The News from Paterson, New Jersey (2024)

daughter for two years. Then YMHA to Start Ministers to fake asked him when he planned Ired WhenGirtePerents Asks About Marrying, Sets Fire Fatal to Them fto marry tier I After en argument the parents i Feb. 15, 1949 Patersort Evening News 1 Leader of Alleged "Charity" Game Waives Extradition Disc Conceits Part in Forum of Mollie.Meitner. 62 both were ho-i retired. Drescher and the girl'con- talized with third degree bums 'tinued ine quarrel for several our other lived in persons who a when he fith 506-MLRange received building Parenthood Center Wednesday! Eve Kdittvt I -VEW YORK.

Feb. 14 UP A lovesick arintcr 5eted because 'hi girl's parents Jacked him when be was going to many then- daughter, was accused Hours until ed in anger i-irlMl frum SAN I LAN Feb 14 U.R) Drescher. arrested when fi William P. Buckner, New York iK'trvt'tJ irmena'eae delorniHV 15-mjnute court appearance today waived extradition a noinicioc li brwClWnt officials apiT WASHINOTON, Feb. 14 iP sc*ms rive to the apan to the tnr won oi an United State will build guid

nause in which hi heart lived. hifivm jpUMaW, i VTj.v will begin a i charges- of ies of four dtscT concerts 'and to SSaw is on music this'Wednesdav Vinccn commentator will lit a ctgaret The Paterson Ministers Asaojcia-amc match 1 set lUon. Headed the Rev Sidney garbage and toseMcnk. and the Ridgewood Ciergj trash under somctCUib. of which the Rey.

How- King a phoney chant party last Summer. As-. here he laces a possible six-year prison term 'eif fork District Attor-, G. O'Counor. she asked.

Well, I sup-h othev New Yorkjpose it was offly a question of to a bag of it iqto some ed he had left, the ixatiding at! about the time the fire started, fir police that he and Ms girl went to a movie Saturday 'oa; night, returning to her apartment 500 miles. Scienusts and mated touching off the blaie' time. Siitary auinu.inn cvjiuurmij rrooeri ricnaoia. 70. and his for the bearing, said the iceir wauld fly to the Vlr-mds lodav "to follow up Garbed a plavsuit and sip kpect to push that range on up tojwu' iwa-, 49 were burned fatal- rn is preswent.

wiii tate uar. sr. forum to be held Wednesday as he. saw the fim; afternoon at 3 at e- Passaic itch. Drescher told po-jCounty Planned Parenthood Cen-the apartment building.

rn shortly before midnight The parents. were -waiting up for hi ping beer from a can, she was in-te viewed while attending a beach lead in the rase wi t- Dtegeher'a airHriend Hahaj.ii. them -Thev--Domtrt -out to lire- Vice nrtHivn mum mil n- at tne St. Beach assumed the officers wouiO pajty lilies uneuser. z.i and -her Mrseher that he had Tjeen going with He was arrested nine hours later.

re i House Armed Sea rices Sub- Club with her sister' Mrs. Marie Reldm of New York. The fori ier irtodel denied that i nuctiner lormer wnc. Garish Buckner. model, is in St.

-Thomas, buf (tee today in testimony urg-1 An tntarmattve program Designed to acquaint the ministers with the vvorX and vital need of the Center in the communitv. has been arranged 0r Bertha Roger of Ridgewood will be chairman ol the oress to autnorize soend- ti-r Swedish Beauty ShotPuringQuarrei refused to confirm this, then will return here and! of S200.00e.a0e to build a 3 -1 she had been witfe-Buckoex oen t. ariwitivt and that thev long ranee proving ifltnPr back to NeV been remarried. aund to test guided missiles. or tomor- haven't remarried not do (General Muif TairchUd.

Air vice v. met siaxi. toia A brief historv of the clinic and its wilt be given by Mrs Bertram H. Saun.ders a member uiOBinrittrr at a pubrsr nea of (he Board and chairman of the Our program hat proceeded to Mrs. A attending Icoint wrier a uigni test range I it was said Buckner was heldi VP plan she said, gnw lie in the gloomy lia-year-j Mjd- arrived here ia Prince-a jail- to which he lboul amonth ago with hersister i returned alter tr.

cnef hear- 8nd her gistcr e-v ear-old San Juan Dtrtrict Court jdauehter who is i ecupe-atiog from hue the darling ol New York tnJgjJtUe paralysis. s.hIci. huckne. complained' But.kner visited St. Thomas ut thequalitv of Use prisou fare times" singe, her arrival, i that he.

had not been able to she said, "but he didn come hero. ngwM, viff1 to visit me. The l-year- Id plyboj also I We bumped into each days growth "nra other she added. "Ha jLonaor said Buckner had ln usually was with othr women ited on sig-ounu, including. Site said that she was engaged St and far greater man mty mm flHtter is an absolute nece-k Missiles with ranges up to ft mfies will be ready-for testing ping IMS without a range of program Henrv as nt lengttt on wntcD to liy I.

Fucss of the! p' aV I gamnung tn- 2U vDected on ih ffs and conspiracy to defraud It was expected tiiat his trial mtKHtmKSKm mm Borough minister's pmr parenthood plahned Fiieu is Ito be cried soon know nothing about his she said. "We were divorced long before this New York chanty thing so of I don't ts to Jail for iken Driving I honorary rbai uoulc opicn in New York Feb- 28 when the case agai.tst of his ajleged -accomplices is scheduled for bearing in special sessions cout. He faces a possible six-year MK.LiORINO campajT Th? -physic; re.vigwer Know anything aoout do not want to be involv- In-this." Sked ii she planned to visit Buckl er in jail, she said: "Well. dont know. Perhaps ff by Or.

Dr Ar-Dr- Paul preseiiic Weiles, and ate Police ot the Newfound-1 sentence if convicter program W4l bej LiHian Garish Buckner. the development ofisnapelv brunette former wite. of eel ions from Doni-line 'prisoner expressed complete Mascagni. andisurprise when informed at St i illustrative mafer-! Thpmas in the Virgin Islands that ad BairacKs recvnuY appreiwiiu i he still there when I come through en route to NejrYork I'll stop to see him. But 1 strfr hod drunken driver and another i of a truck who removed! nufflr frcm hi trurk after! ftion.The drunken dfiret was nusical work on live 'authorities had arrested Buckner "Ob did realty tatchh gets a break he entire "La Tosca Bianoeo im v.

utimv Iger announced, that, vhH be serv ed at 1b Beidtng' and Mrs. John board members, and the will tart promptly at ins are new being regard theS2j)t goal of Planned Parenthood for SO days us default of it $300 One Cleaning Job After Another icntator for studied at on of Mu- and Z- in com ine ami bo emoved hi mufflei lost Jus Iter's, license for six month and JLZmm. I i a fine of 3 and cost amount-to 2. a son for. Trooper Joseph Halt and an Third hood CUi iContribu: Mrs.

ipaign trc Kai-h arrested Steve Bogdsii ondale Rd; wharton on Sat-l while driving on Route Sa-barton Ha was taken to I); 'V menit BKTTV BJt RSTROEM (left). Mis Sweden 1918." was shot seriously wounded in Paris following what police, dex ribed a a "quarrel with her h'ftsb'juid." Paris pnliir arrested a man "they tdenllfied a ber husband. Renato Senise. 44; shown weeping (right' at police' station during investigation of shooting. No charges were placed against Senise, an Italian motion picture pcoduc and former resdient of New Vork t'itv AP Photo by radio from" Parisl UianO Ol wnanon ami pn- kmced unfit, fo dm Magistrate sr carries on-gn including no.

referral ter-jcJoJ seilmgf" re-J to otherjarj nal program ph and studeniiv to reseairlifmt iiam Sweeney e.en ihf ridatory fine Hod booted his for two year When unable President Meets with Cabinet development ot development of nusic and the develop lodern. music. Works to paj ine hut i oposd inctwle complete selec-i Mo? art. Beethoven.) Clarence Crane. ol linton ltd rwfouiHiland was apprenenaen

Schumann. tiotiS it Strausi Rav I and Sibeli Feb. fi for dttvinj: ht truck choenberg. Stravinsky,) thout a muiiin -m yesterday before Disbrow Trooper Paul madetbe arrest and eom- IHurtinN.Y. Elevated Crash sSialiaBiaKial Jatfel aitt.

flkjjL, BajiajlBBfc urtt FthOflr sam crar.e nao gone Hold 200 in Slaying of Moslem ip motor vehicle inspettmh Ma and installed his muffler "be- 1 HrfrillPlI Irmm lmi' i msn'Citon "en took it i ne trck was approred. NEW YORK Fb. 44 (UP- were injured toify when fd Avenue elevated trains at fhe 125th St- station. ire than operator Traces Callr i Mi nl ts Police in Time ilawefl Prevent Suicide 1 2ppaaap "giitSlilaaHgvgH aVaaHSaVaVHHH vx-Ctty Hail local crashed El rear ot a local bound fromiday as i nrria4 frwm I il PLOM'S WERE at work again opening this narrow, passage through snowdrifts on a Northern Pacific spur line leading to a coal mine near Hasen. N.

D. The latest storm, one of a series this west central region has had recently, partly filled the defile. At the point pic-tured above, the line is. on fairly level ground Drifts tower higher thanthe locomotive i.tP Wlrephotoi fSlfTV'ER SPRIM anl Operator I 1" man' Elttabeth voice Jobi PRESIDENT TRl'MAN meets with his abinet. t'lockwise.

from lower left, are: Secretary of Interior A. Krtig, Secretary af Commeix-e Charles Sawyer, Vice Preside Alben ti. Serretarv of Labor Maurice Tobin. Secretary of Agriculture. Charles Brannan 'Postmaster General Jesse Pohald-ot.

SeretarST of Delense lorrestal. Secretary of Stale Dean Achesoh. Mr. Truman. Secretary of Treasurv John W.

Snyder, ami Attorney General Tom Clark. The group discussed the downward awing of commodity prices in an hour-long ses-iop at Washington. Four Plead Guilty In Basketball Fix Sole Survivors of Family Tragedy tb a call to Young man request emerg'encv "made listened in I'A marine was calling Nation's Air Defense' Sectors goodbye He had I say 14 NKW YOKE eo -nen pleaded gui! charges arising from aaaaaiBaaaaaam the attempi'- od of bv atit it uici4e by tumpi rain tie and wis wi 6 trouble." hersaid I betDfbst wav ile The fraotic moth him to change hi had the call itine booth at" the college basket bat a 000 bribe to ty to charges on aspifacv were- Jo- 35 Philip Klein Baltimoi io Railroad Terminal In Silve rued; i I I I I aVa''- riie nen MPIane Sets Record: IIOMPH g. She notified police IS minute? thceonvc en mother and son com 1 the man hung up. -ned to carry out -bis stepped out of the ymped into two poll took him to headc he tailed bin mothe tiinT'-Tn tel her he Then he as.

turned ihore patrol. olls Asteep on ioggoge pumbles Off, Hurt crie Feb 4. ere ced. ML jv MauiA AMfOtU 6)r''VT'UH, i accusedof' fWTOl CfNffas I MACl sfcroRstV making bill tun; "Anew -v iwsicto- 1 in Chorhi. 40.

of Fn Iwnoikf. MatnwtcK. leu asit i -i Miauit (i baegage wagonat the Efieail- iwer near -d station Market St. tins anei- SI 000 to let HS.4 iiattan by at Washingtmi won on and up wrth a bamg He 1 to 63 thev would alien off the three-toot neignr because in Chorm was treatea at tne MP Ol TLINES the eight regular and one speciaLairdfcnsc sectors in the Cnlted States as set up by the 0. S- Air Force.

In addition the country is divided Jnto East and West air defense areas (dfeUcd Tertkle line In left center of mepi. The sector controlled by Albuquerque. N. is a nlnth-area and is High; Km enefal Hospital fo a cut of tlje official record started out as Cverest said he si jet cruising tad li I uk CON A NT. JJ.

and -his daughter Ssan, vara the only survivors of a Are which destroyed their three-room Scelc WKcreabouts Of Brother's Friend 11 (. i Srtrr4l Ul l-" tiew considered a "regular" defense area by. the Air roree. II is jointly superviseo oy mc Air rone ana apt altitude! the Air national l.uard personnel. Hmd Assembly Dean i i i dwelling near Clayton.

N. rlaimlng the Mtcs ot Mrs. enant and seren of her children. The blaze was attributed a kerosene stove explosion. AP Wlraphot locate Marinut IT? effort 'ill Run Acoin ML jgWMIMk i'k Ami I '''iBi The 86 jet is the ume plane' Richard, Johnson.

AMC; st pilot, used last vear to set an Mitral world's speed recorlt of! 70 081 miler-rfl-r-hojr, the Ait Ma- President, Prime Minister Shake Hands 'HrrlBI4 ttMM rra- I mtr RtfttMl FIELD, Feb. 14 --P' A nblvman Thomas Muir R- losii ill accept anothf'r term in ower house, wnere ne i me his whereabout The letter fol "Last week 1 from my binthi letter $100,000 N.J. Aid f8. For Morris Local Roods can his sister said today. Mr.

Minnie MeClinton said nonv HannnnnnnmBsila slaf 'v' fm faBtfcgjilgtlLaJaaaaaa 0k TfiiilliirmaafflTiaaaaawi'' lier uf ajriend of his. in Hol-of his whereabouis. I have A Ho mg petitions for lsig Jth con-Jtive term are binr circulated. TKEN1 kiiovTh this man myself and aanHaaaaaHaHMaaaHaMaBaaaaaWWaaav Muir, who is blind, is the Road Const rurtioi approved today bv State High Commissioner SpencehMiUer lost tn Paterton some years ago. Then that time he wasw' pw' medical center for Iweral checkup.

working or lSvi2 'Now lam kindlv asking you tor sickness Prevented the sen ice of your paper. If tM-L Wfi- iixmr infnemalion'siaic uiuuai L. iu .1.. i the id Cured by Drug about this man, his name is Mars- tion to 21 counties I. nder the program, the state pays for 90 per cent of improvement costs, while the municipalitv puts up the rest.

I I IU. mis Van Eim. ine motncT is an old Udv now and. would appreciate helo in finding him and is very HM.TIMORE. Feb.

14 AP Utimore physicians using a drug RADIOS STOLEN from TrtJTrfflj't anxious to hear from her son. anyone knows or knew of this! man please m-eit vJ rm soMssored experiment found a core for seasickness limit mmmmi BurflUrs entered tW Bograd Van dei Hoevcn UW4 f- lira St. nd- also Ihr wav to urevenl it 'a-tc I m.nA aln a a-avHiavB uls of their findings in tne SPCA CONTRIBtTIONS it r-rrled to St are tin ho mwntnl to the lgffffffffff Hopkins Hosoltal Medteal police today Entrance was gained through a rear door; fiety tohiiht hy Dr.Leslie i i i The names of other contritmtniN to the SPCA's "A Dollar an Animal IT atflaaaaaaaafl and Or Paul Carllner HELD FOR GRAND Jl RY Drive'' were announced today. The! driv'e now totals MM. Prank William Gordon, 44, was! The Names.

ommiHed tn Satur KITCHEN FIRE lrmtr4 mm ltri(t i i cirriuai ordered held pending Grand Jury day due to a typographical error, action on a cnargc ol preaamg ana Oiig clothes against a gas entering. Thelma Herman. 27 BACK TO A PA MILIAR HARBO The Queen of Bermuda steams uk th Nnrth started a fire in the kitchen Halcdon Ave claimed that uor- are as follows A friend, j-i; n. Mr. ft: A friend.

$1: Etta B. Astwood. $3, Miss Charlotte Arm-ilt. $2 and Mrs, Boert. $3.

Largest contribution to data was a $25 check from Mrs. John 1 me of Mr. and Mrs Charles don. who is broke Into River past New York's skyline as she arrives from England lo resume her peacetime srhedule. Absent since 13, she aaw service in the British Navjr as an aaxlllarjr cruiser and a troop transport.

PRESIDENT TBI MAN (left) and Prime Ulnhtec Louis St. Laurent of Canada shake hands at Blair House, the I S. Chief Exeentlve'a temporary residence, after baring lunch together. In baekgrawM are Canadian Ambassador to the I S. Hume Wrong and UJI.

Ambassador Canada Laurence A. Stelnhardt. LAP Wlrephata) rrv 9 RoeklariH St this morn- ni Damage was alight. The alarm her home and stole several articles. He ww arraigned before Magistrate Edw-ard i O'Byme.

soiinitri frnm Station 41. txland and Barnes St..

The News from Paterson, New Jersey (2024)


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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

Birthday: 1999-11-16

Address: Suite 237 56046 Walsh Coves, West Enid, VT 46557

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Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.