!”

“Bet your teeth won’t be so neat if I knocked them out!” Marlon snapped back. “Come on over here, let’s see if you’re like your psycho dad! Scare me, Casper!”

“It ain’t Casper, it’s Wilson!!” The school bus headed in their direction, so he decided to be bolder. “Why don’t you wash your mouth! I can smell the dog sh*t on your breath! It must’ve been breakfast of champions for you. Mm-mm!”

AJ laughed and the other boys looked ready to throw down but the bus cut them off, its loud engines drowning out whatever was being hollered out. The Wilson boys quickly got on the bus. Rebecca ran to catch up and startled the group of boys who ran around in the hopes of confronting them. They hadn’t expected an older white girl in the way, and they became mute. She stared back, gave a shrug, and got on the bus.


Grandpa Felix met his grandsons for their lunch time in the sitting area cordoned off for staff and visiting family members. AJ enthusiastically hugged the tall, lean man with a pencil thin moustache. Cass offered a smile and sat beside his brother.

“How’s the first few days have been boys?” He asked offering them some treats he got for them.

“Quiet.” Cass said simply.

“No one’s talked to us yet,” AJ elaborated. “But we got a new neighbor! She’s living with her dad, I think, in the small house!”

“Oh? Is she around.”

She was quickly pointed out talking to a Hispanic looking girl.

“Well, she’s quite pretty isn’t she?” Felix remarked. “Looks a little older than yall.”

“Grandpa Felix? How do you go about talking to a girl?” Cass asked.

This surprised the old man. Cass was usually not very talkative with him, and now he was asking for advice. “You want to get to know her?”

“Well yeah.”

The old man sighed. “To be honest I might not be the best person to ask. If anyone can show you how to talk to the ladies it’d be your Pops.”

“Pops, really?”

“Yeah, he caught your grandma Darlene didn’t he? Now she was an amazing lady. Your grandmother was kind, warm, vivacious with a brilliant smile. All the boys loved her, but it’s your Pops that won her.”

“Well if she was so great, how’d you end up with grandma Roz?” AJ asked curiously.

Felix didn’t say anything for a moment as if trying to recall the reasons. “Roz was incredibly beautiful when she was young. She could’ve had any boy she wanted, really. I think she chose me.” He glanced over at the beautiful girl who had his grandson’s attention and could already hear his wife’s mutters of displeasure. “Cass, if you want to get the girl, just talk and be friendly, but be careful. Not all girls are good.”

Cass glanced over at Rebecca and wondered as his family’s advice jumbled through his head.


Meanwhile Rebecca was completely overwhelmed by her new school. She had never seen so much diversity. Most of her new classmates were black or Latin with a smattering of Asians and handful of white. When asked to introduce herself they quickly picked up on her faint accent and asked her questions about where she came from. Wisely she followed her brother’s advice and talked about Estonia, keeping the answers simple. People stared at her, and she supposed she was an oddity being the new girl, but she was in luck because the administrator paired her up with a lovely girl who introduced herself as Ashley Hernandez.

“My God you’re beautiful! Are those your real lashes or fake? They don’t allow makeup here you know.”

After reassuring her that her lashes were real, Ashley showed her around campus and by the time lunch rolled around they were fast friends. They found they had a lot of things in common so before school ended, and they went onto their vehicles to go home they exchanged numbers. Rebecca was very pleased; her first American friend!

In her excitement of her first day, she didn’t realize she was being intensely watched until AJ mentioned it.

“You know that police guy?”

“Police?” She looked over and locked eyes with an officer leaning against his door smirking in her general direction. Instantly she felt uneasy and hurriedly followed the two boys onto their bus.

“Is she new? Looks new. Nice legs.” Officer Kristoff mused to his co-worker.

Marvin looked at his partner nervously. “She’s a kid, man.”

“She is not a kid, not looking like that. Probably on the edge of 18.”

“Does it matter? She’s a student, at a school that we’re supposed to be protecting.” He nudged him hard. “You’re f*cking married, man!”

“Shut the f*ck up. Can’t I look?” Kristoff snapped. “sh*t Annie’s all healed up from having Didi two months ago and she still “ain’t feeling up to it yet”. My balls are turning blue. I’m up for anything right now, even Claire at the front desk.”

Marvin made a face. “Well hell, get a whor* then we know where they are!”

“Hell, maybe you’re right.” He watched as the bus containing the pale black-haired beauty drove off. “Still appreciate the eye candy though.”


Cass, AJ and Rebecca got off the bus and walked the distance towards the entrance to their homes. They hadn’t really said anything to each other in the morning and thankfully the bullies hadn’t been there when they came back, so this was the 13 year old’s first chance to say something.

“You liked St. Simon’s?” he asked politely.

Rebecca was musing on her day when she caught the tail-end of his question. “Hm, yes it looked okay. A lot of color.”


She gestured to her arm. “Skin. So much color.”

“You like colors?” Cass asked.

She nodded. “Very interesting and new. Ashley speaks Spanish. I need to learn.”

“But you both speak English so why does it matter?” AJ asked.

“It’s polite and I want to be a good friend.”

“Oh, how do you say good morning in your language?”

“Dobroye utro.” She replied.

“Doe-bray ultra!” AJ repeated.

Rebecca chuckled. “U-tra!”

“U-tra!” Both brothers replied.

“Okay,” Cass said after a couple of tries. “Tomorrow morning, I’ll say that and we can be good friends.”

She smiled at them both. “I’d like that.”


Sarah wasn’t a snoop. In fact she did her best to keep her nose clean, but when she saw Bucky sitting outside by the truck cleaning something in the near pitch dark she couldn’t help herself.

Turning on the porch light, she stepped outside and cleared her throat.

“Good evening, Madam.” Bucky said, surprised to see her outside again.

She stopped by the trees that divided the yard. “Cleaning in the dark?”

“I didn’t want to turn on the lights and disturb your family.”

“Thank you, I guess. Its appreciated.” She glanced briefly at the little house. “Cass mentioned your sister making quite the splash at school. She enjoyed herself?”

“She made a friend. That is good. She also said your sons were nice. That is good too. Unless you are not comfortable with that?” he asked as she jostled by the trees. It was a natural barrier between them and she didn’t move any closer.

“It’s fine, so long as they can be polite with each other.”

“Why wouldn’t they be? They look like good boys.” He meant it, having seen them playing around the house they appeared to be active, healthy boys. “A touch shy perhaps.”

“They’re respectful not shy.” She defended.

He studied her quietly then slowly nodded. “Sorry.”

Sarah mentally chided herself for being so combative. She could already hear Roz hissing in her ear that she’s turning her sons into “sissies”. My boys already had the whole run of the town at that age, she used to say. Yeah and terrorized the people like the psychotic assholes they were, she thought.

“Nevermind. It’s been a long day. Um, what are you doing actually?” Because seriously what was he doing sitting out in the pitch dark with a river not far from them and God only knew what wildlife could be wandering about? Though if Sarah was a betting woman her money would be on him since he looked all too comfortable in the dark. Weird.

He glanced over his shoulder to see his sister puttering around. “The house is small, and I like to give my sister some privacy when she’s using the bathroom.”

“Oh, that’s thoughtful.” Sam would pound on the door of their shared bathroom and yell at her to hurry up. The bittersweet memory stabbed deep into her. “By the way, she taught the boys some word that they’ve been repeating to themselves for a while now. I hope it wasn’t a cuss word.”

“What is it?”

“Dobroye utro?”

The faintest of smiles touched the corner of his lips. “Good morning.”

Even that tiny smile softened his eyes a bit. Ugh, she was being too observant. “Ah, good. Well then, good night.” She turned to leave.

“May I ask a question? What are your police like?” he asked, trying to sound casual.

Sarah arched a brow. “Well depends on who you are. If you’re white and rich, they’re your best friend. If you’re white and poor, they might let you off with a warning. If you’re any other color, you’re sh*t out of luck.”

“Sounds familiar.” He seemed unsurprised. “Any particularly bad?”

“Anyone bother you today?” she countered.

“No, I just want to avoid trouble.” He lied.

“Fair enough. This guy called Kristoff. He likes to press buttons when he’s bored. He broke my taillight when I refused to call him sir once.”

“Hm. Thank you. Sorry for keeping you up.” He said before closing the tailgate of his truck and heading back to the little house.

Sarah was surprised by his abrupt departure, but merely shrugged it off and called it a night.


The next couple of weeks had Bucky preoccupied with Rebecca and her little problem. He was glad that she immediately told him about the police and that once he instructed her what to do that she did it diligently. She got on the bus without hesitation, but she told him every time he was around. Getting ahold of a punching bag he began to teach her how to strike and often during the weekends they’d be outside sweating it out. Sometimes they’d notice the two boys peeping around, but that was it; they were harmless. What annoyed him was the fact that they just got to the damn town and now he had to take care of this intrusive man. And take care of it he would because he spent years making sure no one so much as breathed wrong in his sister’s direction. This officer with his lascivious stare would not be looking for long.

They’d also gone to visit their grandmother at the nursing home. The dear old woman’s face and hands were covered in soft, precious wrinkles that Rebecca loved to sooth with kisses. She spoke very little English, and her memories were fading, but she would look at her grandchildren and give her toothless smile, then start talking about how they were as babies.

“Babushka, what is today?” Rebecca would ask her at every visit.

The elderly woman would focus and search the air for an answer. “Chetverg.”

“Yes, it’s Thursday.” She replied pleased, then offered her a sippy drink.

Bucky would watch them interact while holding her wrinkled old hand. Despite her age, her grip was strong; a reminder of days when she held him tight out of fear.

“Malysh don’t make me have to bury you too!”

He didn’t want to dwell on the past or what his babushka had to see and endure. It was almost a blessing that her memory was failing her as it kept her happier longer. However, sometimes she’d blurt something that would catch Rebecca’s curiosity. Fortunately, she couldn’t elaborate, and he didn’t want to say, but knew the day would come when his sister would ask questions.


Still with me? Ready for the next chapter? Let me know. 😁😁😁

Chapter 3: Unwelcome Attention


Barnes and the Wilsons try to get use to each other with mixed results. A few citizens of Delacroix want to get to know them too whether they like it or not.


Warning: Sexual harassment of a minor, Threatening of a minor, Verbal harassment

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“A penny for your thoughts?” Paul asked as the boat headed out to more open waters. Despite the near consistent solemn face, Bucky’s face was rather easy for him to read, even back in prison. Today he looked troubled.

Bucky liked Paul, liked him from the moment he saw him praying with an inmate who had been worried about his girlfriend’s difficult pregnancy, but he wasn’t quite sure how completely open he could be with him just yet. Paul had seen him beat the sh*t out of seven guys, and still joked with him over lunch but still… “Thinking about my grandmother…and my sister.”

“Oh? I noticed you two boxing by the garage. Trouble already?” The older man asked. “Being a new kid can be tough.”

“Yes and being pulled from all she knew and put somewhere completely different is…” he sighed, “…difficult. I wish I didn’t have to do it.”

“So why did you?”

“I just wanted to be somewhere else. Be someone else and I couldn’t back home.” He admitted honestly.

“Getting out of prison with a desire never to go back is a fine thing. When I got out I just wanted to forget it all and focus on my family. That’s what you ought to do; focus on her needs. When I came back all my attention was on my grandsons and my daughter. After the sh*t she went through she deserved nothing less.”

Bucky usually never pried, but his curiosity was piqued when it came to Sarah. “Is she alright?”

Paul sighed heavily, looking out at the waters. “She is now or at least that’s what she tells me. Sometimes my baby girl is shut up tighter than a clam. God forgive me but I hope her ex is burning in hell. I miss seeing her smile every day. She has the brightest smile. Could light up a football field. I know you’re new but it’s beautiful I promise.”

Sarah had given very little of her time to him, as it should be. She was essentially his boss so keeping things professional made sense. Except for their odd late night meetings in the yard. He’d be outside at night and suddenly she’d emerge too, and they end up talking about the kids since neither one wanted to talk about their pasts. It was actually nice, and he wondered if they could consider each other friends.

“I’ll take your word for it.” Bucky mused.

Usually, his shifts ended after thoroughly cleaning the boat with Carlos, but Rita asked him to help crack open the crabs for her since she strained her shoulder so she could make the jumbo crawfish crab cakes.

“This is the dish that saved this restaurant.” The older woman revealed proudly.


“Um-hm, it was a recipe that Sarah created and some wandering TikTok foodie put us on the map.”

Sarah noticed Bucky stared at her curiously and shrugged. “My mind was elsewhere, and I accidentally threw the crawfish and crab meat together. Added some cilantro lime crème and seasoned potatoes and there you go. We only serve it on Fridays and Saturdays so the line gets long.”

“I’ve tried all the other dishes. Not that one though.” He admitted.

Rita nudged him playfully. “Maybe you should stick around, baby. Enjoy the Friday night life on the dock.”

“Maybe when I have friends.”

“We’re your friends, aren’t we Sarah?”

Their eyes locked onto each other at Rita’s comment and a rush of shyness suddenly overcame them both. The older lady quickly caught on to it.

“Aw, ain’t you both cute.”

“What’s cute?” An old man wandered into the restaurant with a congenial smile. “If you mean Miss Sarah then that’s true without a doubt.”

Sarah straightened and smiled gently at her ex-father-in-law. “Felix, how are you?”

“You know, same ol’, same ol’. I just came to make an order of the crab cakes before yall run out.” The tall slender black man said. They talked more than they let on. Despite all that had happened in their families, Felix loved his grandsons and cherished being able to see them, but only because his former daughter-in-law allowed it and she made it clear, his wife wasn’t welcomed anywhere near the boys hence the occasional secret lunch visits.

“No problem. Is um, Roz going to want some too?” Rita asked with a wrinkle of her nose.

“I don’t appreciate the tone, Rita.” Roz said emerging a few feet away. The elderly woman stared the other woman down. “And I don’t want any of your food. I can cook better at home.”

Bucky noticed the hostility rise out of Sarah almost instantly and he glared at the old woman critically. She was petite, well dressed, and elegant looking. She would be considered lovely if it wasn’t for the meanness in her eyes. Clearly a woman used to being the boss and unapologetic in her manners. Returning back to the crabs, she nevertheless turned her gaze in his direction. He could sense the hostility, he’d been stared that way before, but focused on his job.

“So this is the white boy whose working for you.” Roz studied Bucky with mild disgust. “Where you from boy?”

He wanted to ignore her but didn’t want to cause any problems for Sarah or Rita, so he casually replied, “Estonia.”

“Estonia? The hell is that place? You lying to me?” Roz replied growing irritated. “Don’t mock me boy, do you know who I am??”

“Honey Estonia is a real place, along the Baltic Sea.” Felix mumbled.

“Is that a fact? Well, I also heard you came from prison with Paul.” She snorted. “What got you in there boy?”

“You’re not entitled to know that Ma’am.” He replied coolly.

“Not entitled?? This is my town and I’m entitled to know everyone’s business especially a dirty criminal like you! Judging from your nasty expression you were probably a rapist. Yes, you got the vibe.”

Bucky could care less what the old hag’s thoughts were and merely ignored her.

“Honey, don’t start again.” Felix pleaded gently with his wife.

“Shush! Now answer me boy! What you in there for!”

“Roz shut up and go home!” Sarah interjected, annoyed with her. “I’m about to get customers coming and you’re here bitching.”

“You protecting this white boy? Sarah! You a slave to this man??”

Oh, here we go again. Sarah rolled her eyes. “You and your damn slave talk, Roz. I’m sick of it!”

“You let a white person in and they start thinking they own everything, including you!”

“Roz, that’s enough. Sarah, it’s nice seeing you.” Felix said, trying to take his wife away, but the old woman snatched her arm back.

“Don’t you dare let that cracker near my grandbabies!! Don’t you dare! Georgie would roll in his grave!”

“Let him keep rolling. Straight to hell where he belongs.” Sarah snapped back like a whip.

Roz stiffened as if struck. “You terrible woman! You filthy no good bitch!”

Paul emerged next to his daughter’s side. “Felix take your wife home and don’t bring her back here.”

Felix mumbled apologies as he dragged his wife away who was still cursing at Sarah with full venom. Once she was gone, Sarah let out a trembling breath and leaned against her father.

“Thank you Daddy.” She sighed heavily. “God I hate that woman.”

“Hate’s a strong word, princess.” He soothed.

“I hate her.”

Bucky saw the tremor in her hands and felt a surge of guilt. Perhaps he could’ve handled it better. He was ready to apologize when suddenly his phone rang, and he hurriedly stepped away so he could answer it.

“Hello? What? What happened to Rebecca? Yeah I’ll be right there.”


Rebecca sat across the director’s desk with another student, Marcus, sitting only a few feet away holding an ice pack over his eye.

Bucky came rushing in, took one look at the scene and came to a quick conclusion. “He touched you, didn’t he?”

“Grabbed my hair.” Rebecca replied coolly.

“It was just her hair!” The blonde protested.

“Mr. Dennison you were warned about harassing young ladies.” The director replied.

“So he’s done this before and he’s still in this school?” Bucky asked irritated.

The director gave him an impatient look. “His parents pleaded for another chance, but apparently he didn’t learn his lesson the first time. Now we’re going to have another talk.”

“Don’t call my parents!” The boy begged.

“You have a black eye! How do you expect to explain that away! And as for Miss Barnes, her reaction was entirely too heavy handed.”

Rebecca arched a brow. “He wasn’t taking no for an answer, and he hand my hair in his grip, what were my options?”

“You could’ve called for help!”

“He caught me alone. No one was around.” She explained. “It was either I punched his eyes or his balls.”

Marcus instantly crossed himself.

“Nevertheless, such violence is not acceptable, so-”

“If you plan on punishing my sister for defending herself from a boy who has a history of harassment I would strongly advise against it.”

The director looked at Bucky sharply. “There are rules to be followed.”

“And you’re a private school with a fairly clean reputation.” He countered. “Wouldn’t want the rumors of sexual misconduct getting out to the community.”

“Are you blackmailing the school?” The nerve of this disheveled fisherman! What could he possibly do?

“I did some research when looking into the school. Quite a few skeletons in the closet that have been conveniently swept away. Hate to see it come out in the open, especially in a small community with eager mouths. “Bucky shrugged, his gaze calm, cool and unwavering. “Are you going to punish my sister?”

Oh, he didn’t expect that. “Well, but his parents are going to demand consequences.”

He glanced over at the boy while he adjusted his jacket. “Is that a fact?”

Marcus caught a glimpse of a gun in the coat and his heart went up his throat. “Uh, no. I’ll tell them I hit my eye on a desk.”

“Good, it seems everything is smoothed over now.” He replied. “Are we done here?”

The director didn’t know when he lost control of the discussion but the longer those cold blue eyes glared at him the more he realized he wanted to forget the whole thing. “Y-Yes, we’re done here.”

“Come on, Rebecca, we’re going home.” He then growled at Marcus. “Hands off my sister at all times, boy.”

Rebecca quietly got her backpack and followed her brother. As soon as they exited the building she sidled up beside him. “I brought attention to us, didn’t I? I’m sorry.”

“No, you defended yourself. You did fine, sestra.” he said proudly, hugging her shoulder before guiding her to the truck.

“Ahem, excuse me sir?”

The siblings turned around and saw the officer approaching them. She gave him a look. It was him.

“Get in the truck.” He assured her before meeting with the cop. “Yes, officer?”

“Are you authorized to take this young lady home?” Officer Kristoff asked, rather surprised to see his eye candy leaving with a hobo.


“Yes what?”

Sarah was right. “Yes I am authorized to take her home.”

Kristoff frowned, irritated. “Really? Young lady mind stepping out of the vehicle and identifying this man for me?”

She really didn’t want to get anywhere near him and his filthy leer, but with her brother’s subtle nod, she reluctantly got out of the truck and went to his side, holding her hand in his. “This is my brother.”

“Your brother? “He studied them both and started to see the resemblance, especially the piercing blue eyes. “Where’s your parents little girl?”

“They passed away.” She replied.

“Is that a fact?” A little orphan girl, so cute and vulnerable. Lucky him. “You’re both new here aren’t ya? Where you from?”

“Estonia.” They both said.

“The hell is that?”

“A country.” Rebecca replied crisply.

The officer glared. “Don’t sass me, girly. Just because you’re cute doesn’t mean I won’t take you down to the station.”

“Officer,” Bucky interrupted. “My sister has had a long day and I want to take her home. If I may?” He put his arm around her, and she knew what to do, making a show of burying her face against his shoulder to appear shy and scared.

She looked properly intimidated. Good, it might make her more pliable later. “Sure, but I’ll be keeping my eye on you.”

Likewise, Bucky thought and led her sister back in the truck. He paused and watched as the man got into his car, pick up his radio and called something in. “You alright?”

Rebecca nodded. “He is disgusting.”

“He is.” He agreed. Knowing it won’t be long before he confronted this man. “Come on, let’s go home.”


Cass and AJ noticed how tense their mother was and decided to give her some space. It was Friday night, so they went outside and played basketball. They saw Rebecca throwing out the weekly garbage and called her over.

“Ever played basketball?” Cass asked.

Rebecca shook her head. “Most of the boys played football. Few played basketball.”

“Wanna try? It’s easy!”

She shrugged and smiled. “Sure.”

Bucky watched from the doorway as the two boys showed his sister how to dribble and shoot. The younger was eagerly giving instructions and the older boy appeared to be showing off. It seemed that his sister just had an effect on boys, and it made him glad he’d been training her in defense. Still, it was all innocent as the three of them started to play a game of horse.

“What’s Estonia like?” Cass asked, passing the ball to Rebecca.

“Cold, green and full of stones.”

“Is that’s why it’s called Estonia?” AJ replied.

“Uh, yeah I guess.” She threw her shot, missed, and lost a turn.

“Is your dad nice? He doesn’t talk a lot.”

She glanced over at Bucky. “Oh! He’s not my father, he’s my brother.”

“Your brother? He looks way older than you!”

“I think he was 23 when I was born. Babushka said he was nervous to hold me when I was a baby.”

“What’s a babushka? Sounds Russian.”

“It’s how we call grandmother back home. Our babushka lives close by.”

“You have a grandma? Is she nice?”

“Oh yes, very sweet but very old. She tends to forget things now.”

“It must be nice to have a nice grandma. I barely remember our mom’s mom, but I think she was good. Unlike our dad’s mom. She’s married to the guy who sometimes visits us during lunch.”

AJ shuddered. “She’s a mean old lady.”

“Oh,” Rebecca frowned. “Where is your father?”

“He died.” Cass shrugged. “We don’t talk about it. What about your mom and dad?”

Rebecca became quiet for a moment as she casually dribbled the ball. “I don’t remember them. They died too.”

“Hey boys,” Sarah came out to interrupt them, “it’s getting late. You’re not bothering the neighbor are you?”

“No, Mom. We’re just showing Rebecca how to play horse.” AJ explained.

“Why is it called horse anyway?” She asked.

Cass shrugged. “Beats me. Hey, Pops is going to take us frogging tomorrow night. Want to come?”

“Frogging? What’s that?” she asked, curiosity piqued.

“We hunt frogs. You know, to eat.”

Her eyes widened. “You eat frogs?? Like the French?”

“Don’t knock it til you try it!” Cass said defensively. “We fry up the legs.”

Sarah chuckled a little. “Guys shouldn’t you two be asking Pops permission before inviting a guest?”

“Oh, right.” Cass realized and asked her, “Well would you want to come?”

“It’s dirty work.” Sarah explained. “And done at night.”

Rebecca thought about it. “I want to try. Let me ask my brother?”

“Go ahead.”

The young ones now scattered back to their proper homes, leaving the adults in the yard. Bucky usually stayed close to the house, but this time was the one to stand by the trees. She no longer looked so tense, but his own guilt hadn’t dissipated yet.

“I’m sorry I had to leave when I did-”

“It’s alright. Your sister needed you after all. She looked alright though.”

“Yes, she handled a problem with a boy a little too forcefully for the schools liking, but it’s been taken care of.”

“Oh, I see.” Sarah realized. “Black eye?”


“Sometimes these boys need to learn the hard way.” She shook her head. “Guess those boxing lessons paid off.”

He agreed, then sobered. “I, um, also want to apologize for my behavior with the old woman.”

She dismissed it with a wave. “Roz is a nosy busy body, and she hates anyone who isn’t black. She hates a lot of things…me especially.”

“Why would she hate you?”

“I was her daughter-in-law for a while. I used to live with her in their house.” Her gaze became distant. “Worst years of my life.”

He noticed the way she tightened up with the memory and quickly deduced that she’d been abused. “I’m sorry. You didn’t deserve that.”

“What makes you think you know what I deserved? Maybe I did deserve it.”

That made him frown curiously. What could she be guilty of? “When I met Paul, I knew that he was a good man and didn’t deserve to be there. When he spoke of his children, he spoke with genuine love and pride. I doubt you’ve ever done anything to deserve to be hurt over.”

Sarah’s heart ached remembering that year. “He spoke of Sam to you?”

“Yes. He died in Afghanistan.” He saw her eyes sparkle with emotion, and he regretted bringing it up. Suddenly he wanted to cross the yard and offer her some comfort. It caught him off guard and he froze in place, confused.

At her brother’s funeral she had been inconsolable, the tears unending. Roz had ordered her not to make a fool of herself. “Don’t embarrass me,” she had hissed. Then Georgie clamped his hand over her shoulder and whispered in her ear “I’m the man of that house now” and she shuddered.

“Whatever my daddy said, you don’t know me.” Sarah recovered feeling vulnerable and angry to have this man watch her suffer. “Good night.”

She needed to lick her wounds, he understood. “Good night, Madam.”


That night Sarah sat in her bed and tried not to let the memories of her brother and of Georgie overwhelm her. Sam had promised he’d quit the Air Force and come home, determined to put everything right. Lord she missed him so very much and the tears came too easily just thinking of his toothsome smile. All her hopes had been set on him only to be dashed to pieces. Georgie had almost been gleeful at the funeral, already eyeing the Wilson house and what he wanted to do with it.

“It’ll all be mine soon. Then the restaurant and the boat.” She’d heard him discussing it with his mother when they thought she wasn’t listening.

“All of Paul and Darlene’s hard work will soon be lining our pockets.” Roz had said as if it was inevitable, but Sarah wouldn’t let them.

Peering up and around, she took comfort in knowing that neither of them had ever even gotten to lay a finger on the house. Everything from roof to doorknob was chosen by a Wilson.

It was worth it, she told herself again and again, refusing to let the guilt seep in as her anxiety eased and she fell asleep.



Okay ladies and gentlemen, gays and theys! Lend me your ears! So I'm flying out on the 10th and I won't be back until the 17th so you need to let me know how often do you want me to post this week. Daily? Or will two/three chapters suffice? Give me your sweet, sweet comments and let me know. Thank you! ❤❤❤❤❤

Chapter 4: Exploring New Things


Bucky is a mystery that Sarah wants to unravel. Rebecca learns a few things herself.


Warning: Mentions of inappropriate underage relations, recall of prison violence.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Sarah didn’t engage in conversation with Bucky too much, but he didn’t seem to mind and quietly went about his business. He acted like yesterday didn’t happen and honestly she was totally okay with that mindset, because she had better things to think about.

“Hey you two!” She waved at the mother and son pair coming towards the restaurant.

“We made it. Go say hi to Titi Sarah!” Marisol Felipe nudged her eight-year-old son who eagerly ran forward and threw his arms around her waist.

“Oof, Angel you’ve gotten so big!” She grinned. “I’m so sorry I missed your birthday, but I got you something.”

“Hey little man!” Paul greeted producing a large gift bag with balloons attached to it.

“Pops!” The boy eagerly ran to him for a hug and to receive his gift.

Sarah took the moment to embrace the other woman. “How are you? I saw the new car.”

“Well it’s used but it works a hell of a lot better than the old clunker I had before.” Marisol replied cheerfully.

Carlos and Bucky quietly sat at their usual place for lunch, observing the reunion.

“Who’s she?” Bucky asked quietly.

“That is Marisol and her boy Angel. That’s her nephew from her dead husband’s brother.”

“Huh. She looks young.”

“She is. Asshole got her pregnant at 16. Been rough for the poor girl especially since Roz got her mother deported and called CPS on her lots of times hoping that she loses her son in foster care.”

Bucky frowned. “Isn’t that her grandson?”

“Yeah, but he’s mixed and in Roz’s eyes it’s pure black or nothing.” He leaned in. “That’s why she only recognizes Cass and AJ.”

Hateful and spiteful, he thought, but said nothing, letting that bit of information digest with his lunch.

“I can’t believe you’re still pushing through college, a job and Angel. You must be exhausted.” Sarah marveled.

Marisol glanced over at her son who was looking through the comics and sticker books that he’d been given. “Honestly it’s easier with him at school and I’m teaching him to make himself little snacks when I just can’t move off the couch. Eric has been amazing too. Checking up on us, helping with cooking, Angel’s homework. I love that man. God sometimes my feet kill me, Sarah, but I’m pushing through, I’m determined to be ready for the LSAT.”

“Being a lawyer is no easy thing.”

“No, but once I am a lawyer, I’m bringing my mom back. I refuse to let that bitch win.”

Sarah shared her determination. “Amen to that.”

A shadow crossed the ladies, and they peered up as Bucky loomed slightly over them. “If there’s nothing else I’ll be on my way.”

“Sure, see you tomorrow.” Sarah said and they watched him leave.

“Who’s the caveman?” Marisol asked.

“New guy that replaced Tim.”

“Nice eyes.”

“You can see that under that beard and messy hair?”

Marisol shrugged. “And you can’t?”

A sticker whipped past them as the breeze snatched it up and the little boy took off after it. Paul tried to grab him but missed.

“Don’t run around the dock, Angel!” He ordered.

“Angel!” His mother cried.

The boy ignored everyone to grab his sticker that landed nearby and tripped.

Everyone scrambled as the boy aimed to go headfirst into the murky waters, but Bucky with lightening reflex ran, snapped out his hand and grabbed him by the loop of his jeans. Carefully he pulled him back on the dock and set him on his feet.

Angel stared at him with a stunned expression.

“Don’t run on the dock.” He said, as everyone came towards them.

Marisol grabbed her son and scolded him rapidly in Spanish for his rashness, then hugged Bucky unexpectedly. “Thank you!”

“Um, no problem.” He replied awkwardly.

His face spoke volumes and Sarah had to smother her smirk. “Uh, Bucky’s not the touchy kind, Marisol.”

“Oh sorry!”

Paul and Carlos beamed proudly at him. “Good catch.”

Bucky, shrugged. He had never been hailed as a hero before and he was mildly embarrassed. Once Rita found out about it she brought him some desserts and kissed both his cheeks. Cass, AJ and Rebecca made a big fuss over him too. Sarah had tried to be irritated with him, but found she couldn't, not when he awkwardly stood there so humbly.


The next day, frogging day, Sarah was calmer, and Paul was more than happy to let Rebecca join them. He even coaxed Bucky to come along as well.

“You stay cooped up for too long.”

He had wanted to stay and perhaps have a better conversation with Sarah, but his sister begged so he couldn’t deny her. Sarah made sure the boys had their life jackets on, much to their consternation and suggested Rebecca do the same which she obediently donned. Then she waved the intrepid group off ordering them not to take too long.

“Okay put on the headlamp and when you turn it on you’re going to see hundreds of glowing eyes on the water.” Paul advised as he killed the engine once they got deeper into the bayou.

The swamp was alive with sounds and once everyone turned on their headlamps Rebecca could indeed see dozens of little beady eyes reflecting on the water. Not to mention tons of bugs who fluttered around them.

“How are we going to catch them?” She asked.

“Our hands.” Cass replied.


“It’s easy. We’ll show you.”

Bucky sat by the engine, allowing Paul to take the lead and show her how it was done. Cass and AJ were pros at it and soon they had caught their first frogs and tossed them in the wire basket. Along the way, Paul checked on his baits and was pleased to find some catfish on a few. It took her a while to gather the courage to put her hands in the brownish water, but Rebecca caught one too, squeaking as it squirmed in her grip, then it escaped, hopping around the boat. AJ quickly caught it and put it away. Bucky couldn’t help but chuckle. Rebecca pouted at him.

“I’d like to see you try!”

He peered over the edge, waited a bit, then snatched up a frog without a word.

She put her tongue out at him.

The young ones did most of the whispering while frogging, but Cass finally decided to ask his grandfather something that had been tumbling in his mind.

“Pops? Grandpa Felix said that Nana was popular with the boys but that you won her. How’d you do it?”

“I wouldn’t say I won her…but it’s true that a lot of boys liked her.” Paul recalled fondly. “She was just a fun person and a lot of people felt at ease with her. Grandpa Felix was a bit shy and your Nana did wonders opening him up. Her and I? We just clicked. Same humor, same ideals, same desires. You know your Uncle Sam was a lot like her.”

Bucky listened quietly as Paul spoke a little about his wife and son. He spoke with such tenderness back in prison too. It made him admirable and the only person in that hellhole that he respected.

“But how’d you know that Nana was the one you liked?” Cass insisted, eyes darting towards Rebecca who was peering at the brown waters for frogs. Both men caught it, and they shared a knowing look.

“Your Nana wasn’t the perfect woman, but she was perfect for me.” Paul said. “When your heart does a dance even at her worst, then you know.”

Mildly mystified Cass sighed, then focused on the frog that AJ spotted.

It was around one in the morning when they made it back to the dock and everyone was exhausted but pleased with their catch. Sarah was still up waiting for them and admired their prizes.

“They’ll make for good eating tomorrow.”

“What does it taste like?” Rebecca asked.

“Chicken. No really.” Cass replied when she made a face.

“Well since you two helped with the catching then that means tomorrow you’ll be joining us in the feasting.” Paul said jovially. “That’s if the cook don’t mind?”

Everyone looked over at Sarah who chuckled softly. “Of course. You bring something if you want.”

The teen grinned excitedly. “I can finally try one of the recipes in the book! I just need to buy some ca-yeah-nee.”

Paul rubbed his head. “Ca-yeah-nee?”

Sarah frowned in thought then burst into giggles. “It’s cayenne.”

Rebecca blushed and the boys laughed, but Bucky’s gaze was locked on Sarah at the realization that yes, she did indeed have a beautiful smile.

“Cayenne, thank you.” She replied.

“Just come over tomorrow and I’ll let you borrow some.”

“Thank you, Madam.”

“Miss Sarah will do, girl.”

“Thank you Miss Sarah. Okay, well good night!” She waved at them before rushing to the little house wanting first dibs for the bathroom.

There was a distant sound of thunder; a storm was rolling in. Bucky gestured towards Paul. “I’ll help him with the boat. Good night.”

“You’re not worried about eating frogs?” AJ asked Bucky before he left.

He shook his head. “Can’t be odder than eating bear meat.”

The boys’ jaws dropped. “You’ve eaten bear??”

“Yes, it’s a little greasy, but not bad.”

“Did you kill the bear yourself?”

“I did.”


Sarah had to admit that the smile that modestly crept over Bucky’s face was a little sweet. “And here I thought the weirdest thing someone could eat in your part of the world was caviar. I’ve been curious about it.”

“It’s quite delicious.” He assured, having tasted several batches of the expensive dish.

“I’ll take your word for it.” She turned to her sons. “Alright, it’s late. Yall can barely keep your eyes open.”

“Good night Mister!” Cass and AJ yawned, not protesting.

“Bucky.” He corrected gently.

The boys looked at their mother for permission who thought about it for a moment and slowly nodded. “Mr. Bucky.”

The boys called him by his new title and ran back into the wash, exhausted, leaving the adults to finish up.

He knew it was a tentative first step into trust and appreciated it. “Thank you Madam.”



“Not Madam. Sarah.”

He stared at her; didn’t know what to say or how to say it. Gently he cleared his throat. “Sarah.”

She felt her face grow warm. “Good night, Bucky.”


The next day Rebecca came bright and early to ask for the seasoning and she was amazed at the amount of spices Sarah had.

“Do you use all of them?” she asked.

“Not all at the same time, but they get used weekly.” Sarah then asked. “How many spices you have?”

The teenager meekly held up four fingers.

“Oh no, girl. You need to grow that spice rack immediately!”

She felt ashamed. “I’m sorry, I’m just learning to cook. At the school all the food was already made.”

“Well, what about your mom? Your brother? Didn’t they teach you anything?”

“My mother died when I was four and my brother put me in private school since I was seven.” She shrugged. “I only ever knew the cafeteria.”

“So all the way up til now it’s just been private schools? What was your brother thinking abandoning you like that?” Sarah asked, upset on the girl’s behalf.

Rebecca quickly tried to calm the woman. “Oh no please don’t be angry. He did the best he could. We didn’t have a stable home life and he wanted to make sure I grew up in a safe place. I was lonely but I had friends and good teachers.”

“But what about breaks and holidays?”

Brother would send me to our grandmother until she became sick and had to go to nursing. Later he would send money so I could go on holiday with friends. I saw him sometimes too.”

What did this man do for a living that required him to be so absent? “What was his job?”

Rebecca didn’t truly know specifically. “Business.”


She shrugged helplessly. “Many of my friends had family that were in business. It’s all we knew. All that we were told. I think because it was safer that way.”

Her heart went out to this girl. Deprived of a true family dynamic, she must be starved for affection and approval. Fighting back the urge to give her a hug, she instead pushed a tendril of her hair back.

“Your brother treats you better?”

She nodded and smiled brightly. “Oh yes, brother is wonderful. We love each other very much.”

Cass and AJ soon came running down the stairs. Rebecca, who had been keenly listening to their mother list off the necessary ingredients she needed waved at them both. “Dobroye utro!”

“Dobroye utro!” AJ replied cheerfully.

Cass took one look at the beautiful girl in his kitchen, realized he was in his superhero pajamas and ran like hell back to his room. Paul nearly got run over.

“What happened to him?”

Sarah shook her head. “He wasn’t dressed to entertain our guest.”

“Oh,” He nodded at Rebecca. “Good morning.”

“Good morning, Mr. Pops.”

“Uh, just Pops. Getting your cayenne?”

“Yes and learning about more spices. Miss Sarah is a good teacher.” She took her Ziplock bag of spice. “I’ll see you soon.”

“Uh, fair warning, I’m allergic to raisins so make sure you don’t put any in your side dish please?” The old man asked.

“Oh okay. There were none in the recipe, but I will remember for in the future. Bye!” She waved them off and left.

Sarah glared at her father. “Daddy you’re not allergic to raisins.”

“I am when white folks seem to want to put it in everything they eat.” He explained. “Just saving us from having to choke it down. You’ll thank me later.”

Cass came racing down wearing another set of pajamas, then realized that Rebecca had already left. “Dang it!”

After breakfast Sarah couldn’t stop thinking about her earlier conversation with Rebecca and while she and her father started working on the frogs she decided to ask some questions.

“Daddy, I’ve been wondering. Why was Bucky in jail for again?”

Paul paused a moment. “Why you asking now?”

“Because he’s becoming rather friendly with us, and I just want to make a hundred percent sure he’s not going to axe murder us later.”

“You’ve been listening to those true crime series with Rita?”


“I’m not sure, baby girl. Most guys in prison will tell you their life story but him? Not a peep. He’d just point to this Mexican guy and say I’m here for him.”

“What Mexican guy?”

“Some cartel boss’ son who got caught in the wrong place at the wrong time, I think. He’d talk about killing all the guys who put him in jail and sh*t. Bucky would follow him around, silent as a shadow. I finally guessed that he was probably his bodyguard that went to prison with him.”


“Yeah this Mexican guy was the size and height of a taquito and I think he was gay too given the way he walked around the room like a Vegas show girl. Any time someone wanted to throw hands with him Bucky showed up and beat them into the concrete.”

“He did?”

“Mm-hm, one time it became a six against one and someone had a shank. What that man did I’ve never seen no one do.” Paul admitted. “That fight is where he saved my life.”

“You got into the fight?”

“Only to pull a brother away, I promise you. Anyway, the shank went flying and it should’ve caught me right in the chest. Bucky grabbed a lunch tray, threw it across the room and I caught the tray just in time for the shank to stab it.”

Sarah was stunned and horrified. “Daddy I’m so sorry.”

“Baby it might have been only for a year, but I went through hell, and I’m alive thank the Lord.”

Her year without her father had been hell too, but she pushed it away to focus on learning more about Bucky. “Was he still there when you left?”

“Yup and before I left I asked him if there was any way I could help him. He told me that once he got out he wanted to start over again, so I gave him my number and told him to seek me out when he was ready. A few years later he calls me just as Tim was about to go. Good timing, but that’s all I really got to tell you, baby girl, but I can guess that he is something special. Everyone, even the guards gave him his space. He isn’t some street brawler or hood; the man’s got knowledge.”

Nothing was clear, if anything it only made Bucky all the more mysterious and when lunch rolled around she was just itching to talk to him since he was the only source to truly understanding him.

Bucky noticed her disquiet, but she didn’t seem upset. If anything, she was kind and generous, especially to Rebecca, who she suddenly spoke to with more care. She had taken her time at the Wilson house and wondered if too much information had been exchanged.

Cass was trying to impress Rebecca again, showing off how he could easily handle the hot sauce that caused her to cough. AJ rolled his eyes at his brother and showed her how to eat fried frog’s legs, which she quickly learned she liked after all.

“I must learn to make this.” She announced. “Did the sweet potato come out good?”

She’d brought sweet potato fries and much to the family’s relief they were flavorful, if a little burnt. Bucky was very proud of her.

“Yes sestra, you keep cooking. It’s getting better.” He smiled faintly in encouragement. They had taken turns learning to cook for each other. He usually worked on breakfast and she on dinner.

Sarah saw the way the girl glowed over her brother’s compliments. “Just make sure you buy the spices, alright?”

The meal of frog’s legs and catfish was thoroughly enjoyed, and everyone pitched in cleaning up. Bucky finally got to step inside the Wilson house and studied the interior. The place was the very example of a home. It looked worn, but well loved, filled with memories. The walls had framed photos of family, drawings, and he finally got a glimpse of Paul’s beloved wife, Darlene, and another frame with an American flag next to it of his son, Sam. When his parents died nothing was saved, he had stupidly abandoned it all. He should’ve stored away something even if only so his sister could go through it. The Wilsons were wiser than him in these matters; they took the bitter and the sweet and still it was home. When was the last time he felt at home?

“Come here my darling, dinner is ready.”

“Yes, Mama. Is Papa here?”

“Yes and he brought you a treat!”

Joy surged inside young James at the prospect. “Papa!”

“Coming!” He could hear him washing up in the bathroom.

Babushka ambled in with soup. “Come sit while it’s hot!”

James shuffled into his seat, grinning as his parents sat around the table as well.

“Help me.” His mother said encouragingly as she passed the plate of vegetables.

Help me.” His mother whimpered before her eyes fluttered closed.

“Mr. Bucky?” AJ suddenly interrupted his thoughts. “Help me put this up?”

He’d only spaced out for a moment. Luckily no one noticed. “Yeah sure.”

Once everything was put up, the boys coaxed Rebecca and their grandfather to a game of basketball. Cass chose Rebecca to be his partner. AJ took offense and was determined to beat him.

Despite having only been a few feet from each other earlier Sarah and Bucky took to their usual spot with the trees between them.

“Thank you for today.” He said as they vaguely watched the game play out.

“Nothing to thank. It’s the neighborly thing to do. Don’t they do that in Estonia?” she asked with a quirk of her brow.

“People there can be standoffish, but generally most are good.”

“Did you check that the school your sister went had good people?”

So that’s what they talked about. “Yes, I sent her to the best I could afford.”

“Money doesn’t guarantee happiness.” Sarah countered gently.

“No but it makes people more complacent to demands.”

“There were demands?”

“Total safety.” Mentally he cursed himself for giving himself away. Somehow Sarah managed to get an answer out of him. Was he getting soft? Or were those long legs in those shorts distracting?

Her eyes trailed over him, his body built like a warrior, remembered what her father said and wondered. “You don’t worry too much about yourself, do you? Your first thought is her.”

“Our parents died; our grandmother did her best. I did my best.” He confessed.

“What were you doing with the Mexican man? Were you his bodyguard?”

Paul had been talking too. “I was paid to protect him, yes.”

“You mean you went to jail on purpose??” She was shocked. “Weren’t you scared?”

“No.” he said so casually, so calm that it was almost unnerving.

“But who took care of your sister? Your grandmother?”

“I made sure they were cared for.”

Again, said so casually. “Weren’t you worried about them?”

His gaze flicked away and admitted reluctantly. “Every day.”

Just as she was becoming upset at his coldness that flash of sadness stopped her.

“Well, that girl is long overdue a family.” Sarah advised finally. “Give her hugs and keep telling her how proud you are. More importantly, give a damn about yourself, hm? She needs you more than anything.”

He never thought of it like that. Ever since he was fourteen he always thought himself the burden. “Okay.”



“Also…Thank you for saving my daddy’s life in there. I had already lost three loves and I’m grateful he wasn’t one of them.”

“You’re welcome…Sarah.” He hesitated on her name, almost dragging it over his tongue like a flavor he got to savor rarely.

There was a slight accent when he said her name; she liked it.



Okay, daily updates it is! You all are lucky this story is already complete! Hold onto your butts! 😎😎😎

Chapter 5: Bullies are About


Rebecca gets excited at the prospect of going to a party. Cass and AJ ask more questions. Delacroix denizens get a taste of what Bucky can do.


Warning: Police being abusive assholes, pervert on the prowl, public drinking

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

It was October now, but the weather was still warm in the South. The Barnes were now a few months settled into their home. Rebecca was excited about the prospect of celebrating her first Halloween. The holiday was unwelcomed in Russia so even though she was fifteen, she nevertheless wanted to participate in the festivities. Cass who thought he was too old for trick or treating immediately offered to escort her around. He’d been quietly asking his Grandpa Felix for pointers on charming the Russian girl, which bemused the old man who kindly advised him to just be himself. Meanwhile AJ didn’t care, he was just excited that he wasn’t going alone to collect candy.

“This might be my only chance to do this!” She talked to the boys excitedly over lunch. “What should I be?”

“Got a favorite movie?” Cass offered.

“Ah! Hunger Games!” She grinned. “I’ll be Katniss Everdeen! Yes! Thank you Cass!”

The older teen grinned, then waved at Ashley who sat with them. The teen had been initially shy about sitting with the Wilson boys as the rumors of their reputation made people wary, but since Rebecca and her became friends she realized that it was unfounded and now everyone sat comfortably during meals and study hall.

“I’ll go if you want to go.” Ashley agreed when they asked her to go out with them. “We have to come to the school’s trunk or treating first before we hit the neighborhood though.”

“I wonder if you can convince Mr. Bucky to give out candy.” AJ mused.

Rebecca snorted. “Doubtful, he’ll probably want to chaperone with us.”

“I’m okay with that.” Ashley said, “People get stupid on Halloween. Stealing candy, egging cars and houses.”

“Rebecca could always just punch them out like she did Marcus.” Cass teased.

“I wish I’d seen that.” AJ whined. “Do you think you could teach us how to do that?”

“We do have a judo club after school.” Ashley reminded them.

“Mom won’t let us take it.”

“Playing the piano is cool, but I’d love to be able to fight like in the movies.”

“My brother taught me that action movie fights are all lies.” She explained. “A good fighter, a real good fighter makes sure to knock them out in one swing. He taught me to hit where it hurts, hard and without fear. Aim for the softest part: the eye, the nose, the throat or the gut.”

“Nice.” Cass grinned.

A group of girls walked over to them giggling. “Hey Rebecca, hey Ashley, what are you doing?”

Ashley gave her friend a slight nudge. Daniela and her friends were very clique-y and rather snobby, so most students who didn’t meet their expectations were ignored at best and mocked at worst. “Planning for the trunk-or-treating the school is having. Are you volunteering?”

“Maybe, I have a party to go to in the city. High end, you know what I mean.”

“Mm, well, have fun.” Rebecca added. “I’m looking forward to partaking in the festivities personally.”

“Mm, well, look I won’t take up any more of your time. I just wanted to hand you these.” She gave them two pink colored invitations.

Ashley was amazed. “Your Quinceañera?”

“What’s a Quiceañera?” Rebecca asked as she opened the envelope.

Daniela rolled her eyes. “You’ve been here how long and don’t even know? Ashy you got to teach her better.”

“We don’t get an invite?” Cass asked, annoyed at being ignored.

The older girl frowned at him. “Do I know you, little boy?”

The group of girls walked off, leaving the foursome bothered.

“She calls me ashy on purpose!” she hissed.

“Man, I’m thirteen, doesn’t that mean anything??”

AJ shrugged, eating a fry. “Not until you hit a growth spurt.”

“Again, what is this??” Rebecca asked, waving the invitation.

“A lot of Hispanic girls have a big party for their 15th.” Cass explained. “They wear puffy dresses, dance with a bunch of guys and girls. It’s almost like a wedding. You got one coming, dontcha, Ashley?”

“Yes, but mine is in February. Oh my God, Daniela’s parents got bank too, so this is going to be the biggest party ever.”

Rebecca’s eyes widen. “Wait do I get to wear a dress and heels and makeup??”

“Well, yeah, we can go get our hairs done if you want-”

She gasped breathlessly. “Oh! Yes! Oh! Wait do I need to bring a date?”

Ashley looked at the card. “Doesn’t say it’s mandatory, but people usually bring friends and family. It’s almost expected.”

“That settles it!” Rebecca turned to Cass. “You’ll come with me??”

His eyes widened. “Wait, really, me?”

“Yes who else??” she asked with a guileless smile. “She didn’t give you an invitation, but you’re my friend and I want you to be my guest.”

A date…a date!! “Yeah, no problem! Yeah!” He squeaked out.

AJ leaned over to Rebecca. “You know he’s five inches shorter than you.”

“Shut up!” He shoved his brother, accidentally knocking him off his seat.


Later that night Sarah glanced over Bucky’s shoulder to hear music playing from the little house.

“I heard someone got invited to a party.”

Bucky shrugged, leaning against the tree. “She wants to go shopping for dress, shoes and other things. I am…completely unprepared.”

She chuckled. “I guess girl things are outside your immediate knowledge.”

“It is but it must be done. I was thinking of making it a family trip and take our grandmother out with us.”

That had to be the cutest thing she’d ever heard. “I think that’s precious, but I do have some concerns.”


“Well currently Cass is going through his Sunday clothes claiming nothing fits. I think he’s under the impression that he is going on a date.”

Bucky frowned. “The way my sister told it I am under the impression that they’re going as friends.”

Sarah groaned. “Well sh*t…looks like we need some clarification here. Personally, I think my son is too young to date-”

“-As is Rebecca.”

“She’s fifteen.”

He folded his arms firmly over his chest. “College first.”

She rolled her eyes. “Whatever, look, I think as parents we need to sit down with our children and make it perfectly clear that this party is a friend thing and not a love thing. Agreed?”

He nodded. “Will Cass be upset?”

“He might, but he’s got to learn that love ain’t all hugs and kisses.” She then added, “But I also want him to have a good time. He doesn’t get invited to much.”

“Why? Your sons are good boys.” He asked, having noticed that they were strangely isolated from the rest of the neighborhood youths.

Sarah wanted to tell him it was none of his business, but if she didn’t tell him then others would. “The neighbors think that they might become troublemakers.”

“Aren’t most normal boys up to something?”

“Yes, but people think that they might do something…dangerous.”


Another heavy sigh. “Like their dad and their uncle did.”

He could see the tension rise in her, the way her body shifted in discomfort. “The sins of the father are punished in the children. I am familiar with it.”

“You’ve been punished because of your father?” Sarah asked curiously.

Was there any way to describe the mayhem he went through? “My father’s deeds made a profound impact on my life.”

“I failed you all. I am not even a man. Please don’t avenge me. I’m not worth it. Go. Take your mother, sister, and grandma elsewhere. Away from Ilya. I’ve paid him in full.”

That’s what his suicide note said while the police cut his father’s body from the rafters. No, he didn’t leave, not until Ilya and his gang paid their due, completely.

“Oh.” Sarah shuddered at the iciness of his glare even though it wasn’t aimed at her. “I don’t want my sons to carry that burden of sins.”

“How terrible were their father’s sins?” he asked, remembering that he was dead. Curiously, he realized that there were no photos of a spouse in the living room.

“Terrible enough to scare a town, but my boys won’t know him…He’s in hell.” She replied, done with the conversation, and refusing to elaborate more. “Good night.”

It quickly became apparent to Bucky that Sarah’s tension came from her dead husband and his family. As a man with skeletons in his closet, he recognized it in others. Some research might be necessary. “Good night.”


Grandpa Felix made another visit to his grandsons. Cass and AJ joined him at the grown-up’s table. AJ hogged most of the conversation, asking him about finger techniques, but Cass finally got his chance to speak.

“Grandpa, Pops said you and Nana were friends. How come you didn’t go out with her? You liked Grandma Roz more?”

“Uh…I liked Darlene a lot…a lot…” He murmured, “…but your Pops was more her type. They got on like a house on fire. Roz gave me a lot of attention and I rather liked it, so we eventually got together.”

“Oh.” Cass mused. “Rebecca and I are getting to be better friends and I like her, I do and she’s so pretty! All the boys like her. But Mom says she needs a friend more than a boyfriend. Plus, her brother probably wouldn’t like it. What should I do?”

Felix was all too familiar with the bitter feeling of losing out on love but understood that circ*mstances were different for his grandson. “Cass, you’re still young, you got some time to figure out when you’re really in love. Rebecca seems like a nice girl, and you ought to cherish what you have without making it awkward. For now, I would side with your mother and listen to her.”

When their grandfather left them, the brothers spoke amongst themselves before rejoining their friends.

“I still think she’s too tall for you.” AJ concluded.

“That don’t matter, but I think that Grandpa doesn’t really love Grandma.”

“Well, you said she was mean, so why would he?”

“Good question. Why did he marry her?” Cass thought, then shrugged. “Nevermind, let’s go find the others.”


As promised, Bucky took his sister and grandmother out to the nearest mall to find her a dress. Rebecca happily spent hours going through dresses, shoes, and accessories, then a couple hours more perusing makeup and perfumes. Their babushka, pushed around in her wheelchair, commented on the excess of it all but still delighted in being with family. Bucky was the quiet storm cloud amongst the bright ladies, but he didn’t utter a word of complaint. He just quietly complimented all choices made and paid for it.

Later they stopped by the house so that their grandmother could finally see the property. Cass and AJ were home fishing with their Pops and got to meet her. While mildly confused by what she was saying it was rather nice to be in the presence of the sweet old lady.

The old woman was charmed to see them. “Slishkom toshchiy!” She said, holding AJ’s hand.

“She say something about my tushie??” He protested.

“She said you’re skinny.” Rebecca giggled.

Cass gave her a chocolate truffle and the woman instantly cackled with glee before carefully eating the sweet treat. “Spasibo, Candy Boy.”

“Not too much please.” Bucky asked gently, not wanting his grandmother to get hyped on sugar. Carefully he took the wrapper from her and tossed it away.

Paul admired the way Bucky handled it all. So stiff and quiet at work, but when it came to his family he was gentle and soft. Now it seemed that the softness spread a little to his grandsons as they politely entertained the tiny old woman. Sarah would be pleased.

Sadly, she couldn’t stay long, and Bucky and Rebecca had to drop her back to the nursing home. Paul decided that they should all have dinner at the family restaurant, and they agreed to meet them there.

Rita and Sarah were pleasantly surprised, and they quickly got a table and ordered a hearty batch of shrimp and fried fish. Bucky could see that they were getting busy and offered to help them, but Rita waved him off.

“Nothing we can’t handle.” She assured him confidently.

Throughout the meal he observed and reveled in the company of Paul, his grandsons and his sister. It was wonderfully ordinary to just sit and eat with family and friends. Such a rare thing for him to enjoy. The only dark cloud to their total enjoyment was the arrival of Officer Kristoff who came in to order some dinner. Their eyes met briefly but Bucky decided to ignore him, not wanting him to spoil the moment. Rebecca had her back to him, more focused on peeling her shrimps. So long as he didn’t approach it would be fine for now.

Sarah was annoyed by Kristoff’s presence. It was common courtesy in many parts to offer firefighters and military vets a heavy discount or free meals, but when he came he just assumed it was free and ordered whatever he wanted. Paul urged her to leave it be since he would cause nothing but trouble if they tried to charge him. Fortunately, he didn’t come too often. She watched the way his eyes wandered over Rebecca and her hands twitched in disgust. Once his food was ready she slid it over to him and was glad to watch him go. Going to the back to get some more vegetables, suddenly she heard a commotion. Coming back out she saw a man get into Rita’s face.

“Whadda mean there’s no more??” He barked, his eyes bleary from too many beers.

“It means there’s no more. We’re close to closing time and food runs out, sir.” Rita said, hand on her ample waist.

“I don’t give a f*ck…go get me more rice! What my money ain’t good?”

“Sir, you need to calm down. I can get you another side dish if you just sit down.” Sarah interjected, trying to get a handle on the situation even as she noticed her father getting up from the table.

“Eh…no! I want my rice, bitch!”

“Sir! There are children present!” Paul interrupted. “Now we’re asking you to sit down and relax before we have to call the authorities.”

Rita glanced at Officer Kristoff who was leaning against his cop car from a distance. Clearly he could see an altercation going on but didn’t care to move, wanting to enjoy his meal he had spread out on the hood of the vehicle. Bastard.

“Who the f*ck are you to talk to me, old man??” The drunk sneered.

Paul squared up. “I am the owner of this restaurant and I’m telling you to leave now.”

The man stepped in closer, reeking of beer. “Get me my rice before I cave your face in.”

“Get out.” He ordered, unyielding.

The man turned then swung back with a fist. Rita and Sarah shouted a warning when the fist stopped an inch before Paul’s face. The drunk turned and looked into a pair of icy cold eyes. Bucky had the man’s forearm in an incredible grip.

“You too stupid to hear an order? Get out.” He snarled.

Everyone in the restaurant watched as the man tried to attack Bucky who effortlessly picked him up like a sack of oats and carried him several feet out of the eatery.

“Hey! Leggo!!” He hollered, then stumbled to the ground when he was set back down on his feet. Bucky glared at him, then at Kristoff who looked with his mouth gaped opened before heading back to the restaurant.

“Hey, I ain’t done yet!” And the guy grabbed a piece of broken wood and swung with it.

Bucky yanked it out of his hands, covered the man’s face with his metal hand and forced him to his knees.

“Hey, hey! That’s enough!” Kristoff finally stepped forward, amazed and a little annoyed to see the hobo easily defend himself. “I can take it from here.”

“Sure.” Bucky replied and withdrew, only for the drunk to swing out again and shout in agony when he struck his left arm.

“What the f*ck?” The cop said, hearing the man’s fist painfully connect with metal. “What you got on your arm??”

“My arm.”

“Don’t back talk me!” Kristoff snapped.

“It’s my arm.” Bucky hissed, taking off the glove to show the metal fingers, then turned to head back to his people.

It was the weirdest thing he’d ever seen. “Who told you, you could go?? Get back here, I got some questions.”

“Have I broken any laws?”

Technically he didn’t but Kristoff didn’t care. “You don’t leave until I tell you. Where’d the hell you get that arm? You got a license for that?”

“It’s a prosthetic arm. It’s not a gun.” Bucky explained slowly.

“You injured a man with it!”

“He injured himself with it.”

“You know what, you’re both under arrest for disturbing the peace.”

By this time everyone had stepped out and Sarah was holding Rebecca back.

Brother!!!” She called out, visibly upset.

Bucky quietly allowed himself to be put in the backseat of the car along with the whimpering drunk. “Keep the phone close.” He replied, then glanced at Sarah.

She noticed the brief plead in his gaze and subtly nodded. “Daddy-”

“Let’s close down and take the kids home. Rebecca will stay with us tonight.” Paul muttered, cursing under his breath at the heartless cop.


Kristoff put both men in a temporary hold. The drunk was clutching his hand but was now sleeping off his drink. Bucky was wide awake and unflinching as he sat calmly on the bench.

“$5000 bail for a fist fight?” Marlon said, surprised.

“It’s just until I figure this guy out.” Kristoff explained as he stared at the metal armed hobo. “This guy’s got a story and I want to know what it is.” He noticed his partner’s disbelief. “I checked his license plate a while ago. James Buchanan Barnes from, get this, Russia.”

“Russia? That doesn’t sound Russian.”

“Exactly! And get this, he has a prison record. Five years for drug possession. Mexican cocaine.”

Marlon was unnerved at the way Bucky glared at him. “Looks stone cold.”

“American name, Russian background, Mexican connections.” Kristoff mused aloud. “I wonder what I can squeeze out of him. Anyway, his cute little sister is home alone now. Probably crying her eyes out wondering what we’ll do to her big brother.” He went to sit down. “Maybe I should swing by for a courtesy check.”

“Man, what I tell you about that?”

“Shut up, let me dream a little.” He smirked to himself as he grabbed his car keys and exited with eager anticipation.

He took his time as he drove over to the address; his wife called, asking when he was coming home. Irritated, he told her to go to bed, he didn’t want to think about his wife, especially when he had the girl he’d been eyeing finally on her own. He didn’t know how far he’d get but he wanted to do it nice and slow; gain her trust.

When he finally reached the little house he was glad that both houses were dark; it would make it easier for him to be unnoticed. Trying not to look too excited, he knocked on the door and waited. Nothing. He knocked again and announced himself. Still nothing. He looked through the windows, pitch black. Where the hell is she?

Suddenly his radio called for him. “What??” He snapped.

“Marlon wanted me to send you a message.” Claire’s voice rasped out. “The hobo’s out.”

“What?? He escaped??” He raced to his car.

“No, his sister posted bail.”

“What??” How the hell did a teen get $5000 dollars???


Bucky thanked Paul as he drove them back home. Rebecca, wrung out, slept snuggled against his shoulder and he held her tight.

He hadn’t wasted time once he got to the police station and convinced the other meeker officer to let him make a phone call. Rebecca answered immediately and listened to his instructions. She quickly went back to the house, investigated his brother’s room, pulled out a chair and opened the ventilation shaft where she found what she was looking for. Rushing back to Sarah she pleaded to be taken to the police station. Refusing to risk his daughter, Paul offered to go and watch as the girl took out a mess of hundreds and paid bail.

“Bucky, may I ask where you got that money?” Paul asked as they made their way back home.

He knew what he was asking. “I didn’t steal it.”

“You swear?”

“I swear. I earned it. No one’s going to come looking for it.”

Paul nodded, trusting him. “Sarah texted saying the cop stopped by your house.”

Bucky glanced down at his sister and hugged her close, saying nothing. Inside though an icy rage grew. He knew what the cop came for and was glad he didn’t get it, but he knew he’d try again. Most predators don’t let go of prey that easily…unless they encountered a bigger, scarier rival. Quietly, he began to make plans.



It's heating up in this little story. Who's looking forward to some Kristoff killing? Show of hands. 😎😎😎

Chapter 6: Stupid Games, Stupid Prizes


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes as Officer Kristoff will learn.


It's short, but I think you'll like it anyway.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Bucky knew that Kristoff would hunt him down the first chance he got and sure enough the Monday morning as he was driving to work, police sirens blared behind him and he obediently pulled over.

The man didn’t even try to hide his displeasure. He marched over to Bucky and ordered him out of the vehicle. Bucky obeyed as nonchalantly as possible and didn’t even flinch when he was forced to turn around and submit to a pat down, secretly glad he wasn’t wearing his gun.

“You think you’re some hot sh*t, aren’t you?” Kristoff snapped, as he started to cuff him. “You’re coming back with me and we’re going to get to know each other better.”

“The way you want to know my sister, pervert? I know you went to my house to check up on her, the cameras caught your face. I also know you’ve been stalking her after school. I wonder what you’ve been up to.”

Kristoff stiffened and cursed to himself. He had his body camera on and if that bit of information leaked out he’d be in a tight spot. He had to calm down and think.

“It was a courtesy check.” He explained.

“Was visiting the streetwalkers and hooking up with the youngest looking girl also a courtesy check?”

He’d been spied on. Well, well, well. Two can play that game.

“You think you know me? I know you.” Kristoff hissed back. “You got an interesting file back at the station James Buchanan Barnes.”

Bucky rolled his neck, unbothered. “Is that a fact? Anything catch your interest, Kristoff?”

He hated the lack of his title, but he knew he had this man beat. He just had to let him think he was winning. “Does Gerardo Manuel Santiago Solis mean anything to you?”

Unfortunately, yes. “I think this might not be the place or time to talk about this. Don’t you think?”

The officer looked around. It was morning and traffic would be coming soon. “Okay, tell you what. Let’s smooth things over, man to man.”

Slipping easily out of the cuffs, Bucky turned around and handed it back to him. “Agreed, man to man.”


It was later that night at the agreed upon place, a bar surrounded by swampland.

“So Mr. Barnes, is that your real name?” Kristoff asked as they sat on the bar stools drinking cheap beer.

“It is.” He replied coolly.

“How you come by it coming from Russia?”

“It was my father’s name. He was an American transferred to Moscow.”

“What type of business did he do?”

“Accounting and bookkeeping.”

Kristoff snapped his fingers. “That makes sense, makes total sense now. He got mixed up in with the wrong people.”

The wrong people indeed. “Yes.”

“Well then now I can paint a picture about you.” The cop said smugly. “You must’ve grown up in those mean streets of Moscow and joined a nice little mob group didn’t ya? Bet the cops there have a nice thick file on you.”

Actually, they didn’t because nothing and no one could pin him down. He had been a ghost and a terrifying one at that. No one dared to write down anything about him. Like the Bloody Mary, they were afraid to say his name else he’d come and rip their tongues out for doing so.

“You tried to look?”

“Nah, don’t have the clout, yet.” He looked around and sneered. “This piss bucket town isn’t exactly a place where captains and commissioners are made you know. Used to have a sweet deal years ago, but the dumb black f*ck died and then his brother went to jail.”

“Why are you telling me this?”

“Because you’re going to help me get out of this town and fund my daughter’s college career.”

Bucky ordered another round of beers and Kristoff didn’t complain. “Explain how.”

“You were supposed to spend 5 years in prison for drug possession and got out in three, just like Gerardo Manuel Santiago Solis the son of Mexican cartel overlord Bernardo Santiago Solis who I’ve been told you followed like a hawk the entire time you were there. Now why would you be doing that? Following a f*g around? You don’t look like a f*g so my theory is this: Solis guy paid you a pretty penny to go to jail with his boy to make sure no one turned him into a public toilet.”

“His mother.” Bucky amended. “She lost her older son and daughter in a car bomb and was determined that her last child made it out of jail unscathed.”

“Whatever, I want a cut.”

“A cut?”

“Yeah, you stupid? I want a cut of whatever you were given. I bet it’s a lot too, given the fact that your sister had no problem coming up with $5000 for bail. Give me a cut and I’ll leave you, your sister and even Georgie’s ex family alone. Don’t give me a cut and I’ll bring hell on earth. I can make you lose your job, shut the restaurant down, even get CPS to investigate how you care for your sister. She could of course stay with the wife and I while it’s ongoing. She could use a nanny and I can….” He chuckled darkly.

So that’s how it is. “If I give you a cut, will you leave Delacroix?”

Kristoff laughed. “Hell yes! Might even take the wife too. Maybe New Orleans or Memphis. Yeah, they know how to treat a cop right.”

“Very well, I’ll give you half a million.” Bucky negotiated.

“Yeah, that sounds real good, real good.” Kristoff’s eyes gleamed. “I want it by the end of the week. You try to skip town and I’ll make sure all of Louisiana hunts you down.”

He glared daggers at the man. “I won’t skip town. You’ll get what you want.”

“Hey! Another round of beers on my friend here!!” The cop announced. “You don’t mind, do you?” He winked.

No, he thought, not at all.

They hung around for another hour and he listened as the asshole boasted about what he planned to do with his incoming wealth and other interesting information that slipped out his drunken mouth. Finally, Bucky had enough, muttered about the coming rain, slapped a hundred down and left. Kristoff stayed behind a little more to polish off the remaining beer and soon also left with a little stagger in his step.

“Hey, shouldn’t you get an Uber??” The bartender warned.

“f*ck you.” Kristoff dismissed. “I’m fine.”

The minute he stepped out and went to his car, the desire to pee suddenly overwhelmed him. Glancing over to the bar he saw the man already put the CLOSED sign. Briefly he thought about barging in and using it anyway, but then noticed the creek just a yard away. Hell it was just a leak so he walked over to the water’s edge, unzipped and went for it.

Bucky had been waiting patiently in the dark for Kristoff, had hoped all the beers would do their thing and now he could strike. Softly he crept up behind the cop and before he could shout, grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and forced him down into the muddy waters.

Kristoff tried to thrash but he was dull and sluggish. His feet were not in the water so he couldn’t kick up enough noise to call attention. The hands holding him down were like steel. He tried to hold his breath, but water eventually flooded into his orifices, choking all air out.

Bucky didn’t utter a word; the only sound was the rumbling of thunder and soon the soft pattering of rain. It helped to dull his thrashing. He glanced over his shoulder at the bar, but all was quiet and the area around the creek was dark. He never took pleasure in killing, seeing it as only a job that had to get done. Usually a shot to the head would be sufficient, but Kristoff had this coming and he felt no remorse. The dirty cop fought and fought, but eventually he grew still and quiet. Lifting him a little he checked to make sure he was dead. A soft slap in the water and he could vaguely make out the alligator coming close. Before releasing the collar, he took all the keys from his belt, then pushed the corpse in the reptile’s direction. “Enjoy.”

Bucky climbed out of the creek soaking wet, but with the increasing rain it honestly didn’t matter. He crept back to the forest and to where he hid his truck.

Once he got home, he tucked the keys into the same box he hid his gun in, then went inside. He noticed the lights were on in the big house and wondered who was still up. At the moment he was more concerned about getting out of his soggy clothes and into bed.


The news quickly spread over Delacroix about the death of Officer Kristoff. The bar owner had noticed the cop car outside but had assumed that the man had wisely called an Uber. When he didn’t come back to pick it up he became concerned. Soon cops swarmed the area and because of last night’s rain it took a while to find his body, or at least the parts that hadn’t been eaten by the gators. His poor wife had to identify his body and immediately went into hysterics. The police did a thorough investigation, interviewing the bartender and Bucky several times before it was concluded that the man got drunk after work, stumbled into the creek, and got attacked by a gator. Hunters were now on the lookout for it since a maneater wasn’t a good thing to have hanging around.

His family and his colleagues were in deep mourning. Most of the town was sympathetic to his wife and daughter, but many were secretly glad he was gone. Roz nearly got herself in trouble as she gleefully celebrated the man’s death. “The best cop is a dead one.” She told the butcher as she went to get some steaks at the grocery store. Felix had to hush her and hurriedly take her home.

Sarah caught wind of the gossip from Rita and though she hated admitting it, Roz was right. She was glad that Kristoff was dead. She no longer had to see his arrogant smirk when he took food from the restaurant and more importantly, her family and Rebecca were safe from his machinations. Funny, she’d thought that Bucky would be in a good mood, but he was his usual quiet self.

“Hey, heard the news?” She greeted him a couple days later at home. It was just the two of them since Paul, the boys and Rebecca left to find their costumes. He was currently bent over checking the tires of his truck and when he stood up she noticed he wasn’t wearing his usual long sleeves, but instead he was in a white cotton tank top. She’d never seen so much of his metal arm and was amazed by its intricacy, but his other arm was impressive too. Glorious biceps and a deep chest that would make any girl want to curl up against him and purr.

Bucky noticed the way she stared and glanced at his left. “Do you want me to cover it?”

Sarah blinked and shook her head. “Uh, no, I mean if you want to, but I’m okay.” She added. “It’s just…beautiful.”

He went to great lengths to hide it so her compliment was flattering. “It was a gift.”

“Oh? From whom?”

“An African leader. Saved his sister from some Mayan guy with a god complex. I lost my arm in the fight, so he gave me a new one.”

“Wow, must’ve been a hell of a fight.” Sarah said pleased with this new crumb of information about him. “Um, anyway, I wanted to know if you knew about the cop’s funeral.”

“Oh? Is it today?”

“Yeah, a whole procession about to go down.”

“Huh, may he burn in hell and all that.” He dismissed.

She smiled faintly. “My sentiments exactly, but I am curious. I saw you come home late that night. You told them you didn’t see anything out of the ordinary, right?”

So she had been the one with the lights on. “No, nothing happened. Why were you up that night?”

“I heard you leave. You left Rebecca to her lonesome and after that last stunt that asshole pulled I couldn’t put head to pillow until you were back home, and she was secure.”

Heat bloomed unexpectedly in his chest. “Thank you, Sarah.”

Her ears got warm, and her neck flushed. “You’re welcome, but…I’m just surprised how sober you are. I thought knowing he was six feet under would’ve made you a bit happier.”

There was no way he could explain it to her. It was probably for the best that she didn’t understand his methodology when it came to the business of killing. Ever since he started killing it was like some part of him shut down and went cold. His target ceased to be human and like a boy playing a video game he simply executed whoever was in front of him and when it was done, he shut off the game and didn’t think about it. He took no pleasure in it, he just knew it had to be done. It was as if he became someone else when killing and if he were honest with himself he didn’t particularly like it.

“He’s dead, that’s all that matters. My sister is safe and…” His eyes skated over her, “…so is everyone else.”

Not knowing how to interpret that look, she weakly nodded. “Yeah, you’re probably right.” She turned to go.

“Sarah.” Suddenly he covered the distance between them and there he was less than a foot away. He reeked of sweat and grease, yet his muscles, and his powerful gaze pinned her in place.

“Yeah?” She asked a touch too breathlessly.

He didn’t know why he stopped her; he felt like a fool. “Thank you, again, for watching over Rebecca.”

“You don’t have to repeat yourself but, you’re welcome.”

“It’s just…I’ve been alone taking care of her for a while and it’s nice not to feel-”

“-Lonely. I understand.” She shrugged. “Only neighborly.”

“Neighborly, right.” He repeated and took a step back. “I, better get back to it.”

“Yeah, of course, um, I’ll just go back inside and um….yeah.” She turned towards the house, wondering where her vocabulary went.


Sorry for the shortness of this chapter. Promise tomorrow's will be much longer. 😁

Chapter 7: Tricks and Treats


Cass, AJ and Rebecca go through some troubles, but fortunately their families will be there to love and support them.


Warning: Physical violence and petty behavior

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

A few weeks later and things had gone back to normal. Halloween arrived and the whole family went to St. Simon to celebrate. Rebecca had begged Bucky to bring their babushka to the trunk-o-treat event, so he reluctantly agreed. He had zero desire to socialize but he wouldn’t leave his ladies to their lonesome, especially at night so he bought several bags of candy, parked at the school, lowered the tailgate and allowed his sister and her friend Ashley carte blanche to decorate it as they saw fit. Paul and Sarah closed the restaurant early to join in the festivities as they helped Cass and AJ decorate their own truck.

Rebecca, dressed as Katniss complete with plastic bow and arrow, had gotten her grandmother a small, glittery witch’s hat and the old woman chuckled with glee as she handed the candy from the bowl on her lap.

Everyone who attended was dressed up in one way or another. Cass was the Candy Man (babushka’s fault for calling him Candy Boy) and AJ was Batman. Sarah decided to wear an angel halo while Paul sported light up horns. Only Bucky was the wet blanket, refusing to wear any type of costume.

“Though honestly all you need is an axe, and you’d make a perfect Viking.” she teased.

Bucky snorted. “Is that a hint?”

“More of a suggestion.” she teased.

“And here I thought all angels were sweet.” He teased back. “Although just looking at you I’d still be convinced.”

The compliment caught her off guard and a giggle slipped out.

A small Jedi walked between them and pointed at Bucky. “Mommy look! Jesus!”

“No silly!” A Princess Leia scolded. “It’s Hagrid!”

Sarah couldn’t bear it and burst into laughter. He wanted to be annoyed but her smile took his breath away and they ended up smirking at each other. Realizing they’d gone too long without saying anything they hurriedly went back to their trucks and tried to look busy.

“Hey! Lil ol’ Witch and I need a candy refill!” Paul called out as the children came by thrusting out their bags and screaming “trick or treat”.

Sarah went to the cab to go through her bags. “We’re about to run low, Daddy.”

“Here,” Bucky came around offering her a couple bags, “I might’ve gotten too much.”

“Thank you.” She reached out to take them.

Their bare fingers brushed together, and it was enough to make them breathless. Despite all the rough work she did, her skin was still soft and warm like cashmere. The tingle ran through him in such a pleasant way that it stayed with him even when he drew back.

His hands were large and rough, and the contact sent a million butterflies bursting from her stomach straight to her head. She almost lost her breath and hiccupped unexpectedly before going quickly to give the candy to her father only to see Rita blocking her exit.

The older woman, dressed like a cat, blinked at her. “Did you just have a moment with the Viking?”

“No, that wasn’t a moment.” She moved around her and hastily began to fill the buckets of candy.

Rita sidled up beside her. “Sure looked like a moment.”

“No! There was no moment. He just gave me some candy.”

“Looked like he wanted to give you more than that.” she teased.

“Oh, Rita, please! Bucky and I are colleagues, maybe friends, but that’s it!”

“Uh huh, so you’re fine.”


“Then you meant to give Mulan your car keys?” She pointed to the little girl who was waving said keys in front of her confused mother.

“Sweet Jesus,” she muttered under her breath, “hey, sweetie! How about we trade off, huh?”

Bucky sat down beside his grandmother, rubbing his hands a little, wanting to savor the heat of her touch. It felt lovely, far too lovely.

Meanwhile Cass, AJ and Rebecca joined Ashley inside the school where volunteers were giving out refreshments and snacks. They were playing Hocus Pocus in the cafeteria and “The Monster Mash” was being blared out from someone’s car speakers. They had gone one round through the parking lot and planned to do it again after they ate.

Ashley, dressed as Coraline, and Rebecca were gossiping about Daniela’s upcoming quinceañera when a group of boys ran past them and snatched their buckets.

“Hey!” Rebecca instantly gave chase and soon the rest followed behind her. The boys ran around a corner thinking they were safe only for her to emerge, slap the one with the buckets hard and took them back. The other boys instantly ganged up on her and started pulling on her hair and arms forcefully. She put up a fight, elbowing and hitting them. Cass caught up and instantly waded in without a thought kicking and punching them back. Ashley pulled Rebecca out of the fight.

“AJ, get help!”

The boy instantly ran.

“Marlon!” Cass snarled, pushing him hard. “You piece of dog sh*t!”

“You think you’re so big because you got a white bitch??” The rival boy snarled.

“The only bitch I see is you!”

“Nah it’s on now!” Marlon growled and ran at him.

Cass knew it was now or never. Pulling back his arm, he punched Marlon as hard as he could, hitting the other teen right on the nose with a solid crack.

The other boys gasped as Marlon fell back on his butt and held his nose as blood gushed out. He looked up in shock and burst into tears.

“Ow!” Cass grunted and shook his hand.

Bucky quickly emerged with AJ hot on his heels. He assessed the situation and glared at the boys who held more than one Halloween bucket in their grasp gathered around another boy cradling his bleeding nose. Stepping forward he loomed over them. “Drop the candy and get out before I give you something to cry about.”

The gang instantly dropped the buckets and ran for it. Marlon struggled to his feet and hollered at his friends to wait up.

Turning to the group he went to investigate Cass’s hand that was being cradled in Rebecca’s palms. “You alright?”

“I think I might’ve hit too hard.” He whined, then smirked a little. “But I saved Rebecca.”

She smiled a little. “Thank you. I’m sorry about your hand.” Then she bent and gave his knuckles a gentle kiss.

It was all the teen could do not to melt to the floor.

Bucky noticed and tried not to look too amused. “Come on, let’s give these buckets back and see what we can do about this hand.”

AJ and the girls took the buckets to lost and found. Bucky found Paul first and told him what happened. Knowing how Sarah would flip if she found out about the fight, he decided to help check his grandson over in the men’s room.

“Not too bad.” Paul examined each finger. “Nothing’s broken or sprained. Not even a cut. It’ll swell a bit but some aspirin and ice should do the trick.”

“I’m never washing this hand.” Cass sighed not even thinking about the pain.

Bucky and Paul shared a look. “Cass don’t get lost in the clouds now.”

The teen blinked, noticed Bucky’s glare and straightened. “No, no, I ain’t in the clouds. I’m fine. It’s all good right? Rebecca and I are friends.”

He softened, not wanting to upset the boy. “Yes and she’s lucky to have a good friend like you. Thank you, Cass.”

He beamed.

“Now let’s not have the evening spoiled because of this right? Just take the painkiller, put the hook back on and I’ll give you an ice pack after okay?” Paul advised. “We’ll let your mom know later.”

“Do we have to? She’s just gonna fuss.”

“She’s a mom, of course she’s gonna fuss.” Paul said patting his shoulder. “But don’t worry, Pops got your back.”


Sarah didn’t find out about the fight until the next morning and yes, she was very upset.

“What did I say about fighting?” she snapped at Cass with Pops at his side. “I told you I never wanted to hear you being in a scrap with no one!”

“Marlon stole Rebecca and Ashley’s buckets! They were yanking and pulling on her, I couldn’t let it happen!”

“You should’ve called for help!”

“We did! AJ got Mr. Bucky!”

Her eyes widened. “Bucky got involved??” She looked at her father. “Did you know about this?”

Paul nodded. “From what he said he got to the tail end of the fight. The boy was already on the ground.”

She pinched her brow. “Who taught you how to fight, Cass? And don’t you lie to me!”

“No one! I just took a swing for his nose.” He explained.

“Yeah just like Rebecca told us.” AJ piped up suddenly. “The eyes, nose, throat or gut.”

“What?? Rebecca??”

“No!” Cass suddenly exploded. “It’s not her fault!”

“Sarah she was trying to do the right thing.” Paul defended as well.

“She got into the fight, and she taught him how to swing!” She turned. “I’m about to give Bucky a piece of my mind!”

“Mom STOP!” He shouted suddenly.

Everyone stopped and stared at the teen.

“Cass don’t you ever raise your voice to your mother!” Paul ordered.

He shuddered and took a breath. “No, I’m sorry, it’s just….Mom please, she’s the only friend we have!” He tried to explain. “Her and Ashley are the only ones who want to hang with us. If we don’t have them we have nothing! We go back to being just to two of us!”

“Don’t be mad at Rebecca, please? She didn’t show us anything.” AJ added earnestly.

Frustration filled her. Anger and confusion and heartbreak tried to win out and she didn’t know how to proceed. “I don’t want any of you in a fight! It’s just-”

“-I’m not a bad person, Mom!” Cass interrupted. “I was just defending a friend. Can’t I protect people? Do I have to sit and let them get hurt? What are you afraid of? Do you think I’m bad?”

“No! Of course not!”

“Sometimes I see you looking at us like you’re scared of something. Are you afraid of us?”

Memories of two other teens breaking into lockers and intimidating others came to mind. God what made her ever think that Georgie had truly changed his ways just for her? He only hid it better. “Cass, there are so many things I am afraid of, but…” She shook her head. “…you ain’t one of them, baby. Neither of you.”

“Mom, I don’t want to be like dad. I promise I won’t.”

Why did that bring such relief? Almost in tears, Sarah hugged her eldest, then his youngest who came up to join the embrace.

“I’m going to be good too. Like Pops and Grandpa.” AJ promised.

She kissed them both. “Thank you.”

Paul wisely decided that everyone could use a break and offered to clean up after breakfast with the boys while his daughter had a lie down. As soon as they got into the rhythm he counselled his grandsons.

“You believe her when she said she’s not afraid of you two, right?” He asked.

Cass shrugged. “Yeah, but I’m kind of mad...Dad’s dead but he’s like a ghost in this town. Still scaring the neighbors and keeping mom sad.”

“It does feel like that don’t it? Your mom went through some tough stuff.”

“Like what? I want to know.”

“I can’t say. That’s a story your mom has to tell you and only when she’s good and ready.”

“Grandpa Felix never tells us much about when we were babies living in his house.” AJ mused aloud. “I’ve asked about dad, but he just says he can’t remember much.”

“Likely he don’t want to remember.” Cass deduced. “Uncle De’Andre is in jail and dad is dead. His sons were no good.”

“Maybe you’re right and I’m sorry to say this boys but your dad wasn’t a good guy. He’s not a good role model for you to follow. He had a terrible reputation.”

“They say he was a psycho.” AJ recalled.

“Perhaps, but for sure he and his brother made a lot of people unhappy. Your mom especially.”

Cass mused for a moment. “Marlon keeps making fun of us. Calling us the sons of a psycho…or a serial killer. He keeps goading me to go off or something.”

“Unfortunately, in a small-town people talk, and they make bad assumptions, Cass. Your mom hates that they’re talking bad about you two and she doesn’t want them to get any idea that it might be true.”

“That’s why she doesn’t want us to learn to fight! She thinks we’ll start getting into it with other guys and be like dad.”

Paul smiled a little. “You’re catching on.”

“Pops, how did dad turn out so bad? Grandpa Felix is nice.” AJ asked.

“I bet it was Grandma Roz.” Cass guessed. “She’s so mean.”

“I don’t remember.”

“I do, she was so mean to mom and to us. She used to hit my palm if I did anything wrong and Mom would just yell at her about it, but the real bad day was when she kicked you.”

AJ was surprised. “She kicked me?”

“In the face! Split your lip open and there was blood everywhere.” Cass recalled. He and his brother had been running around and his little brother broke a vase. Grandma Roz came screaming down, slapping the older brother hard and kicking the three-year-old in the face. Grandpa Felix found them, and it was the first time he heard him shout at his wife. They stayed in their bedroom the rest of the day until their parents came home.

“Don’t mention your elders if there’s nothing nice to say.” Paul scolded gently even though he had his own choice words about Roz. They both came from parents who believed in harsh discipline, but that woman was just cruel. Then there was Felix, he wouldn’t hurt a fly but he did next to nothing to protect Sarah and even though he considered the man a friend, it was a resentment that had yet to fade. “Someday it’ll all be clear, but you gotta know that she would give her life for you two and she wants nothing but the best. She’d starve just to make sure you two eat, but that’s what a good parent does, you know? I’ll talk to her later about Rebecca okay? I understand how important her friendship is and she is a good girl.”

“Thanks Pops.”

Later once the boys settled down to play video games, Paul went upstairs to check on Sarah. He found her resting on the bed with a damp towel over her eyes.


She nodded.

“I won’t take your time.” He started to exit.

“What did you tell them?”

“That you’re just looking out for them and that you won’t go off on Rebecca.” He sat on an old creaky wicker chair by the vanity.

“Big assumption.”

“You’re not actually going to go off on her, are you? She was doing the right thing.”

“I know but she’s a naïve little white girl who can run headlong into danger and most likely get saved. I have two sweet black boys who if they tried to do the same thing would most likely get killed in the process.”

“Then maybe you should explain that to her so she’d understand. She’s not stupid and I’m sure Bucky would support you.”

He was right, Bucky would likely help her. He’d shown a great deal of patience and understanding.

“I hope Roz doesn’t find out.” She sighed as she removed the damp towel from her eyes. “She’ll be calling CPS again.”

“I’ll take care of Roz if she comes sniffing around. Plus I believe CPS already told her the consequences if she made another false report.” Paul promised.

Fortunately, no one came around about the scuffle and both adults breathed a small sigh of relief. Still, Sarah made her way over to the little house to speak to the Barnes.

Rebecca greeted her warmly and let her inside. The space looked settled in. The sofa had new covers and throw pillows. A large TV was mounted on the wall. She could see both bedrooms: one filled with girlish delights and the other plain, almost bare. The old dining table was lovingly polished with brightly colored table mats and there appeared to be food being made with a spice rack filled to the brim.

“Is your brother here?”

“He’s in the bathroom. I’m making mushroom and potato soup from a book babushka gave me.” The teen gestured towards a fragile little book written in another language.

Sarah picked it up with great care. “Looks very old. Family recipes.”

“Yes! I’m excited to try now that I have more spices.”

“I have a couple of old recipe books that I got from my Momma and aunties. A lot of history in those books.”

Rebecca took the book and shuffled a few pages. “This was apparently my mother’s favorite dish, cabbage rolls with gravy. My father preferred steak and potatoes, since it reminded him of growing up in America. At least that’s what Bucky said.”

“Your father was American?”

“Is everything alright?” Bucky asked, emerging from the bathroom.

“I was showing her babushka’s cookbook.” Rebecca explained eagerly.

“The soup smells good.” He complimented her with a small smile before turning to Sarah. “How can we help you?”

She suddenly hated having to burst the bubble but… “I wanted to talk about the fight yesterday.”

“It upset you. I’m sorry if it did. My sister only tried to do the right thing, but she shouldn’t have involved your sons.” He correctly guessed, then gestured at her. “Rebecca, apologize.”

The girl instantly sobered and set her book aside to face Sarah properly. “I’m sorry that Cass got hurt, Miss Sarah.”

It was all so smoothly executed she almost suspected it was rehearsed. “Thank you, but I need you to understand why I’m really upset.” Both of them looked at her curiously and she continued. ”I have an ex mother-in-law who has been trying for years to reclaim the boys. She’s not kind and I can’t give her any reason to call the cops on me. So I’m asking you, both of you, no fights that involve my sons or else I’ll have to let you go. Do you understand?”

Rebecca nodded immediately and said more earnestly. “Yes, I understand. I am very sorry.”

Bucky glared back in a manner that was downright chili. “Understood.” He said simply.

She wondered if he was offended at the prospect of losing his job over a stupid fight. Well, it might’ve been a stupid fight for him but for her family the consequences were much more dire, and she won’t apologize for taking measures to protect them. Nodding faintly in thanks she quietly left them.

Rebecca was visibly upset. “I didn’t know things were so precarious with them. I feel so stupid.”

Bucky went and gave her a small kiss on her temple. “You didn’t know. It’s alright, but you must be more aware, sestra. We are white and thus there is a privilege to that. They are black and even the richest are subject to unfair practices. What you did would be considered brave, but if Cass was discovered fighting it would be called criminal. He is your friend, just take care and be mindful.”

“Yes, brother.”


These thoughts stayed with Rebecca for a while, and she became more observant of her friends and classmates. She realized that she had truly been naïve -spending most of her life in private school would do that- and she needed to wake up.

Now determined to be their protector as well as their friend, she steered the group into participating in activities that were helpful and socializing. Thanksgiving was weeks away, so they joined in canned food drives and visiting the elderly. People were surprised to see the Wilson boys out and about doing good. Cass and AJ had always kept to themselves, hating the pointing and muttering, but realized her motivation and decided to be brave. They also joined Ashley’s chess club, which the guys thought was lame until they started learning the game and gaining other friends. Friends like Hoa and Trina, Miguel and Mary who made them feel welcomed and happy.

“Hey Rebecca, Ashy!” Daniela and her clique stopped them on their way to their meeting. “We need to talk.”

“Sure, what about?” Rebecca replied as her friend gritted her teeth at the slight.

“Well my Quince is coming up as you know and my family has dropped a lot of money for it and as you know nearly everyone is coming…”

“Yes, Ashley and I are looking forward to it.”

“Yeah about that,” The girl pursed her lips and sighed. “I’ve put a lot of effort to look good for my special day and…well…my girls have been worried about what you’d be looking like.”

She frowned. “I’m wearing a blue dress. Is that fine?”

“Yeah, it’s just…This is so awkward but…can you like not come to my party?”

“What??” Ashley protested. “Why can’t she come??”

Daniela rolled her eyes. “Rebecca is pretty.”

“Yeah and so are you?”

“No, she’s a little too pretty.”

“Says who?”

“The school? The boys? The other girls? Hell, even some of the teachers say so.”

It was kind of true. Rebecca was quite beautiful, but she was never vain. She wore her uniform and no other adornment. The school prohibited makeup even though some girls skirted around that by wearing a little here and there. Bucky had even given her a credit card to buy what she wished, but she remained frugal.

“I wouldn’t do anything to hurt you on your birthday, Daniela.” She insisted.

“Oh, I know, but I just can’t risk you coming out in your cute dress and everyone paying attention to you. It’ll make me look bad in the process, so don’t come, okay?” She turned to Ashley. “You can still come. I’m not worried about you.”

Ashley could see the hurt in Rebecca’s face and couldn’t bear it. “Screw you and your stupid ass party.” She grabbed her friend’s hand and led them to the meeting room.

Rebecca knew there would be other parties, but she had been so excited to attend her first and now she’d been unfairly denied. Bravely she assured her friends that she would be fine, but inside her heart was breaking.

When she told Cass what had happened he was just as pissed. It had been his chance to show her what a gentleman he could be and now it was thwarted. He complained as much to Pops while he and his brother helped him fix the nets.

“Man, I got a suit and everything.” Cass muttered as he worked deftly with his fingers.

“I know, how many times do I have to hear it?” AJ whined.

Pops chuckled softly. “There will be other parties you can take her to.”

“Yeah but…” A frustrated groan. “…Nevermind.”

“You know I got stood up on a date once and your Nana came to my rescue.”

“Really? How?”

“I was supposed to meet a girl at the library, but an hour ticked by and she was a no show, then it started to rain. I was feeling like a damn fool when your Nana ran up to me, shared her umbrella and invited me for coffee. Later she told me she saw me waiting and felt sorry for me.”

“You fell in love?” Cass asked, grinning.

Darlene’s gentle eyes and generous smile filled his mind. “I think I did.”

“Wow, Grandpa Felix never says things like that about Grandma.”

“Really? Like never once said anything nice about Roz?”

“He said she was very beautiful.”

“She was quite pretty, but she wasn’t my type. All finery but no class.”

“Well dang then why did they get married?” Cass asked.

“Because she got pregnant.”

“With dad?”

“No, actually they had a baby girl, Pearl, but she died suddenly. They found her in her crib not breathing. Your poor grandpa was heartbroken. He loved that little girl with all his heart and soul.”

Cass and AJ became quiet after a while. The older thought about how complicated love was and the younger wondered what it would be like to have a sister.


It was all hands on deck on an early Saturday. Bucky, Rita, Sarah and Paul had been mindlessly cracking and peeling crabmeat and crawfish meat out of their shells in preparation for a large order. Cass, AJ and Rebecca were washing and cutting potatoes.

“How many crabcakes are we making?” Rita asked as she mixed the meat with the eggs, seasonings, and breadcrumbs.

“About a 150 and they already paid in full plus the normal amount we make for the weekends.” Sarah said as she formed the cakes and laid them out on the baking sheets.

“Sweet baby Jesus, my arms are going to fall off at that rate! If it wasn’t for this sweetheart over here cracking all those crabs for me I would’ve keeled over by now.”

“And we still have to work on the potatoes.” Paul chimed in.

“Lord have mercy!!”

“I can start on the ovens.” Bucky offered helpfully.

Rita gave him an adoring look. “Boy if I wasn’t already married and ten years younger, your virtue would be in danger.”

The grin that broke across Bucky’s stoic face took the ladies’ breath away. Rita turned to give Sarah a look and she in turn had to roll her eyes to hide the way her heart was hammering.

Cass and AJ weren’t strangers to the restaurant kitchen and helped Rebecca and Bucky cut the potato into quarters and add in the salt and pepper mix before laying them out on roasting sheets.

“You asked me to drive these to the party. Where am I going?” Bucky asked.

“The Quinceañera of some girl.” Sarah shrugged. “Parents seem to be paying a pretty penny for it.”

“It’s Daniela’s party.” Rebecca sighed. “Suka.”


She shrugged, still bitter.

Sarah tried to be sympathetic. “There will be other parties, girl. Your friend’s is coming up next year.”

“I suppose so.”

Bucky had witnessed his sister’s forlorn sighs and secret tears. He agreed with Sarah that there would be other parties, but that didn’t mean he was okay with his sister being slighted.

Once the food was prepared, Paul and he carefully pushed the tall food carts into the transportation van. Everything was cooked and prepared. All it needed was to be carted to the kitchens for reheating and serving. Even though he had insisted he could drop it off himself, Sarah decided to go with him, determined to make sure the food received was at its best quality.

This was the first time they’d ever been alone together, and Sarah was itching to find out more about him. “So, your dad was American?”

He really needed to talk to his sister about oversharing. “He was.”

“Was your mom too?”

“No, they met when he transferred to her country. They met through mutual friends and got married.”

“You don’t talk a lot about your past.”

“Neither do you.” He replied softly. “But I don’t want to intrude.”

“Are you suggesting I don’t ask?”

“If you get to ask about my past, can I ask about yours?”

Sarah hesitated. “I mean, it’s only fair.”

“Yes.” He added. “Rita told me that your mother died of a broken heart.”

Baby I’m so sorry I ever told you to get married. Leave him, leave him and live your best life!

“Heart attack, but close enough.” Sarah sighed.

“My mother died in a car accident.” he said softly. “My sister was sitting in the back.”

“Heard your mother died, so unfort-” A bullet went through the bastard’s eye. By the end of the day, Karpov’s men and his business was up in smoke.

“I’m sorry.”

“I’m sorry too.”

They reached the hotel hosting the party. Dozens of people were moving in and out of the back entrance. Bucky started pushing in the food carts stacked with the crab cakes and potatoes while Sarah talked to the head chef to review the order. Once he delivered everything he went off to take care of business.

Wandering into the hall he observed the beautifully decorated tables, the balloon arches, the DJ booth, the white dance floor and the grand cake fit for a bride already set up on display. Stepping out, he saw a group of girls in matching lavender dresses texting and talking. Everyone appeared annoyed and wondered why. Noticing a pair of boys in black tuxes he followed them into the bathroom.

“What’s the hold up?” One of the boys asked.

Pinche Daniela is mad because her hair ain’t right or some stupid sh*t.” The other replied as they took a leak. Bucky went into the stall where he could listen.

“That’s the hold up?? I’m hungry!”

“I know. I’m about to cross the street and get some tacos if she don’t come out soon.”

“She’s gonna get madder if you come at her smelling like grease and onions.”

“I don’t care! She’s a f*ckin’ tease, telling me she was going to give it up to me and then didn’t even let me into her room last night cuz her mom was next door. Like I cared!”

“Can you imagine getting all up in her and her mom walked in!” The teen laughed.

“I’m gonna tell her she owes me tonight! Hell yeah tonight the bed’s gonna be rocking in room 915!”

Bucky waited until the boys left before sneaking out and heading to room 915.

Once Sarah got assurances that the cook knew what he was doing AND that they’d be getting their carts back she went outside back to the delivery van and wondered where Bucky had gone.

After a bit of waiting, she pulled out her phone to call him when he finally emerged and jogged back to the van.

“Where were you?”

“Went to the bathroom.” He said gruffly, buckling up. “Are we ready?”

“Yeah, come around 8 am tomorrow to pick up our carts.”



When the students came back on Monday all that people spoke about was Daniela’s party and how she missed it completely. The story was that she and her mother ended up getting locked into the suite where she’d been staying. Someone had jammed a ton of key cards into the slot, making it impossible to open the door the normal way. The manager couldn’t even use his emergency key because another key had been shoved in and snapped off. Her father had demanded that management break the door down, but the manager threatened to make him replace the door if they did that. Therefore there was no choice but to call for a locksmith to free them. The hours ticked by and the guests were bored and hungry. Refusing to let all the food go to waste, her father allowed it to be served, then the guests coaxed the DJ to play and then somebody allowed the little ones to have slices of the cake. By the time Daniela got out of the room most of the guests had left, few of her friends waited for her and apparently her boyfriend went off with one of her cousins. Worse, her mother, in trying to find a way to bust the door open on their side, found Daniela’s condoms and now the car she’d been promised was denied. From now on she was dropped off and picked up, her phone was taken, and she was escorted even with her friends. She was miserable.

Rebecca was not a vindictive person, but the sight of Daniela’s permanent scowl did put a smile on her and Ashley’s face.

Bucky went to pick up the food carts and casually threw away the small collection of key cards he’d taken from a janitor’s closet, his job complete.



See? This one is longer and interesting too.

Chapter 8: Asking Questions


Sarah and Bucky start asking questions about each other's past and it doesn't go well.


Warning: Mentions of past murders and near drowning.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Thanksgiving was clearly a holiday that Bucky nor Rebecca had ever celebrated. They had no intention of celebrating it, but Paul insisted that they had to come, so they crossed the lawn and joined the Wilsons. There were family members from other parts of the state, and they stuck out amongst the sea of brown, golds and caramels. Paul had urged Bucky to bring alcohol, so he brought several bottles of rum. It was met with great rounds of approval.

Sarah noticed Rebecca’s curiosity over the food, so she gave her an apron and put her to work with all the other aunties and cousins. She did her best not to let the other women overwhelm her with too many directions.

“So that’s your brother, huh? Doesn’t talk much.” Titi Donna asked.

“No, he doesn’t talk much. Babushka said that when he was little he used to talk all the time.”

“Babushka? Who’s that?” asked another auntie.

“Our grandmother. I want to take her a plate when we go visit her later. May I Miss Sarah?”

“Of course, you guys are going to be taking tons of leftovers anyway. Everyone does.”

“Wait, you left your grandmother in a nursing home on Thanksgiving?? Why on earth??”

Rebecca visibly blushed. “Bucky said we shouldn’t impose…Did we break a custom?”

“Girl calm down, no one here is going to bite you.” Sarah said soothingly. “This is your first Thanksgiving, and I should’ve just told you to bring her. Next time, okay?”

Cousin Keisha added, “In fact why don’t you go get her? She might be lonely.”

Rebecca looked at her brother to see what he thought, but Bucky gave a subtle shake. “Guess not, but I will bring her a little bit of everything. It smells amazing!”

Once everything was ready, family and friends sat down, blessed the food and dug in. Bucky now properly surrounded by inquisitive ladies was interrogated between dishes. They asked about his job, his home life, his age, and health, inevitably going for his love life too.

“So Bucky you have someone special in your life?” Titi Marie asked.

“Um, no, not anymore.” He said slowly, glancing briefly at the ladies, “I’ve dedicated myself to securing my sister’s happiness first.”

“Well isn’t that thoughtful of you! A bit lonely though.”

Rebecca perked up. “You had someone?”

Bucky shook his head at her once more and she quietly went back to her meal.

Later with everyone helping themselves to dessert and coffee, Sarah managed to find Bucky by himself out on the porch sipping a cup. He had been polite throughout the day but clearly had reached his social limit and wanted some peace. She’d been watching him off and on throughout the day, her mind full of thoughts.

“Yes?” He asked as she leaned against a wooden column holding her mug. It was hard to socialize. He’d never really done it before, and he felt like a robot pretending to be human. Rebecca was inquisitive and polite, and he envied her effortless charm. Sarah also moved from person to person with warmth and grace. Now she was here probably trying to make a connection with him. Would she be kind if she knew everything?

“Seems like your sister still doesn’t know a lot about you. It’s a shame.”

A scolding. He probably deserved it. “You think I’m too secretive.”

“Yes, but that’s your right. However, I think if anyone is entitled to know you better it’s your own sister.”

Bucky drained his cup. “Perhaps you’re right, but I think you want to know too.”

Well, he wasn’t wrong. “I kind of pegged you as a simple former convict just wanting to reform, but Daddy said you were more than that and after what you did to that girl to spoil her party, I’m convinced that he’s right.”

Bucky didn’t even twitch. “You suspect I had something to do with her getting locked up?”

“I saw the key cards in your back pocket.” Sarah revealed. “That girl hurt your sister, so you decided to teach her a lesson.”

“A little humility will do her some good…like your former husband,” he mused, “He should’ve learned humility, according to records. Robbery, assault, vandalism.”

“Yeah, he definitely needed to learn that lesson.” She agreed, a little shocked at how this conversation was going. Apparently he had been snooping just as much as she had.

They stared at each other realizing they were at the edge of a line. Would they cross it? Would it be worth it?

Rebecca burst in balancing a few plastic containers and a plate covered with aluminum. “I think we’re ready to visit babushka.”

“Go drop it off at the house. I’ll meet you in the truck.” He said, rising from the seat. “You want to talk later?”

He said it so casually as if they were discussing the weather and not about criminal activities. “Yes, definitely.” She replied. “We’re certainly not done.”


The visit had been fruitful. The nursing home was festooned with paper turkeys and other Thanksgiving paraphernalia. Babushka had a little paper pilgrim hat on and was enthusiastic over the food they had brought her.

She is a good cook.” She had said in a moment of clarity. “You need to marry her and make babies.

Bucky merely kissed his grandmother’s kitten soft hair and encouraged her to eat. Sarah didn’t seem the type that wanted marriage or babies with men the likes of him, especially once she learned the whole truth.

When they got back to their little house it was dark and it looked like all the relatives had gone home. He noticed Sarah exiting the back door and realized she had been waiting for him. It looked like she meant what she said about the conversation not being over. Very well.

“Did your grandma enjoy herself?”

Rebecca stepped out with a wave. “She loved the food. She said it was wife worthy.”

Sarah chuckled. “A big compliment from a classy lady.” She glanced over at Bucky as he came around. “Do you agree?”

“Yes.” He replied simply as he approached their usual spot by the trees. “Rebecca, get some rest if you want to get up early to go shopping with Ashley.”

“Going to experience Black Friday?” Sarah grinned.

“I’ve seen the videos. It looks like fun!” She replied.

“Wear a helmet.”


She chuckled. “Just kidding. Have a good night.”

The sky was a deep royal purple, and the air was a little cool as they once again found themselves in a stare off.

“You could’ve gotten the restaurant in trouble if they caught you doing what you did.” She scolded.

“No one was going to find out. I’ve done it before.” He said confidently.

“You protected a man in jail, you fought off six men by yourself, you saved Rita and I from a drunk without breaking a sweat, you lost your arm saving a girl and you managed to ruin a brat’s birthday party without anyone suspecting a thing.” She counted off. “Who are you, Bucky?”

He sighed, “I just want to live a quiet life. I’m not trying to hurt anyone; at least not anymore.”

“You’ve hurt people?” She ventured. “Killed?”

“Do you really want to know?” He asked.

She didn’t know why but she did, she really did want to know. “You don’t scare me.”

He smiled faintly. “Brave of you.”

“So…you’ve killed people?”

“Only if I wanted to…or if they paid me enough.” He revealed tentatively.

An assassin?? She thought. “What are you like John Wick or something?”

He huffed coldly. “If only it was so civilized.”

“Oh my God.” She took a step back. “Did my Daddy know about this?”

“No, but I was protecting a member of the cartel. He should’ve suspected.”

“Lord…and you were only in prison for three years??”

“They didn’t know who I was or what I’ve done…Unlike your husband who has quite the reputation.”

“Who told you about Georgie?” She asked.

“The cop. When he gets liquored up he has quite a loose tongue. Apparently they had a sort of agreement and paid him to look the other way when it came to his activities.”

She remembered him insisting on counting the money at the end of the night and mentally cursed herself. “Bastard.”

“He started stealing since he was twelve. Teachers reported their desks being rifled and then store managers called on him for shoplifting. He stole bikes, money, wallets and as he got older it got worse.”

He’d come home with so much cash in his wallet and when he bought her stuff for her and the boys it just made her ill thinking about where it all came from. Roz however love it and showed off her new wares without a care. Felix would thank his son for the gift and carefully put it away never to be seen again.

“How do you know this? Did the cop tell you?”

“No, I got the information at the station.”

“What?? How on earth?? They just let you wander around at the station?”

“The cameras barely work. Plus his keys have been useful.”

“His keys?” How did he get those??

“Did you use to steal with him?” He asked.

“How-! No! Hell no I never participated in any of his activities! Do you think I would??”

“Maybe if you had no choice. Did he ever make you do something you didn’t want to?”

You don’t do this Sarah and you’ll never see the boys again.

Her chest almost heaved with the pain. “Far too much.” She whispered.

Her brown eyes shimmered and he drew away. “I’m sorry.”

“Damn right you’re sorry, you have no idea what it was like to be with him.” She hissed as she blinked back the tears. “It was always his way, his way and he trapped me so good, made me so blind with love that I didn’t realize I was in a cage until I was already pregnant with Cass.”

The man had been dead for nearing eight years and the wounds were still fresh. Bucky observed the internal battle raging inside her and his thoughts flew to his own mother who mentally disintegrated with every tragedy that struck their little family. “Did he hurt you?”

“Shut up.”

“I’ll take that as a yes.”

“He didn’t have to hit me to hurt me, though God knows I was scared that someday he might’ve.” She wiped the tears she couldn’t hide and turned away. “Enough, I got to go.”


She stopped but didn’t look around.

He didn’t want her to go; he wanted to comfort her but didn’t know quite how. “Despite what you think of me, I’m not here to hurt you. If you want the truth from me just ask.”

It had to be done, gorgeous, you understand right? Things will be fine after a few weeks now stop crying and give me a smile.

What was she thinking? With just a few questions he’d opened the hurt she’d tried so hard to bury. Did she want to pursue this? Would he eventually get her to reveal her great shame?


Paul got sick and had to stay home, that meant that Sarah had to divide her time between the boat and the restaurant for a couple of days. She hadn’t spoken to Bucky for a while and honestly didn’t know how to move forward with him. He seemed to understand that they were at an awkward stage and didn’t provoke her. He didn’t even show up to their meeting spot by the trees and it made her angry that he was essentially waiting on her to make a decision.

Why did she have to decide? Couldn’t he just leave? I mean he basically confessed to being an assassin. He’d committed crimes in her town and now she knew about it so why hasn’t he disappeared instead of risking her calling the cops on him? She really wasn’t even in the mood to think about him especially after that unpleasant meeting she had with Roz at the grocery store.

The old woman deliberately smashed her cart with hers and started berating her about the activities Cass and AJ had been involved in. Chess is a “white man’s game” and they ought to be doing more black appropriate things like basketball or baseball. Hypocritical statement given the fact that both grandfathers have been known to play chess as well and told her as much. She called Rebecca a white she-devil who’d seduce the boys into creating filthy mixed raced bastards. Then her true anger came out when she learned that they were hanging around Rebecca’s grandmother. The boys have been sweet with the little old lady, and it angered her that they were fawning over her when their true grandmother was abandoned.

“I am their grandmother! I will not be replaced by that old white bitch!”

Sarah refused to be cowed. “You stopped being their grandmother the moment you put your hands on them. Cass remembers and he has not forgiven you nor will he allow AJ to suffer a minute in your house.”

“You’re far too soft! Letting him have his way! When my boys were that age they knew who was in charge!”

“You raised monsters.” She got in Roz’s face. “There wasn’t a single tear at his funeral.”

Roz visibly shook and she pointed a trembling finger at her. “You godless bitch. May the Lord punish you for your sins.”

“You first.” She snapped, quickly leaving the aisle.

Now out on the boat with Carlos and Bucky, the environment was as moody as she was. What had started as a drizzle became a morning storm, rocking the boat as they dragged the nets over the choppy waters. Carlos was driving the boat while Sarah and Bucky were making sure the nets didn’t tangle. When the winches were going they couldn’t really talk but now with a little calm even with the heavy rain, they found themselves catching each other’s gaze.

Bucky could feel the unhappiness radiating out of her and he wished he could banish the ill mood away. It was strange for him to care but something inside his mind tugged when he was with her.

She could tell he wanted to say something and dang it she wanted him to say something because the silence was irritating and unhelpful.

“Sarah, I’m sorry that I hurt you. I just wanted to know the truth.” He blurted out.

A genuine apology. When was the last time she got one? “Thank you and I’m sorry too. I shouldn’t pry.”

“It’s your right. You’re protecting your family.”

“So are you.” She countered.

The rain was coming down in sheets, so they were practically yelling it. Suddenly the boat rocked, and Bucky slipped back, frantically trying to grab something.

“Bucky!!” Sarah cried out as he fell over and instantly got caught in the netting. “Carlos stop!! Man overboard!” She tried to scream over the rain as she slid over to the winch to pull in the net.

The machine roared to life, dragging the large nets back up to the boat. Carlos finally heard the hubbub, turned, and frantically shut off the engine. Sarah ran to the edge, frightened out of her mind, and helped pull up the netting until she could reach Bucky.

He emerged from the waters hacking and coughing, but his metal arm clung firmly onto the fiber mesh as it was dragged out. Seeing Sarah’s arms outstretched he reached out to grasp her.

She pulled him over and the weight of him soaking wet sent them both to the floor. He lay almost on top of her coughing the brackish water out from his lungs before rolling onto his side. She rolled, knelt over him and checked him over for injuries. Carlos quickly came to their aid.

“Is he alright?”

“I got him.”

“We got lucky this time!” The old man huffed.

“Get back inside and get us home. We need to get him to a doctor!”

All catches were abandoned as they went quickly back to dry land.

The ambulance was there to greet them and even though Bucky was reluctant to be looked over Sarah was adamant that his lungs got checked out. By the time they got to the hospital Paul managed to bring Rebecca over who was desperately worried and once she had him in her sight, threw her arms tightly around her brother.

Bucky didn’t quite know what to think. He’d never been doted on, not since he was a child. During the ride to shore Sarah had brushed the hair from his face so nicely that he instantly wanted to lean against her. They also held hands during the ambulance ride and feeling her tremor, squeezed comfortingly; she squeezed back. Now his sister fussed, asking him if he was hurting, if he was hungry, if he needed the nurse. Despite the general unpleasantness of still feeling a bit waterlogged, he also felt nice.

He came home after completing a “job”, tired and coughing. Not wanting to bother anyone he slipped into his room, stripped down to his boxers and tried to self-medicate by downing some cough syrup straight from the bottle. He sat in the dark in his room, willing away the stuffy headache when his door softly creaked open.

His mother came in wrapped in a robe, carrying some soup. “Drink this, sweet boy.” She murmured softly.

“Mama, I’ll be fine.” He reassured her as he obediently took the soup and began drinking it, ignoring the spoon.

She leaned down and kissed the top of his head. “You’re sick. Let me take care of my boy.”

The soup was delicious, and his mother’s gentle touch was a balm to his exhausted soul. “Okay.”

The doctor decided to keep him overnight to make sure his lungs were clear. Sarah offered to stay to keep an eye on him, but Rebecca asserted her sororal rights.

“He’s my brother. I will take care of him first.”

Picking up some food and the boys from school, the Wilsons went home. Sarah urged her father to go back and rest, asked her sons to eat and clean up the kitchen while she got out of her clothes and relaxed. Once inside her room, she stripped, got in the shower, and burst into tears. It hit too close to home; way too close.

“Carlos! Carlos!!” She had cried as the rain drowned out her screams.

The winching machine whirred to life, pulling the nets back onto the boat. Georgie was badly tangled in the mess. He wasn’t moving.

She cut the fibers until his body was free and instantly started slapping him.

Wake up! I dare you! WAKE UP! WAKE UP!!

“Sarah! Sarah!!” Carlos pulled her off Georgie’s body. “He’s dead!”

Her tears mingled with the rain.


Bucky came out of the whole incident with minor injuries. In fact, he was ready to get to work the next day, but Paul wouldn’t hear of it.

“Ever taken a day off for yourself? Chill and spend some time with your sister.” He gently urged.

Rebecca urged him to relax as well, even went so far as to make him some borscht. It came out a bit watery but nothing some salt and sour cream couldn’t fix.

“Bucky?” she asked as they sat quietly watching a movie. “I want to go to church.”

“Hm? Like the local one?” he asked, surprised by her request.

“No, an Orthodox one.” She explained. “Christmas is coming, and I want to give thanks for your good health and for babushka…and for our new life and friends.”

When was the last time he stepped inside a church? Frankly, having known many gangsters who were devout killers and churchgoers he thought it was all hypocritical bullsh*t. “Okay I’ll look and see.”

“Also…I would like stories…”


“About our parents.” She shrugged shyly. “I want to know them. Surely you have stories?”

He knew she would ask eventually, and he didn’t want to lie to her, especially not about their family. “I do but our happy memories were short. Everything else is…not.”

Rebecca nodded. “I guessed as much. Before babushka got really sick she’d talk a little about mama and papa. She said that all the bad things that happened made you have to do bad things in return. Please don’t pretend with me, Bucky. I went into your room to get that money and I saw the guns. You did business, didn’t you?”

“Business, yeah.” He huffed gently.

“How did it happen? How long have you been doing this?”

Papa was barely responsive, and Mama was weeping hysterically over him. Babushka was praying aloud, demanding justice. Something in his chest turned to ice. He went to grab his father’s gun and sought out his targets.

“Since I was fourteen. It was to protect our family. Everything I did was to protect them from suffering.” He said gruffly. “When they passed away my thoughts were on you. I’m sorry, sestra, if you think I abandoned you. I was unclean.”

She threw her arms around him and held him tight. He hugged her back and kissed her brow. They spent the rest of the time talking about family and him. By the time he was done Rebecca was in tears but knew it all and didn’t regret it. He in turn felt relieved that his secrets were no longer his alone to bear.



So I'm leaving tonight for my Bday trip. I'll be back in one week. I'm kind of leaving it on a cliffhanger aren't I?

Chapter 9: Bucky's Tale


On a restless night, Bucky reveals his secret to Sarah.


WARNING: Mentions of Rape, Murder, Kidnapping, Violence, Suicide, and lots of the bad stuff in life.

Nothing is graphic or gory, but it's heavy themes.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Bucky suffered a nightmare, he didn’t have many, but after spilling his guts out to his sister the memories decided to seep into his dreams. Going to the kitchen he decided to indulge himself and pulled out a bottle of vodka he smuggled from the motherland. While taking a shot he glanced outside and noticed someone hanging out on the Wilson’s private dock. It was Sarah, staring out into the dark waters underneath the lone yellow light.

Sarah’s own demons tormented her. The feeling had always been there, but for the most part the anxiety and shame had been pushed aside. Bucky’s accident, however, brought it back in force and she couldn’t sleep. Hearing a shuffling of steps behind her she turned to see Bucky approaching with a bottle and two shot glasses. Silently he offered it, and she nodded in agreement. She was more of a wine and beer person, but after a few shots the burn of the vodka mellowed out and left her pleasantly warm.

She extended her glass for a refill. “You’re better I take it.”

“Yes, I think I need to buy better boots.” He chided himself as he poured her another one.

“Maybe, but the sea is a wild thing. She’ll always manage to catch you off guard.”

“That’s just life in general.” He amended before drinking some more vodka as well. “One moment you have a happy family life and then a stupid misstep occurs that f*cks it all up.”

“Isn’t that the damn truth.” She agreed wholeheartedly. “Was it your misstep?”

“No, well, sort of…” He sighed, taking a breath. “My father was a bookkeeper and accountant. He wanted more for our family, and he made a terrible mistake with someone’s money.”

“Oh…how much?”

“174,000 rubles, which doesn’t sound like a lot, but when it came to gang members like Arseny, well, they’d kill you over a kopek.”

“They beat your father up?”

Worse, much worse, he thought. Arseny came to his father’s office with three other guys. They’d heard that he was trying to move his family to America, but the process was slow, and they were faster. Having been visiting his father from school, he had James hide in the closet. Although he saw nothing, he heard everything. The threats, the scraping of chairs, the beating that seemed to take forever as fists hit flesh. Worse still lay for his father as the members thought since he had tried to flee like a little bitch that they’d treat him like one. The sound of his father’s screams scarred James for life. The last time he cried was when he saw what they did to his father’s half-naked body after they left.

Sarah’s gasped in horror. “Oh my God…”

They went to the hospital and her mother fell apart. The police came to take a report but upon learning it was Arseny and his goons they urged the family to keep their head down in case of reprisals. Babushka screamed over the injustice of it and that’s when it happened.

“I knew where Arseny was. Everyone knew where he was. I don’t know where my fear went that day, but all I remember was going in there and killing everyone.”

There were ten men at the house and maybe he had a gift for it or maybe it was dumb luck, but with only some mild hunting skills to guide him, James snuck up on most of them and shot them in the head. Taking their weapons, he killed more. Arseny put up a hell of a fight, managing to tackle him down and beat the hell out of him, but pure rage and vengeance fueled the fourteen-year-old and he wrenched the gun from Arseny’s greasy hand and shot him up so completely that his face was an unrecognizable bloody lump.

Sarah was sure if it wasn’t for the alcohol she wouldn’t be handling his confession half as well. She was similarly horrified and upset on his behalf. “What happened after?”

Bucky shrugged. “I went home and babushka treated my wounds. Since my father was in recovery and we still needed to live I quit school and started working, but the story went out that a kid took out Arseny’s gang and other gangs got curious.”

His mother was terrified that they’d kill him, so she got in contact with babushka’s half-brother, Uncle Vitaly in a small town outside of Moscow surrounded by the great black forests of Russia. Babushka hated her half-brother and with good reason; the slender man was mean. He showed Bucky how to hunt, how to stalk, how to skin their catch and to survive, but he did it all with cusses and shouts with the nights filled with simple, but large suppers and alcoholic rants. Upon learning what had happened Vitaly called his father “half a man!” and “lost of all honor”.

“You’re the man of that house now! You avenge the family, blood for blood. Make them fear you James! Make them not even want to say your name!”

They hit the bars a lot and got involved in some brawls. He had a knack for boxing and soon earned some money doing bare knuckle. His uncle pocketed most of it, but James didn’t argue since all he had to do was wait until he passed out to get some back.

Bucky lived with him for five years until the day came when he found a teenage girl in the house weeping because she’d been kidnapped by his uncle to be his new wife. That was when he beat his uncle until he was a drunken lump on the floor, grabbed some belongings, and guided the girl home.

When he came back home he got work as a security guard at a bank and helped his parents with their new, smaller accounting business. His father was much quieter, but he was pleased to see his son home. Money was tight but they managed to live quietly for a few years. Then some thugs tried to rob the bank. Only Bucky stopped them right in their tracks, beating them with such brutality that even the police winced at the injuries. The leader who contracted the robbery tried to have him killed, only to end up losing three men in the attempt. The fourth man, a professional, stalked Bucky and instead of killing him made him an offer.

“You have some skill. Perhaps you should be doing something else?”

Bucky thought about it and agreed. Thus he entered the world of assassins and hunters. He found he had a gift for it and because he was a free agent he could pick and choose the job. He decided not to tell his family, only explaining that the bank gave him a promotion.

A recession hit and the lean times got leaner, only Bucky’s earnings kept them afloat. He was hardly home, and he knew his family missed him even though his money became more vital for their living expenses. His father was never the same after the assault and believed that people looked down at him for being such a failure. When his mother announced she was pregnant, it made him determined to raise enough money to take them all out of the country and live a new life in the states, so he took some savings and hit the gambling tables. Big mistake.

“Had I been there, I could’ve saved him. Pulled him out of there.” Bucky muttered hoarsely.

His father owed money once more and it wasn’t a small amount. The casino owner Ilya was not a nice man and had connections to many government people. At first his father tried to do it in payments, but Ilya wasn’t a patient man. He came into his parent’s small business and offered to lower the debt if he allowed him to launder his money there. His father refused and Ilya gave him an ultimatum: pay his debt in total by Friday or his entire family would be subjected to the same abuse he suffered under Arseny. The very thought of going through that again destroyed him.

“What happened?” Sarah asked frightened.

“My mother called me in secret begging for help saying that he sold the business, he sold his ring, the furniture, the baby stuff. He’d lost his mind. I flew out as quickly as a could, but it was too late. He hung himself in his office.” Even though his father had paid, Ilya came demanding interest, threatening to carve his pregnant mother open. Blood for blood.

“I killed every single man that was loyal to Ilya.” He admitted. “I refused to leave a single stone unturned.” The street level criminals fled, but any who stayed to fight got killed off so coldly, so harshly that soon he developed a name. “I was the Winter Soldier. I killed police, politician, man or woman who even thought to threaten my family.”

He had been violent to the point of insanity when it came to his loved ones. All a person had to do was mention his family or say a family member's name and the person would end up in a chalk line. Criminal kings learned of him and offered much money to buy him, but he refused them all. He would take their money for hits; he would take their assignments if he wished it and he refused to be inked. His skin was unblemished showing his loyalty to no person, no god, no philosophy, he was a ghost.

“What happened to your mom?”

“Some relative of Ilya’s years later tried to get revenge. Rebecca was four when she survived the car crash but not our mother.” He drank some more vodka. “So I wiped his remaining family off the map.”

Sarah shivered at the bland way he admitted to the murders. “That’s why you put Rebecca in private school and avoided her.”

He nodded.

“I don’t know what to say.”

“You don’t have to say anything.” He glanced down. “Are you scared of me?”

“I honestly don’t know. Right now I’m numb.” She rubbed her forehead. “I have my own demons tonight.”

“You mean your husband?” he asked gently. “Carlos told me that my accident was very similar to what happened to him.”

Of course, Carlos would tell him. “Yeah definitely that.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be…it’s not like you planned to fall back.”

I’m the husband, you’re the wife, you do what I say!

f*ck you!

“He hit his head along the way, which likely disoriented him at least that’s what the coroner’s report said.”

She frowned. “The coroner’s report? How’d you see that?”

“George Casper’s file at the police station.”

This is the second time he mentioned the station. “How on earth did you get into the station to see that information?”

“I used the cop’s keys.”

“His keys? Cops don’t just lose their keys…” Her eyes suddenly widened as a wild thought entered her head. “…Did you…did you…kill Officer Kristoff?”

Bucky shrugged.

Sarah gasped. “Oh my God! Oh my God!”

“Really? Everything I’ve told you and that shocks you??”

“It’s a cop! You don’t just kill cops in America and get away with it!!”

“But I did.” He said, a touch smug.

Actually, he had a point. Everyone believed Kristoff drowned. The case was closed. Even his wife and child had recently moved to live with other relatives. God knows he needed killing, the asshole, harassing the public, stealing from businesses, stalking underage girls…It was all too much. Too much to process in one night and she was starting to wear out.

“How do you do that?”

“Do what?”

“Just….” She waved her hand over him. “…live with the knowledge you killed a man.”

Good question. “I’ve never given it any thought. It had to be done.”

She felt unsteady on her feet and her head was starting to ache with all his words. “Had to be done…just like that. I wish it were that easy.”

He frowned. “What?”

“God wouldn’t I give to be so…unbothered.” She began to back away. “I need to go to bed.”

The vodka had done its job and he grabbed her upper arms to steady her only for her to push him back.

“No, not like that…he used to grab me like that.”

“Okay, let me lead you back to the house.” He said soothingly, cupping her elbow and gently coaxed her back to her place. Going up the stairs with her, he opened the door hoping she can take care of herself the rest of the way.



“Can I get a hug?”

It was asked in the softest, saddest little voice. Slowly he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her in for a firm embrace. She melted against him, her head resting perfectly against his shoulder. Warmth spread over them and a feeling of peace that had long eluded them. Her skin looked so soft and he suddenly longed to press a kiss on it. She wanted to snuggle in and sleep, the temptation was strong, but she slowly pulled back.

“Nice.” She smiled sleepily.

He swallowed hard. “It was.”

Carefully she walked into the house, and he waited for a while listening for any crashes before picking up his vodka and making his way back home as body tingled with the warmth of another.


What the f*ck did she do???

Sarah woke up with a mild hangover and the realization that Bucky confessed to being a killer for hire to her last night. Worse, even more frightening was the fact that she didn’t remember half of what she said and what she did remember shocked her.

Did she really ask Bucky for a hug of all things??

But it was a nice hug wasn’t it? When was the last time she’d been hugged like that? Her body ached for another one. He was a solid wall of muscles and his hands settled on the small of her back in such a way that…

Oh! Enough!! She ought to be terrified, terrified at what he learned about her. Would he ask more questions? Would he be disgusted? Lord…would he kill her?

The boys were excited as the school days dwindled closer to Christmas break. Cass had gone through a growth spurt and wanted new shoes. AJ wanted a bike. Paul had gone early with Bucky to get the catch of the day. Rebecca came to walk with the guys to their stop. They quickly went to get their bags, leaving them momentarily to their lonesome.

“Miss Sarah, can I tell you something?” she asked her shyly.

Sarah noticed the teen had a quieter disposition today. “Sure, is everything alright?”

“Yes…it’s just…Bucky told me everything about our family and himself.”

Guess he was spilling his guts out to everyone that night.

“How do you feel about it?” She asked cautiously.

Rebecca felt like the secret door had finally been yanked open and her family’s tragedy made her weep. “I am so sad that this all happened, but I also feel relieved?”

“Relieved that you didn’t suffer like they did?”

“Yes and I feel guilty for feeling that way.” Her blue eyes widened. “You know?”

Sarah shifted awkwardly. “Your brother kind of…told me over some vodka last night. I didn’t really ask, and I didn’t mean to pry. I’m sure it was the alcohol.”

“No,” she disagreed, “my brother doesn’t get drunk. He is like a rock.”

“So…your brother just told me he used to kill people for a living just because??” Now she was terribly confused.

At her confusion, Rebecca smiled, “Because he trusts you, Miss Sarah. He told me so. He says that your family are good people and that you are a good woman. My brother trusts few so if he likes you, I like you.”

“Rebecca, c’mon!!” AJ announced as they came down. Each boy gave their mother a kiss before all of them took off for the bus.

Sarah sagged against the kitchen counter. Why was this bit of information both touching and upsetting to her? She’d done nothing to earn it. Hell she should be terrified of what this man had, has, will do. If anyone figured out about the cop’s death the trouble would never end, everything would come crashing down for the Barnes and to her family by association.


When the men got back to the docks, Bucky could see Rita and Sarah already preparing the stoves and ingredients for the incoming lunch crowd. All day he’d wondered if he’d done the right thing last night. He’d never spilled so much of himself out like that; not even Nat knew the whole truth.

“Bucky?” Sarah called out while he and Carlos were cleaning the boat. “Before lunch can I have a word with you?”

“Yes…” He didn’t know whether to call her madam or Sarah. It was all a jumble.

“Probably making sure you’re all better.” Carlos suggested. “Hey! Maybe a Christmas bonus. That would be nice.”

Never one to run from a tense moment, Bucky quickly finished his chores and went into the tiny office in the back of the restaurant. Sarah made sure the door was locked before beginning.

“I don’t know what to do with you. I…can’t process the things that I learned about you.” She began.

He stood there quietly, unable to respond.

“I am so sorry that your family went through so much pain, and I am glad that you are trying to build a new life which is why I think I’m so angry at you….”


In an instant she stood right before him, her eyes blazing. “How can you risk it?? Your sister needs you! Don’t you understand?? You’re her family, her only one. That girl loves you so much and you just killed-”

“-I did it to protect her. There was no other way.” He defended softly.

It had to be done, Sarah. He had to go. He was going to take everything!

“No other-” she wanted to smack him. “Promise me, Bucky. Promise me that you won’t do anything like that again! Think of your sister, your grandmother, your parents….” Tears spilled unexpectedly. “….the boys, Sam…daddy…”

I won’t do it again. God forgive me.

Shocked by her sudden breakdown he pulled her into his arms once more. A dozen theories swirled in his head. “Okay, I promise, I won’t do it again.” He murmured.

Sarah trembled as she tried to swallow the sobs, feeling like a raw nerve open to the unwelcoming cold, but then Bucky squeezed her, and she melted against him.

“You’ve been holding it in for too long.” He ventured. “You have to let it out.”

He was right. “But I’m scared.” She whispered.

“Don’t be scared, not of me. You know my secrets…you could ruin me with one call. You have the power.”

A soft knock on the door. “Hey Sarah, got to get it going honey!”

“Coming Rita!” She called out before slowly pulling away from Bucky’s wonderful arms. “At the trees, tonight.”

He nodded. “Tonight.”



I'm back from my trip. I had a great time, and the next time I travel I will feel more prepared for sure. Any way, the story can move on, so be ready for more drama!

Chapter 10: Sarah's Tale


Bucky revealed his demons, now it's Sarah's turn to do the same.


This one is...sad.

WARNING: Abuse, Emotional Manipulation, Endangerment, Murder, Guilt, and more stuff that the Tags have been warning you about.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“What do you two talk about out there?” Rebecca asked that night as she studied for her final exams.

Bucky had just finished washing the dishes and slumped down on the sofa waiting for the appropriate hour until he met Sarah. “You.”

“Me? Why?”

“Because who else can I talk to about you?” He replied. “I’m not mama or papa. I’m your brother, but I’m also the adult and I’ve never really done normal adult things.”

“We talk to each other a lot though.”

“Yes but sometimes I want to talk about things outside of us and Sarah is a local so she knows how things are run. Plus-”

“-A friend! You want a friend.” She grinned. “So cute brother.”

He glowered. “I’m not cute.”

“Not with that beard. Perhaps you should shave it for Christmas, hm? That way I can frame a photo of us with babushka.”

“I’ll think about it.” And he would. Later. Right now his mind was on solving a mystery that only Sarah can answer.


“Hey Mom, what should we get Rebecca and Mr. Bucky for Christmas?” AJ asked her before going to bed.

“Oh…good question. I’m not sure.” Sarah asked, her mind on the trees and tonight’s interlude.

“How about some perfume?” Cass offered. “Girls love that stuff.”

“Do you know what she likes?” Paul asked coming down the stairs.

“No. Should I ask? Wouldn’t that ruin the surprise?”

“Well if you want it to be a surprise maybe you ought to get her a gift card? She likes shopping.”

AJ wrinkled his nose. “I don’t see why. I hate trying on clothes.” He added. “Do you think they’ll give us presents?”

“The idea of Christmas is to give not receive.” Sarah reminded them. “Besides don’t Pops and I give you enough?”

Cass shrugged. “Well, yeah but a little more don’t hurt none.”

Paul chortled and Sarah rolled her eyes. “Remind me to send free food to the shelters again. All hands on deck for the serving, right?”

“Right.” The boys said.

“As for gifts, Rebecca will probably try to give you something nice. Mr. Bucky though….who knows what he’ll do.” The clock was ticking; her heart began to race.


Sarah walked towards their meeting place by the trees, an anxiety so strong that she trembled with it. Bucky watched her and tried to put her at ease.

“It’s okay.”

“I don’t know how to start.”

“How about I ask you something.” He said gently. “Can I ask a question?”

She nodded.

“I read the coroner’s report, he went through the same thing as myself. You moved so quickly to save me…but you didn’t do the same for your husband, did you?”

The silence was thick, even the animals seemed to quiet in order to hear her soft, hesitant, “no”.

“You left him there in the water, tangled in the nets.”

“Yes.” She said a little stronger.


How to explain the situation. How to explain how she became embroiled with Georgie Casper? She and Sam had grown up knowing Georgie and De’Andre Casper were trouble. They caused mayhem and terrorized the town, but if anyone tried to discipline them then had to tangle with the terrifying Roz Casper and no one wanted to do that. Felix Casper was a lawyer on top of that so they could easily take anyone to court. Roz and Darlene were both the pillars of the community and somehow became friends. Darlene and Paul had their happy life, with their beautiful children and successful business. Roz had a splendid house with a well to do husband, and two handsome boys. Her mother never realized that Roz had been envious and had begun a manipulation to take everything from her. Her sons hungry for everything, helped. Georgie suddenly pursued Sarah. He played the troubled youth card, convinced her that her love could save him. Being a young teenager, she fell for it and by the time they graduated high school and started college, he got her pregnant. Roz came to the Wilson house with crocodile tears, upset with her son’s behavior and together the mothers decided that their children should get married. Paul and Sam were completely against it, but Sarah had rose-colored glasses and only thought of her happiness with Georgie.

Once she married and moved into the Casper house, things changed. Roz turned her vicious tongue on her and tried to take baby Cassius from her care at every opportunity. De’Andre insulted her features, calling her the hairless gorilla while simultaneously coming onto her when Georgie wasn’t around. Felix turned out to be a weak man who could only comfort her with kind words but little else. Georgie allowed it all, telling her to grow a spine and assert her dominance, but every time she did they just got meaner.

“Why didn’t you go back home?” Bucky asked.

“I tried but it’s like they knew my mind. One of them was always close by and asked where I was going or who I was calling. It was a cage.”

Georgie even went so far as to ask to work on the boat and Paul cluelessly agreed. Now she couldn’t even get peace there. Darlene started to notice her daughter’s poor spirits and then learned that she wasn’t taking any courses in business like it was agreed upon. Where was the class money going? Right into Roz’s pockets. The ladies met and a whole bickering match broke out. Felix paid back the stolen money and Roz in retaliation kept Cass away from his mother for two weeks. Georgie blamed her for not keeping the problem within the family and allowed it. By the time she had her baby back in her arms she was ready to leave, but De’Andre leaned on the door casually holding a hammer asking her where the f*ck she thought she was going.

“What happened to your parents?”

“Things got worse. Sam died in combat, and it almost killed all of us to lose him.” She wept. “I was so sure he was going come save me.” Scrubbing the tears from her face she continued. “Then mom had a heart attack and I just had AJ. She saw Roz and her family for what they were and begged me to leave Georgie, but now I had two babies, I was being watched like a hawk and my daddy needed so much help keeping the whole place afloat.”

“Then he got arrested.” He recalled. “Paul told me that he’d been set up. He’d never done any kind of drugs and that someone put the cocaine on his boat.”

“It was De’Andre, I know it. He deals with the seedy types and is more willing to commit harsher crimes for fast cash. He put it there and probably tipped off the cops.” She sniffled. “The lawyer I hired was able to prove that daddy hadn’t even touched the stuff.”

“They put him in jail on purpose.”

“I heard them talking about how Georgie was going to make Daddy sign over the property and then they can get the restaurant, the boat and the house. If he didn’t they’d make me suffer more.”

“Did he ever hit you? Force himself on you?” he asked hesitantly.

She shook her head. “The verbal abuse was enough. All they had to do was threatened to hide my babies from me to make me comply.” A huge knot of tears escaped her as she blurted out. “He made me...”

Her tears were unbearable. He reached out and she took his hands, clasping them against hers. “Sarah you don’t have to continue, I understand now.”

“Do you? Because it’s not the worst, the worst was when….”

She was pregnant for the third time and this time it was a girl. Despite being tired, she was excited, but Georgie got very quiet. He had said nothing and continued to say nothing about the baby until he told her they were going to see a specialist. She didn’t know what kind of specialist until she saw the building. He didn’t want a girl, he refused to raise a girl. She had begged, pleaded, she’d even threatened but he calmly told her to go into the clinic or she’d be forced out into the street and the boys would disappear from her sight forever.

Tears unexpectedly filled Bucky’s eyes as the horror of what she’d been forced to do hit him. Sarah’s own eyes were blank and hollow as the trauma filled her brain. She had cried signing the papers, she’d cried when they finished. Her husband made her a murderer of her precious baby girl. She sagged against his chest, and he cradled her.

“I’m so sorry.” He breathed.

He told everyone she’d miscarried, and everyone gave her a wide berth, even Roz. Georgie played the proper husband, letting her sleep for days, bringing her food and treating her with care. She had laid in her bed holding her stomach, feeling empty of all hope. Her baby girl was gone and the hatred that grew that day fueled her.

“Sometimes I sit back, and I wonder how I could hate someone that much. How it blinded me to my own consciousness because sometimes I can’t believe that I did it. How I stood on that boat and decided…”

“Why are you still moping? I promised you we’ll try again and it’ll be boy this time, alright?” Georgie said, grabbing her chin so she would look at him.

Sarah slapped his hand away, tears mingling with the rain. “It’ll be a cold day in hell before I let you touch me ever again! I’ll never forgive you. I hate you.”

“I’m going to pretend that was just the hormones talking because if you’re being honest then everyone in this town is going to learn how crazy Sarah Casper has become. How the losses have turned her looney tunes and how her poor husband had to have her committed in the hopes of straightening her out. He’s still keeping an eye out on the business though and granny’s making sure the boys grow up to be just like their daddy. So unless you want that to happen you put up and shut up. I’m the husband, you’re the wife, you do what I say!”

“f*ck you!”

She shoved him with all the force her anger gave her, and he fell back on the slippery deck, hitting his head on the hard edge before falling into the brownish waters. Looking over to Carlos, his back was firmly to them inside the cabin driving the boat, the rain and the engines having dulled out their argument. Running to the edge she watched as Georgie got tangled in the nets, the trawlers kept them down as they scrapped the bottom for shrimp. A part of her wanted to immediately stop the boat and pull it up, but she remained rooted and watched, waited until finally she screamed for help. She had learned well from Roz and put on quite a show of being grief stricken.

“At the funeral I finally had my window of opportunity. While Roz was wailing like an idiot I grabbed my boys, took their belongings and I moved us here.” She nodded towards the house. “She came knocking, demanding I come home but I called the cops and had her removed from the premises.”

“What about her husband and other son?”

Sarah took a breath, trying to regain her thoughts. “Felix came but only to give me money and an apology. De’Andre…I got very lucky. He was threatening to set the house on fire, but then, thank God, he got arrested.”

“Sexual assault of a minor.”

She blinked at him, then sighed. “The police station?”

He nodded.

“Well then you know he was seeing Marisol on the sly and knocked her up. She was a sophom*ore and didn’t think there was anything wrong with dating a 20-something year old. Her mom reported him and before he could do his thing he was sent to prison. Now Roz didn’t have any way of making me obey her.”

“Good, I’m glad. I’m glad you got away from all that.” Bucky said.

“It’s not over.” She sighed, pressing her lips against his damp shirt. “It’s an ongoing battle with her. I know she’s looking for any and all reasons to take the boys from me and I know she’s counting the days until De’Andre’s parole. If they ever suspect or if they ever find out the truth…they’ll take it all.”

They stayed silent for a while against the trees. Bucky, who’d never really soothed anyone, just wanted to hold her like this and chase her demons away. They were terrible demons, but he could be frightening too.

“Sarah, you don’t deserve to feel guilty.”

She looked up at him. “Don’t I? I have the blood of two people in my hands.”

“No, your daughter’s death was his fault, not yours and his death wasn’t murder, it was justice.” he said confidently.

“Justice is with courts, laws…”

“That’s civil justice and it only works for a lucky few. You and I know this.” He sighed bitterly. “You did what needed to be done and you may have lost your daughter, but you saved yourself, your sons, your father.”

“So why won’t this feeling leave me? Why won’t it let go?” She pleaded. “How do I shut it off? Show me, Bucky.”

“I can’t. I don’t know how. I’ve been so cold for so long.” He admitted. “But you’re warm and generous and it goes against your nature, I think.”

“So what do I do?”

“Paul used to coax other inmates to talk their pain out. Said the pain is like a genie inside a bottle, rattling around making our insides hurt and by talking we release it lessening the damage. Does that make sense?”

Her daddy used to lead bible studies and group counselling, so it made perfect sense to her and the longer she lingered talking with Bucky, she realized that the knot of anxiety had fallen away. “I get it.”

“Maybe you should really tell him about this.” He offered. “He’s good at this emotional stuff. I just cause problems and crack open the crabs for Rita.”

Sarah huffed softly. “A man who knows his limits.”

“Will you?” He smiled faintly.

She nodded slowly. “Yeah, yeah I think I will. Thank you…for being a friend.”

A touch of pride filled the dark blue of his eyes and she could see it even in the darkness. “Welcome.”

With some mysterious reluctance they drew apart and wandered back to their homes. Bucky lay down that night melancholy, yet relieved at having done something right for once and dreamt of removing the sadness from her brown eyes. Sarah went to sleep her guilty thoughts chased away by Bucky’s words and soothed by the memory of his arms.


It's short but impactful. I'll try to add some happier stuff next chapter.

Chapter 11: Christmas Kindness


All the terrible secrets have been set aside as Bucky and Sarah intend to enjoy the holidays with their loved ones.


No warning, enjoy!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Christmas in America was much different from Russia. No snow and mild to cool temperatures for one. Then of course all the activities that suddenly had to be done. There were choir shows, Christmas festivals, light shows, houses decorated to the extreme. Foods and treats at every event and shopping, shopping, shopping.

“Can’t we just order from Amazon?” Bucky complained as he pushed his babushka’s wheelchair into the popular makeup store with the stripes.

“No! I want to get Ashley some high-quality makeup she can wear to her Quince. It’s coming up in February!”

“I am well aware.” It’s all she talked about since it was all her friend was talking about.

While Rebecca was busy with a sales associate and swatching colors, Bucky got a tap on his shoulder.

“Excuse us, sir, could you help us?”

“I don’t work here.” He turned and was pleasantly surprised to see Rita and Sarah. “Oh, hi.”

Rita and Sarah were momentarily stunned. “Excuse me, who are you?” Rita announced, resting a fluttering hand to her large chest. “I think I know you, but what is that?? When did that happen??” She gasped, pointing at his chin. They had seen the siblings and she had thought to tease him, but he turned the tables on them.

Bucky realized it was the first time the ladies had seen him shaved. “Uh, yeah. Rebecca wanted photos for Christmas.”

Sarah’s throat was dry and something in her stomach flopped over. He was in a dark blue shirt with two buttons undone, a leather jacket, his long hair squeaky clean, his jawline flawless and his eyes almost laser blue. He was beautiful. It was a miracle that he didn’t have people hanging around his ankles begging to lick him like a lollipop.

“Well that is sweet, isn’t that sweet, Sarah?” Rita elbowed her since she hadn’t said anything. “Sarah??”

“Yes, yes! Very sweet.” She blurted out and tugged on her shirt. “Is it warm in here??”

“Hi! Good to see you both!” Rebecca interrupted. “Look! We match! We took family pictures. We got babushka a new shawl and dress.”

The old woman had seen Sarah many times, but she took her hand and studied it as if looking at her for the first. “She’s a hard-working woman. Good family. A little dark but is okay. Pale skinny girls become spoiled Bolshevik c*nts.

The siblings winced, then smiled. “Grandmother says hi.”

“Sounded like more than hi to me.” Rita said with an inquisitive quirk of her brow.

“She said you have the hands of a woman who isn’t afraid to work.” Bucky amended as he took her hand from his grandmother’s grasp. “It’s a good quality.”

Sarah smiled, not in a hurry to get it free from his gentle hold. “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

Rebecca and Rita’s eyes moved like ping pong balls between them as they talked quietly about nothing in particular. Both ladies soon exchanged sly, excited smiles as they appeared to have reached the same conclusion.

“So! Are you joining us for the Christmas service down at the church?” Rita asked.

Bucky remembered his manners and cleared his throat awkwardly. “Actually, Rebecca requested we go to an Orthodox Christmas Mass. She misses some of the old traditions. Plus, we think our grandmother would enjoy it.”

“Oh that’s really thoughtful of you. You’re such a good man, Bucky.”

Sarah agreed. “He is or at the very least he tries to be.”

“Well I’ve been around good people.” He replied. “I’ve been lucky.”

Since their conversation things have gotten more comfortable between them. Getting the truth out had indeed helped her a lot. It gave her the strength to tell her father about the abortion. He’d been heartbroken and wept with her, but he, like Bucky predicted, counselled her. Still she did not tell him about what happened to Georgie, it was just too risky. Bucky was the only one who knew all the truth and so far he’d kept the secret to himself. For that she was incredibly grateful.

“Well, we’ll leave you to your family outing.” Sarah said, stepping back.

“See you later!” Rebecca grinned, wanting to get more shopping done.

Bucky sighed helplessly and obediently wheeled their grandmother after her.

Rita managed to contain herself once they were out of earshot. “What was that??”

“What was what?” Sarah asked, genuinely confused.

“That! That hand holding.” She grinned. “The way you looked at each other!”

“Oh stop it. Can’t I look at my friend?”

“You were not looking at him like a friend! Not that I blame you. Oooh he was delicious. He’d been hiding that face under that beard of his.”

He has and good Lord he was pretty. The Viking was gone, and a beautiful man stood in his place. A warmth spread within her, and she was almost embarrassed at the realization of her own arousal.

“I guess it’s been a while, hasn’t it?” She almost admitted to herself.

“Eight years.” Rita counted. “High time you had yourself some fun.”

Could she? With Bucky? But his friendship was valuable to her now.

“I don’t know. I hate the idea of disrupting the boys’ lives, especially as they’re about to become teenagers. They might get defensive.”

Or they might be happy to see their mom thriving, ever thought of that?”

No, she hadn’t given that much thought. She’d been too busy surviving, but now…maybe?


St. Basil Orthodox Church was nearly an hour’s drive, but Rebecca and Babushka seemed to be really appreciative to be there. The inside was filled with familiar icons of saints and the people within were welcoming. There were a few people who even spoke Russian and their grandmother was so pleased to have conversations with someone understood her. Rebecca saw they had programs that young people like her could join and begged her brother’s permission, which he acquiesced even if it meant driving far. They happily went through the church rituals, but Bucky quietly avoided participating. He brought them and he was pleased that they were pleased, but nothing more.

“So you’re an atheist?” Sarah asked that night as they met by the trees.

Bucky shrugged. “I think so…I went through the baptism and communion rituals as a child but after everything happened I lost all faith. Then when I killed a priest…”

“You killed a priest??”

“He was laundering money and taking more than his normal cut.”

“Did you kill him in the church?”

“No, I drove him off the side of the road. He tried to run clutching the suitcase full of money.”

“Oh.” She frowned thoughtfully. “Guess the church really failed you.”

“You participate in church activities, so I suppose your relationship with the church is…fine?” He asked.

Sarah wrinkled her nose a bit. “It’s a habit. When I was little I enjoyed going to church, getting involved in all the activities but afterwards…it feels hollow. I mean the people there are generally good people, but I feel like a liar, like I don’t belong anymore.”

“The guilt?”

“Mm-hm.” She sighed. “Daddy told me that the abortion wasn’t my fault. I had a gun to my head, but there’s always a choice you know?”

“Yes but your choices weren’t great given the circ*mstances.” He argued. “Say you refused and he threw you out; you could’ve gone home, but with Kristoff willing to look the other way, you wouldn’t have gotten the boys back easily. He could’ve held the restaurant hostage as well. He had the keys, right? He would’ve sabotaged all avenues of retrieving funds. There were also worse scenarios.”


“He could’ve killed you. Think about it. He could’ve been so against you having a girl that he could push you down the stairs, maybe off the boat. He didn’t really need you to inherit the property because he had the boys.” Taking in her shocked expression he continued. “Sarah, whether you like it or not, what you did was probably the easiest solution to your problem and I for one am glad that f*cker is dead. If he wasn’t I would’ve killed him myself.”

“Would you?” Sarah asked, surprised by his calm declaration. “Why?”

He stared at her for a moment, a weighty pause as a flicker of emotion could be seen in his blue eyes. He started to say something, stopped, then tried again. “Because you’re my friend and he needed killing.”

Something told her that wasn’t what he wanted to originally say, but that’s okay for now. Maybe later.


Christmas Eve and so much had to be done. Carlos and Rita invited them over to their place and the house was packed. Carlos’s relatives offered a variety of Puerto Rican dishes to mix with Rita’s relatives’ offerings of Southern comfort. Rebecca had stressed herself making Russian spice cookies for the first time and was relieved when people happily ate them. She, Cass and AJ seemingly found themselves being the ringleaders to half a dozen little ones who ran around, causing amok. Bucky and Babushka sat outside with them as they observed the screeching, laughing, and crying. Seeing his sister enjoy herself and doing something normal brought a smile to his face. Grandma noticed.

It is good to be among family.” She murmured in Russian.

He was surprised and nodded. “It is. Seeing her happy is nice.”

“You are beginning to be happy too.” The old lady observed. “So long it’s been since I’ve seen you smile.”

“Life has been hard, babushka.”

“Yes, and you have sacrificed so much, but you are still young-”

“I’m almost forty babushka-”

“-Bah! Still healthy, still young.” She grasped his wrist in a familiar manner. “Find love and get married.”

“I tried babushka. It didn’t take.” He admitted reluctantly.

“Try again.”

It’d take a crowbar to open his chest and see if his heart still could feel emotions. Getting up he went to refill her plate with more cookies. He noticed Sarah picking up dirty plates and offered assistance. Dutifully he followed her into the kitchen where Rita and her relatives clucked away like happy chickens.

“Oop! Under the mistletoe you two!!” A lady grinned and everyone giggled.

Sarah and Bucky shared a look. “Not happening. Besides he’s being helpful.”

“Well that just makes him more appealing, doesn’t it? Blue eyes, dark hair, AND helps clean.” Rita teased.

“Only right, Miss Rita.” Bucky said softly. “Thank you for inviting my family.”

“He’s polite too.” A relative approved.

“I tell you he’s a catch.” Rita agreed. “Shoulda seen this girl at the restaurant. Took one look at him and almost ran into a pole! Ha!”

Bucky felt his ears grow warm.

“Alright, alright, quit teasing him.” Sarah interrupted, saving the day. “He isn’t built for flattery.”

“So what is he built for??” A much older lady asked.

Oh Lord. “Bucky run for it. These ladies are out for blood.” She nudged him.

“Thank you.” He said, offered a polite nod to the ladies and then without thinking gave Sarah a kiss on her forehead. They stared at each other, stunned. Abruptly he left, marching back to his seat beside his grandmother and sat down, his mind completely muddled.

What the f*ck??

That’s what Sarah was thinking too as she scrambled to pretend like it didn’t matter when it mattered a whole lot!

The Barnes had left shortly after the incident so she couldn’t corner him and demand an explanation. Not that she wanted to in front of Rita and the others who were downright gleeful for her, but no, hell no! This was not the time, nor the place nor the man! At least that’s what her mind was saying to distract her from the fact that her forehead tingled, and she kept touching the skin that got kissed. Her stomach squirmed and as she laid in bed later that night she kicked her legs in frustration like a cranky child.

Christmas Day brought further confusion. Everyone was unwrapping presents: Cass loving his new sneakers, AJ got his bike, Paul received some new fishing gear, then she opened the gift Bucky gave her and was surprised by the refrigerated packaging that surrounded a small tin that resembled shoe polish but was actually…

You have got to be kidding me!!!

Managing to steal a moment, she stomped over to the small house and knocked briskly. A small commotion and Rebecca greeted her with a brilliant smile. “Merry Christmas Miss Sarah!!”

“Merry Christmas to you too, honey. Interesting blanket.”

The little house was well decorated for the holidays with a petite tree covered in shiny baubles. Wrapping paper was strewn around while a Christmas movie played in the background.

The teen grinned and twirled around in a blanket that looked like a giant tortilla. “Ashley gave it to me. I’m a Russian burrito!”

Sarah chuckled. “I’m sorry to interrupt your Christmas but I was hoping to speak with your brother?”

“Oh Bucky is helping babushka use the bathroom. We just opened presents!” She let her in. “Thank you so much for the cookbooks! Cajun cooking!”

“You live in Louisiana; you need to learn how to cook like a proper southern girl.” Sarah smiled. “Way to a man’s heart is his stomach according to my mother.”

Rebecca’s blue eyes gleamed and she leaned in close. “Actually, Miss Sarah, at the church…I spoke to a boy.”

Oh dear, Cass is going to flip when he finds out. “Really? He got a name?”

“Michael…we met in the dance class after service.” They heard a flush and the sink going. “Don’t tell my brother, please? I’ve only just spoken to him!”

She only nodded because she wanted to get to Bucky faster. He emerged carrying his grandmother, who looked like a doll in his arms. “Hey, is everything alright?” He asked before carefully sitting the old lady on the sofa and covering her knees with a blanket.

“Fine, fine…um, I have a small question, can we speak…?” She gestured towards the outside.

f*ck it had to do with that kiss. He was screwed. Leaving the ladies to watch a movie, he obediently went to meet Sarah by the trees.

“Bucky Barnes what were you thinking??” She whispered harshly.

He shoved his hands in his pockets and winced. “I’m sorry, I was thankful for your help, and it just happened. I swear I would never force anything on you.”

“No, not that! Although, yes, sort of, that. I’ve seen you kiss your sister on her forehead, do you see me as a sister?”

“No!” That came out too fiercely and he let out a softer “no”. “I can’t explain it…”

“Speaking of explaining, caviar?? You give me caviar for Christmas??”

“You said you’ve never tried it so I thought it would be something you’d like to experience.” He explained.

“How much did it cost, Bucky??”

He frowned. “Isn’t that rude to ask? So you don’t like it?”

He had a point. “No, that’s not it. I’m just a little shocked. That stuff is expensive, and I can’t believe that you remembered that little comment and decided to buy me some caviar.”

She wasn’t upset, he realized, just surprised and a bit overwhelmed. “You deserve nice gifts, Sarah. I don’t care what bullsh*t he convinced you to believe, but you should enjoy getting nice, expensive things.”

One Christmas Georgie had gifted his mother a diamond tennis bracelet and for Sarah a t-shirt that said Georgie’s Woman written on it. She hated it, it felt like a brand, and she never wore it. “I feel bad about the socks I gave you.” She murmured.

Bucky shrugged. “Socks are useful.”

“Listen, about the kiss,” she touched her forehead lightly, “we have to stay professional; you know? Especially around Rita, because right now she’s placing bets.”

“You’re probably right. I promise to be respectful.”

“You’ve been respectful, and I appreciate it. It’s just that it’s been a while and I really need a friend. You’re the only one who understands, and you have no idea how much I treasure that.”

He saw the sincerity and was touched by her genuine affection. “I understand and I’m honored, really. I’ve never had a friend.”

“All those years?”

He shook his head. “Just because I did the job didn’t mean I wanted anything to do with them. After all, who knew which one would become my next target.”

It was both sad to realize that he’d isolated himself for the sake of the job, but a relief knowing that by considering her a friend that she and her family were fine.

She decided to share the caviar with her family, so everyone got a taste. Cass didn’t think too much of it, neither did Paul. AJ thought they tasted like little salty boba balls and liked them on crackers. She ended up rather liking it too and decided to thank Bucky for giving her a new experience.

A few days later she noticed some old socks tossed in the trash and she tried not to be too pleased with the notion that Bucky was using the new ones.



Cranking up the flirtation a bit, ain't I? 😍

Chapter 12: Just One Touch


Sarah yearns for love and affection. Rita encourages her to find it and it might not be too far away.


Pure froth and fun. Enjoy it.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Delacroix was small so the restaurant often saw a lot of regulars. Including Ms. Asher, freshly divorced and now making eyes at Bucky. Having decided to lose the scraggly Viking beard, he still sported a five o’clock shadow, but that only made him handsome in a rough kind of way. She had gone out of her way to talk to him while he had lunch with Carlos and had coyly slipped him her number.

“Looks like Ms. Asher is ready to get her freak on.” Rita murmured to Sarah.

“Or she’s looking to settle a score.” Sarah retorted. “I heard her exe’s already dating.”

“Oh, he deserves to be more than someone’s plaything.”

“Exactly, he deserves someone with a little more substance, but maybe we shouldn’t be sticking our noses into his business.”

“Really, so why do you keep making that face every time someone hits on him.”

Sarah straightened. “What are you talking about? I’m not making a face.”

“Every time some girl gets all stupid around him you twitch,” Rita quirks her face in imitation. “If you want him for yourself just make the move already.”

“I’m not making a face because I want him for myself. I’m just judging as a friend, you know? These girls just want a good time and he’s got a family to look after, he ain’t got time to waste on them.”

“Sounds like you’re projecting.”


“Yeah, he might be getting some. When was the last time you got some?”

Almost a decade, Sarah realized. Initially she didn’t even think about it, she had been too busy trying to survive, her mind fixed on making sure her father came out of prison in one piece, that her sons weren’t taken, that the business didn’t falter, that the boat didn’t sink, that no one discovered her secret but now, lately, desire had been creeping into her thoughts. An accidental brush against a silk blouse against her naked back caused her to shudder and the rough caress of the loofah over her nipples got her pulse racing. She touched herself finally and had to bite down hard to keep the groan from waking anyone up. It hadn’t been enough, she wanted to feel more, longer, she wanted flesh on flesh, she wanted rough hands, deep kisses…and blue eyes. It was suddenly very warm again.

“I don’t want to think about it. I’m trying not to think about it, but Rita, something is happening and now I am a ball of confusion…”

“Oh girl,” Rita clicked her tongue, grabbed her friend, and dragged her into the kitchen interior away from prying ears. “Sarah, honey have you forgotten that you’re a woman? That you got needs?”

Sarah slumped against a counter. “Rita after all the sh*t I’ve been through I honestly thought I’d never want to get physical again.”

Rita cursed. “I swear I’d cut that man’s dick off and shove it up his own ass.”

“He never forced himself on me.” she admitted. “If anything, he was very hands off, he starved me of affection so when he decided to have sex I would be more receptive. It’s a miracle we had two sons. Before we got married he gave me hugs, kisses, cuddles all the time and now I’m beginning to realize how much I f*cking miss being loved on.”

“Then go get some love, girl! Who’s stopping you??”

“Me, I’m stopping me. I feel tired, plain, chewed up.”

Rita took her friend’s hands and held them tight. “You may be tired, but you’re not plain and you’re certainly not chewed up!” She declared. “You got some stupid idea planted in that fool head of yours. Well, I’m about to give you a new mantra. Repeat after me!”


“I, Sarah Wilson…”

She knew she had no choice but to repeat. “I, Sarah Wilson….”

“….am healthy, red blooded, living, breathing woman….”

“…am a healthy, red blooded, living, breathing woman….”

“…whose got wants and needs just like any other woman and deserve satisfaction….”

Yes, she did, she longed for it. “….whose got wants and needs just like any other woman and deserve some f*cking satisfaction…”

“….Yes girl…and I plan to find that satisfaction and thoroughly enjoy it because the cl*t won’t quit and I’m not ashamed to admit it.” Rita finished with a flourish that would make a pastor proud.

Sarah chuckled. “….and I plan to find that satisfaction and thoroughly enjoy it because the cl*t won’t quit and I’m not ashamed to admit it. Give me love, Lord.”



January arrived and it appeared that Sarah wasn’t the only one looking for affection as she found out when Bucky made a surprise visit to the Wilson house after dinner.

“Hey, a little early before our nightly tree visit, isn’t it?” She greeted.

He rubbed his hands nervously and offered a tight smile. “I really need your help right now. It’s kind of urgent.”

“Oh, is everything okay? Should I get my daddy in here?”

“No, no it’s just…I need a woman.”

She gave him a look. “For….?”

“Rebecca just a few minutes ago told me that she learned from her classmates that four inches is enough to satisfy a woman and asked me if that was true.”

It was hard to bite back the smile that suddenly wanted to spread over her face. “Did you just run out of your house because your little sister asked you a sex question??”

Bucky’s gaze flickered around as his mind went through some mental hoops. “Yes.”

Sarah burst into laughter. The audacity of it all was too much.

“Sarah, please help me. I don’t know what to tell her.”

“Okay, okay…” she replied, wiping the tears, “…I’ll go talk to her. Stay here and wash my dishes.”

So that was how Paul found his friend cleaning the kitchen and had a good chuckle when he explained what was going on.

“It isn’t easy watching your little girl grow into a woman.” The old man laughed. “Luckily Darlene took care of that stuff. I’ll probably do the same for the boys when they start asking questions.”

“It’s that boy in the church dance class she’s been partnered with.” Bucky grumbled as he wiped down the counter. “He’s far too nice and she’s falling for it.”

“Well just let me know when I need to bring the shovel.” Paul grinned.

“Don’t tempt me.”

They hung around outside until Sarah emerged from the small house with an amused expression. They had been drinking a beer and offered one to her who gladly took it.

“You owe me.” She greeted. “She had a lot of questions.”

“Ask anything of me and I’ll get it for you. Just thank you for doing this.” Bucky replied gladly.

“Help me prepare the shipment of lobsters we’re getting for Valentine’s Day.”

“You got it.”

“Good,” said Paul, “that’ll save all of us some time. Carlos and I aren’t getting any younger. Speaking of which, I think it’s high time Cass got to work.”

“Oh? Spring break?” Sarah asked.

“Nah, this summer. He’s growing and getting stronger. Got to learn the family business.” He got up with a groan. “I’m heading in. G’night.”

Once he left the pair were left to their lonesome. “What she ask?”

“A lot of questions about how it all works. She was a little upset that you ran out like that, but I assured her that men were prone to many acts of stupidity when it comes to the topic of sex.”

“I’ll apologize to her, but I am glad I asked you instead of trying to explain it myself.”

Sarah thought of his father and what happened to him. “Did your dad ever give you the talk?”

“No, my Uncle Vitaly wanted to introduce me to sex and contracted the town prostitute to initiate me.” He made a face. “Ugliest, smelliest woman I’ve ever met.”

“Ew, Bucky, really?”

“I refused and he made fun of me until I knocked a tooth out of him. The mob people offered me all kinds of girls, but I didn’t trust the legality of them nor their willingness…It was much, much later before I had intimacy with anyone.”

“Who was she…or he?”

Bucky smiled faintly. “Natasha. I was around 24 when I met her. She was an assassin and a thief. We met on an assignment, and it happened so easily.”

“Was she gorgeous?”


“Was it good?”

“Hell yes, I’m glad I waited.” He replied with a grin. Nat gave him a taste of happiness, had given him hope that there was more to life. She wanted to escape to somewhere else where they could live in peace and he wanted that too.

“Where is she now?” Sarah asked.

He shrugged, his smile turning bittersweet. “Somewhere else, with someone else.”

They had started to save money, wanting just enough to put them out of reach of the gangs, mobsters and authorities who might try to seek them. He wanted to save more than her since he refused to leave his mother, baby sister and grandmother behind. Initially, Nat understood but a few years dragged, and she started to get impatient. Then the car accident happened, Rebecca was barely four, then babushka needed constant care. One day Bucky came home to their shared apartment and found all of Nat’s stuff was gone. She left a note telling him not to look for her and wished him luck. He found her eventually living a quiet life in a suburb neighborhood with some blonde guy. She realized she’d been found out and begged him not to kill her. Realizing that she’d been afraid of reprisal and didn’t completely trust him hurt more than her abandonment.

“That’s too bad.” She said, meaning it. “So are you going to give Ms. Asher a call?”

“Probably not.”


“I don’t know. I guess she doesn’t do it for me.”

“Oh, I get it. Yeah, I’ve been considering putting myself out there but…I have no idea what I’m looking for.” She sipped some more beer. “Georgie set the bar so low that I can’t even remember what high quality looks like.”

Bucky mused for a moment. “He’s got to listen to you, respect what you’ve been through, I think.”

“Yeah, that’s a good place to start.” She agreed. “He’s got to understand I’m a busy woman, I got two boys and they ain’t going anywhere…”

“Of course…”

“…so when we do get together we have to make it count.” She drained her bottle. “I want him to be affectionate. I want all the soft romantic things.”

The way her eyes got starry made Bucky’s chest ache. “You’ll get those, I’m sure of it. You deserve it more than anyone I know.”

“Even with all the sh*t I’ve done?”

“Sarah if you don’t get love, then what are my chances? I’ve got so much red in my ledger.”

“Bucky love is already coming for you.” She reassured him. “You got ladies giving you all the looks.”

“What look?”

“You know, the look a woman gives to a guy when she wants him to come over and have a good time.”

“Yeah that sounds like fun, but I’d rather be with someone who looks at me the way you do.”

Her heart stopped. “The way I do?”

“You look at me with trust.” He continued. “I thought Nat trusted me, but she didn’t. You know the truth; the honest truth and you still trust me. You don’t hide your family from me, you trust me on the job, and you helped me with Rebecca. That look in your eyes is better than a come on.”

“I don’t know what to say.”

“You don’t have to say anything.” He replied looking a touch wistful. A soft sound of thunder overhead, promising rain. “Well, the kitchen is clean. I hope I put everything away where it was supposed to be.”

“It’ll probably be fine.” She replied. “Um, don’t give Rebecca too much of a hard time, okay? Just be there for her.”

He agreed, then draining his beer, he handed it back to her. Their fingers brushed once more, and the warmth spread between them. They stared, willing the other to withdraw, but neither did. Bucky decided to move, but not away and now he was in her space. Sarah didn’t draw back, her breath caught as she tilted her head slightly in his direction. His head dipped, then paused, hesitant, but she quivered for contact and kissed him first.

It was like an explosion from within, a pressure cooker of longing finally set loose. They forgot where they were as the kiss went on. Sarah sought more, her tongue tip darting out against his lips before he parted them, and their mouths slanted together in perfect, sensual bliss. The arousal tugged on him hard, and he longed to pull her into his arms, but instead held her hands, waiting for her lead.

More, her body wailed and the desire to wrap him completely in her arms was almost crippling. He kissed good too, so much so that it almost hurt to draw away, but fat drops of rain began to fall, distracting from the heat between them.

Bucky’s body almost trembled, fighting back the need to pull her back for more. “Is that the only time?” He murmured to her.

Sarah’s own body cried out at the loss, but she didn’t know what to say, lost in his dark blue eyes. “I don’t know.”

The rain now started coming in earnest and not wanting to get completely caught it in, she climbed back up the porch. He stood at the stairs, seeming to not care about the downpour. Neither of them wanted to part, so she made no protest when he climbed the steps and kissed her deeply again. She moaned; he growled before drawing back.

“In case that was the only time.” He explained before leaving her on the porch and running back home.

That night she had a bath, and she writhed helplessly within moments of touching herself. Picturing his blue eyes, his body, his kiss was all she needed to have her coming in ragged gasps, nearly sinking into the water in org*smic bliss.


Working together after such a kiss was riddled with tension. Although Bucky was on the boat and Sarah was at the restaurant any time their eyes locked onto each other the desire grew. Bucky had been scolded by Carlos about not paying attention and Sarah had been caught spacing out enough that Rita had to snap her fingers at her more than once.

When lunch rolled around the staring game continued. She could feel his gaze running over her body and she tingled with longing. Finally when he offered to put the trays away in the back of the kitchen, she couldn’t help herself and followed him inside.

Bucky could sense her right behind him, but still carefully washed the dishes and cleaned himself a bit before turning around to face her. He had expected a conversation, but he was more than okay when she reached out to kiss him.

What was wrong with her? She should not be so wild and daring, but she was hungry, and they were alone, and she needed another taste. His tongue slipped so sensually against hers, making love to her with his lips alone. Her body flushed with yearning. He laid his hands on her hips, cautious and she guided them down to cup her butt. Given permission, he clutched her possessively and pressed her tight against his semi-hard groin. Her loins fluttered and ached as the length of him strained against her.

“Not the last time, I guess.” He murmured against her lips.

“No, I guess not.” She gasped softly. “This is going to get awkward.”

“Is that how you feel?”

“I feel…so many things. It’s just been so long since I’ve done this. I’m going to disappoint you.”

He shook his head. “I haven’t done this in a long time too. Plus I’ve only ever been with one woman.”

“My number is not much bigger.”

Bucky kissed her gently and she reciprocated. “Sarah, do you want to try?”

Such a simple question, yet so burdensome. “I do. It’s crazy, but I do…” She pressed against him, sighing with longing. “…Perhaps we should keep it quiet for a little.”

“Yeah,” He agreed with a small groan. “f*ck it’s been too long.”

“No kidding.”

“Sarah!! What’s the hold up?” Paul called out, causing them to draw back in fear. They wanted it badly, but they knew it would be difficult. Still neither one voiced any discouragement.

“Later?” She asked as she headed out.

He nodded. “Later.”


I got tired of the slow burn. 😁

Chapter 13: Dancing Around


Cass, AJ and Rebecca plan to help make Ashley's birthday memorable. Sarah and Bucky try to find a way to be together.


No warning, just teenage shenanigans. 😁

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Ashley was crying in the girl’s bathroom and Rebecca was doing her best to coax her out of the stall. Daniela, still salty about her own quinceañera, now had some notion that Ashley was going to show her up and had gone out of her way to cause her anxiety, telling everyone at school that Ashley had big surprises at her party. Now the school was speculating that there was going to be an amazing show of some sort and the fact that it wasn’t true, that her party was just that, had caused her to spoil her excitement. This pissed off all of Ashley’s friends, especially Rebecca, Cass and AJ.

“Daniela’s told everyone that my party is going to be full of entertainment,” she sniffled through the stall, “everything I got was gifted, I can’t hire another band or anyone exciting!”

Cass and AJ were listening through the crack of the restroom door. “Well it’s not like anyone is saying Rihanna’s showing up or something. Maybe we can do something?”

“Like what?” Ashley wailed.

“AJ can play the piano pretty good…and maybe Hoa can do something with his cello?”

“I think Cass might be onto something,” Rebecca mused. “But please stop crying, Ashley. Let’s go to the Chess Club and put our heads together, okay??”

So once she did they went and talked things out. Turned out Ashley had something very special, a group of well-meaning friends.

Sarah, Bucky and others soon found themselves roped into the plan to create a memorable party for the birthday girl. AJ stayed late after school to practice his piano skills as did Rebecca to practice dancing at church and more importantly they and their friends kept it all secret. Although Daniela and her group weren’t invited, crashing parties were common occurrences and they worried she’d try to spoil it.

On the day of the Quince, Ashley, all dolled up and resplendent in a Cinderella blue dress was a ball of happy anxiety. The blessing ceremony and the photos went well. Her party location was at a local rental hall, not particularly large or lavish but it was lovingly decorated by her family and friends in white, silver, and blue.

Paul, Sarah, Bucky and many other parents who had kids involved in the entertainment soon witnessed the final results. Much to their surprise when Felix came rushing into the hall and upon finding them hastily took a seat.

“Hey what are you doing here?” Paul asked.

The slender man sat down breathlessly. “AJ asked me to come, so I did.”

“Really? You didn’t bring Roz?” Sarah asked, looking around.

“No, she’s off playing bingo at the church. I just dropped her off which is why I’m late. I didn’t miss it?”

“No, they’re just going to start.”

Cass took command of the show, inviting Ashley to sit at her big fancy table while he introduced each act. Hoa Vu, their chess club president, played a cello solo rendition of a medley of several pop songs, another friend did a delightful ballet dressed like a fairy, gifting her several pretty things before ending it with flowers and a warm hug. Then came AJ who sat nervously on the piano, he glanced anxiously at his brother and family who gave him an enthusiastic greeting. Taking a breath, he wished Ashley a happy birthday and began to play Flowers by Miley Cyrus which soon turned into a sing-a-long as the birthday girl and others began to sing the lyrics. It made AJ grin that he made the right choice and played with more enthusiasm. When he finished everyone hooted and applauded. After giving Ashley a hug he went and gave his grandfather a bigger one.

“You came!”

“I said I would try and I’m glad I did. You did so good, AJ!” Felix said proudly.

“You were so good out there, baby. Pops and I are so proud.” Sarah agreed, kissing his cheek.

The boy grinned at Bucky. “Think I was good?”

Surprised to be asked, he nodded firmly. “Better than I ever will.”

“We got one more before Ashley’s big moment. Another performance for you, birthday girl!” Cass gestured towards the dance floor where Rebecca in a floor length dress stood along with another boy in a well-made suit. Russian music began to play and the pair began to dance. It was unlike anything anyone had seen, the boy hard stepping with a straight back, moving around Rebecca acting like a soldier courting a girl. Rebecca danced completely opposite, she literally looked like she was floating around the dance floor, her arms swaying like a leaf on a breeze with her gaze modesty lowered and a Mona Lisa smile as she danced with her partner but kept just out of reach of him. It was mystifying yet intriguing and once it was finished, it was met with applause and Ashley came down to give her best friend a warm embrace, thanking her for her gift. She also lavishly praised Cass for coming up with the idea and for hosting it.

The party continued without incident and any worries about Daniela were forgotten. As the rest of the night went on the DJ took over and soon people were dancing. Rebecca and her partner were enjoying themselves much to the consternation of her brother and Cass.

“What’s he got that I don’t?” The teen scowled.

“Age…and height.” Bucky replied.

“I’m almost her height!”

“Don’t worry about it. He’ll be dead before he gets the chance to ask her out.”

Cass’ brows went up. “Really?”

“Hey Cass! Want to dance?” asked a girl shyly.

He shot up to his feet, a grin growing across his face. “Really?” He squeaked, then cleared his throat. “Uh yeah, yeah, sounds good.”

Bucky, Sarah and the other adults shared a look. “I guess he’s over my sister.”

“For the moment.” Paul chuckled. “By the way, I do have a shovel in the truck.”

“Give me five minutes. I’ll have him ready.” Bucky half-joked.

“No! Neither of you are doing anything of the sort.” Sarah scolded. “Let the girl have her fun. They’re not doing anything wrong.”

“AJ you’ve come so far in your technique. You’re getting better than me.” Felix said lavishly. “I think it’s about time you got your own piano.”

“Really?? Really!” The young boy gasped. “Mom can we have a piano in the house? Please!”

Sarah remembered how Felix would play the piano for the boys when they all lived together. He’d have Cass beside him and AJ on his lap as he played them little tunes. It was one of the few positive memories she held. They currently had a keyboard set up in his room, but a high-quality piano was quite expensive.

“Pops and I are saving to get you a nice one eventually-”

“-He can have mine.” Felix interrupted. “I barely use it nowadays, plus he was going to inherit it eventually. Since he’s taking his lessons seriously why not now?”

“Roz might object.” Pops replied, knowing how spiteful she could get.

“It’s my piano and I can do with it what I want.” Felix said firmly.

“If you’ll excuse me.” Bucky got up to stalk around the dance floor.

Sarah rolled her eyes. “Dear Lord…If you’ll excuse me.”

She followed after Bucky, grabbed his hand and pulled him to the dance floor. He was startled so he didn’t put up much of a fight and found himself pleasantly wrapped in her embrace.

“I don’t dance.”

“Don’t or can’t?” She asked.

“I’ve never learned.” He explained as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

“It’s not that different from fighting. It’s all about footwork.” She explained. “Now concentrate on dancing and not on your sister.”

“I couldn’t find her.”

“She’s sitting down with her friends over there with Ashley.”

Bucky glanced around and did see Rebecca sitting with Ashley and their friends giggling to themselves. The boy was at one side playing with his phone. It relieved him a bit. “Okay.”

“Okay, feel better?” Sarah teased. “You’re such a big brother. Sam was the same. No one was good enough for me.”

“He sounds like a good guy.”

“He was…I think he would’ve liked you.”

“Think he would’ve liked me with you?”

Sarah pondered it. “Hmm, not sure…Maybe he’d keep an eye on you for a while, but I think you’d win him over.”

“How? With my personality or my killing instinct?”

“Your love of family.” She corrected. “You’re so good with your family.”

“Is that what you see?” He asked softly.

“Maybe?...Your face didn’t hurt either.” She admitted shyly.

“I thought I looked like Hagrid.”

She laughed. “I think I’m okay with that.”



“I want you.”

The way her stomach just curled within. “I’m not a sexy redhead.”

“I don’t want a sexy redhead.”

“Well I come with baggage.”

“So do I.” He replied. “Neither of us are perfect. I’m a mess and all chewed up, but I don’t want to hurt you. Tell me, what don’t you like?”

She liked his honesty and thought for a moment. “You know about the arm grabbing, don’t do that. Don’t grab my chin or the back of my neck. Don’t yank my hair it always pissed me off when he’d rip my bonnet off-”

“-What’s a bonnet?”

She glared at him. “Seems like you got to learn a few things about black women and haircare.”

“Yeah I guess so. Teach me.” He leaned over and brushed a delicate kiss on her temple. As much as she yearned to kiss him, they wisely decided to draw away and rejoin the other adults.

Ashley’s quinceañera was considered a success, much to Daniela’s irritation. Cass and AJ’s reputation was much better, and Rebecca was asked repeatedly how she float dance around the room like a ghost. The following week was Valentine’s Day. Bucky gave flowers to his sister, his grandmother and left a plump red rose on the front porch of Sarah’s house. She quickly snuck it in and put it in a vase in her room. It was the simplest little gift but just having it made her feel as light and airy as a meringue.


Sarah wanted to teach Bucky how to please her so badly, but that night at the dance was not the night nor was it for several nights afterward.

Mardi Gras approached, and the Barnes were completely unprepared for it. Hotels were booked and tourists poured into every nook and cranny of New Orleans, seeping out to the edges to other towns that hugged it. The restaurant needed more hands, and the need for shrimps, crabs, and crawfish doubled.

Usually, the Wilsons were so beat after preparing for the festivities that they celebrated at home, but Rebecca was terribly curious about what the parties were like, and the boys begged their Pops to take them all to New Orleans so they could show her the cool stuff that went on. Knowing that Sarah needed the help, Bucky allowed Paul to take his sister with them to the city while he and the others stayed behind.

They rarely got the house to themselves, and they were more than eager to take the opportunity, but they had been on their feet nearly the whole day. They were both tired , so he didn’t get his hopes up.

Sarah kept assuring him she wanted him in between yawns, but by the time they got home she had passed out in the passenger seat. A little frustrated but unsurprised he carefully picked her up and carried her into the house. He had managed to get into the house and find her room so he could tuck her in. When she woke up the next morning, she was shocked to see he had fallen asleep on her old wicker chair, seeming to have guarded her throughout the night. It annoyed her that they lost the chance to be intimate, but she was touched by his respectful actions. It only made her want him more.

With Mardi Gras over, things with back to normal and the frustration only grew. They both lived in full houses and at work they were barely together, so the most they could do was steal kisses whenever they could.

The trees now became their greatest refuge. Pressed up against the bark, they would sink into long, deep kisses that left them both hard and breathless. Desperate fingers would sneak under clothes, caressing flesh that starved for more. With only the memory of their touch they would depart and gratify themselves. It was frustrating.

Then it got worse when Rita found them out. They were making out in the office when she burst in on them. It was a miracle that she didn’t start hollering but afterwards…

“Finally Sarah! Hallelujah! You got yourself a man!” She cackled as they cooked.

“Shush, for the love of God! It’s been a month and we’re keeping it private!” She hissed, not wanting any of the menfolk to hear.

“What, you don’t think Paul would disapprove?”

“I don’t know. I don’t want to hear anything about it. We’re just testing it out for now.”

“Oh really? How’s the testing going, doctor?” Rita grinned, nudging her.

“Inconclusive since we can’t go further.” She decided she might as well spill it since she knew her friend would pry. “We got no place we can be alone so we’re kind of stuck in second base.”

“So make time.”

“Don’t you think we’ve tried? Between the boat, the restaurant, the kids or our folks our hands are tied.” She sighed. “I’m dying.”

Rita thought for a moment, then smiled at her sexually frustrated companion. “Grand Isle.”


“Spring Break is coming right? You know that Carlos and I always go to Grand Isle to relax after Spring Break. Maybe this year we invite Paul, the boys and Bucky’s sister to go with us.”

Sarah was shocked. “You’d do that? But that’s your time with your husband!”

“Carlos’ been itching to invite Paul so they can go fishing. I can keep an eye on the other three. Besides they’re all good kids.”

“And Bucky and I? Why are we staying behind?”

Rita squinted sharply. “You close the restaurant for a week after break to do deep cleaning and repairs right?? So get the sh*t done quick and then go home with your man and enjoy yourselves.”

Should she? Dare she?

Oh who was she kidding? Hell yes!


The dance that Rebecca and her partner are dancing has various names: Caucasian Folk Dancing, Circassian Dance, and Beryozka to name a few. It's popular in the countries below Russia and Russia itself. It's not easy to do since the girl's steps are very precise in order to look like she's floating. Modesty is valued in many of those countries which is why the girl never looks up and dances away from the man with only a tiny smile to show she is enjoying the man's company. The boys dance reflects their athleticism as soldiers hence the hard steps and straight back.

Chapter 14: Alone At Last


Rita takes the kids and Paul to Grand Isle, leaving Sarah and Bucky to their lonesome.


Smutty, smutty goodness. 😎😎😎

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Paul took the longest to be convinced. He didn’t like to leave his daughter alone, especially after recent events. The Wilsons had a new guest staying with them.

As promised Felix sent AJ his piano and as predicted Roz didn’t take it well. As far as she was concerned, everything in the house would be inherited by De’Andre once he got out, that even included the piano. Felix stubbornly refused to yield to her demands, so she trashed the house, called the cops and had him arrested for domestic violence. He was supposed to stew in jail until she forgave him and dropped the charges, instead he bailed himself out and asked Paul if he could stay with them. That sent Roz into a rage, driving to the Wilson house with a moving van demanding her husband and the piano. She made quite a spectacle of herself and only left when Bucky and Rebecca came out to observe it all, refusing to be mocked by the “crackers”.

She hadn’t come back since, but she’d been calling Felix incessantly to come home. He’d ignore her, instead focusing on enjoying his grandson’s constant attention.

Sarah understood where her father was coming from, but she soothed him with the knowledge that Bucky would remain as well, so she wouldn’t be alone.

“Plus think of Felix. When has that man had a vacation away from that woman? It’ll be good for you old guys to take it easy.”

“I’ll try not to take the old guys remark personally, but you have a point.”

So, with one extra guest, the Wilson men and Rebecca piled into the largest truck to join Rita and Carlos at their rented house at Grand Isle.

The shiver of excitement Sarah felt the moment their relatives were out of sight! As soon as they were gone, she pounced on Bucky who effortlessly picked her up, urging her to wrap her legs around his waist.

“You’re stronger than I thought!” She squeaked before kissing him.

He kissed her back, starving. “You’re not that heavy.”

“How much do you think I weigh?”

He looked her over, made a calculation and said, “Just right…So, my bed or yours?”

“Your bed is too small.” Recalling the plain bed in the plain room. “Take me upstairs.”

She was the boss, and he did as he was told. Their hearts raced as he carried her inside and climbed the stairs to her bedroom. The anticipation was almost unbearable as he carefully set her down.

“Can I undress you first?” She asked softly, her fingers shyly skirting the edge of his t-shirt. The morning sun was too bright streaming through her curtained windows. This had been her room since the cradle, she’d never had a boy in there, it was never allowed, and it felt naughty.

He nodded, more than willing to let her call the shots and helped her toss his shirt over his shoulders. Her fingers only trembled slightly at his belt, and he toed off his shoes before she pushed down his jeans.

There he stood, unashamedly stark naked in her room, looking glorious, built like a warrior with more than enough weaponry to conquer anyone he desired. “Is this alright?” He asked.

Her eyes dragged over him and had to bite her lip to smother the gleeful smile. “Me next.”

Gladly he worked off her clothes, putting her at ease with gentle kisses and caresses that soon had her purring. She had beautiful breasts, dark brown with darker nipples that he worshipped with hands and tongue. He went down on his knees to pull her jeans down and tenderly kissed her belly, paying homage to the lines under her navel. He nuzzled her mound before darting out to lick her tender lips. Sarah instantly lurched forward and moaned. Urging her to sit on her bed, he slid himself between her knees and gave her a more intimate kiss.

Thank God no one was home because the moan that came out of her was loud. To be so starved and now richly rewarded was overwhelming. She lurched her hips to meet his tongue that swirled against her puss*. It dragged over her swollen lips, stroked her cl*t before diving down to sink into her opening that ached and fluttered for more than his tongue.

“Bucky, Bucky, Bucky.” She clutched his hair and urged him onward, her hips moving seductively against his face.

“So sweet.” He growled against her, squeezing her thigh as his tongue continued its broad, consuming licks against her silky petals.

The pleasure was coming too fast, too quick and she pushed hard on his head. “No! Not like this…Come here, I want you, please!”

He obeyed, drawing away and teasing her thighs, licking her briefly, wishing he could sink his teeth into her juicy flesh. She tugged him down to her bed and he gladly slipped into her arms. Their kisses were hot and luxurious as black and white skin meshed with the sheets.

He wasn’t soft, he was all muscles and scars scattered over his body, but she caressed any she could find and soothed them with kisses. She traced his muscles with hungry fingers before capturing his co*ck and squeezing appreciatively then swooped down to suck the tip into her mouth.

He jerked, breaking into goosebumps, and groaned, rolling his head back as she went down on him as far as she could. Reaching out to stroke her hair, he hesitated and stroked her cheek instead and she hummed around his length appreciatively. It was a good thickness, eager and responsive as she stroked the length of it with her tongue.

It had been years since he’d been pleasured so delightfully, and he could feel the sweet edge of release starting to rise. Eventually he tugged her up and she released his co*ck with a tender nibble before being coaxed to lie on her back.

“Condoms in the drawer.”

He leaned over to grab the box. “These new?”

“Bought them for the occasion.” She murmured. “Cashier gave me such a look.”

“I’ll buy them next time.” He promised as he slipped it on. “Come here, Sarah.”

“Yes,” She sighed as she wiggled around, then sighed again as his fingers gently slid inside her. “Don’t tease.”

“Warming you up. I don’t want to hurt you.” He rumbled as he carefully lifted one of her legs over his shoulder as he knelt between them.

The nerves inside her sizzled and she keened gently as his rough fingers withdrew then sank in. It had been a while and the sensation created a sweet ache of desire. “But I need you, Bucky.”

Smoothly he guided the head of his co*ck into her opening and groaned at how greedily she held it. “f*ck Sarah…gentle.”

Sarah almost came when he slid completely inside, filling her to the brim. His sexy blue eyes bore into her, making note of any discomfort she might have, but she felt none, the stretch and ache felt good, and she lurched her hips up wanting more.

Bucky had forgotten how wonderful it was to make love to someone so beautiful. She was long and lean, her brown eyes dark with lust and he yearned to devour her. Gently pressing down, he started a slow pace trying not to come too soon as he slid in and out of her perfect body. He hovered above her, giving her space to breathe and allowing him to watch her writhe underneath him.

Adjusted her legs until she could wrap them perfectly around his narrow waist, she clutched his forearms and urged him deeper, and he did, soon both were panting and groaning as they started to drown in ecstasy.

Too long, so long, so good the way he pumped into her eager warmth. It was almost not enough for her. She dragged her nails up his powerful arms and pulled him down for lewd kisses, then nudged him until he rolled onto his back.

“Take it, take it all.” He moaned, grabbing her hips as she doubled the pace. He met her halfway, thrusting harder than he meant to but Sarah didn’t care as her moans got louder.

Soon that sweet little spot of hers got stroked just right and Sarah slammed down onto him and came with a full-bodied shudder and a shout of glory. She spasm and squeezed milking him of his seed and Bucky moaned aloud as he came underneath her.

She melted against him, and he gladly held her.

Eventually he drew away to remove the condom but quickly returned to her, admiring how soft, smooth and unblemished her skin was against the pale sheets. He ran his hands over her body, making her squirm in delight.

“Been a while?” She teased, knowing good and well that it had been. When his fingers rolled her nipples she moaned and urged his mouth closer. Gladly he suckled on one, then the other while she lazily ran her fingers through his long hair.

Bucky wanted more of her sweet sounds and ran his hand down her belly, to her puss* and slipped two fingers into her while resting his thumb firmly over her cl*t.

Sarah clutched the sheets as the metal fingers created a new, unyielding sensation against her tender nerves. It felt foreign and yet delicious as he pleasured her with his hand, stroking her gently but persistently.

He watched her wiggle and thrust against his fingers. Occasionally he’d kiss her, or dip down to tease her nipples, nibbling on those tight, delightful buds as his thumb circled and teased her cl*t until it pulsed at the slightest touch. Soon she was so hot and wet that it coated his hand, but that only made the thrusts smoother, and he fingered her with greater vigor.

She could feel herself ready to explode and she cried out, “I want you, f*ck Bucky! I want your-”

“Sshhh, I’ll give it to you just as soon as you-”

She couldn’t stop herself from coming around his fingers. Her thighs clamped shut as her puss* tried to claim him for as long as physically possible as wave after wave of ecstasy washed over her. Bucky savored the way she clutched him tight before finally drawing his hand back.

Trembling, she rolled to her side and clutched a pillow as she caught her breath, her body throbbing pleasantly. Bucky leaned over to kiss her shoulder.

“I’ll be back, babydoll.”

Babydoll, she liked that. It made her feel like a small precious treasure. The sun streamed through the windows, warming her pleasantly and she had begun to drift off a little when she felt the bed dip and Bucky was behind her, kissing her shoulder, her neck and eventually her lips. There had been a small worry that his desire for her would wane after the first time, but that was not the case. He needed more and already his mind ran wild with all the pleasure he wanted to give her.

They lazily made out when she felt the covered blunt head of his co*ck nudge against her backside, teasing her.

“Is this alright?” he asked gruffly.

She pushed back a little and he took the hint, pressing into her welcoming warmth. Lifting her leg to rest it over his, it allowed him to push in deeper as he began to casually f*ck her.

They took their time, thrusts long and slow, savoring every inch of the sensual connection. She pulled his hand to her breasts, wanting the extra stimulation as the ecstasy ebbed and flowed like waves. Soon their skin took on a sultry glow as the pace quickened ever so slightly.

“Don’t stop,” she said breathlessly.

He only groaned at the back of her neck lost in her silky wet heat, never wanting to pull away. The room echoed the soft slapping sounds of their joining bodies, and their panting breaths.

A gush of hot pleasure finally washed over them both and they moaned in unison.

Exhausted, they tidied up a little before snuggling down in each other’s arms, a hand gently cupping a breast as they fell asleep.


They indulged themselves on the first day, making love in her room until other needs compelled them to move otherwise. They used the rest of the week wisely. The restaurant still needed cleaning and they did that, then the boat where they spent hours doing inventory and checking the engine. Afterwards they went home and made love some more. Sarah’s body awoke under his rough but gentle hands and Bucky was helpless to her kisses. Without anyone to interrupt them they were open and affectionate whenever and wherever they pleased.

At night, sated, they would curl up together, their bodies reluctant to part.

“This feels too good, too perfect.” She murmured, caressing the strong forearm resting against her chest. “Something is bound to go wrong.”

“If anything goes wrong, I’ll be there to take care of it.” He murmured behind her.

“Don’t do anything that could hurt your family, Bucky. Not for me.”

He pressed a kiss against the silk of her bonnet. “You need to understand, and I know you didn’t mean it, but you slipped into my mind from the start. As I got to know you, bit by bit, you became more and more special to me.”

“Were all my tears a turn on?” was her dry reply.

“No, your strength was.”

She became quiet. “I used my strength to kill a man.”

“You did it to save your family. I killed hundreds more for money.”

Glancing down at his hand, she traced the lines of his palm, then the veins of his forearm. “Were they all bad?”


“Were they all men?”

“Nearly, but there were a few women. Never children.”

She should not, she mused, be attracted to this man. He was a self-confessed assassin, he had committed crimes in this very town and yet he was always kind, respectful, gentle. How did a man shaped by violence become so sweet? Georgie, raised in relative peace and care became a monster and did not compare to her Bucky. “You had a nickname?”

“They said I had ice in my veins, that I felt nothing, not even pain. They used to call me the Winter Soldier.”

“Hm, there’s nothing cold about you, not even your eyes.” She turned around so she could admire him looking handsome, snuggled into the pillow. “You’re warm.”

“So are you. The warmest, the sweetest, the sexiest.” He praised before kissing her. She chuckled softly before their mouths slanted together perfectly.


Short but very sweet!

Chapter 15: Unpleasant Conversations


Roz comes to the house and causes trouble.


Warning: Cussing, Physical Violence, Verbal Abuse

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The sound of a vehicle driving on the dirt path disturbed their breakfast.

“Isn’t it too early for them to be back?” Sarah asked.

“They would’ve called.” Bucky replied before rising from the table.

Stepping out they were greeted by the sight of Roz coming out of her vehicle with a moving van behind her yet again. She had a hammer in her hand and Sarah scowled.

“You have some nerve coming back to my house, Roz. What the hell did you think you were going to do? Smash my door handle to get inside??”

The old lady was surprised. “Weren’t you all supposed to be on vacation?”

“Some of us stayed behind to finish some work. Now if you don’t mind, get off my property.”

“Not until I get that piano.”

Sweet baby Jesus give her strength! “Felix gave that piano to AJ, fair and square. It’s not your piano, hell you hardly ever touched it and now you suddenly have a fixation?”

“If AJ wants that piano he can come to my house and play with it while spending quality time with his grandparents like he ought to!”

“He doesn’t need his face kicked in a second time by his grandmother.” Sarah hissed.

“He broke my vase!! Little boys need to learn manners! Now give me that damn piano! And where the hell is Felix? I’ve been trying to reach him!”

“Having a grand time with his grandsons and the others. Might be the first vacation that poor man has had that didn’t involve your muttering, bitter ass.”

Bucky had stayed quiet throughout the conversation but watched the old woman warily in case of any action. Two moving guys came out of the truck.

“Hey are we doing this or not??”

“You’re not! Go home, gentlemen.” Sarah called out.

“I paid you, you stay!!” Roz shouted.

“She owns this house,” Bucky interjected, “and she’s not going to let you in. Force your way in and she’ll call the police.”

The moving guys stepped back. “We out.”

“Don’t you dare!!” Roz ordered, then glared at Bucky. “You filthy piece of white sh*t! Who told you to speak! Know your place and go back to your slave house.”

“Jesus Christ, Roz go home! You ain’t getting this piano or the boys!” Sarah said before giving Bucky a mild look of concern.

Bucky shrugged and smiled faintly at her.

Roz noticed the intimate stare, their clothes, and blew her top. “You and him!! You and HIM!! whor*!! slu*t!!”

It would make life easier to deny it, but Sarah didn’t want to. Reaching over she grasped his hand in hers and he gently wove their fingers together in solidarity.

The old woman looked like she had taken a blow. “How dare you disrespect the memory of my son but laying with that….animal!”

“The only animal was your son,” She shot back, “and I’ll disrespect him as much as I want.”

Running towards them she raised her hammer. Bucky quickly stepped in front of Sarah, wrenched the tool from the old woman’s grip and threw it away.

Roz was shocked, then started hollering and clutching her wrist. “He hurt me! My wrist! Call the police!!”

“You over dramatic bitch!” Sarah shouted. “He never even touched you!”

“My wrist!!” Roz wailed.

Bucky shook his head.

“Don’t worry, I’ll tell them the truth.” Sarah assured him.

“You stupid, f*cking whor*!! You slave!!” Roz lost it. “Protecting a white man! f*cking a white man!! Georgie would be ashamed of you!!”

“Like I give two f*cks about a dead man’s opinion.” Sarah replied coldly. “And by the way, he’s twice the man your son ever was.”

The old woman launched herself on Sarah, wrist pain magically forgotten. She slapped and clawed at her face and hair, screaming slurs and obscenities. Sarah didn’t hit back but tried to get the woman off from her. Bucky wanted to intervene, and the moment Sarah broke free, grabbed her, turned her around, putting his back on Roz who was now hitting and scratching at him. She only stopped when her fist struck his left shoulder, and she cried out for real when old flesh hit metal.

The movers had called the police since her first protest, and they arrived shortly after. Roz immediately tried to accuse the pair of assaulting her, but the movers reported otherwise so she ended up put in the backseat of the police car. After taking a statement and refusing an ambulance, the officers urged them to go to a hospital even if the wounds were minor and left.

After a visit to the clinic, they came back. Sarah wasn’t necessarily tired but allowed Bucky to pick her up and carry her back to the house. He sat her down on the sofa and checked the scratch left on her face.

“I could’ve snapped her neck in a heartbeat.” He murmured.

“I probably could’ve too, but we both know why we didn’t.” She replied, leaning over for a kiss. “How’s your back?”

He shrugged. “Nothing worth mentioning, but now that she knows she’s going to tell everyone about us, and Paul is going to see those scratches.”

“Yup,” she agreed, “Guess we should tell them first thing they arrive. So much for keeping it quiet.”

“Are you upset?”

She shook her head. “No, just got to get ready for all the questions and the nosy busybodies who’re going to come speculating. In a perfect world Roz would be the only one with a problem with us being together, but it’s not a perfect world.”

He leaned over and kissed the scratch on her cheek. “I’ll defend you; I promise.” He murmured.

I’m getting you out of there Sarah, I promise. Sam’s voice echoed in her head.

Slipping her arms around Bucky she held him tight to her and prayed.


The next day everyone came home, the Wilson men were in good spirits and Rebecca was all smiles, pink and peeling. Felix looked relaxed and well rested, until he took one look at Sarah’s face.

“Roz made a visit, I wager.”

Paul looked at his daughter and frowned fiercely. “What the f*ck??”

The family now sat around the kitchen table and listened to their story. They were all surprised to learn that they had gotten together, but the altercation with Roz overshadowed everything.

Paul was furious and so was Cass who was ready to go down and scream at the old woman for daring to put a hand on his mother.

“I hate her! I don’t ever want to see her again!” He said angrily then glared at Bucky. “I wish you’d pop her head off!”

“Cassius!” Sarah cried out. “Don’t ever talk like that! I’m glad Bucky let me handle it!”

“But you weren’t, Mom! You let her go off on you!”

“If Bucky and your mother hadn’t done what they did they’d all be in jail!” Rebecca defended.

“Shut up! He’s white, nothing would’ve happened to him! Plus he’s been in jail before. You don’t know nothing!” He snapped.

Rebecca jerked back as if stung and abruptly left the room.

AJ shoved his brother. “You stupid idiot!” and ran after her.

Cass didn’t know what to do and just stood there, shaking.

Paul sighed, disappointed. “Go upstairs, Cass and catch your breath. We’ll talk later.”

He looked at his mother who looked worried, almost afraid and that wounded him even more. He ran to his room to hide back the tears.

Felix sagged back. “I’m sorry, this is all my fault. I was so stubborn about the piano.”

“The only one at fault here is Roz.” Sarah reassured him. “She can’t take no for an answer. Everything has to go her way.”

“Are you pressing charges?”

“I don’t know. I ought to if only just to get her off my back, but ugh, she’d go out of her way to make a spectacle out of it.”

“We can counter by bringing up her old drug charges.” Bucky interjected quietly.

“Drug charges?” Paul parroted. “When did she have drugs? Felix?”

Felix sighed. “When she was a teenager, she used to hustle drugs. Got arrested a few times. Unfortunately, I think that’s how her brother got roped into it and died.”

“Didn’t the police kill him?” Sarah remembered the story of Daniel Dupuy, Roz’s brother. He’d been handsome, charming, intelligent, well-liked, all the positives, the golden child. In the worst parts of the neighborhood, he’d been the one involved in the community, in the church, in the school. Then the police stopped the siblings for some reason, Roz said she had been molested and Daniel rose to defend her. They tackled him down, found drugs on his person. He swore it wasn’t his, but one thing led to another, and the police killed him.

“Roz’s hatred was born out of that moment.” Felix replied. “I offered to have it reinvestigated later, but she refused.”

A phone rang, they all checked, and when Felix looked, his face sank. It was Roz. He stepped outside to take the call, leaving the others at the table.

“I’m going to talk to Rebecca.” Bucky decided, rising from his seat.

“Before you go,” Paul stopped him. “I just want to know if you’re being serious with my daughter?”

“Daddy.” She chided gently.

“I gave consent to the wrong man, princess. I ain’t doing it again.”

“Paul you know where you met me. I don’t claim to be a good man.” Bucky said. “But I’m working hard to be one. Not just for me, but for my grandmother, my sister, and my parents, wherever they are. I have spent most of my life with this wall between me and life and Sarah has walls too. I’m not claiming I can break those walls, but I know she’s broken mine.”

Sarah reached out and grasped Bucky’s hand. “It’s not going to be perfect.”

“I’m okay with that.” He assured her.

Paul dragged a hand over his mouth. “Slow you two. If this is what you two want then that’s fine, but I’ll be keeping my eyes on the both of you.”

The pair nodded before he left to go find his sister and they went up to talk to Cass.

To the displeasure of everyone, Felix went to bail Roz out and went back home with her. He had negotiated with her on the promise that she’d drop his charges, stop badgering them about the piano and leave the Wilsons alone. She had agreed, but everyone knew better than to call the matter settled.

As for the kids…

It was dark by the time Cass knocked on the door. Bucky opened it, stared at the teenager for a second too long before greeting him.


“Hi Mr. Bucky. Can I talk to Rebecca?” He felt incredibly awkward, half expecting to have the door slammed in his face.

“I don’t know if she wants to talk yet. Let me ask.”

After a moment Rebecca emerged, still pink but not nearly as cheerful. “Hey.”

“Hey. Want to talk? I brought co*ke.” He held up two cans. His Pops and mother had sat down and talked about his behavior for a while. While his anger was justifiable, attacking any woman, even someone as rotten as Roz, was unacceptable and even though he was under no obligation to teach Rebecca about racism, taking his anger out on her when she was defending her brother was not okay. He would end up without friends if he didn’t learn how to deal with disagreements. If he didn’t learn how to man up and talk it out, he’d have quite the lonely life. Familiar with loneliness and isolation, Cass didn’t want to go back to that again.

Rebecca’s emotions had been all over the place. Rarely angry, she cried and punched her pillow while AJ quietly sat on the other side of her bedroom door listening to her rant about her brother, Cass and her own actions. When Bucky came in the boy looked quite confused and he’d thanked him for being a good friend to her before encouraging him to go back home. Before doing so AJ asked her if they could still be friends, which got her out of her room so she could embrace him, assuring him that they were. Bucky patiently let her rant about how much racism sucked, how it made things so unnecessarily complicated, how it sometimes made her wish she was back in Russia, how she hated being ignorant, that Cass was right but so was she and even though she was thrilled that Bucky found a girlfriend, how was it that she couldn’t find a boyfriend? The boys in her school were just so gross! When she was done, he’d hugged his sister, saying that while she was mature for her age, she was still a dumb teenager, bound to make mistakes, but so long as she looked and listened to the world around her, her heart would lead her to do what was best. “Don’t be afraid to ask for help, sestra. Don’t forget that I love you.”

It had been the first time she’d heard him say the words and it soothed her troubled mind. Hours later, after unpacking and calming down she now looked at Cass who was clearly trying to make amends and reluctantly took a can. “Okay.”

They walked quietly over to the dock and sipped their drinks a bit.

“I’m sorry.” Cassius said. “I got angry and said stupid things to you. You didn’t deserve to get yelled at.”

“I’m sorry too.” She replied. “You’re right, I don’t know anything about what you and your family go through. I’m just a dumb white girl from Russia.”

“You’re not dumb. I didn’t say you were dumb, and I’d never call you dumb.” Cass promised. “Wait, Russia?”

“Yeah, Russia, sorry. Bucky said it was for our safety.”

“I guess both our families’ got secrets.”

“Yes.” She agreed. “Our families have a history of violence, and I don’t think they want us to suffer from it. I lost my parents to gangs and I don’t want to lose my brother…or you but I don’t know how to do it and it feels like I’m screwing up.”

“I feel like that too. My dad was a monster, he scared this whole town and everyone expects me and AJ to be the same. I don’t want to be like him but how can I not protect my mom, my Pops, AJ…you?”

“You’re never going to be a monster, Cass. You don’t have it in you. You’re a defender.”

“Yeah? You think so?” He said perking up. “A defender.”

“Yeah and I’m proud to be your friend. I’ll always be your friend.” She promised.

Well, that was nice. “Just friends?”

Rebecca gave him a look. “Just friends…especially now that my brother is dating your mom.”

“If they got married that would make you my aunt.”

They looked at each other, horrified. “Ew!”

“We should probably stick to seeing other people.” she said, hastily drinking her soda.

“Yep, besides Maya asked me to sit with her during lunch next week and you got the boy you were dancing with.”

Rebecca rolled her eyes. “He’s gay.”

Cass’ jaw dropped. “Really? That’s rough.”

She shrugged. “It happens.”

“Friends?” He cheered with his can.

“Friends.” She replied, tapping it with hers.


Hang onto your seats, the drama is only going to get bigger.

Chapter 16: Mother's Day


Bucky does his best to take care of the people who need him the most.


Warning: Verbal Abuse

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

For a few months things were blessedly quiet. Roz was out of sight; Felix managed to have his lunches with the boys and The Wilson’s Seafood Restaurant continued chugging along. Rumor eventually did come out that Bucky and Sarah were dating and for a while it was the hottest gossip. Georgie’s widow was dating a white man! Their every movement was scrutinized. Friends and neighbors gawked and pried, but Sarah skillfully avoided all questions and Bucky was like a rock. A few well-meaning aunties came along and asked why she couldn’t find herself a good black man?

“He’s a convict, baby girl. Don’t you think you could do better?”

Sarah became upset. “Why do I have to go looking for a good black man?? Nine years, and not a single one came to ask me! Now a white man comes around who respects my daddy, my boys and myself and suddenly there’s an issue?? I ain’t hearing it from nobody!”

A few reluctantly respected her choice, a few did not but there was nothing to be done nor did she care. She had lived her life in fear, then survival, and she was done just getting by. She was going to do better and find her happiness.

Paul kept an eye on them both as well. Before he had let Darlene’s eternal optimism blind him to Georgie’s true nature and to this day the guilt of it never left him. It had also hurt his poor wife to see she had allowed Sarah to be a part of that horrible family and he truly believed it had been a broken heart that killed her. Given that, he could be forgiven for being wary. Blessedly it seemed they were serious about taking things slow and Bucky remained his same, quiet self. He didn’t boast or brag or demand special privileges because they were dating. If anything, he showed more care for Sarah’s needs and respected her space. Their affection was in small gestures: a look, a smile, a nod, a gentle squeeze, a word or two. Their great gestures, he realized, were saved for the night by the trees. Long hours in each other’s arms talking, kissing, sometimes silence, sometimes tears.

“Are you happy, princess?” He asked once while they sat outside drinking their coffee.

It had been a heavy day before. Sarah never forgot the day she’d lost her precious baby girl and for the longest time, she’d grieved her privately. Not this year. Bucky had spent most of the night holding her while she mourned and now she spent the dawn praying about it with Paul. He had suggested that they build a memorial garden for her, and Sarah liked the idea.

“I think for the first time in a long time I feel…better.” she admitted. “I feel supported and loved. I wish mom could see us now.”

“Me too, princess.”

Bucky for his part was finally at ease. A simple quiet life was all his family had ever wanted. His father had tried to give them that and failed spectacularly. He managed to fulfill it and he was determined to keep it that way. Funny how it never occurred to him that in seeking peace, he found love.

Sarah was the unintended reward that he hadn’t sought, but like he’d told her countless times, she’d gotten under his skin and now had no intention of removing her. She had seen his scars, knew his secrets and did not run away. Her scars, her secrets did not scare him in the slightest. They were two lonely sinners who found comfort in each other and for that he’d always adore her, respect her, and protect her.

His mind was so deeply entrenched in Sarah’s needs one day that he didn’t even notice that Roz had approached him as he got out of the grocery store carrying something Sarah desperately needed.

“You think you’re going to own all that, aren’t you?” she called behind his back.

“Don’t confuse me for you. That was your plan.” He replied coolly as he continued to his truck.

Roz sputtered and followed him. “Don’t turn your back on me when an elder speaks to you!”

“You’re not my elder.” He opened the door and threw the small bag inside.

“I’ve been telling everyone about you, criminal! Telling them it’ll only be a matter of time before you take over that place and run them like slaves! That’s all you white people want! A return to the good ole days when everyone called you massa!!” She grabbed the frame of the door, determined to make him listen.

All it would take was a sharp yank and he could snap those brittle fingers. Instead, he stared at her with cold, blue eyes. “I’ve been keeping an eye on you Rosaline Casper, formerly Dupuy.” He said. “You sold drugs at 13 and stopped at around 17 when your brother died who interestingly enough never committed a single criminal act until that very day.”

Roz stiffened. “My brother was an angel.”

“And you were a devil.” He replied. “It must’ve been very annoying for you to be constantly placed second to him, wasn’t it? He was praised, loved, remembered. But you? Oh, Rosaline was very pretty but she’s a mean one.”

“Don’t talk about me as if you know me!”

“I do know you Rosaline. I’ve worked with people like you for most of my life. You like to be in charge, you like people who fulfill a need for you. If anyone or anything takes something you deem valuable to you, you do anything to eliminate it.”

“I’m a good Christian woman!” Roz said harshly.

“History has recorded some interesting stories about what good Christians have done. Destroyed nations, conquered natives, raped, pillaged, killed millions of people…brothers…” He smiled grimly. “…babies too.”

Roz visibly trembled as she left without another word. Quickly he got into his truck and drove back home before the old woman had anymore crazy ideas.

When he got home, he gave the bag to Sarah who quickly ran to her room and shut the door while he stood on the other side, telling her what had happened.

“You did not tell Roz that you suspected she had her own brother killed??” She gasped audibly on the other side.

“It made sense to me when you look at the evidence.”

“What evidence?? Where did you find this evidence? Wait don’t tell me,” She opened the door to glare at him, “the station?”

“Kristoff left his password on his desk. 1234ABCD.”

She scoffed and shut the door. “What a moron! Okay but what did you find?”

“Her brother may have carried cocaine but there was no evidence that he consumed it. He was clean. Experience has taught me that people who sell it have tried it. Combine her narcissism with drug use, even recreational, and she becomes very dangerous.”

“She planted drugs on her brother, just like one of her sons planted the drugs on my dad. Hell, they had to learn it from someone, didn’t they?” She wondered aloud, then there was silence for a moment.

Bucky tried not to feel nervous about the silence as it stretched. “What’s going on?”

Eventually, Sarah slowly opened the door and showed him the stick. “Not pregnant. Thank God the birth control and condoms worked.”

He looked and let out a small sigh. “You okay?”

She nodded, then shrugged. “I don’t know. I’m just relieved…and sad?”

Sinking down she sat on her bed, he sat by the vanity.

“Do you want to have a baby?”

“Having a baby at my age? I’ll be 40 soon, I’m busy with the restaurant, the boat…AJ just turned eleven and Cass is going to be fourteen, I can’t believe it. He brought a girl to AJ’s bowling party. God they’re growing up so fast!”

“I know. Rebecca’s friend got her driver’s license so now she’s getting hers. She’s been hinting about wanting a car for her birthday.” He gazed at her for a heartbeat. “Sarah, whatever your decision is, I’ll be okay with it.”

“Seriously? You mean you don’t want children?” She asked.

“I never thought I’d live long enough to experience children.” He said honestly. “Then when Nat told me she couldn’t have children I just thought well, okay, that’s that then.”

“So we’re fine?”

“Yes, we’re fine. You are more than enough for me.” He smiled faintly. “You’re more than I can ever ask for.”

Sarah didn’t know what to do. When had any man ever told her that she was enough? “I don’t know what to say.” The tears rushed out and she hastily swiped at them. “I’m so scared of what I’m feeling for you, Bucky. I’ve had these walls around me for so long.”

He got out of the chair and knelt in front of her to kiss her gently. “Then I’ll be the first one to be brave. I love you Sarah and it was so easy that, yeah, it’s a little scary. I don’t expect you to say the same, but I can hope that you feel the same. Hell, what we have now is more than I deserve, and I’d be happy to just lean against those walls for the rest of my life.”

Too much, it was too much. She gathered his face in her hands and kissed his precious lips, then wrapped her arms around him, holding him close. She was so scared of what he’d made her feel, but she knew she didn’t want let him go.


Mother’s Day was approaching and even though Sarah wasn’t expecting anything from Bucky, he still wanted to get her something special for the occasion. He approached Cass and AJ, asking them for help. Surprised by the request the boys agreed. They suggested flowers, but he already had that prepared. Candy and dinner? That’s what they were giving her, so he didn’t want to step on their toes by doing the same.

“How about jewelry?” Cass suggested. “She barely has those.”

“Maybe she doesn’t like jewelry?” Bucky guessed as they walked through the shopping center.

“She likes jewelry, but she mostly wears the stuff her mom left her.” AJ explained. “She never buys any for herself.”

Thinking of others and putting her needs last. That sounded like something Sarah would do. “You guys want to get her some jewelry?”

“Sure, but we ain’t got that kind of money.”

“I do. Come on.” Bucky said as they headed for a jewelry store.

AJ was surprised. “We’re getting mom jewelry?”


“All three of us?”


“And you’re paying??”


“And we don’t have to pay you back?”


They were impressed. “Mr. Bucky, you’re alright.”

Bucky smiled a little, pleased to have gotten their approval. Given free rein to look around it would’ve been easy to give Sarah something spectacular as the boys wanted to do, but the jeweler was helpful, asking questions about the type of person their mother was and wisely guiding their choice.

When Mother’s Day came the boys were almost itching with excitement. They insisted Bucky and Rebecca come to their luncheon, which pleased their mother who had hoped her sons would warm up to him. The cards were lovely, and the lunch was delicious, but the pearl neck with matching earrings and ring took her completely by surprise.

“Holy hell boys, how did you manage this??” Paul asked as they admired the elegant gift.

Cass grinned. “Mr. Bucky helped.”

“Yeah, he’s pretty cool like an uncle. Uncle Bucky!” AJ added.

Rebecca nudged him playfully and he shrugged. Sarah wanted to reach over and kiss her man for his thoughtfulness.

“Uncle Bucky sounds good to me.” She agreed.

Later that night, Bucky took her overnight to a hotel for some quality time. It’s not the first time they’ve done this as sometimes it’s the only way they could be together.

He wasn’t an expert, but he managed to give her a thorough massage that ended with a love making session that nearly melted her into the mattress. Romance, kisses, and cuddles, he sated her need for all of that. With their bodies pressed together, she happily snuggled into his arms as they wrapped loosely around her waist. They spent the rest of the night trading kisses.

“Thank you,” she said, “for being so sweet with my boys.”

“They’re good boys and I’m grateful they gave me a chance.”

“I always worried that if I ever dated anyone that they’d have a problem with them.” She admitted softly.

He smoothed her frown away with his lips. “You sacrificed nearly everything to keep them safe and happy. To disrespect them is to disrespect that sacrifice.”

This man who’d sacrificed so much as well for the sake his family understood her and she was grateful. “Thank you.”



I looked over my writing and realized that I'm heading towards the end! The next one is quite explosive so if you want it early let me know in the comments. 😚😚😚😚

Chapter 17: Precious Baby Girl


Sarah creates a memorial garden and its dedication gets interrupted by Roz with explosive results.


Warning: Verbal abuse, mention of abortion, past death of a baby

Here you go, early chapter. Read it and enjoy the fight and then the smut.

SMUT ALERT in the second half of the story.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The building of the memorial garden for her baby became a family affair. She had wanted something to weather the storms and floods that were a constant in their town, so Paul and Bucky selected a strong sapling that would eventually grow into a tree with great roots that could hold on and do just that. The kids helped select the flowers that would be planted at its base. Sarah had a small but heavy stone commissioned, shaped like a heart with the words Precious Baby Girl, Always Remembered, Always Loved etched into it.

They had a small blessing ceremony. It was just the immediate family, the Barnes, Rita, and Carlos. Sarah was no longer alone with the knowledge nor with the grief and that helped immensely.

They had a small luncheon afterward. Ashley stopped by to hang out with Rebecca and the boys. They had been playing basketball when they saw a familiar car roll into the driveway.

“Why are they here?” Sarah asked, rising from the picnic bench. Paul and Bucky joined her as they went to meet Felix and Roz. “What is going on?”

“What’s this about a baby?” Roz accused without a by your leave. “I heard about some memorial garden for a baby. Is it the one you miscarried way back when? You’re ridiculous, still mourning about that!”

Felix glared at her. “Roz enough. Sarah, I’m sorry, it caught me by surprise that this was happening. I remember you were excited about it…a girl wasn’t it?”

“Yes, a girl,” Sarah replied. “My precious baby girl. I was so excited at the thought of her.”

“I would’ve loved a granddaughter,” Felix smiled sadly. “I would’ve spoiled her like I would’ve my sweet little Pearl.”

“Stop bringing up the past!” Roz snapped irritably. “What happened, happened. Nothing can bring them back. Did any of you show this much sadness for Georgie?”

“That’s because your son was the devil and this whole town knew it!” Rita butted in loudly. “And you raised him and that good for nothing De’Andre to be that way so you can only blame yourself if no one cared!”

“I taught them to be strong! To be no one’s victim!” Roz snapped.

“So they victimized everyone else. You could’ve created leaders like your brother, but you wanted to be in charge, always and at all times so you turned them into your guard dogs.” Sarah retorted.

“They were victims of hate crimes! They were racially profiled!”

“They committed the crimes, Roz! You’re delusional! You encouraged it! All that jewelry you got from them was stolen or bought with stolen money. You knew it! I remember you voicing your desire for a necklace you saw someone wearing and the next morning Georgie handed to you.” She turned to Felix. “You saw it too. Why didn’t you say anything? Why didn’t you ever discipline them?”

Felix looked away, ashamed. “I know I should’ve, but she never let me make a single decision about them.”

“Your job was to work! My job was to raise them. They’re my responsibility! That’s what we agreed upon when you knocked me up!”

“Tricked him into marrying you.” Paul insisted. “You know he didn’t want you and you couldn’t handle rejection.”

“You knew?” Felix went pale. “Paul I promise you I would never have-”

“I know and Darlene knew too. We honestly should’ve talked about it and maybe you wouldn’t have gone with Roz.”

“You never loved me! All these years I played second to Darlene, that goat-faced bitch!” Roz shouted. “And then came her daughter, exactly the same! Who even loved me?? Only my boys!!”

“I doubt those boys have a single drop of love in their bodies… and Darlene may be dead, but she is still twice the woman you are.” Paul said coolly.

“De’Andre loves me!! Georgie loved me!” Roz declared.

“The only thing you love is power. I heard you and Georgie, talking about how you were going to take everything from my family after Sam and Momma died. That’s why he kept going to jail to visit Daddy, to hand over the rights to the business, the house!”

“You’re stupid. You didn’t hear anything.”

“He came and told me he’d make Sarah’s life hell if I didn’t sign them over. That you’d take the boys and hide them away.” Paul revealed.

Felix shook his head, disgusted. “I would’ve destroyed those papers had I known, Paul, I swear…” He turned to Roz. “How could you do that?”

“They’re lying!!” She insisted, grabbing his arm. “Georgie had the best intentions!”

“So you admit he was trying to get Paul’s signature.” He shot back. “I worked hard to provide you with everything you and the boys needed! No one in this damn town had more than you! Dammit why did you even marry me? Do you even love me?”

Roz was silent for a moment before exploding, “I picked you, didn’t I? I wasted my whole life on you!! Did you love me at any point, Felix! No! And I know because I saw the look on your face whenever you looked at Darlene, it was the same look you gave Pearl. Pure, happy love. But for me? Nothing! Just the thought makes me sick! I’m so glad they’re gone.”

The kids by this time had come to investigate what all the yelling was about and listened with the adults. “Wait, you wanted your daughter to die?” Cass asked.

All eyes fell on the old woman. She stiffened then turned away. “We’re going home, Felix. I’m done.”

“Roz…” He rumbled.


Felix charged after her and grabbed her arm causing her to yelp as he turned her to face him. “Did you want our daughter dead?”

“She is gone, Felix, there is no point-”



The silence afterward was deafening, and the charged air gave Sarah strength as she stepped forward and said, “I didn’t miscarry. Georgie forced me to abort my baby because it was a girl. He said that a daughter made a man weak, vulnerable to tricks and dishonesty. The hypocrite said that had Pearl lived, she would’ve had his father wrapped around her finger and his mother would’ve been disrespected. It was then I knew who fed him those ideas that led to my girl’s death.”

Something changed in Felix’s demeanor as if someone had finally taken the blindfold off his eyes. He let Roz go and stepped back as if repelled. Roz saw the change first and became concerned.

“Felix, we’ll talk about this at home.” she said firmly.

The old man turned away and went towards the others. He hugged Sarah tightly. “I’m sorry. I should’ve been a father when you needed one. I’m so sorry.” He then looked towards his grandsons. “Listen to your mom and Pops, you hear?”

They both nodded solemnly.

Bucky had been silent for the entire event and was proud of Sarah’s strength but knew there would be consequences after today’s squabble. He looked at the tall, thin black man in the eye and couldn’t help but be reminded of someone else.

Roz and Felix got in the car deathly silent and left.


No one spoke about the truths revealed that day and for a while things were remarkably quiet. June rolled in bringing thicker humidity. Cass turned fourteen and had a successful birthday party outside his house. Rebecca now had a driver’s permit much to Bucky’s consternation. She and Ashley would often drive around the neighborhood in her car. It was enough to give him white hair.

Sarah found one of the first strands during their romantic weekend trip. They had to arrange for moments of privacy between them but this time they wanted something more romantic, so they took time off to have a weekend at a beach town in Florida. Bucky had surprised her by choosing a private rental house right up on the beach and the place was incredible.

Sarah had been thoroughly impressed, but then forgot about it when Bucky picked her up bridal style and took her to bed.

At home their love making had a sense of urgency since they were on borrowed time. Now though they took their time undressing and enjoying each other.

His body was gorgeous, something out of a romance book cover and she loved sitting above him, his co*ck snug in her puss* as she rode him to org*sm. His hands cupped her cheeks, squeezing and pushing as she rose and fell on his sex. He never uttered a complaint, why would he? He was blessed with the vision of her lost in pleasure, beautiful breasts, ample hips and her juicy thighs setting the pace. Often he’d coax her down for a kiss, wanting to suck the moans out of her plump lips.

Laying completely on top of him, the rhythm continued, his co*ck sliding in a new angle that got her panting sweetly against his neck. Her breasts against his slightly hairy chest brought new, delightful sensations. Their hips rocked gently against each other, savoring the connection, taking their time until they could no longer deny the climax. Finally, his hands slid down her silky back to cup her cheeks with greedy fingers and pressed down hard. Sarah spasm around him and came with a breathless whimper. He joined her, surging deep as he came with her name on his lips.

They enjoyed the beach with its white sands and clear waters. She looked like temptation itself in her bikini and he was grateful for the privacy when she wiggled her ass at him one too many times and he had his wicked way with her on the chaise lounge under the large umbrella. At first Sarah was self-conscious, but then forgot about it completely as he pushed her bikini bottom to one side and slid between her thighs. She clutched the chair as he pounded into her, sending them both careening into ecstasy. By the time they both came, gasping for breath, the chair had completely sunk into the sand.

It rained one night, making for a pleasant evening inside while watching a movie. Bucky had his head on her lap when she chuckled and pointed out the white hairs on his sideburns.

“Rebecca driving around has gotten to you.” she teased.

“She was so tiny when she was little. I could pick her up with one arm.” He sighed. “Now she’s halfway to adulthood and it panics me that one day she’ll be out there living her life as she wants it.”

“Welcome to parenthood. I know what you mean. Cass is turning into a man right in front of me and AJ is busting out of his clothes. I remember when they would each grab one of my fingers with their chubby little hands wherever we went.”

“I want her happy, despite my feelings. The initial plan was to live in the small house for a year, then move into something bigger so eventually we can move our grandmother with us, and we could all be together.”

Sarah paused the movie. “You mean you plan to move away?”

He turned to look up at her. “Still in the neighborhood, but something bigger.”

“Our nights by the trees would end.” she said sadly.


“I’m sorry, that’s selfish of me. You have every right to want better things for your sister and grandmother.” She smiled weakly. “I mean it’s not as if you’re disappearing from me forever.”

Bucky took her hand and pressed it against his cheek. “Sarah, I love you. I’m not going to disappear on you, not when I need to see you in order to breathe.”

The way her heart just lurched. “I need to see you too. Every day and every night.” She laughed through her sudden tears. “You and your stupid blue eyes. I can’t resist you.”


Whatcha think of Roz now? Tell me! Tell ME! 😅

Chapter 18: Descent into Madness


Bucky and Sarah get their romantic interrupted by a death in the family.


Warning: Mention of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome), Prison, Attempted Murder of a woman and child, fires, bomb threats! So MUCH!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

They were on their penultimate day at the beach house when Sarah received a phone call from her father.

“Sarah, you two need to come home now.”

“Is it the kids??” she asked, as Bucky quickly went to grab his own phone.

“The kids are safe. It’s Felix. He’s dead.”

“Oh God!”

The drive was harrowing as they quickly made their way back to Delacroix. Once they reached the house, did Sarah learn the whole truth. Felix didn’t just die, he committed suicide.

The news was all over the town. He had been working in the office late recently, probably to avoid his wife who had become clingy and nagging after their visit to the Wilsons. On more than one occasion he had slept on the couch. That was what his secretary thought had happened when she came in the morning and found him still in his office, but the ashen complexion, the empty bottle of pills and the letter on his desk made things all too clear.

Everyone who knew him was devastated. AJ was inconsolable, terribly confused, and afraid. Sarah and Paul kept an eye on him several times a night as the nightmares consumed him. Cass was also upset but was more worried about his brother. He and Rebecca did their best to cheer him up.

Roz made a total spectacle of it all. She milked the sympathy, asking for donations to help her since she couldn’t cope with the grief. She was now a lonely widow with no sons to comfort her and not a single grandchild to soothe her tears. It was infuriating to see the townsfolk who were aware of her narcissistic behavior fall for it and hang by her every word.

At the funeral, the church was smothered with flowers donated by friends and neighbors of Felix. The only thing Roz purchased was the casket, the cheapest available, which sickened Paul and Sarah. Her speech was barely about Felix, and she went on about her pain, her loneliness, her lack of compassion from the community. It made Sarah want to go up there and slap her, but good manners kept her seated. They weren’t even seated anywhere close to where family ought to be, knowing Roz would toss them out if she saw them. Fortunately, the church was packed so they were lost in a sea of faces. Even Bucky and Rebecca managed to slip in though they were seated farther back in case they needed to leave.

Roz finished her speech saying she wished she understood what had gone wrong and that she hoped Felix was happy where he was. The pastor was supposed to then give the final prayers and end the service, but instead he mentioned that there was another guest speaker invited by Felix himself. This got the whole crowd muttering and Roz was caught by surprise when a man in well-made suit and tie stood in front of the podium.

“My name is Mr. Gregory Malcolm, and I am Felix George Casper’s attorney and the executor of his last will and testament. Before his passing he asked me and the pastor at this church to follow his instructions to the letter, as I’m about to do. Before his death, he sent me a recording that he asked to be played at his funeral. He requests that all within listen to his final confession.”

Everyone sat with bated breath as the recording began.

“This is Felix George Casper and if you’re hearing this then my demons have finally consumed me and I’ll go to meet my Maker who no doubt will be disappointed with the action I have taken, but that is for Him and I to discuss when I get there. Despite what you think or what Roz has told you, I am of sound mind and body, and I wish to confess some sins and make some things clear for all to hear. I left this world because I couldn’t bear to live another moment with the truth. The truth is I was a weak and cowardly man who let himself be wed to a woman who did not love him. Rosaline married me because she knew I preferred Darlene Baptiste Wilson, and she couldn’t stand to be second. I did not love my wife, I never did, but I did love the daughter she birthed, my perfect little Pearl…”

The murmurs began and Roz was frozen on the spot, humiliated and furious. She rose to leave only to see the entrances blocked by ushers.

“…I thought I lost her from SIDS but then I learned recently that it might not be the case, so in secret I had her body disinterred and investigated and she was well preserved enough to find fibers in her throat as well as other physical evidence that coincided with suffocation. Pearl was smothered.”

A shock ran through the crowd. Sarah gasped and Paul muttered something under his breath. Cass frowned, “Is he saying she choked?”

“….Roz you said I loved that baby more than you. Did you do this? Did you have something to do with Pearl’s death…?”

She shot up to her feet. “He’s insane! INSANE! He committed suicide, why are we listening to this! Shut it off!!”

Sarah refused to let her silence Felix and stood up. “I and four other adults heard you say that you were glad the baby was gone. GLAD that your daughter passed away!”

The gasps were louder, and the whisperings grew. Roz went after her, but Sarah was ready and slapped the old woman across her face, grabbed her arm and dragged her back to her seat, slamming her back down on it.

“You sit down, and you shut up!” Sarah hissed at the hag who was stunned.

“…I cannot live with that woman another moment longer knowing the truth,” the recorder went on, “…I allowed this woman to ruin my life, ruin our sons, nearly ruin the Wilsons and since I lived a coward, I was determined to be brave in death. I’m taking everything with me, and the last word is mine. Wherever the Lord shall put me, all I can ask for is that my sweet Pearl is finally at peace.”

Once the recording stopped, the ushers opened the doors. Roz instantly stood up to leave, shocked and humiliated. Suddenly another woman stopped her, looked at the necklace she wore and yanked it off her.

“My mother gave that to me before she died, you bitch. Your son put a knife to me demanding I give it over.” She cried. “I hope he’s burning in hell.”

Roz fled.

The Wilsons took over the remaining funeral arrangements. The Caspers had a family tomb built when Georgie died, and money had been saved for its upkeep but where it was only Roz knew. Bucky quietly paid for a better casket and a new plot right next to Pearl’s, who had her own little granite tomb. Felix would rest peacefully next to his daughter.

“That was entirely too generous of you, Bucky.” Sarah said later as they held each other by the trees. “Honestly where is this money coming from? I know we pay you, but not nearly enough to do that!”

“You want to know the truth? It was from the last job I did. Babysitting that cartel leader’s son. The mother had put up the bounty and I accepted the job. After we got out she paid me in full, no problem.”

“How much?”

“Fifty million.”

Sarah’s jaw dropped. “Wait, wait, wait, you came here to be a fisherman, moved into that little house when you had fifty million dollars at your disposal??”

He shrugged. “I didn’t want to spend it all at once. My mother believed in frugality.”

“Bucky! You’re crazy.” She laughed breathlessly. “You could’ve boughten everything you and your sister could ever desire.”

“It could not have gotten me you.” He replied, caressing her face. “I’m glad I made my choice.”

When did he get so romantic? When did the pillaging Viking become her Prince Charming? Just thinking about the fact that soon he won’t be just a yard away, that they won’t have time under the trees hurt more than she could endure.

He could see the tension, the sadness in her face and he kissed her passionately, holding her tight. All his words, his promises he had told her were true, but he knew her walls where strong, so he’ll show her too, just how good a man he would be for her.


If Roz thought her troubles were over, she was wrong. Mr. Gregory Malcolm was unafraid and unmoved by her screams and tantrums when she learned that Felix had secretly transferred the bulk of his lifesavings to Marisol Felipe and Angel before dying. No one had known that he had been visiting and sending money to the girl and her son since the very start. He had been the reason that she was able to raise her child and go to school. He had been the one to encourage her career and work to get her mother back. He’d also had created trust funds for Cass and AJ that would be accessible only to them upon being accepted to a college/trade school or until they reached thirty. They also received their own letters from their grandfather, explaining and apologizing for his actions. There was also one for Paul and a final one for Sarah. He took his share of the blame for the abuse she went through, praised her for her strength, her beauty, her generous heart and hoped that his remaining kin would trouble her no more and that her remaining days were filled with genuine love.

Felix left Roz the house, but no money to support it with. The life insurance policy would not pay if it was a suicide so no luck there. He left a few thousand for De’Andre with the message to make something of himself, but who knows if it’d stick. Vengeance was swift and thorough. Once Roz was one of the richest wives in Delacroix, now she had to pawn off all her jewels to pay the bills. Eventually she would have to sell the house and move away, which many hoped would be soon. Although the evidence of Pearl’s death was circ*mstantial at best, the town’s people were quick to judge and condemn her. No one would listen to her arguments, and she was isolated, without a single friend. She must’ve realized the reality of her situation because quickly a FOR SALE sign popped up.

Good, Sarah thought. The sooner she left Delacroix, the better the whole town would be.


The Barnes started looking for a house shortly after the 4th of July. This decision pleased no one at the Wilson house, but they were too polite to say. Except for AJ who pleaded with Bucky to stay, saying they could move into the big house with them. The little boy’s world had changed dramatically, and Bucky could understand the desire to hold onto some form of normality. He sat down with him and explained that there just wasn’t enough space for him, Rebecca and his grandmother who would need constant care. He promised the boy that they wouldn’t move far, that Rebecca would still be at the same school, that they’d always come to visit and that he wouldn’t break his mother’s heart. AJ was still upset but understood and hugged him.

Sarah appreciated Bucky’s sensitivity even though she too was unhappy with the move. Nevertheless, she assisted in the house hunt. They were discussing the benefits of a half bathroom while on their way to open the restaurant when Carlos called them.

“Sarah!! Fire! The restaurant is on fire!” He shouted.

“What??” She said while Bucky quickly sped up to get there faster. “Did you call 911??”

“911, your daddy, the pastor, the president!”

The minutes to get there was too long. By the time they arrived the firefighters were already putting out the flames. Half the building was charred but luckily it did not spread to the docks or to the boats. Carlos and Rita had been busy hosing down the area to make sure it didn’t happen before the firetruck arrived.

Paul arrived hot on their heels. “What the hell!! What happened??”

Carlos shrugged. “I came the way I usually did, and I saw smoke from a broken window!”

“Broken window?? Who broke the window?”

Bucky separated from the group to look at said window. Peering into the charred mess, his gaze wandered over it all and came to a conclusion.

“It was a Molotov co*cktail. I’ve seen it before.” He told them. “Carlos did you check the boat?”

“I haven’t even gotten on it. I just hosed it down so it didn’t catch fire.”

“So you didn’t put that box on the boat.”

All eyes turned to the covered parcel that was resting on the winches.

“Holy sh*t.” Paul cussed. “Everyone off the dock!”

The firefighters called the police to summon the bomb squad and the area was cleared. Sarah was waiting impatiently for help to arrive when her phone rang.

“Hello? Marisol?”

“This is Eric, Mari’s boyfriend. She told me to call you before they took her to the hospital.”

“What?? What happened??”

“Mari and Angel got shot by that psycho baby daddy of hers.”

“No! He’s still in prison!”

“He got out. She identified him…she wanted me to warn you!”

Sarah suddenly called out, “Daddy where are the boys?!”

“I sent them with Rebecca to go visit her grandmother.”

Fear throbbed in her blood. “Bucky!”

“We’re leaving now.” Bucky replied as they both ran to the truck. “Paul keep the phone on!”


This one was all over the place! I hope you're excited for the penultimate chapter! 😆😆😆

Chapter 19: A Chase to the Edge


Sarah and Bucky are confronted by their demons who will stop at nothing to get what they want.


Warning: Kidnapping, Attempt Murder, Gun Violence, Physical Violence, Threats of assault, Murder, Gangs

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Rebecca had borrowed her brother’s truck and driven them over, hoping that a visit would distract the guys from the fire.

“You think the whole thing burned down??” AJ asked.

“Hopefully not!” Cass replied as they followed her into the nursing home.

Her phone rang and she answered. “Is everything alright?”

“Where are you??” Sarah demanded.

“We just got to the nursing home. Are you okay?”

“No one’s hurt, but I need you and the boys to stay there. There’s someone dangerous on the loose. Your brother and I are coming to get you.”

“Who is it?” Rebecca asked, suddenly on guard.

“Roz’s son, the convict. He’s out. Please don’t let the boys out of your sight!”

“I won’t, I promise.”

“Sestra, ya idu. Vse budet khorosho.” Bucky called out.

Ya sdelayu vse vozmozhnoye.” She replied bravely before hanging up.

She quickly led them to babushka’s room where they found a tall black man smothering the old lady with a pillow.

“sh*t!” De’Andre cussed and pounced on them. Grabbing Rebecca he shoved her against the wall and started to choke her.

Rebecca tried to scream and kick the man, but he pinned her hips with his, forcing his weight against her.

“Well ain’t you a cute thing. If I had more time I’d do you the favor of popping that cherry of yours.”

“GET OFF HER!” Cass grabbed a wooden chair and struck him as hard as he could. De’Andre reeled back in pain giving Rebecca enough room to swing, hitting him in the face.

AJ ran over to babushka, taking the pillow off her and checking to see if she was breathing. “HELP! WE NEED HELP!”

“Little f*ckers!” De’Andre snarled before grabbing his gun and slamming the butt of it against Rebecca’s face. The world spun around her and she fell helpless on the floor. Cass jumped and wrapped his arms around his neck, choking him, but the convict thought fast, grabbed AJ and pressed the gun against the boy.

“Let go little man before you become an only child.”

Frightened, Cass climbed off De’Andre and moved away.

“Now you two are coming with me!” He hissed, forcing them at gunpoint to exit the room. Some nurses came running to see what the commotion was, saw them exit and started screaming. Looking around, he saw the fire alarm and set it off. Instantly the sirens wailed, and chaos ensued, which allowed him to take both boys out the nearest exit and to his car.

He separated them, putting one in front with him and the other in the back and kept the gun on his lap as he sped out of Delacroix.

“Who are you?” AJ trembled.

“That’s Uncle De’Andre.” Cass answered coldly. “He’s supposed to be in jail.”

“Happy to see me! I was supposed to pick you up at the house after I took care of that ol white bitch but you came to me. Shame about the little girl. I hadn’t had puss* in years, and she looked like a screamer! Man, I haven’t seen you guys in years! Look how much you grown! When Momma showed me your pictures I was like, sh*t! Yall sprung up like weeds! Look sorry about the gun and all, but I had to take care of business. Once we meet up with Momma and get to the boat, everything will be all good.”

“Where are you taking us!” Cass demanded, not the least bit at ease.

“Don’t you worry about it, little man. I’m just making things right for Momma. Soon we’re going to be one big happy family again.”

“I don’t want to go with Grandma Roz! She’s mean, she hates our mom, she killed her baby!” AJ protested.

“Man you better shut the f*ck up about all that.” The man growled. “Momma ain’t going to put up with none of that so unless you want your teeth knocked in you best mind your mouth and do what she wants from now on.”

“Mom and Pops are going to look for us.” Cass retorted. “Uncle Bucky will pound you to the floor.”

De’Andre laughed. “You think those f*ggots are going to do anything to me?? HA!”

Miserable, the boys could do nothing as they were driven further away from home.


Bucky surveyed the damage done to his ladies. Rebecca received heavy bruising and a serious concussion, but she was awake and cooperating with the nurses. Babushka, miraculously was revived and breathing once more, but she was on oxygen and slow to respond. A coldness he hadn’t felt in a while flooded his body as a plan of attack already began to form.

Rebecca took one look at his face and knew what would happen next. “Brother, don’t leave me an orphan.”

He kissed their grandmother, before kissing his sister. “I won’t. I promise.”

Exiting the hospital room, he went down and found Paul and Sarah being questioned by the police. Sarah was fighting panic and when she saw Bucky she broke off and ran to him.

“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry this spilled onto your family…” She started to sob. “He took my babies….he took my babies!”

Bucky was too cold to embrace her but stroked her cheek. “Stay with Paul. I’m getting them back.”

Sarah was shocked by how abruptly he departed and suddenly afraid, she raced after him. Sliding into the passenger seat of his truck, she buckled herself in.

“How are you going to find them? We have no idea where they went.”

“I have my ways.” He replied. “You don’t want to see this.”

“Maybe I do. I’ve killed a man too.” She replied firmly. “He stole my sons. I want them back by any means necessary.”

He stared out for a moment before starting the truck. “Fine, but I need your permission.”

“Permission to what?”

“I promised you I wouldn’t do anything to risk myself anymore. I need your permission to break that promise.”

Sarah was momentarily torn. Would she lose more loved ones when it was all over? Slowly she nodded. “Okay.”

Making a quick stop at the house for supplies, they drove out into the city to find the boys before it was too late.


De’Andre stopped at a bank to pick up his mother before speeding off.

“You got it, Momma?”

“Yes, got the money from the house and everything else I could sell.” Roz replied, “You took care of the rest?”

“Yup, the bitch and that mix-blood bastard are bleeding out, old white hag is choked, and the restaurant is ashes.”

“Justice, finally.” She replied then smiled at Cass. “How are my grandbabies?”

Cass glared at her, and AJ refused to speak.

“Hm, got a lot of your mother in you, but don’t worry, after a few months in Jamaica, you’ll forget about all that and we can be a happy family.”


“Yes, we’ll be changing our names of course but it’ll be the four us all together, starting a new life.” Roz mused. “Now, who are we meeting, sweetie?”

“My man Lloyd told me his buddy Walter got a boat that’ll take us to the island, Momma. He’ll be waiting for us on the dock. He’s got us a sweet deal over there. Soon we’ll be on the beach sipping on coconuts and eating pineapples!”

“Doesn’t that sound fun?” Roz said happily to the boys.

Silence and hatred were in the older boy’s eyes. AJ turned away from both and reached a scared hand out to his brother who took it and gave a comforting squeeze.


Sarah stayed in the truck while Bucky went into an obscure chop shop. Without a greeting he stepped inside and made himself known. The owner, a small Hispanic man with a limp went to see who it was and was shocked. “Holy sh*t. What are you doing here?”

“Someone pissed me off.” Bucky replied coldly before throwing him a wad of cash. “His name is De’Andre Casper. I want to know where he is. Now.”

The man caught the money, ran his fingers through the hundreds and nodded. “De’Andre Casper, coming right up.”

The minutes dragged on, but soon Bucky came out and they were off on the road again.

“What did he tell you?” Sarah asked anxiously.

“De’Andre had been receiving a ton of visits from Roz shortly after Felix died. He told an inmate that he planned to move to Jamaica when he got out.”


“Roz has been seen selling stuff off, wasn’t she?”

“She was…she also sold the house.” She realized. “She was saving money for the move and took my boys thinking they can start a whole new life? That bitch! I’m going to kill her!”

“The police are looking for them, so they’re not flying out the usual way. They could take a plane, but a boat is stealthier. I’m calling in a favor.”

“A favor…Is that safe?” she asked worriedly.

“We don’t need safe, we need dangerous.” He replied before grabbing his phone.


Mother and son reached the docks just as the sun was setting. It had been a long way, but the end was finally in sight. De’Andre ripped the plates off the car and threw them away. Roz grabbed the suitcases from the back before taking AJ firmly by the arm. Cass stepped out reluctantly when his uncle ordered him out, waving the gun at him. They looked around curiously for the boat until a short black man waved at him.

“Ay, Walter. Right on time like you promised.” De’Andre greeted. “Look Momma, we’re riding out in style!”

The portly man waved at them to get on the yacht. A large, beautiful, white boat that soon launched without incident.

Now far out into the sea and deemed unable to escape, the boys were allowed to wander, and they tried to stay as far away from the adults as possible, but Roz kept one step behind them.

Since they couldn’t shake her, AJ decided to confront her with a burning question. “Grandma Roz, why’d you kick me in the face?”

Roz sniffed. “That’s a rude question. Don’t ask about the past.”

“But did you hate me?”

“No, I did not hate you. You just made me mad.”

“Is that why you killed your baby? Because she made you mad?” He asked.

Roz was ready to slap the boy, but Cass glared, daring her to try it. “She wouldn’t stop crying and I had a headache. I threw a pillow over her to muffle the noise. By the time I felt better she was gone.”

“Grandpa Felix said she was pretty.”

“Not as pretty as me. I was the prettiest girl around.” She boasted.

“Did your mom tell you that?”

“My mother? Ha, my mother never had a kind word for me. It was all about Daniel, her precious Daniel.” She scoffed. “When he died she blamed me. You brought drugs into this house; it was your fault! She didn’t care until affected him. I was just hoping to hurt his reputation. Hell, it was the police’s fault! They arrested me for drugs dozens of times, but my brother…they beat the tar out of him and when he tried to get away…” A gun shot rang out in her mind, and she flinched. “Enough of that. Enough of this talk. No more talking about the past, ya hear?? We’re going into the future now and everything will get better!!”

Abruptly she left them, and they breathed a sigh of relief.

“Okay we’re out now, the money where is it?” Walter demanded, sweating profusely.

De’Andre called for his mother since she carried the cash. “Momma, you got it?”

She quickly pulled out an envelope and reluctantly handed it over. The guy grabbed it and opened it, counting the bills.

“Yeah, it’s all here.” He smiled. “Thanks for the business. Okay I’m good.” And he knocked on the wall three times.

De’Andre frowned and suddenly the sound of footsteps surrounded them. Startled, Roz tried to run out and get the boys only to find herself in front several semi-automatics.

“The f*ck?? What the f*ck??” De’Andre snarled. “You double crossed me??”

Walter shrugged. “Hey I don’t f*ck around with the cartels. They asked for you, I give you to them. Bye!”

De’Andre pulled his gun only to find a muzzle of an AK shoved right up against his chin.

Afuera!” ordered one of the men and everyone went out to the deck. There they were greeted by the sight of Bucky, and Sarah with the boys clutched in her arms. They had thrown themselves at her and she had gathered them tight, crying and kissing them, asking if they were alright. When she saw Roz and De’Andre she had to fight back the desire to choke the woman.

“You horrible, monstrous BITCH!” She cried. “You thought you could take MY. SONS??”

“They belong to me! They are their father’s sons and I have more claim to them then you ever do!”

“Oh that’s rich.” A voice drifted into the scene and a small but voluptuous woman in expensive clothes joined the group along with a young man only slightly taller covered in Nike gear from head to foot. “She’s thinking she can still call the shots.” She nodded gracefully at Bucky. “Soldier.”

“Doña Solis.” He then nodded at the young man. “Gerardo.”

“Hey Jaime! You looking good.” He winked.

“You know these guys?” Cass asked, surprised.

He shrugged. “Sort of. Doña if it’s not too much ask, can they be excused? They don’t need to see this.”

“Sure.” She turned to her son. “Mijo, go entertain our guests please?”

Si Mami, come on, I got pizza, soda and Disney Plus downstairs.”

“I’d prefer to stay,” Sarah said, “I want to see this played out.”

“Are you sure?” Bucky asked.

She nodded, so he reluctantly consented, and they urged the boys to go with the young man who assured them that they’d be safe.

“Now with the children gone we can get down to business.” Doña Solis began. “Soldier, you asked me to help you capture these two people. What do you want to do with them now?”

“That man disrespected my family, and I want blood.” He demanded.

Murmurs of understanding broke out amongst the men.

“How do you want it done?” She asked.

“My own hands.”

She smiled slyly. “Give him room boys. For one night only, the Winter Soldier is back.”

Cackles and whoops of laughter broke out as the gunmen formed a semi-circle around the deck. De’Andre was stripped of his gun and shirt and thrown into the circle. Roz protested but they held her tight. Sarah watched as Bucky removed his shirt and hat.

“Be careful please.” She pleaded before pulling him down for a deep, loving kiss.

He took strength in her touch, before drawing back. “If you ever need to leave, then do it.”

Turning around he stepped into the circle and assumed fighting pose. De’Andre realized what was going to happen and laughed.

“You think you’re gonna beat me with one working arm and that piece of plastic?” The tall black man cracked his neck. “I’m going to kill this white-”

Wham! Bucky’s fist went right for De’Andre’s face, firmly shutting his mouth up. Dazed De’Andre started going in aggressively, but Bucky hunched and blocked the blows with his forearms before kicking him hard in the gut, doubling him over and slamming his fists over his head like a hammer.

Roz cried out but the men crowed with excitement. Sarah and Doña Solis watched with bated breath as the fight continued.

Bucky usually tried to kill his targets quickly but this one he wanted to beat into a bloody pulp, so he swung in, hard and fast. A gut punch had the man groaning, a nose break had blood streaming down his face, and teeth went flying when his metal fist made contact.

De’Andre was now scared, because any hit he landed seemed to only make him angrier and he was becoming disoriented with every blow he received. A swipe to his legs threw him on the deck and the Winter Soldier was on top him.

All Bucky could see in his mind was his grandmother barely breathing, his sister beaten, the restaurant burned, Sarah’s tears and it fueled his rage further. He began to pound De’Andre’s face into the floor.

Roz began to plead as she watched her son bleeding profusely. “Stop, stop!! He’s my son! Listen to me! I need him! He’s my son!!”

“You take children from their mother and expect sympathy?” Doña Solis laughed, then grabbed the old black woman’s face and forced her to look at the fight. “No, bieja, you’re going to watch him die at the hands of the Winter Soldier.”

Bucky climbed off De’Andre, heaving harshly as he watched him gasp and whimper. He barely had a face and was too weak to move, but Bucky had no sympathy for this man who would shoot his own child to satisfy his mother’s needs. Grabbing him by his foot, he dragged him to the edge of the yacht and stood him up against the railing. Sticking his hand out, one of the men handed him a gun which he then pointed directly at De’Andre. He turned his cold gaze on Roz, and shot De’Andre at point blank range, destroying his skull, and sending his body flying into the brown waters of the Gulf.

Sarah never looked away from it all. She ought to be horrified, she ought to be moved by Roz’s pleas for mercy but instead she felt relieved. The monster had been handled, soon it would all be over.

Everything had been going Roz’s way earlier. All her enemies had been punished yet now it was all gone and it was due to the white beast who approached her, gun in hand. She tried to get free, but the men held her fast.

“I knew you were a monster from the moment I saw you!! You white piece of sh*t! Killing blacks, killing my son!”

“Killing you.” He added. “I thought about giving you over to the cartel but a narcissist like you never learns, so death is better.”

Panic set in the old woman as Bucky co*cked the gun, grabbed and dragged her toward the edge of the boat. His strength was terribly strong and no matter how she struggled he couldn’t be moved. Terror seized her and she began begging.

“Sarah! I’m your mother-in-law! I’m the grandmother of your sons! Don’t let him do this to me! We’re family!”

Family? Family! I don’t even think you know the word.” Sarah replied coldly. “Everyone in your life were tools to satisfy your needs and now they’re all dead because of you! You’ve haunted my family for years and now I want nothing more than to see you gone.”

“You ungrateful bitch! You listen to me!”

“NO! I won’t listen to you. I am done with you! I beat you! I got my sons out of your house, I got my father out of prison, I kept the business from your hands and I…I pushed Georgie into the nets and watched him drown.” Sarah confessed, then looked at Bucky. “I’m done.”

He softened slightly. “Go with the boys.”

Sarah turned away from Roz who started screaming and bellowing obscenities. She turned around the corner when a gunshot rang out, silencing her, then a soft splash was heard. The tension melted instantly from her body and a feeling of freedom filled her. Glad that it was over, she went into the cabins to check on her sons.

The yacht turned around and went back to the docks. Walter was released and he gladly went back to his actual boat. The Wilsons and Bucky disembarked with Doña Solis seeing them off.

“Well, this was an interesting little excursion.” The woman said graciously. “But it’s time to fulfill your end of the bargain, Soldier. $25 million.”

Bucky took out his phone and started the transfer. The Wilsons were agog.

“You have that kind of money, Uncle Bucky??” Cass gasped.


Sarah’s jaw dropped. “That’s half of what you earned! Bucky are you serious??”

Doña Solis chuckled softly. “You can imagine my surprise when the Winter Soldier called me asking to help get your sons back. You think he’s crazy for offering me half? No, mija, he offered it all. He spent years in jail protecting my son for that money and when he said it was so that a mother can save her children, well, it touched my heart, so I only took half.”

“Done. It should be in your account now.” Bucky said, making no remark about the conversation.

The woman turned to one of her guys. “Chuey? Is it?”

A guy with a phone gave a thumbs up. “It’s all there, jefa!”

“You were always a man of your word, Soldier. Buenas noches.”

Buenas noches,” He replied softly, sliding his baseball cap over his head. “Come on, let’s go home guys. You hungry?”

“No, we had pizza and popcorn.” Cass explained.

“We watched The Mandalorian!” AJ added and began to talk about the show.

Sarah followed but was stopped by the cartel leader.

“Is he your husband?”


She gave her a look of mild disappointment. “My husband sacrificed two of our children for his drugs and money. He was going to kill my last baby because he wasn’t “man enough”, so I put three bullets in his body and took the business from him. Good mothers protect their children, it’s only natural.” She gestured towards Bucky with the boys. “He sacrificed money for sons that aren’t even his. Girl, you better lock him down tight, because you won’t find better. Yeah he’s an assassin, but everyone has their sins.”

Sarah didn’t know what to say, so simply thanked the woman and went back to her family.


It took a while for the dust to settle and for everyone to assess the damage done. The restaurant would need to be partially rebuilt, but fortunately, insurance covered the damage. The kitchen had not been destroyed, just the dining area, so they placed benches out and put up tents allowing customers to still visit the place. The box on the boat turned out to be nothing but fireworks that harmlessly popped from a safe distance by the bomb squad.

Marisol had been shot in the back twice since she used herself to shield her son from De’Andre’s bullets. She was in critical condition, but was slowly recovering, starting to move again with a walker. Angel took a bullet to his shoulder, but it passed through, and he fully recovered with only a scar to remind him of that terrible day. Eric rose to the occasion and proved to be a loving and supportive father figure and partner to them both.

Rebecca was so relieved to see her brother and her friends return in one piece that she couldn’t hide her tears. She quickly recovered and was released first. Babushka awoke with no idea how she got there, and they decided it was best for her to remain that way. Her grandchildren focused their attention on her recovery and getting a house so they could keep an eye on her became even more important.

Everyone was glad that the boys were back home relatively unscathed. Cass and AJ suffered nightmares, some harsh enough to send the younger of the two scrambling into his mother’s room. The older tried to keep it to himself, which worried their family even more. Sarah quickly put them into therapy to help them recover.

“Maybe you should see someone yourself, princess.” Paul suggested. “You didn’t experience a walk through a park.”

“Maybe,” she agreed, “We’ve all been through the grinder this year, but thank God we made it.”

As far as the people of Delacroix knew, De’Andre Casper was still at large and wanted for his crimes. Rosaline Casper disappeared probably with her son, and no one missed her.

Surprisingly Sarah felt very little remorse for what happened on that boat. Roz had her hand in nearly all the terrible things that happened, and she was justly executed. De’Andre and Georgie were molded by a monster, became one themselves and died unredeemable. Her feelings of guilt for killing her husband had softened as she thought more about what the other woman had said. The only emotion that grew stronger was her feelings for Bucky. He went above and beyond what any man had ever done for her, and he’s still asked for nothing. He reported to work as usual, as if he hadn’t just single-handedly saved her family and destroyed their enemies. Only the Wilsons knew exactly what he’d done for them, and he asked that they keep it that way, wishing only for things to return back to normal.

When they finally had a moment to themselves Sarah buried herself in his arms as they stood under their trees at night. There was rumbling of thunder in the distance, lightning flickered amongst the dark clouds.

“I wish you’d ask something of me.” She murmured against his shoulder. “All you’ve done for me, and you’ve never asked for anything.”

His hand stroked the long line of her back. “I kind of have a soft spot for that peach cobbler you made for Thanksgiving.”

She laughed softly. “That’s not what I’m talking about and you know it.”

“You don’t need to give me anything, Sarah. I did it as much for me as I did for you.”

“Bucky you offered $50 million to get my sons back. You were ready to give up on buying a house, getting your sister a car, her college money, caring for your grandmother!”

“Well it’s not like I only had 50 million dollars. I did save from my other jobs so truthfully I didn’t give up every-” She silenced him with her mouth, kissing him hard and deep until he got the picture and returned her passion with his.

She clutched him tight, refusing to let him go, wishing she could absorb him into her very being. “Bucky I need something from you.”

“Ask me.” He murmured against her sweet soft lips.

“I need you. In my arms, in my bed, in my life, in my children’s lives. I need you in my heart, Bucky. The door is open. Take it and please take care of it.”

“I’ll guard it with my life. I’ll never give it away. It’s mine, you’re mine.” He promised her. “I need something from you, Sarah.”

“Tell me and I’ll give it to you.”

“Tell me you love me.” He risked asking, but in his heart he knew that it wasn’t really.

The words spilled out of her mouth like water bursting from a dam. “I love you, Bucky.” She laughed suddenly. “Oh my God that felt so good to say!”

He picked her up, wrapping her legs around his waist and held her safe in his arms as they kissed once more. They felt good and safe in each other’s arms and that’s all that mattered.

Sarah drew back to admire her handsome man and noticed something. “Are you crying?”

Perhaps he was a little, but only because he was warm after being cold for so, so long. “It’s starting to rain.”

Drops of rain began to fall on them, but she wasn’t ready to end this precious moment. “I think you’re crying.”

“Can’t I cry in front of the woman who loves me?” He teased, smiling sweetly.

If he wasn’t just the prettiest thing in her life? And she wasn’t giving him up, not a bit. “Of course you can. You’re safe with me, love.”



How are we feeling? 😎😎😎

Chapter 20: The End...Is the Beginning


The Wilsons and the Barnes continue on with life in Delacroix, their demons defeated.


Nothing but the stuff that makes life go on.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


Bucky and Rebecca eventually moved from the little house into a larger place sometime around November. Babushka was quietly installed into her own room with a home care nurse to see to her needs while her grandchildren were out. Their new house had a pool which excited their friends. Cass and AJ came often to swim, as did Ashley.

School was better for the young ones. Rebecca was now more established, and Cass and AJ were no longer outcasts. Therapy helped them a great deal with their pains although sometimes AJ would look over at the tables where Grandpa Felix would wait for them and ache. Still, he dedicated himself to his piano and was determined to remember his grandfather in better ways. Cass became a popular person: warm, intelligent, and sympathetic, much like his Uncle Sam. Rebecca never did find a boy that she liked and dedicated herself to her studies instead, much to her brother’s relief.

Sarah and Bucky ached at the loss of their nightly meetings, but he compensated by picking her up every morning and dropping her off at the end of the day. It was a bit out of his way, but he didn’t care, he missed her and wanted to spend every moment he could. Sarah learned to appreciate the new house as it was wide enough to give them the privacy they wanted so she could spend the night. Paul encouraged her to do so, reminding her that the boys were becoming more independent, and she was entitled to her own happiness.

Time moved slowly in Delacroix, but eventually Rebecca graduated and went off to college in California, wanting to see what big city life was like. Babushka was lucid enough to bless her granddaughter before she quietly passed away in her sleep. She thanked her grandson for making her finals years restful, ordered him to marry Sarah because she was a good girl who should not be made to wait and finished by saying that his parents would be proud. He hadn’t thought of them in years, but he hoped with every peaceful day and with every success that they were pleased.

Cass graduated two years shortly after Rebecca, though he headed to New Orleans for his degree. He helped run the business with his Pops and discussed with him the idea of creating a chain of restaurants. Paul urged his grandson to get his business degree and come back to make it happen, confident in his abilities. AJ’s passion for the piano grew greatly and he had high ambitions to make something of himself as a musician. Some universities showed interest and were waiting impatiently for his senior year. Their earlier reputation as sons of a psycho had vanished and the phrase “have you heard about the Wilson boys” was spoken with pride and admiration.

It was in AJ’s sophom*ore year of school when Bucky got down on one knee on the private dock and asked Sarah a question.

“I never got this far with Nat so I’m new at this.” He said awkwardly as he held up the box with the diamond ring inside.

“Well I’ve done this before and I can say you’re doing much better than the last guy.” She teased gently. “Although I am curious as to why now.”

“Babushka scolded me in my dreams.” He admitted sheepishly. “She said she’d haunt me if I didn’t make you a proper wife.”

She chuckled, took the ring, and slipped it onto her finger. “Can’t have an old woman interrupting our intimate time. Now stand up and kiss your future wife.”

He gladly did just that.

Sarah only wanted a small ceremony with immediate family and friends, and they quietly married in front of their trees, because they could imagine no place better. Rita and Rebecca stood by her side in soft blue dresses. Bucky had Cass, (who loomed two inches over him), and AJ (who met him eye to eye) at his. Paul quietly walked his daughter down the flowered path bearing none of the doubts he held the first time around. Sarah in a simple but elegant short sleeve body hugging dress with hundreds of lace petals and satin silver belt looked like a dream to Bucky and it was so extraordinary to him that he managed to achieve this happiness that he wept a little. Sarah tenderly wiped the tears from his face as the ceremony continued.

Rebecca happily embraced the couple and called Sarah her beloved sestra several times. Sarah happily kissed the girl now a young woman and gladly accepted being called a sister once more.

Cass and AJ had long grown used to Bucky and had accepted him in the fatherly role. Uncle Bucky eventually became Otchim which he took without complaint. They never learned much Russian except for a few words, but “stepfather” they could manage. Becoming a father, he realized, was just as thrilling as being a husband.

He also gained a father in Paul whom he’d long respected and was more than content to honor him as such. Paul felt better, better than he’d had for a while. No longer did he feel like a failure as he saw the brilliant smile on his daughter’s face as she married a man of good character, who valued family and home above everything else. Darlene and Sam could finally rest at ease.

Bucky moved into the Wilson house but kept the other one for Rebecca’s use later. He used his wealth to invest in the family home and business. Paul still ran the business and showed no desire to retire as did Rita and Carlos who stayed loyal to the family. Marisol eventually married Eric who adopted Angel and gave him more siblings. She got her degree and was now in the process of getting her mother back to the states. The Casper house was bought by a Vietnamese family and Sarah smiled at the sight of it filled to the brim with happy people.

Things were good, really good.

“Bucky, I think I’m ready for that talk now.” Sarah asked as they lay in bed one night.

“What talk?” He frowned curiously.

“The baby talk.”

His brows went up. “Really? I mean, alright…do you want to?”

“I know I’m older and the risk is…there, but the doctor said I’m healthy and you’re fit and we’re financially stable.”

“It might not work. We haven’t had any mistakes since the first one.”

“I know, but if I’m willing to try, would you be willing too?” she asked timidly.

A baby, at his age, but he looked at the hope in his wife’s brown eyes and he couldn’t help but wonder. “Okay, let’s try. Why not? Just because we both have a few white hairs doesn’t mean we’re old.”

“Baby, you did not just point out my white hairs.” She glared, poking him in one of his few soft spots.

“I love those white hairs,” He amended. “They make you beautiful, babydoll.”

She softened and leaned over to kiss him. “You’re lucky I love you.”

“Yes I am, so lucky.”



You guys can decide if they have a baby or not. 😁😁😁

The Sins We Carry - Sarifinasnightmare (2024)


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Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

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Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.