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I-­‐PASS Study Group CV


Received 1. Ray E. Helfer Award for Innovation in Pediatric Education, Award Recipient (2011) 2. AAMC Readiness For Reform (R4R) Health Care Innovation Challenge, Honorable Mention (2012) 3. Accreditation Canada Leading Practices, Award Recipient (2013) 4. Community / Patient Empowerment Award, Boston Children’s Hospital Taking on Tomorrow Conference (2013) 5. “Top Articles” in Medical Education (#1 and #2) at Pediatric Hospital Medicine Annual Conference (2014) 6. HBS-­‐HMS Health Acceleration Cox Award Recipient (2014) 7. PHM Safety and Quality, Award Recipient (2015) 8. “Top 6 Research Abstract Submissions” at Pediatric Hospital Medicine Annual Conference (2016) 9. Communication and Shared Understanding Between Parents and Resident-­‐Physicians at Night -­‐Top Pediatric Hospital

Medicine Articles awarded by the Society of Hospital Medicine (2016)” – waiting for confirmation 10. Family Advisory Council Seal of Approval, Boston Children’s Hospital (2017) 11. “Paper of the Month” from the Swiss Patient Safety Foundation (2017)


Received 1. Implementing a Comprehensive Handoff Program to Improve Pt Safety (2009-­‐2010) Department of Defense (PI:

Landrigan) 2. Implementing a Pediatric Handoff Program to Improve Patient Safety (2009-­‐2010) Harvard Risk Management

Foundation (HRMF) (PI: Landrigan) 3. Effects of a Comprehensive Handoff Program on Resident Work Flow (2009-­‐2010) Program in Pediatric Safety and

Quality (PPSQ) (PI: Starmer) 4. Quantifying Nursing Workflow and Handoff Practices to Investigate the Impact of a Multidisciplinary Handoff Program

on Communication and Patient Safety (2010-­‐2013) PPSQ (PI: Starmer) 5. Building Effective Resident Hand Off Practices To Improve Patient Safety (2010-­‐2013) Department of Health and

Human Services (PI: Landrigan) 6. Oregon Comparative Effectiveness Research K12 Program (2011-­‐2013) Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

(AHRQ) (PI: Guise) 7. Patient Safety Culture and Quality of Patient Care: Relationship between measures of patient safety culture and

physician workflow patterns, communication, and medical error rates (2011-­‐2013) Medical Research Foundation of Oregon (PI: Starmer)

8. Improving Resident Handoff in Teaching Hospitals: Understanding Implementation and Effectiveness of a Handoff Bundle (2011-­‐2013) Physicians Services Inc. Foundation (PI: Coffey)

9. Development of Self-­‐Directed Computer Modules. Pfizer Grant. (PI: Calaman) 10. Closing the Gap in Handoff Communications: Evaluating the Effects of an IPASS Medical Student Handoff Bundle

(2013-­‐2014) Council on Medical Student Education in Pediatrics (PI: Guiot) 11. The I-­‐PASS Electronic Family Signout: A Technological Innovation to Empower and Engage Families of Hospitalized

Patients (2013-­‐2017) Boston Children’s Hospital Innovation Award (PI: Landrigan) 12. Impact of I-­‐PASS Curriculum on Written/Verbal Handoffs of Residents. Kaiser Permanente Grant. (PI: Bordin-­‐Wosk) 13. Bringing I-­‐PASS to the Bedside: a Communication Bundle to Improve Patient Safety and Experience (2014-­‐2017)

Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PI: Landrigan) 14. Disseminating Safe Handoffs: Mentored Implementation of the I-­‐PASS Program (2014-­‐2017) AHRQ (PI: Landrigan) 15. I-­‐PASS: Improved Handoffs for Safer Care at CRICO Hospitals (2014-­‐2017) HRMF (PI: Landrigan) 16. Ensuring High Reliability Communication between Ambulatory Care Settings and the Emergency Department to

Improve Patient Safety (2016-­‐2017) PPSQ (PI: Starmer)

PUBLICATIONS Peer Reviewed Publications Authored by I-­‐PASS Study Group Members

1. Sectish TC, Starmer AJ, Landrigan CP, and Spector ND, and the I-­‐PASS Study Group. Establishing a Multisite Education and Research Project Requires Leadership, Expertise, Collaboration, and an Important Aim. Pediatrics 2010; 126(4): 619-­‐622

2. Starmer AJ, Spector ND, Srivastava R, Allen AD, Landrigan CP, Sectish TC, and the I-­‐PASS Study Group. I-­‐PASS, a

Mnemonic to Stardardize Verbal Handoffs. Pediatrics 2012; 192(2): 201-­‐204

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• Cited by 91 articles according to Google Scholar

3. Spector ND (co-­‐first), Starmer AJ (co-­‐first), Allen AD, Bale JF, Bismilla Z, Calaman S, Coffey M, Cole FS, Destino LA, Everhart JL, Hepps JH, Kahana M, Lopreiato JO, McGregor RS, O’Toole JK, Patel SJ, Rosenbluth G, Srivastava R, Stevenson AT, Tse LL, West DC, Yu CE, Sectish TC (co-­‐last), Landrigan CP (co-­‐last). I-­‐PASS Handoff Curriculum: Core Resident Workshop. MedEdPORTAL; 2012. Available from: www.mededportal.org/publication/9311.

4. Calaman S (co-­‐first), Hepps JH (co-­‐first), Spector ND, Sectish TC, Landrigan CP, Srivastava R, Starmer AJ, Yu CE (co-­‐last),

Lopreiato JO (co-­‐last), and the I-­‐PASS Educational Executive Committee. I-­‐PASS Handoff Curriculum: Handoff Simulation Exercises. MedEdPORTAL; 2013. Available from: www.mededportal.org/publication/9402

5. Rosenbluth G, Patel SJ, Destino LA, Everhart JL, O’Toole JK, Stevenson AT, Yu CE, Calaman S, Allen AD, Starmer AJ,

Srivastava R, Spector ND, Landrigan CP, and Sectish TC. I-­‐PASS Handoff Curriculum: Campaign Toolkit. MedEdPORTAL; 2013. Available from: www.mededportal.org/publication/9397

6. O’Toole JK (co-­‐first), Stevenson AT (co-­‐first), Good BP, Guiot AB, Solan LG, Tse LL, Landrigan CP, Sectish TC, Srivastava

R, Starmer AJ (co-­‐last), Spector ND (co-­‐last), I-­‐PASS Study Group. Closing the Gap: A Needs Assessment of Medical Students and Handoff Training. J.Peds AMSPDC Pages 2013; 162(5): 887-­‐888.

7. Calaman S, Spector ND, Starmer AJ, O’Toole JK, Allen AD, Tse LL, Bale JF, Bismilla Z, Coffey M, Cole FS, Destino LA,

Everhart J, Hepps J, Kahana M, McGregor RS, Patel SJ, Rosenbluth G, Srivastava R, Stevenson A, West DC, Sectish TC, Landrigan CP, Yu CE, Lopreiato JO. I-­‐PASS Handoff Curriculum: Computer Module. MedEdPORTAL; 2013. https://www.mededportal.org/publication/9337

8. O’Toole JK, Sectish TC, Starmer AJ, Rosenbluth G, West DC, Landrigan CP, Allen AD, Noble EL, Srivastava R, Tse LL,

Hepps J, Lopreiato JO, Calaman S, Yu CE, Spector ND, and the I-­‐PASS Educational Executive Committee. I-­‐PASS Handoff Curriculum: Faculty Development Resources. MedEdPORTAL; 2013. Available from: https://www.mededportal.org/publication/9540

9. Starmer AJ, Landrigan CP, Srivastava R, Wilson K, Allen AD, Mahant S, Blank J, Sectish TC, Spector ND, West DC. I-­‐PASS

Handoff Curriculum: Faculty Observation Tools. MedEdPORTAL; 2013. Available from: www.mededportal.org/publication/9570

10. Starmer AJ, Sectish TC, Simon DW, Keohane C, McSweeney M, Chung EY, Yoon CS, Lipsitz SR, Wassner AJ, Harper MB,

Landrigan CP. Rates of Medical Errors and Preventable Adverse Events Among Hospitalized Children Following Implementation of a Resident Handoff Bundle. JAMA 2013; 310(21): 2262-­‐2270

• Cited by 122 articles according to Google Scholar

11. Simon TD, Starmer AJ, Conway P, Landrigan CP, Shah SS, Shen MW, Sectish TC, Spector ND, Tieder JS, Srivastava R, Willis LE, Wilson K on behalf of Pediatric Research in Inpatient Settings Network (PRIS). Quality Improvement in Pediatric Health Care. Academic Pediatrics. 2013; 13 (6S): S54-­‐S60

12. Starmer AJ, O’Toole JK, Rosenbluth G, Calaman S, Balmer D, West DC, Bale JF, Yu CE, Noble EL, Tse LL, Srivastava R,

Landrigan CP, Sectish TC, Spector NS, and members of the I-­‐PASS Study Group. Development, Implementation, and Dissemination of the I-­‐PASS Handoff Curriculum: A Multisite Educational Intervention to Improve Patient Handoffs. Academic Medicine 2014; 89(6): 876-­‐884

• Cited by 39 articles according to Google Scholar

13. O’Toole JK, West DC, Starmer AJ, Yu CF, Calaman S, Rosenbluth G, Hepps JH, Lopreiato JO, Landrigan CP, Sectish TC, Spector ND and the I-­‐PASS Education Executive Committee. Placing Faculty Development “Front and Center” in a Multi-­‐site Educational Initiative: Lessons from the I-­‐PASS Handoff Study. Academic Pediatrics 2014; 14: 221–224

14. O'Toole J, Calaman S, Everhart J, Bismilla Z, Good B, Guiot A, Johnstone N, Nilforoshan V, Noble E, Rosenbluth G,

Schwartz S, Solan L, Tse L, West D, Weiser J, Landrigan C, Sectish T, Srivastava R, Starmer A, Spector N. I-­‐PASS Handoff Curriculum: Medical Student Workshop. MedEdPORTAL; 2014. Available from: www.mededportal.org/publication/9854

(PDF) I-PASS CV in progress. Closing!the!GapinHandoff!Communications:!Evaluating!the!Effects!of!anIPASS!Medical!Student!Handoff!Bundle! (2013U2014)Council!on!MedicalStudent!Education!in!Pediatrics!(PI:Guiot)! - DOKUMEN.TIPS (3)

15. Bigham MT, Logsdon TR, Manicone PE, Landrigan CP, Hayes LW, Randall KH, Grover P, Collins SB, Ramirez DE, O’Guin CD, Williams CI, Warnick RJ, and Sharek PJ. Decreasing Handoff-­‐Related Care Failures in Children’s Hospitals. Pediatrics 2014; 134: e572-­‐e579

16. Starmer AJ, Spector ND, Srivastava R, West DC, Rosenbluth G, Allen AD, Noble EL, Tse LL, Dalal AK, Keohane CA, Lipsitz

SR, Rothschild JM, Wien MF, Yoon CS, Zigmont KR, O’Toole JK, Wilson KM, Bismilla Z, Coffey M, Mahant S, Blankenburg RL, Destino LA, Everhart JL, Patel SJ, Bale JF, Spackman JB, Stevenson AT, Calaman S, Cole FS, Hepps JH, Lopreiato JO, Yu CE, Sectish TC, Landrigan CP, and the I-­‐PASS Study Group. Changes in Medical Errors after Implementation of a handoff Program. The New England Journal of Medicine 2014; 371:1803-­‐12

• Cited by 175 articles according to Google Scholar

17. Rosenbluth G, Bale JF, Starmer AJ, Spector ND, Srivastava R, West DC, Sectish TC, Landrigan CP, and the I-­‐PASS Study Education Executive Committee. Variation in Printed Handoff Documents: Results and Recommendations from a Multicenter Needs Assessment. Journal of Hospital Medicine 2015; 10:517-­‐24

18. Starmer AJ, Destino L, Yoon CS, Landrigan CP, for the I-­‐PASS Study Group. Intern and Resident Workflow Patterns on Pediatric Inpatient Units: A Multi-­‐Center Time Motion Study. JAMA Pediatrics 2015; 169: 1175-­‐77

19. Calaman S, Hepps JH, Bismilla Z, Carraccio C, Englander R, Feraco A, Landrigan CP, Lopreiato JO, Sectish TC, Starmer AJ, Yu CE, Spector ND, West DC, and the I-­‐PASS Study Education Executive Committee. Creation of Standard Setting Videos to Support Faculty Observations of Learner Performance and Entrustment Decisions. Academic Medicine 2016;91(2):204-­‐9

20. Rosenbluth G, Jacolbia R, Milev D, et al. Half-­‐life of a printed handoff document. BMJ Quality and Safety 2015; 0:1–5. doi:10.1136/bmjqs-­‐2015-­‐004585

21. Khan A, Rogers JE, Melvin P, Furtak SL, Faboyede GM, Schuster MA, Landrigan CP. Physician and nurse nighttime

communication and parents’ hospital experience. Pediatrics 2015; 136:e1249-­‐58

22. Feraco AM, Starmer AJ, Sectish TC, Spector ND, West DC, Landrigan CP, Reliability of Verbal Handoff Assessment and Handoff Quality Before and After Implementation of a Resident Handoff Bundle. Academic Pediatrics 2016; 16(6): 524-­‐531

23. Khan A, Furtak SL, Melvin P, Rogers JE, Schuster MA, Landrigan CP. Parent-­‐Reported Errors and Adverse Events in Hospitalized Children. JAMA Pediatrics 170.4 (2016):e154608

24. Khan A, Rogers JE, Forster CS, Schuster MA, Landrigan CP. Communication and Shared Understanding between

Parents and Resident-­‐Physicians at Night. Hospital Pediatrics 6.6 (2016): 319-­‐29.

25. Mueller, S, Rajesh P, O’Toole J, and Schnipper J. "Best Practices in Inpatient Handoffs of Care." Hospital Medicine Clinics (2016): 518-­‐28

26. Starmer AJ, O’Toole JO, Spector ND, West DC, Sectish TC, Schnipper J, Srivastava R, Goldstein J, Campos ML, Howell E, Landrigan CP, and the SHM I-­‐PASS Study Group. Mentored Implementation of the I-­‐PASS Handoff Program in Diverse Clinical Environments. BMJ Qual Saf (2016)25: 1009-­‐1010.

27. Khan A, Baird J, Rogers JE, Furtak SL, Williams KA, Allair B, Litterer KP, Sharma M, Smith A, Schuster MA, Landrigan CP. Parent and provider experience and shared understanding after a family-­‐centered nighttime communication intervention. Academic Pediatrics (2017), doi: 10.1016/j.acap.2017.01.012.

28. Khan A, Coffey M, Litterer KP, Baird JD, Furtak SL, Garcia BM, Ashland MA, Calaman S, Kuzma NC, O’Toole JK, Patel A, Rosenbluth G, Destino LA, Everhart JL, Good BP, Hepps JH, Dalal AK, Lipsitz SR, Yoon CS, Zigmont KR, Srivastava R, Starmer AJ, Sectish TC, Spector ND, West DC, Landrigan CP, and the Patient and Family Centered I-­‐PASS Study Group. Families as partners in hospital error and adverse event surveillance. JAMA Pediatrics. Published online on February 27, 2017: doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2016.4812.

Letters to the editor

(PDF) I-PASS CV in progress. Closing!the!GapinHandoff!Communications:!Evaluating!the!Effects!of!anIPASS!Medical!Student!Handoff!Bundle! (2013U2014)Council!on!MedicalStudent!Education!in!Pediatrics!(PI:Guiot)! - DOKUMEN.TIPS (4)

1. Starmer A, Landrigan CP, and I-­‐PASS Study Group. Changes in medical errors with a handoff program [letter to the editor].The New England Journal of Medicine. 2015; 372: 490-­‐91.

2. Rosenbluth G, Landrigan CP, I-­‐PASS Study Education Executive Committee. The authors reply "variation in printed handoff documents: Results and recommendations from a multicenter needs assessment".J Hosp Med 2016; 11: 81-­‐2.


1. Landrigan CP, Lyons A. “I-­‐PASS: Development of an Evidence-­‐Based Handoff Improvement Program for Physicians and Nurses.” Article. Massachusetts Board of Regulations, Medical Board QPSD Newsletter. December 2012.

2. Coffey, M. “I-­‐PASS: A Bundled Handoff Intervention.” Article. Leading Practices. Accreditation Canada. Spring 2013.

3. O’Toole JK, Bismilla Z, Everhart J. “The I-­‐PASS Handoff Program: A Standardized Approach to Transitions of Care that Improves Patient Safety.” Article. Alliance for Academic Internal Medicine Insight. Spring 2015.

WORKS BY EXTERNAL AUTHORS Peer Reviewed Publications

1. Lane-­‐Fall MB, Brooks AK, Wilkins SA, Davis JJ, Riesenberg LA. “Addressing the Mandate for Handoff Education: A Focused Review and Recommendations for Anesthesia Resident Curriculum Development and Evaluation.” Anesthesiology 2014; 120(1): 218-­‐29

2. Walia J. “Physician Transition of Care: Benefits of I-­‐PASS an Electronic Handoff System in a Community Pediatric Residency Program.” Academic Pediatrics 16.6 (2016): 519-­‐23

3. Nasarwanji MF, Badir A, Gurses AP. “Standardizing Handoff Communication: Content Analysis of 27 handoff Mnemonics.” Journal or Nursing Care Quality. (2016): 238-­‐44

4. Klein, M. D., and S. Li T. "Building on the Shoulders of Giants: A Model for Developing Medical Education Scholarship Using I-­‐PASS." Academic Pediatrics 16.6 (2016): 499-­‐500

5. Arora V, and Farnan J. “Patient handoffs.” UpToDate. (2016) Available from: http://bit.ly/2cRPmGu

6. Huth K, Hart F, Moreau K, Baldwin K, Parker K, Creery D, Agilpay M, Doja A. “Real-­‐World Implementation of a

Standardized Handover Program (I-­‐PASS) on a Pediatric Clinical Teaching Unit.” Academic Pediatrics 2016; 16(6): 532-­‐539

7. Clarke, Callisia N., Sameer H. Patel, Ryan W. Day, Sobha George, Colin Sweeney, Georgina Avaloa Monetes De Oca,

Mohamed Ait Aiss, Elizabeth G. Grubbs, Brian K. Bednarski, Jeffery E. Lee, Diane C. Bodurka, John M. Skibber, and Thomas A. Aloia. "Implementation of a Standardized Electronic Tool Improves Compliance, Accuracy, and Efficiency of Trainee-­‐to-­‐trainee Patient Care Handoffs after Complex General Surgical Oncology Procedures." Surgery (2016)

8. Clements, K. “High-­‐reliability and the I-­‐PASS communication tool.” Evidence-­‐Based Nursing 2017; 48(3): 12-­‐13

9. Walie, J, Qayumi, Z, Khawar, N, Dygulska, B, Bialik, I, Salafia, C, Narula, P. “Physician Transition of Care: Benefits of I-­‐PASS and an Electronic Handoff System in a Community Pediatric Residency Program.” Academic Pediatrics 2016; 16(6): 519-­‐523


1. Huckman RS, and Norris M. "The I-­‐PASS Patient Handoff Program." Harvard Business School Case 615-­‐069, March 2015. Available from: http://hbs.me/2deGGvl

Commentaries 1. Kenneth RB. “Starmer AJ, Spector ND, Srivastava R, West DC, Rosenbluth AD, et al. Changes in medical errors after

implementation of a handoff program. The New England Journal of Medicine 2014; 371:1803-­‐1812.” Commentary. The Year Book of Pediatrics, 2015.

2. Horwitz LI. “Does Improving Handoffs Reduce Medical Error Rates?” Commentary. JAMA 2013; 310(21): 2255-­‐2256


(PDF) I-PASS CV in progress. Closing!the!GapinHandoff!Communications:!Evaluating!the!Effects!of!anIPASS!Medical!Student!Handoff!Bundle! (2013U2014)Council!on!MedicalStudent!Education!in!Pediatrics!(PI:Guiot)! - DOKUMEN.TIPS (5)

1. Manasco T, Dahn C, Netwich L, Baker W. “rapID-­‐PASS: An Emergency Department Standardized Handoff” Poster for the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) QIPS Resident Quality & Safety Award, 2016.

2. Zwemer E, Hales J, Sherry W, Chatterjee A, Williams C, Kihlstrom M, McNeal-­‐Trice K. “The Attending-­‐Resident Handoff Evidence-­‐basEd pilot Study” Presented at the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) National Conference & Exhibition Poster Session, October 2016; San Francisco, CA.


1. Rossi L, Shahian D, Chisari G. “Improving Safety during Care Transitions” Workshop for the Annual National Forum on Quality Improvement in Health Care. December 8, 2015. Orlando, FL.

ORIGINAL ABSTRACTS, PRESENTATIONS, AND POSTERS Platform and Plenary Research Presentations

1. Starmer AJ, Spector ND, Landrigan CP, Sectish TC, Coffey M, Cole FS, Hepps J, Kahana M, O’Toole JK, Rosenbluth G, Stevenson AT, Bale JF. “Resident Sign-­‐Out Practices: Results From a Multi-­‐Site Needs Assessment” Plenary research presentation presented at Association of Pediatric Program Directors Meeting, April 2011; Miami, FL.

2. Starmer AJ, Sectish TC, Simon D, Landrigan CP. “Impact of a Resident Handoff Bundle on Resident Workflow Patterns

and Verbal Handoff Practices” Platform presentation presented at Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, May 2011; Denver, CO.

3. Starmer AJ, Sectish TC, Simon D, Landrigan CP. “Impact of a Resident Handoff Bundle with Medical Error Rates and

Written Handoff Miscommunications” Platform presentation presented at Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, May 2011; Denver, CO.

4. Starmer AJ, Spector ND, Landrigan CP, Sectish TC, Coffey M, Cole FS, Hepps J, Kahana M, O’Toole JK, Rosenbluth G,

Stevenson AT, Bale JF. “Resident Sign-­‐Out Practices: Results From a Multi-­‐Site Needs Assessment” Platform presentation presented at Pediatric Hospital Medicine, July 2011; Kansas City, MO.

5. Feraco AM, Starmer AJ, Sectish TC, Landrigan CP, West DC. Impact of a Resident Handoff Bundle on Verbal Handoff

Skills. Paper presented at Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, May 2012; Boston, MA.

6. Lopreiato JO, West DC, I-­‐PASS Study Group. Reliability of a Direct Observation Tool for Patient Handovers. Presented at the Medical Education Platform Session at the Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, May 3, 2014. Vancouver, Canada.

7. Starmer AJ, Destino LA, Yoon C, Landrigan CP, and the I-­‐PASS Study Group. Intern and Resident Workflow Patterns on

General Inpatient Units: A Multi-­‐Center Time-­‐Motion Study. Presented at the Hospitalist Medicine Platform Session at the Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, May 3, 2014; Vancouver, Canada.

8. Starmer AJ and the I-­‐PASS Study Group. The I-­‐PASS Handoff Study: Effects of Implementing a Multi-­‐Site Handoff

Bundle on Rates of Medical Errors, Preventable Adverse Events, and Miscommunications. Presented at the APA Presidential Plenary Session at the Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, May 5, 2014; Vancouver, Canada.

9. Khan A, Rogers J, Forster C, Schuster M, Landrigan CP. Physician-­‐Parent Miscommunication in the Hospital at Night.

Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting. May 3, 2014; Vancouver, Canada.

10. Thomson K, Coffey M, Bismilla Z, Spector ND, Mahant S. Social Impediments of Structured Handoffs in a Professional Context: A Qualitative Study of I-­‐PASS Implementation. Plenary presentation at Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting. May 6, 2014; Vancouver, Canada.

11. Starmer and the I-­‐PASS Study Group. The I-­‐PASS Handoff Study: Effects of Implementing a Multi-­‐Site Handoff Bundle on Rates of Medical Errors, Preventable Adverse Events, and Miscommunications. Presented at the Canadian Paediatric Society Meeting, June 25-­‐28, 2014; Montreal, Canada.

(PDF) I-PASS CV in progress. Closing!the!GapinHandoff!Communications:!Evaluating!the!Effects!of!anIPASS!Medical!Student!Handoff!Bundle! (2013U2014)Council!on!MedicalStudent!Education!in!Pediatrics!(PI:Guiot)! - DOKUMEN.TIPS (6)

12. Coffey M, Thomson K, Starmer AJ, Landrigan CP, and the I-­‐PASS Qualitative Study Group. “Resident Attitudes and Adherence to I-­‐PASS: A Qualitative Study.” Presented at the Canadian Pediatric Society Meeting, June 25-­‐28, 2014; Montreal, Canada.

13. Starmer AJ, Destino LA, Yoon C, Landrigan CP, and the I-­‐PASS Study Group. Intern and Resident Workflow Patterns on

General Inpatient Units: A Multi-­‐Center Time-­‐Motion Study. Platform Presentation presented at the Pediatric Hospital Medicine Meeting, July 24, 2014; Orlando, FL.

14. Starmer and the I-­‐PASS Study Group. The I-­‐PASS Handoff Study: Effects of Implementing a Multi-­‐Site Handoff Bundle on Rates of Medical Errors, Preventable Adverse Events, and Miscommunications. Presented at the APA Pediatric Hospital Medicine, July 25, 2014; Orlando, FL.

15. O’Toole JK and the I-­‐PASS Study Group. “Impact of the I-­‐PASS Study’s Faculty Development Program,” Platform

Presentation presented at the Pediatric Hospital Medicine Meeting, July 26, 2014; Orlando, FL.

16. Shilpa J Patel, Jennifer R. Di Rocco, Cheryl Okado, Chieko Kimata. “Improvement of Patient Handoffs between Attending Hospitalists Utilizing the I-­‐PASS Handoff Bundle and Direct Peer Observation” Platform Presentation at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, December 8, 2014; Orlando, FL.

17. West DC, and the I-­‐PASS Study Group. “Assessment of Resident Patient Handoff Skills: Validity Evidence Supporting

the Use of a Structured Clinical Observation Tool to Make Competency and Entrustment Decisions” Platform presentation at the 2015 APPD Annual Meeting, March 26, 2015; Orlando, FL.

18. West DC and the I-­‐PASS Study Group. “Assessment of Resident Patient Handoff Skills: Validity Evidence Supporting

the Use of a Structured Clinical Observation Tool to Make Competency and Entrustment Decisions” Platform presentation at the 2015 Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting, April 25, 2015; San Diego, CA.

19. Destino LA, Valentine M, Starmer AJ, and Landrigan CP. “Variation in resident time spent with patient and families: a

closer look at time motion data from the I-­‐PASS study.” Platform presentation at the 2015 Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting, April 26, 2015; San Diego, CA.

20. Khan A, Landrigan CP, Haskell H, Dreyer BP, Spector ND, West DC. “Bringing I-­‐PASS to the Bedside: Partnering with Families, Nurses, and Physicians to Reduce Medical Errors, Improve Communication, and Enhance Family Experience” State-­‐of-­‐the-­‐Art Plenary presented at the 2016 Annual Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, April 30, 2016; Baltimore, MD.

21. Khan A, Coffey M, Litterer KP, Baird JD, Furtak SL, Garcia BM, Ashland MA, Calaman S, Kuzma NC, O’Toole JK, Patel A, Rosenbluth G, Destino LA, Everhart JL, Good BP, Hepps JH, Dalal AK, Lipsitz SR, Yoon CS, Zigmont KR, Srivastava R, Starmer AJ, Sectish TC, Spector ND, West DC, Landrigan CP, and the Patient and Family Centered I-­‐PASS Study Group. “Parents as Partners in Medical Error and Adverse Event Surveillance.” Presented at the APA Presidential Plenary Session at the 2016 Annual Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, May 2, 2016; Baltimore, MD

22. Khan A, Coffey M, Litterer KP, Baird JD, Furtak SL, Garcia BM, Ashland MA, Calaman S, Kuzma NC, O’Toole JK, Patel A, Rosenbluth G, Destino LA, Everhart JL, Good BP, Hepps JH, Dalal AK, Lipsitz SR, Yoon CS, Zigmont KR, Srivastava R, Starmer AJ, Sectish TC, Spector ND, West DC, Landrigan CP, and the Patient and Family Centered I-­‐PASS Study Group. “Parents as Partners in Hospital Medical Error and Adverse Event Surveillance.” Presented at the Research Platform Plenary Session at the 2016 Annual Pediatric Hospital Medicine Conference, July 30, 2016; Chicago, IL.

23. Starmer AJ, O’Toole JO, Spector ND, West DC, Sectish TC, Schnipper J, Srivastava R, Goldstein J, Campos ML, Howell E, Landrigan CP, SHM I-­‐PASS Study Group. Mentored Implementation of the I-­‐PASS Handoff Program in Diverse Clinical Environments. Presented at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) Scientific Symposium, December 5, 2016; Orlando, FL.


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1. Tse LL, Allen AD, Starmer AJ, Spector ND, Sectish TC, Srivastava R, Landrigan CP, and the I-­‐PASS Study Group. “Dissemination of the I-­‐PASS Resident Handoff Bundle.” Presented at Program for Research Assistant Development & Achievement (PRADA) Research Symposium Poster Session, Boston Children’s Hospital, May 2012; Boston, MA.

2. Rosenbluth G, Starmer AJ, Spector ND, Allen AD, Calaman S, Destino LA, Everhart J, O’Toole JK, Patel SJ, Stevenson A,

Yu CE, Landrigan CP, Sectish TC. “I-­‐PASS Campaign: Innovative and Effective Implementation of a Handoff Curriculum.” Presented at Association of American Medical Colleges Annual Meeting –MedEdPORTAL Poster Session, November 2012; San Francisco, CA.

3. Tse LL, Noble E, Starmer AJ, Spector ND, Sectish TC, Srivastava R, Landrigan CP, and the I-­‐PASS Study Group.

“Dissemination of the I-­‐PASS Resident Handoff Bundle.” Presented at Boston Children’s Hospital Graduate Medical Education Day Poster Session, May 2013; Boston, MA.

4. Coffey M, Starmer AJ, Bale JF, Calaman S, Cole FS, Hepps J, Noble E, O’Toole JK, Rosenbluth G, Sectish TC, Spector ND,

Srivastava R, Tse LL, West DC, Landrigan CP, and the I-­‐PASS Study Group. “I-­‐PASS: The Creation, Implementation, and Dissemination of a Bundled Handoff Intervention.” Presented at Institute for Healthcare Improvement National Forum Poster Session, December 2013; Orlando, FL.

5. O’Toole JK and the I-­‐PASS Study Group. Impact of the I-­‐PASS Study’s Faculty Development Program. Poster presented

at the Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, May 5, 2014; Vancouver, Canada.

6. Coffey M, Thomson K, Starmer AJ, Landrigan CP and the I-­‐PASS Qualitative Study Group. I-­‐PASS Handoff: A Qualitative Study of Resident Experience. Presented as a poster at Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting Poster Session, May 5, 2014; Vancouver, Canada.

7. West DC et al. “Time-­‐Motion Analysis of Pediatric Intern Activities during Day and Night Shifts.” Presented at the 2015 Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting Poster Session, April 27, 2015; San Diego, CA.

8. Khan A, Rogers JE, Melvin P, Schuster MA, Landrigan CP. Nighttime Parent-­‐Reported Experience, Miscommunication, and Errors in the Hospital. Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting Poster Session, April, 2015; San Diego, CA.

9. Bordin-­‐Wosk T, Wood B, Popa A, Patel SJ, Spector ND. “Resident satisfaction after implementation of the I-­‐PASS handoff bundle” presented at the Society of Hospital Medicine annual meeting Poster Session, March 6-­‐9, 2016; San Diego, CA.

10. Khan A, Furtak S, Rogers JE, Williams K, Allair B, Litterer K, Schuster MA, Landrigan CP. Provider and Parent Communication and Experience after Implementation of a Bundled, Multidisciplinary, Family-­‐Centered Nighttime Intervention. Poster Presentation, Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting. May, 2016; Baltimore, MD.

11. Baird J, Khan A, Rogers JE, Landrigan CP. Physician, Nurse, and Family Perceptions of Hospital Communication at Night: A Qualitative Analysis. Poster presentation, Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting. May, 2016; Baltimore, MD.

12. Destino L, Valentine M, Shiekhi FH, Starmer A, Landrigan CP, Sanders L. Hospital factors associated with increased

doctor/family communication: a multi-­‐site, time motion study. Poster Presentation, Pediatric Hospital Medicine. July, 2016; Chicago, IL.

13. Brunsberg KA, Landrigan CP, Garcia BM, Petty CR, Sectish TC, Simpkin AL, Spector ND, Starmer AJ, West DC, Calaman S. Association of resident depression with harmful medical errors. Poster Presentation, Association of Pediatric Program Directors Annual Spring Meeting. April, 2017; Anaheim, CA.


1. Coffey M. “Teamwork and Communication” Plenary presented at SickKids International Pediatric Patient Safety Symposium, June 2011; Toronto, Canada.

(PDF) I-PASS CV in progress. Closing!the!GapinHandoff!Communications:!Evaluating!the!Effects!of!anIPASS!Medical!Student!Handoff!Bundle! (2013U2014)Council!on!MedicalStudent!Education!in!Pediatrics!(PI:Guiot)! - DOKUMEN.TIPS (8)

2. Sectish TC, Landrigan CP, Starmer AJ, Spector ND, West DC, Srivastava R. “The I-­‐PASS Study: Standardizing Handoffs to Improve Patient Safety” State-­‐of-­‐the-­‐Art Plenary presented at Annual Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, April 2012; Boston, MA.

3. Srivastava R, Landrigan CP, Dayan PS, Conway PH, Dean JM, Homer CJ. “Dissemination and Implementation Science

Spreading evidence from high-­‐quality studies across institutions to improve patient outcomes” State-­‐of-­‐the-­‐Art Plenary presented at Annual Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, May 2013; Washington, DC.

4. Landrigan CP. “Better Handoffs, Safer Care! Optimizing Communication and Teamwork” Vermont Oxford Network

Annual Meeting. October 2015; Chicago, IL

5. Landrigan CP. “Linking Residency Training with Quality Care: Education in Action” International Conference of Residency Educators Annual Meeting. October 2016; Niagara Falls, ON.

Workshops 1. Starmer AJ, Sectish TC, West DC, O’Toole JK, Rosenbluth G, Yu C, Calaman S, Patel SJ, Allen AD, Landrigan CP, Spector

ND. “The I-­‐PASS Handoff Process: Teaching and Evaluating Standardized Approaches to Transitions of Care” Workshop presented at Annual Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, May 2012; Boston, MA.

2. O’Toole JK (co-­‐first), Rosenbluth G (co-­‐first), Destino LA, Allen AD, Aylor M, Coffey M, Everhart J, Hepps J, Hrach C,

Nilforoshan V, Patel SJ, Stevenson A, Turmelle M, Srivastava R, Landrigan CP, West DC, Sectish TC, Spector ND, Starmer AJ. “Strategies for Implementing a Successful Handoff Program for Pediatric Hospitalists” Workshop presented at Pediatric Hospital Medicine, July 2012; Cincinnati, OH.

3. Coffey M, Wong B, Bismilla Z. “New Strategies for Improving Patient Handoffs” Workshop presented at University of

Toronto Centre for Patient Safety Symposium, October 2012; Toronto, Canada.

4. Spector ND (co-­‐first), Starmer AJ (co-­‐first), O’Toole JK, Yu CE, West DC, Hepps J, Rosenbluth G, Patel SJ, Landrigan CP (co-­‐last), Sectish TC (co-­‐last). “The I-­‐PASS Handoff Process: Teaching and Evaluating Standardized Approaches to Transitions of Care” Minicourse presented at Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education Annual Educational Conference, February – March 2013; Orlando, FL.

5. Starmer AJ (co-­‐first), O’Toole JK (co-­‐first), Aylor M, Bale JF, Blankenburg R, Calaman S, Good B, Guiot A, Patel SJ,

Rosenbluth G, Solan L, Stevenson A, West DC, Landrigan CP, Sectish TC (co-­‐last), Spector ND (co-­‐last). “The I-­‐PASS Handoff Process: Teaching and Assessing Standardized Approaches to Transitions of Care Along the Education Continuum” Workshop presented at Association of Pediatric Program Directors / Council on Medical Student Education in Pediatrics Combined Annual Meeting, April 2013; Nashville, TN.

6. Starmer AJ (co-­‐first), Rosenbluth G (co-­‐first), Calaman S, Coffey M, Cole FS, Destino LA, Everhart JL, Hepps JH,

Lopreiato JO, O’Toole JK, West DC, Landrigan CP, Sectish TC (co-­‐last), Spector ND (co-­‐last). “The I-­‐PASS Handoff Process: Teaching and Evaluating Standardized Approaches to Transitions of Care” Workshop presented at Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting, May 2013; Washington, DC.

7. Englander R, West DC, Calaman S, Spector ND, Carraccio C. “The I-­‐PASS Handover Study as an Entrustable

Professional Activity (EPA): An Approach to Meaningful Assessment” Workshop presented at Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, May 2013; Washington, DC.

8. Rosenbluth G, O’Toole JK, Destino LA, Everhart J, Hepps J, Hrach C, Patel S, Starmer AJ, Sectish TC, Landrigan CP.

“Strategies for Implementing a Successful Handoff Program for Pediatric Hospitalists” Workshop presented at Society of Hospital Medicine Meeting, May 2013; National Harbor, MD.

9. Bismilla Z, Rosenbluth G, West DC, Starmer AJ. “The I-­‐PASS Handoff Process: Teaching and Evaluating Standardized

Approaches to Transitions of Care” Workshop presented at Royal College’s International Conference on Resident Education, September 27-­‐28, 2013; Calgary, Canada.

(PDF) I-PASS CV in progress. Closing!the!GapinHandoff!Communications:!Evaluating!the!Effects!of!anIPASS!Medical!Student!Handoff!Bundle! (2013U2014)Council!on!MedicalStudent!Education!in!Pediatrics!(PI:Guiot)! - DOKUMEN.TIPS (9)

10. Starmer AJ, Spector ND, Sectish TC, Hepps JH, Yu CE. “The I-­‐PASS Handoff Process: Teaching and Assessing Standardized Approaches to Transitions of Care Along the Education Continuum” Workshop presented at Pediatric Educational Excellence Across the Continuum Meeting, October 4, 2013; Arlington, VA.

11. Spector ND and Yu CCE. I-­‐PASS Handoff Curriculum Dissemination to Non-­‐Pediatric Graduate Medical Education

Training Programs. Workshop Queens Medical Center, October 10, 2013; Honolulu, HI.

12. Bale J, Yeh A, Urion D, Valencia I. “To Err is Human: Reducing Medical Errors by Better Handoffs with I-­‐PASS” Educational Seminar to be presented at Child Neurology Society Meeting, November 2, 2013; Austin, TX.

13. Spector N (co-­‐first), Starmer AJ (co-­‐first), O’Toole JK, Calaman S, Yu CE, West DC, Hepps JH, Rosenbluth G, Patel S,

Landrigan CP (co-­‐last), Sectish TC (co-­‐last). “The I-­‐PASS Handoff Process: Teaching and Evaluating a Standardized Approach to Transitions in Care.” Mini-­‐course presented at Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education Annual Educational Conference, March 2014; National Harbor, MD.

14. Rosenbluth G, Starmer AJ, O’Toole JK, Landrigan CP, Bismilla Z, Everhart JL, Schnipper J, Srivastava R. “Strategies for

Implementing a Successful Handoff Program for Hospitalists” Workshop to be presented at the Society of Hospital Medicine Meeting, March 24-­‐27, 2014; Las Vegas, NV.

15. Landrigan CP, Lyons A, and Starmer AJ. “I-­‐PASS Handoff Process: Evidence-­‐based Approach for Better Handoffs and

Safer Care”. Workshop for Thoracic Surgery and Internal Medicine faculty and staff at Massachusetts General Hospital. April 3, 2014. Boston, MA.

16. O’Toole JK, Everhart J, Bismilla Z. “The I-­‐PASS Handoff Process: Teaching and Evaluating Standardized Approaches to

Transitions of Care” Workshop presented at the Association of Program Directors in Internal Medicine Conference, April 6-­‐10, 2014; Nashville, TN.

17. O’Toole JK, Spector ND, and the Faculty Development Task Force. “Placing Faculty Development "Front and Center" in

a Multi-­‐site Educational Initiative: Lessons from the I-­‐PASS Handoff Study.” Presented at the Faculty Development Special Interest Group at the Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting, May 3, 2014; Vancouver, Canada.

18. Landrigan CP, Mantell P, Sectish TC, and Starmer AJ. “I-­‐PASS Handoff Process: Evidence-­‐based Approach for Better

Handoffs and Safer Care”. Workshop for Thoracic Surgery and Internal Medicine faculty and staff at Massachusetts General Hospital, May 8, 2014; Boston, MA.

19. Landrigan CP, Lyons A, Sectish TC, Spector ND, and Starmer AJ. “I-­‐PASS Handoff Process: Evidence-­‐based Approach for

Better Handoffs and Safer Care”. Workshop for Thoracic Surgery and Internal Medicine faculty and staff at Massachusetts General Hospital, May 12, 2014; Boston, MA.

20. Landrigan CP, Sectish TC. Spector ND, and Starmer AJ. “I-­‐PASS Handoff Process: Evidence-­‐based Approach for Better

Handoffs and Safer Care”. Workshop presented to entire GME community at New York Presbyterian Hospital, June 3, 2014; New York, NY.

21. Bismilla Z, Schwartz S, Coffey T. “I-­‐PASS: Safe and effective hand-­‐off of patient care”. Workshop presented at the Canadian Pediatric Society Conference, June, 2014; Montreal, QC.

22. O’Toole JK, Rosenbluth G, Starmer AJ, Srivastava R, Landrigan CP, Sectish TC, Spector ND. “Leading Innovative

Projects: Essential Skills for Academic Faculty”. Workshop presented at Pediatric Hospital Medicine Annual Conference, July 25, 2014; Orlando, FL.

23. Starmer AJ and West DC. “I-­‐PASS Handoff Process: Evidence-­‐based Approach for Better Handoffs and Safer Care.

Workshop presented at MD Anderson Hospital,” August 12, 2014; Houston, TX.

24. Landrigan CP and Sectish TC. “I-­‐PASS Handoff Process: Better Handoffs and Safer Care”. Workshop for I-­‐PASS Champions at St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children, September 4, 2014; Philadelphia, PA.

(PDF) I-PASS CV in progress. Closing!the!GapinHandoff!Communications:!Evaluating!the!Effects!of!anIPASS!Medical!Student!Handoff!Bundle! (2013U2014)Council!on!MedicalStudent!Education!in!Pediatrics!(PI:Guiot)! - DOKUMEN.TIPS (10)

25. O’Toole J. “The I-­‐PASS Handoff Program: Challenges, Barriers, Resistance to Implementation” Workshop for faculty champions. Virginia Commonwealth University, Department of Internal Medicine, September 25, 2014; Richmond, VA.

26. Little C, Rayar M, Meloche J, Parr G, Sumar n, Zia Bismilla, Trey Coffey. “Best Practices in Handover Education”. International Conference on Residency Education, October 2014.

27. Spector ND, Sectish TC, Starmer AJ, Srivastava R, West DC. "I-­‐PASS: Spreading an Evidence-­‐Based Program across the

Institution for Safer Transitions of Care" ACGME Annual Educational Conference, February 28, 2015; San Diego, CA.

28. Spector ND, Landrigan CP, Starmer AJ, Khan A, Sectish TC. “Bringing I-­‐PASS to the Bedside and the Unit.” Boston Combined Residency Program House staff-­‐wide Retreat, March 12, 2015; Boston, MA.

29. Guiot AB, Good BP, Hepps JH, Johnstone N, O’Toole JK, “The I-­‐PASS Handoff Process Part 2: Focus on Medical Student Implementation” Workshop for the Annual COMSEP Meeting, March 13, 2015; New Orleans, LA.

30. Starmer AJ, O’Toole JK, Hepps JH, Calaman S, Bismilla Z , Destino LA, Everhart JL, Coffey T, Rosenbluth G. “The I-­‐PASS handoff bundle: implementing, adapting, and evaluating a standardized approach to transitions of care” Workshop for the 2015 Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting, April 26, 2015; San Diego, CA.

31. O’Toole J “Section on Hospital Medicine Academic and Scientific Program Invited Faculty Speaker (Handoff Panel)” American Academy of Pediatrics National conference & Exhibition, October 25, 2015; Washington, DC.

32. Starmer AJ, Rosenbluth G, Popa A, Schnipper J “Strategies for Implementing a Successful Handoff Program for

Hospitalists: Lessons learned from the SHM-­‐IPASS Mentored Implementation Program” Workshop for the Society of Hospital Medicine annual meeting. Scheduled for March 6-­‐9, 2016; San Diego, CA.

Institutional Grand Rounds

1. Landrigan CP. Patient Safety, Resident Work Hours, and Handoffs: Redesigning Safer Residency Programs. Grand Rounds. New York University, New York City, NY. November 2010.

2. Landrigan CP, Starmer AJ. Sleep, Work Hours, and Handoffs: the Critical Importance of Residents in Patient Safety. Grand Rounds. St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children, Department of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA. November 2011.

3. Landrigan CP. Sleep Deprivation, Handoffs, and Patient Safety. Grand Rounds. Exeter Hospital, Exeter, NH. May 2012.

4. Landrigan CP. Resident Work Schedules, Handoffs, and Patient Safety: Building More Effective Hospital Teams.

Ground Rounds. Dartmouth-­‐Hitchco*ck Medical Center, Department of Surgery, Lebanon, NH. May 2012.

5. Landrigan CP. Physician Sleep Deprivation, Handovers, and Patient Safety. Presentation. Directors of Clinical Governance Meeting, Clinical Excellence Commission (Government of New South Wales, Australia), Sydney, Australia. April 2012.

6. O’Toole JK. The I-­‐PASS Study: Improving Team Communication and Handoff Safety. Grand Rounds. University of

Cincinnati, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Cincinnati, OH. May 4, 2012.

7. Sectish TC. The I-­‐PASS Study: Standardizing the Handoff Process for Better Handoffs and Safer Care. Grand Rounds. New York University, New York City, NY. May 8, 2012. Available from: http://www.veomed.com/va050873682012

8. Landrigan CP, Sectish TC, Feraco, A. The I-­‐PASS Study: Standardizing the Handoff Process for Better Handoffs and

Safer Care. Grand Rounds. Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston, MA. July 11, 2012.

9. Starmer, AJ. The I-­‐PASS Handoff Study: Standardizing the Handoff Process for Better Handoffs and Safer Care. Grand Rounds. Oregon Health and Science University, Department of Pediatrics, Portland, OR. August 2012.

10. Landrigan CP. I-­‐PASS: An Evidence-­‐Based Teamwork and Handoff Improvement Program. Grand Rounds. Montreal

Children's Hospital, McGill University, Montreal, Canada. September 21, 2012.

(PDF) I-PASS CV in progress. Closing!the!GapinHandoff!Communications:!Evaluating!the!Effects!of!anIPASS!Medical!Student!Handoff!Bundle! (2013U2014)Council!on!MedicalStudent!Education!in!Pediatrics!(PI:Guiot)! - DOKUMEN.TIPS (11)

11. Landrigan CP. I-­‐PASS: An Evidence-­‐Based Teamwork and Handoff Improvement Program. Grand Rounds. Hospital for

Sick Children, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada. September 26, 2012.

12. Starmer AJ. Better Handoffs, Safer Care: The I-­‐PASS Handoff Study. Grand Rounds. Oregon Health and Science University, Department of Surgery, Portland, OR. October 2012.

13. Coffey M. I-­‐PASS Handoff. Grand Rounds. University of Toronto Department of Internal Medicine, Toronto, Canada.

November 2012.

14. Landrigan CP. I-­‐PASS: A Multi-­‐center Pediatric Handoff Improvement and Research Project. Grand Rounds. New York Methodist Hospital Department of Pediatrics, Brooklyn, NY. December 7, 2012.

15. Landrigan CP. I-­‐PASS: Evidence-­‐Based Handoffs for Internal Medicine Residents. Grand Rounds. New York Methodist

Hospital Department of Internal Medicine, Brooklyn, NY. December 7, 2012.

16. Rosenbluth G. The I-­‐PASS Study: Standardizing the Handoff Process for Better Handoffs and Safer Care. Grand Rounds. University of Florida Department of Pediatrics, Gainsville, FL. December 20, 2012.

17. Coffey M, Bismilla Z. TRR Patient Safety: Handoffs. University of Toronto. Grand Rounds. Hospital for Sick Children,

University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada. February 2013.

18. Spector ND. The I-­‐PASS Study: Standardizing the Handoff Process for Better Handoffs and Safer Care. Grand Rounds. University of Maryland School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Baltimore, MD. March 20, 2013.

19. Landrigan CP. I-­‐PASS: An Evidence-­‐Based Teamwork and Handoff Improvement Program. Grand Rounds. Cambridge

Hospital, Cambridge, MA. April 2013.

20. Rosenbluth G. The I-­‐PASS Study: Standardizing the Handoff Process for Better Handoffs and Safer Care. Grand Rounds. Children’s Hospital & Research Center Oakland, Oakland, CA. June 2013.

21. Landrigan CP. I-­‐PASS: An Evidence-­‐Based Teamwork and Handoff Improvement Program. Grand Rounds. University of

New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM. June 2013.

22. Spector ND, Sectish TC. The I-­‐PASS Study: Standardizing the Handoff Process for Better Handoffs and Safer Care. Grand Rounds. Jersey Shore Medical Center, Neptune Township, NJ. August 6, 2013.

23. Calaman S and Spector ND. The I-­‐PASS Study: Standardizing the Handoff Process for Better Handoffs and Safer Care.

Grand Rounds. University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey (UMDNJ) Robert Wood Johnson, New Brunswick, NJ. October 29, 2013.

24. Spector ND, Landrigan CP. The I-­‐PASS Handoff Study: Standardizing the Handoff Process for Better Handoffs and Safer

Care. Grand Rounds: University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, Madison, WI. November 7, 2013. Video available from: http://videos.med.wisc.edu/videoInfo.php?videoid=49278

25. Sectish TC, Spector ND. The I-­‐PASS Handoff Study: Standardizing the Handoff Process for Better Handoffs and Safer

Care. Grand Rounds: Weill Cornell Medical Center, New York, NY. May 20, 2014.

26. Starmer AS, West DC. Better Handoffs, Safer Care: Standardizing handoffs using I-­‐PASS to reduce medical errors and adverse events. Grand Rounds: MD Anderson, Houston, TX. August 12, 2014.

27. Starmer AS. Better Handoffs, Safer Care: Improving transitions of care to reduce medical errors and improve patient safety. Grand Rounds: National Institutes of Health Clinical Center Grand Rounds, Bethesda, MD. August 27, 2014.

28. Landrigan CP, Sectish TC. The I-­‐PASS Handoff Program: An Evidence-­‐based Program for Better Handoffs and Safer Care. Grand Rounds: St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children, Philadelphia, PA. September 5, 2014.

(PDF) I-PASS CV in progress. Closing!the!GapinHandoff!Communications:!Evaluating!the!Effects!of!anIPASS!Medical!Student!Handoff!Bundle! (2013U2014)Council!on!MedicalStudent!Education!in!Pediatrics!(PI:Guiot)! - DOKUMEN.TIPS (12)

29. O’Toole J. The I-­‐PASS Study: Standardizing the Handoff Process to Improve Patient Care and Safety. Grand Rounds, Virginia Commonwealth University, Department of Internal Medicine, Richmond, VA. September 25, 2014.

30. Landrigan CP. I-­‐PASS: A System for Improving Patient Handoffs. Grand Rounds: Department of Neurology, Massachusetts General Hospital. 2014.

31. Landrigan CP. Work Schedules, Handoffs, and the Safety of Academic Medical Centers. Grand Rounds: Department of

Anesthesiology, Massachusetts General Hospital. 2014.

32. Landrigan CP. Sleep Deprivation, Patient Safety, Handoffs and the Organization of Academic Medical Centers: Building Safer Systems of Care. Grand Rounds: St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis, TN.

33. Starmer AJ, Landrigan CP, Sectish TC. The I-­‐PASS Handoff Program: An Evidence-­‐based Program for Better Handoffs

and Safer Care. Plastic Surgery Grand Rounds, Shriners Hospital, Boston, MA. February 3, 2015.

34. Everhart JL. The I-­‐PASS Handoff Program: An Evidence-­‐based Program for Better Handoffs and Safer Care. Grand Rounds, Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario, Ottawa, CA. April 8, 2015.

35. Rosenbluth G. and West D.C. Better Handoffs, Safer Care: The I-­‐PASS Handoff Study and Medical Errors. GME Grand Rounds. University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA. May 2015 (video at https://vimeo.com/118081083)

36. Rosenbluth G. and West D.C. Better Handoffs and Safer Care: Preliminary Results of the I-­‐PASS Study. Pediatrics Grand Rounds. University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA. May 2015.

37. Starmer AJ. Avoiding Handoff Fumbles: Implementing I-­‐PASS to Improve Patient Safety. GME Grand Rounds:

University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. June 2, 2015.

38. Rosenbluth G. Better Handoffs, Safer Care: The I-­‐PASS Handoff Study and Medical Errors. Hospital-­‐Based Specialties Grand Rounds. Kaiser San Francisco, San Francisco, CA. July 2015.

39. Landrigan CP and Spector N. Bringing I-­‐PASS to the Bedside and the Unit: Patient and Family Centered I-­‐PASS. Visiting Professorship of Pediatrics: Grand Rounds, Department of Pediatrics, Cincinnati Children’s Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH. Cincinnati Children’s. July 2015.

40. Landrigan CP. I-­‐PASS: Better Handoffs and Safer Care in an Era of Reduced Resident Work Hours. Grand Rounds, All

Children’s – Johns Hopkins Hospital, St. Petersburg, FL.

41. O’Toole J. The I-­‐PASS Study: Standardizing the Handoff Process to Improve Patient Care and Safety. Grand Rounds, University of Cincinnati Department of Internal Medicine, Cincinnati, OH. July 1, 2015.

42. Spector ND. Game On! How the I-­‐PASS Study Group Achieved Patient Safety Goals and Promoted Professional

Development and Scholarship. Grand Rounds, Core Entrustable Professional Activities for Entering Residency (CEPAER) meeting of the AAMC, Washington, DC. July 9, 2015.

43. Everhart JL, Spector ND. The I-­‐PASS Study: Standardizing The Handoff Process To Improve Patient Care And Safety. Grand Rounds, Children’s Hospital of Michigan, Detroit, MI. July 31, 2015.

44. Bismilla Z, Starmer AJ. I-­‐PASS: Better Handoffs, Safer Care. Grand Rounds, Arkansas Children’s Hospital, Little Rock, AR. August 4, 2015.

45. O’Toole J. The I-­‐PASS Study: Standardizing the Handoff Process to Improve Patient Care and Safety. Quality and Safety

Grand Rounds, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Department of Internal Medicine, Boston, MA. September 10, 2015.

46. Destino LA. The I-­‐PASS Study: Standardizing The Handoff Process To Improve Patient Care And Safety. Trident Hospital/MUSC Family Practice Grand Rounds, North Charleston, SC. September 25, 2015.

(PDF) I-PASS CV in progress. Closing!the!GapinHandoff!Communications:!Evaluating!the!Effects!of!anIPASS!Medical!Student!Handoff!Bundle! (2013U2014)Council!on!MedicalStudent!Education!in!Pediatrics!(PI:Guiot)! - DOKUMEN.TIPS (13)

47. Starmer AJ, West D. Better Handoffs, Safer Care: Implementing I-­‐PASS to Improve Patient Handoffs and Enhance Patient Safety. Advances in Oncology Institutional Grand Rounds. Houston, TX. October 2, 2015.

48. Destino LA. Improving Physician Handoffs in the Age of Computerized Medicine. Dominican Hospital Grand Rounds, Santa Cruz, CA. October 9, 2015.

49. Landrigan CP. The I-­‐PASS Study: Standardizing the Handoff Process to Improve Patient Care and Safety. University of Vermont Grand Rounds, Burlington, VT

50. Sectish TC, Rosenbluth G. The I-­‐PASS Study: Standardizing the Handoff Process to Improve Patient Care and Safety.

Grand Rounds, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN. October 12, 2015.

51. Patel SJ, Spector ND. The I-­‐PASS Study: Standardizing the Handoff Process to Improve Patient Care and Safety. University of California, San Diego Grand Rounds. San Diego, CA. October 14, 2015.

52. Destino LA, West D. The I-­‐PASS Study: Standardizing The Handoff Process To Improve Patient Care And Safety. University of Hawaii John A Burns School of Medicine Grand Rounds, Honolulu, HI. October 16, 2015.

53. O’Toole J. The I-­‐PASS Study: Standardizing the Handoff Process to Improve Patient Care and Safety. Grand Rounds,

Levine Children’s Hospital at Carolinas Medical Center, Department of Pediatrics, Charlotte, NC. October 21, 2015.

54. Coffey M. The I-­‐PASS Study: Standardizing the Handoff Process to Improve Patient Care and Safety. Grand Rounds, Boston Medical Center, Department of Internal Medicine, Boston, MA. October 23, 2015.

55. Spector ND. Game On! How the I-­‐PASS Study Group Achieved Patient Safety Goals and Promoted Professional Development and Scholarship. Grand Rounds, Primary Children’s Medical Center. Salt Lake City, UT. November 2, 2015

56. Patel SJ, Spector ND. The I-­‐PASS Study: Standardizing the Handoff Process to Improve Patient Care and Safety. Grand Rounds, Intermountain Medical Center. Murray, UT. November 3, 2015.

57. Sectish TC, Calaman S. The I-­‐PASS Study: Standardizing the Handoff Process to Improve Patient Care and Safety. Grand Rounds, New York Presbyterian Queens, Flushing, NY. November 3rd, 2015.

58. Landrigan CP. The I-­‐PASS Study: Standardizing The Handoff Process To Improve Patient Care And Safety. Grand rounds, University of Vermont Medical Center. Burlington, VT. November 16, 2015.

59. Rosenbluth G. The I-­‐PASS Study: Standardizing the Handoff Process to Improve Patient Care and Safety. Pediatrics Grand Rounds, Yale University, New Haven, CT. November 18, 2015.

60. Rosenbluth G, Landrigan CP. The I-­‐PASS Study: Standardizing The Handoff Process To Improve Patient Care And Safety. Grand Rounds. Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA. April 2016.

61. Everhart JL, Spector ND. The I-­‐PASS Study: Standardizing The Handoff Process To Improve Patient Care And Safety. I-­‐PASS SHM Mentored Implementation Program Site Visit Grand Rounds, Hurley Medical Center, Flint, MI, May 12, 2016.

62. Rosenbluth G. The I-­‐PASS Study: Standardizing The Handoff Process To Improve Patient Care And Safety. Hospital-­‐Based Specialties Grand Rounds. Kaiser San Francisco, San Francisco, CA. August 2016.

63. Rosenbluth G. and Landrigan C. The I-­‐PASS Study: Standardizing The Handoff Process To Improve Patient Care And Safety. Internal Medicine Grand Rounds. New Hanover Regional Medical Center, Wilmington, NC. September 2016.

(PDF) I-PASS CV in progress. Closing!the!GapinHandoff!Communications:!Evaluating!the!Effects!of!anIPASS!Medical!Student!Handoff!Bundle! (2013U2014)Council!on!MedicalStudent!Education!in!Pediatrics!(PI:Guiot)! - DOKUMEN.TIPS (14)

64. Everhart JL. I-­‐PASS: Improving Patient Safety by Standardizing Provider Communication and Improving Transitions of Care. I-­‐PASS SHM Mentored Implementation Program Site Visit Grand Rounds, Toledo Children’s Hospital, Toledo, OH, September 14, 2016.

65. Destino L and Sectish TC. The I-­‐PASS Handoff Program: An Evidence-­‐based Program for Better Handoffs and Safer Care. Grand Rounds. Sanford Children’s Hospital. September 29, 2016. Sioux Falls SD

66. O’Toole JK. The I-­‐PASS Study: Standardizing the Handoff Process to Improve Patient Care and Safety. Grand Rounds, Johns Hopkins Hospital. Baltimore, MD. October 5, 2016

67. O’Toole JK. The I-­‐PASS Study: Standardizing the Handoff Process to Improve Patient Care and Safety. Grand Rounds, Sparrow Hospital. Lansing, MI. October 11, 2016.

68. Landrigan CP, Rosenbluth G, Spector ND. The I-­‐PASS Study: Standardizing The Handoff Process To Improve Patient Care And Safety. CHOP Grand Rounds, October 19, 2016. Philadelphia, PA

69. Starmer AJ. The I-­‐PASS Study: Standardizing the Handoff Process to Improve Patient Care and Safety. Grand Rounds, Children’s Mercy Hospital, Kansas City, MO. October 20, 2016.

70. Everhart JL, Spector ND. The I-­‐PASS Study: Standardizing The Handoff Process To Improve Patient Care And Safety. I-­‐PASS SHM Mentored Implementation Program Site Visit Grand Rounds, Children’s National Medical Center, Washington, DC, November 2, 2016.

71. Coffey M. The I-­‐PASS Study: Standardizing the Handoff Process to Improve Patient Care and Safety. Grand Rounds, Gwinnett Medical Center. Lawrenceville, GA. November 15, 2016.

72. Destino LA. The I-­‐PASS Study: Standardizing the Handoff Process to Improve Patient Care and Safety. Grand Rounds, AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center. Atlantic City, NJ. December 1, 2016.

Invited Talks 1. Landrigan CP. Pediatric Patient Safety and Handoff Errors. Resident Conference. St Louis Children’s Hospital,

Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO. 2010.

2. Landrigan CP. Patient Handoffs – Zero Patient Fumbles. Webinar. U.S. Department of Defense Patient Safety Learning Action Network. 2010.

3. Landrigan CP. “Improving Resident Handoffs – the I-­‐PASS Study” Presented at Association of Pediatric Program

Directors Meeting, Miami, FL. March 2011.

4. Landrigan CP, Starmer AJ. Resident Work Hours and Handoffs: the Changing Face of Patient Safety in North America. Team Rounds. Hospital for Sick Children (Toronto), Department of Pediatrics. November 2011.

5. O’Toole JK. The I-­‐PASS Handoff Study. Presentation. University of Cincinnati, GME Program Director’s Committee

Quarterly Meeting. September 16, 2011.

6. Starmer AJ, Landrigan CP. Bundling Effective Handoff Tools to Improve Patient Safety: A Multi-­‐center Pediatric Residency Quality Improvement Initiative. Pediatric Outcomes Research Team Rounds. Hospital for Sick Children (Toronto). November 3, 2011.

7. Landrigan CP. Improving Handoffs: the Children’s Hospital Boston Experience. Webinar. Children’s Hospital

Association Collaborative Webinar. 2012.

8. Landrigan CP. Handover and Communication – Do Team Structures and Process Make a Difference?. Presentation. Patient Safety Manager’s Forum, Clinical Excellence Commission (Government of New South Wales, Australia). 2012.

(PDF) I-PASS CV in progress. Closing!the!GapinHandoff!Communications:!Evaluating!the!Effects!of!anIPASS!Medical!Student!Handoff!Bundle! (2013U2014)Council!on!MedicalStudent!Education!in!Pediatrics!(PI:Guiot)! - DOKUMEN.TIPS (15)

9. Landrigan CP. Building Safer Hospital Microsystems – Improving Work Schedules & Handovers. Lecture. Sydney Children’s Hospital, Department of Pediatrics; Harvard Club of Australia. 2012.

10. Rosenbluth G. Optimizing Handovers of Patient Care. CME. Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands. February 22, 2012.

11. Spector ND. Design of Learning Environments in Medicine. Invited Lecture. University of Pennsylvania, Masters in

Medical Education Inaugural Session. Philadelphia, PA. August 4, 2012.

12. Autry AM, Wilson S, Lorenson M, Jacobson GF, Mandel SM. Reaching Up and Across to Meet New ACGME Requirements for Patient Safety, Transitions of Care, and Teamwork. Presentation. 2013 CREOG & APGO (Council on Resident Education in Obstetrics and Gynecology & Association of Professors of Gynecology and Obstetrics) Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ. Feb 27-­‐March 2, 2013.

13. Coffey T, Bismilla Z. Improving Patient Handover: Need to Engage Medical Educators. 4th Annual, Department of

Medicine/Education symposium at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre. Toronto, ON. October 24, 2013.

14. Bismilla Z. The I-­‐PASS KidCare Handoff List. Hospital for Sick Children Medical Staff Association Meeting. Toronto, ON. October 25, 2013.

15. Coffey M, Landrigan CP, Starmer AJ, Spector ND, Bismilla Z. I-­‐PASS: A Novel Bundled Handoff Intervention. Webinar. Canadian Association of Pediatric Health Centres (CAPHC). 2013.

16. Bismilla Z. I-­‐PASS Canada. Children's Hospital of Western Ontario, London Health Science Centre University of Western Ontario. June 19, 2014.

17. Landrigan CP, Sectish TC. I-­‐PASS Handoff Process: Considerations for implementing I-­‐PASS institution wide. Interactive session for Division and Department leaders at St Christopher’s Hospital for Children. September 4, 2014.

18. Bismilla Z. I-­‐PASS Handoff. Department of Pediatrics, University of Alberta. November 2014

19. Bismilla Z. Changes in Medical Errors after Implementation of a Handoff Program. NEJM. Sunnybrook Department of Medicine Journal Club, December 12, 2014.

20. Landrigan CP. I-­‐PASS: improved Handoffs for Safer Care at CRICO Hospitals. Senior Clinical Leadership Committee. Boston Children’s Hospital. Boston, MA. January 26, 2015.

21. Landrigan CP. Addressing Medical Errors Due to Miscommunication: The I-­‐PASS Program. National Patient Safety Foundation Webinar. February 25, 2015.

22. Spector ND. The I-­‐PASS Handoff Program: An Evidence-­‐based Program for Better Handoffs and Safer Care. Maryland

Chapter of the Society of Hospital Medicine. Baltimore, MD. March 9, 2015.

23. Everhart JL. I-­‐PASS: Handoffs and Beyond. Noon Conference, Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario, Ottawa, CA, April 8, 2015.

24. Spector ND, Landrigan CP. Consumers Advancing Patient Safety Webinar. April 17, 2015.

25. Landrigan CP. Better Handoffs with I-­‐PASS. Boston Children’s Hospital Clinical Quality Committee. 2015

26. Landrigan CP and Yu CE. I-­‐PASS: Integrating High Quality Handoffs into TeamSTEPPS and Hospital Care. Webinar. May

13, 2015.

27. Landrigan CP, Spector ND. I-­‐PASS: Better Handoffs. Safer Care. Consumers Advancing Patient Safety (CAPS) signature series Webinar. May 28, 2015.

28. Sectish TC. The I-­‐PASS Handoff Program: An Evidence-­‐based Program for Better Handoffs and Safer Care. Flying

Physicians Association Annual Meeting. Hanover, NH. May 30, 2015.

(PDF) I-PASS CV in progress. Closing!the!GapinHandoff!Communications:!Evaluating!the!Effects!of!anIPASS!Medical!Student!Handoff!Bundle! (2013U2014)Council!on!MedicalStudent!Education!in!Pediatrics!(PI:Guiot)! - DOKUMEN.TIPS (16)

29. Rosenbluth G. Better Handoffs, Safer Care: The I-­‐PASS Handoff Study and Medical Errors. Healthcare in the 21st

Century CME Course. University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA. May 2015

30. Starmer AJ. The I-­‐PASS Handoff Program, a PerfectServe sponsored webinar. June 2, 2015. Available from: bit.ly/1Jt7Jhc

31. Landrigan CP, Starmer AJ. The I-­‐PASS Study. Harvard Masters in Medical Education Students. Boston, MA. April 28,


32. Bismilla Z, Starmer AJ. The I-­‐PASS Handoff Program Considerations for Institution-­‐Wide Implementation. Arkansas Children’s Hospital, Little Rock, AR. August 3, 2015.

33. Subramony A. I-­‐PASS: Family Engagement in Family Centered Rounds. Family Engagement in Quality and Safety

Symposium. December 10, 2015.

34. Landrigan CP. I-­‐PASS: Handoff Communications Standardization Program for VA Hospitals. Veteran’s Administration National Center for Patient Safety Webinar. 2016

35. Hepps, JH. The I-­‐PASS Handoff Study and Beyond: Lessons from an Educational Quality Improvement Project. Keynote Address at the Annual REACH Quality Improvement Symposium, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC. March 2, 2016.

36. Landrigan CP. Addressing Communication Gaps in Transitions of Care. Mind the Gaps Symposium: Avoiding the Risks of Communication Failures in Patient Care, Boston, MA

37. Landrigan CP. Linking Residency Training with Quality Care: Education in Action. International Conference of Residency Educators, Niagara Falls, ON. September 2016.

38. Patel SJ. The I-­‐PASS Study: Standardizing the Handoff Process to Improve Patient Care and Safety. Children’s Hospital of Colorado Pediatrics Hospitalist division. Aurora, CO. September 21, 2016.

39. Calaman S. The I-­‐PASS Study: Standardizing the Handoff Process to Improve Patient Care and Safety. Faculty Development Session, Children’s Hospital Montefiore. Bronx, NY. September 28, 2016.

40. Patel SJ. The I-­‐PASS Study: Standardizing the Handoff Process to Improve Patient Care and Safety. University of New

Mexico Internal Medicine Hospitalist division. Albuquerque, NM. October 11, 2016.

41. Starmer AJ, O’Toole JK, Spector ND, West DC, Sectish TC, Schnipper J, Srivastava R, Goldstein J, Campos M, Howell E, Landrigan CP and SHM I-­‐PASS Study Group. “Title: Mentored Implementation of the I-­‐PASS Handoff Program in Diverse Clinical Environments” to be presented at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) Scientific Symposium at Orlando, FL. December 5, 2016.

42. Spector, ND. The I-­‐PASS Story: How the I-­‐PASS Study Group Aims to Achieve Patient Safety Goals and Promotes

Professional Development and Scholarship. Presented as The Thirty-­‐Sixth Abraham H. Finkelstein Memorial Lecture, University of Maryland School of Medicine Department of Pediatrics and the University of Maryland Children’s Hospital. December 7, 2016.

43. Calaman S, Sectish TC. The I-­‐PASS Study: Standardizing the Handoff Process to Improve Patient Care and Safety. Faculty Development Session, Lankenau Medical Center. Wynnewood, PA. December 8, 2016.

(PDF) I-PASS CV in progress. Closing!the!GapinHandoff!Communications:!Evaluating!the!Effects!of!anIPASS!Medical!Student!Handoff!Bundle! (2013U2014)Council!on!MedicalStudent!Education!in!Pediatrics!(PI:Guiot)! - DOKUMEN.TIPS (17)

44. Spector, ND. The I-­‐PASS Story: Patient Safety & the Promotion of Professional Development and Safety. Invited Instructor in the Research Block of the University of Pennsylvania Med Ed Program. February 16, 2017.

45. Srivastava, R. I-­‐PASS speaker at the Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation Consensus Conference on the topic of “Perioperative handoffs: Achieving consensus on how to get it right.” Phoenix, Arizona. September 6, 2017.

Television and other media coverage 1. Landrigan CP. 9.5.12 WGBH Radio Boston Interview. Work on resident physicians' sleep deprivation and patient

safety. Sept. 5, 2012. 2. O’Toole JK. Hospitalist News Magazine Interview. Taking the guesswork out of patient handoffs. April 16, 2013.

Transcript: http://bit.ly/1rqao2x

3. Starmer AJ, Landrigan CP. WBZ-­‐TV. Dec 3, 2013. Audio: http://cbsloc.al/1yhAdH6

4. The Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC). WENY HD News. Dec 3, 2013.

5. KESQ-­‐TV. Newschannel 3 Live at Five. Dec 3, 2013.

6. Starmer AJ, Landrigan CP. JAMA TV. Dec 4, 2013. Audio: http://bit.ly/1pgZYhp-­‐ click on the link to download “News Package Preview Short Version.mp4”

7. Starmer AJ, Landrigan CP. Mass. Doctors discuss results, impact of communication research. New England Cable News. Dec 5, 2013. Video: http://bit.ly/1t2GkXv

8. KOAT-­‐TV. Action 7 News More This Morning. Jan 2, 2014.

9. Starmer AJ, Landrigan CP. Everyday Health. Jun 19, 2014. Video: http://bit.ly/1nQFLOY

10. Starmer AJ, Landrigan CP. WBZ-­‐TV. Nov 7, 2014. Audio: http://cbsloc.al/1zigIZR

11. KUER-­‐FM Online. Nov 7, 2014. Audio: http://bit.ly/1rxtp5x

12. West D, Imholz B, Gandhi T. KQED. Nov 13, 2014. Audio: http://bit.ly/1HZwX2J

13. Starmer AJ et al. The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada KeyLIME podcast. Episode 77-­‐Can we make a better handover? Can I-­‐PASS the test? Audio: http://bit.ly/19eSuuk

14. Starmer AJ et al. The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada KeyLIME podcast. Episode 81-­‐Is building better. Audio: http://bit.ly/1MHLrZi

15. Starmer AJ. AHRQ WebM&M. Apr 2016. Audio: http://1.usa.gov/245WkjS


1. Truax, Bradley. Truax Group Health Consulting Patient Safety Solutions Online Column – Patient Safety Tip of the Week, “Handoffs: More than Battle of the Mnemonic” Feb 4, 2012. Available from: http://bit.ly/1DDxbxe

2. Graham, Rob. Boston Children’s Press Release. “I-­‐PASS: Standardizing Patient ‘Handoffs’ to Reduce Medical Errors” April 29, 2012. Available from: http://bit.ly/1qCKlQH

a. Reprinted in PR Newswire Briefing on April 29, 2012: http://prn.to/1okFpR0 b. Reprinted in Business Journals Briefing on April 29, 2012: http://bit.ly/1okFDra c. Reprinted in StockMarketWatch Briefing on April 29, 2012: http://bit.ly/1roQFz4 d. Reprinted in Yahoo WorldNews on April 29, 2012: http://bit.ly/1yuaco9 e. Reprinted in iStockAnalysis on April 29, 2012: http://bit.ly/1uMVp1J f. Reprinted in Vaad Refuah Briefing on April 30, 2012: http://bit.ly/1rkh2sD

(PDF) I-PASS CV in progress. Closing!the!GapinHandoff!Communications:!Evaluating!the!Effects!of!anIPASS!Medical!Student!Handoff!Bundle! (2013U2014)Council!on!MedicalStudent!Education!in!Pediatrics!(PI:Guiot)! - DOKUMEN.TIPS (18)

g. Reprinted in American Nurse Today April 2012: http://bit.ly/1vnGXi2 h. Reprinted in Acute Care Inc. Blog on May 1, 2012: http://bit.ly/ZXGoRt i. Reprinted in Healthy Investment-­‐Improved Profit Consulting Briefing on May 1, 2012: http://bit.ly/1rkhbfB j. Reprinted in MedSafe Compliance Corner Briefing on May 7, 2012: http://bit.ly/1myrA5G k. Reprinted in Healthcare Quality News Briefing on May 7, 2012: http://bit.ly/1ryjyul l. Reprinted in PSQH (Patient Safety & Quality Healthcare) Briefing on May 15, 2012: http://bit.ly/1wNAIUM

3. McKinney, Maureen. Modern Physician. “Safety Effort Targeting Handoffs Cut Errors 40%: Boston Hospital” April 30, 2012. Available from: http://bit.ly/1nbji4u

4. Cheung-­‐Larivee, Karen. Fierce Healthcare Online Article. “Handoff program cuts medical errors by 40%” April 30, 2012. Available from: http://bit.ly/1fcQSx2

5. Oh, Jamie. Becker’s Healthcare Clinical Quality and Infection Control Online Article. “I-­‐PASS Project Seeks Standardization of Patient Handoffs” April 30, 2012. Available from: http://bit.ly/1sysIcg

6. Everhart J, Destino LA, Lee L. Stanford Chief’s Blog. “How Well Are You Adhering to I-­‐PASS” May 1, 2012. Available from: http://stanford.io/1uN1YBf

7. Fliesler, Nancy. Boston Children’s Hospital Vector Blog Post. “I-­‐PASS This Patient to You: Can Standardizing “Handoffs” Make Care Safer?” May 1, 2012. Available from: http://bit.ly/1u3d6fn

a. Reprinted on May 22, 2012 by MassDevice: http://bit.ly/1okJsNh 8. Advisory Board Company Online Briefing. “How a Boston Hospital Cut Medical Errors by 40% in Three Months: I-­‐PASS

Initiative Increased Communication During Shift Change” May 2, 2012. Available from: http://bit.ly/1CtwAwy 9. Wenner, David A. Arizona Patient Safety Blog. “I-­‐PASS” May 2, 2012. Available from: http://bit.ly/1okJuEC 10. Guidon Performance Solutions – Industry News Briefing. “I-­‐PASS Initiative to Improve Patient Care and Reduce

Medical Errors” May 7, 2012. Available from: http://bit.ly/1xpV1e4 11. AMA Wire Online Article. “Standardizing Handoffs May Reduce Errors by 40%” May 9, 2012. Available from:

http://bit.ly/1vnI01D 12. Patient Safety and Quality Healthcare. “I-­‐PASS: Standardizing Patient _Handoffs_ to Reduce Medical Errors” May 16,

2012. Available from: http://bit.ly/1rZBrnu 13. Pharmacy Choice. “I-­‐PASS: Standardizing patient "handoffs" to reduce medical errors” May 16, 2012. Available from:

http://bit.ly/1urRsRZ 14. Truax, Bradley. Truax Group Health Consulting Patient Safety Solutions Online Column – What’s New in the Patient

Safety World, “I-­‐PASS Results and Resources Now Available” June 2012. Available from: http://bit.ly/1qCWMfn 15. Mcdonnell, Kelly. DoD Patient Safety Program June E-­‐Bulletin. “Shining a Spotlight on the Partnership for Patients:

Boston Children’s Hospital Successfully Reduces Harm Related to Patient Handoffs.” June 2012. Available from: http://1.usa.gov/1wNCmG1

16. Gonzalez del Rey, Javier. Cincinnati Children’s Press Release. “NextGen Residency Training -­‐Making Patient ‘Handoffs’ Safer” Summer 2012. Available from: http://bit.ly/1va5c4j

17. Willis, Leah. PRIS: Pediatric Research in Inpatient Settings August 2012 Newsletter. “I-­‐PASS: Accelerating Safer Signouts.” Aug 9, 2012. Available from: http://bit.ly/1yubzTH

a. Reprinted in August 2012 APA Newsletter: http://bit.ly/1roWuMY 18. Bunim, Juliana. UCSF Press Release. “New Curriculum Teaches Pediatric Residents Proper Handoffs to Maximize

Patient Safety” Aug 13, 2012. Available from: http://bit.ly/1utG2P6 19. Van Dyke, Maggie. HFMA Leadership Magazine. Feature – Promising Innovations for Complex Problems, “Taking an I-­‐

PASS Around Medical Errors” Fall 2012 Issue. Available from: http://bit.ly/1rq1zGe 20. Bunim, Juliana. UCSF Patient Safety Publication. “Pediatric Residents Training in New ‘Handoff’ Curriculum.” March 6,

2013. Available from: http://bit.ly/1pwodr5 21. Coffey, M. PIPSQC Blog Post. “I-­‐PASS: Should I Have Equipose?” March 2013. Available from: http://bit.ly/1u3jfs4 22. Plourde-­‐Cole F, Davis D, Davis N, Woodson S. AAMC Aligning and Education for Quality (ae4Q) Clinical Communique

Newsletter. Handoffs. Aug 21, 2013. 23. Health Data Management. “Boston Children's Innovation Awards Presented” Oct 1, 2013. Available from:

http://bit.ly/1pX529J 24. Pharmacy Choice. “Boston Children's Grants $150K in Awards for Pediatric Innovation” Oct 10, 2013. Available from:


(PDF) I-PASS CV in progress. Closing!the!GapinHandoff!Communications:!Evaluating!the!Effects!of!anIPASS!Medical!Student!Handoff!Bundle! (2013U2014)Council!on!MedicalStudent!Education!in!Pediatrics!(PI:Guiot)! - DOKUMEN.TIPS (19)

25. Gever, John. MedPage Today. “Hospital Error Rates Cut With Better Handoffs” Dec 3, 2013. Available from: http://bit.ly/1urPH7k

26. Healthnewsdigest.com. “Improving Physician Communication” Dec 3, 2013. Available from: http://bit.ly/1ByiwRX 27. Medical News Today. “Multifaceted program to improve patient continuity of care in hospitals associated with

reduction in medical errors” Dec 3, 2013. Available from: http://bit.ly/1uLw9Jo 28. MedicalXpress.com. “Improving patient continuity of care in hospitals linked with reduction in medical errors” Dec 3,

2013. Available from: http://bit.ly/18B4tAQ 29. Sciencecodex.com. “Improving patient continuity of care in hospitals linked with reduction in medical errors” Dec 3,

2013. Available from: http://bit.ly/1Dk1loQ 30. ScienceDaily. “Less medical errors when continuity of care in hospitals improved” Dec 3, 2013. Available from:

http://bit.ly/1yhxUE8 31. ScienceNewsline. “Improving Patient Continuity of Care in Hospitals Linked with Reduction in Medical Errors” Dec 3,

2013. Available from: http://bit.ly/1yhy2Dr 32. Conaboy, Chelsea. Boston Globe. “Ensuring safe patient handoffs” Dec 4, 2013. Available form: http://bit.ly/1dPJRH9 33. Boston.com. “Improved patient ‘hand-­‐off' between shifts reduces errors” Dec 4, 2013. Available from:

http://bit.ly/1nQF8VB 34. Alaska Dispatch New. “Boston researchers find way to cut medical errors” Dec 4, 2013. 35. Associated Pres. “Boston researchers find way to cut medical errors” Dec 4, 2013. 36. Atlanta Journal. “Boston researchers find way to cut medical errors” Dec 4, 2013. 37. Greenwich Time. “Boston researchers find way to cut medical errors” Dec 4, 2013. 38. Sun Herald. “Boston researchers find way to cut medical errors” Dec 4, 2013. 39. Tribune. “Boston researchers find way to cut medical errors” Dec 4, 2013. 40. The Associated Press. WBUR. “Boston Researchers Find Way to Cut Medical Error” Dec 4, 2013. Available from:

http://bit.ly/1meFji6 41. WCVB-­‐TV. “Boston Children's Hospital finds way to reduce medical errors” Dec 4, 2013. Available from:

http://bit.ly/1r1f6Cy 42. WFTV-­‐TV. “Boston researchers find way to cut medical errors” Dec 4, 2013. 43. WHJX-­‐FM. “Boston researchers find way to cut medical errors” Dec 4, 2013. 44. WSOC-­‐TV. “Boston researchers find way to cut medical errors” Dec 4, 2013. 45. American Hospital Association Resource Center Blog. “HANDOFFS: Implementing a handoff bundle cut medical errors

and preventable” Dec 4, 2013. Available from: http://bit.ly/1nQEPdy 46. MacDonald, llene. FierceHealthcare. “Better handoff communication reduces medical errors” Dec 4, 2013. Available

from: http://bit.ly/1nQFQlU 47. MDLinx.com. “Rates of medical errors and preventable adverse events among hospitalized children following

implementation of a resident handoff bundle” Dec 4, 2013. Available from: http://bit.ly/1nQGSOO 48. Doctors Lounge. “Handoff Program Cuts Medical Errors, Adverse Events” Dec 5, 2013. Available from:

http://bit.ly/1tPAcaE 49. Monthly Prescribing Reference. “Handoff Program Cuts Medical Errors, Adverse Events” Dec 5, 2013. Available from:

http://bit.ly/1m0gdDv 50. British Medical Journal. “Residents' “handoff bundle” halved error rate, shows study” Dec 5, 2013. Available from:

http://bit.ly/1nQFgoc 51. HER Intelligence. “EHR tool improves care transitions for pediatric patients” Dec 5, 2013. Available from:

http://bit.ly/1nQFI5I 52. Daily Journal. “Boston Children's Hospital researchers devise a new handoff procedure to reduce medical errors” Dec

6, 2013. 53. BioPortfolio. “Research Roundup: 'Substantial' Medicare Savings From Avoiding ERs; New Ways For Primary Care;

Trends In Kids' Fast Food Consumption” Dec 6, 2013. Available from: http://bit.ly/1nQEJTe 54. Kaiser Health News. “Research Roundup: 'Substantial' Medicare Savings From Avoiding ERs; New Ways For Primary

Care; Trends In Kids' Fast Food Consumption” Dec 6, 2013. Available from: http://bit.ly/1qPEXx9 55. Stuart, Candance. Cardiovascular Business. “Handoff bundle reduces errors, improves workflow” Dec 6, 2013.

Available from: http://bit.ly/1nQFhZ5

(PDF) I-PASS CV in progress. Closing!the!GapinHandoff!Communications:!Evaluating!the!Effects!of!anIPASS!Medical!Student!Handoff!Bundle! (2013U2014)Council!on!MedicalStudent!Education!in!Pediatrics!(PI:Guiot)! - DOKUMEN.TIPS (20)

56. News Daily. “Boston researchers find way to cut medical errors” Dec 7, 2013. 57. MEDINDIA. “Reduction in Medical Errors Associated With Improving Patient Continuity Of Care In Hospitals” Dec 8,

2013. Available from: http://bit.ly/1tPBi67 58. Boston Magazine. “New Patient Handoff Program Rolling Out to Hospitals” Dec 9, 2013. Available from:

http://bit.ly/X7mzpb 59. Medscape. “Program May Lower Medical Errors in Pediatric Hospitals” Dec 10, 2013. Available from:

http://bit.ly/1tPBtOP 60. Medscape. “Handoff Improvement Program Decreases Hospital Error Rates” Dec 13, 2013. Available from:

http://bit.ly/1uzbQ2P 61. Pharmacy Choice. “Improving patient continuity of care in hospitals linked with reduction in medical errors” Dec 22,

2013. Available from: http://bit.ly/1qNVkvO 62. Hospitalist. “Resident Handoff Program Reduces Medical Errors at Pediatric Hospital” Dec 27, 2013. Available from:

http://bit.ly/1nQGtvD 63. Mass Device. “I-­‐PASS electronic nightly family signout: Empowering families of hospitalized” Jan 21, 2014. Available

from: http://bit.ly/1nQGFev 64. Clinical Innovation +Technology. “Standardized Data & Good Communication for Safer Care Transitions” Jan 29, 2014.

Available from: http://bit.ly/1nQFjjS 65. Pittsburgh Tribune. “Health care community renews focus to avoid medical mistakes” Feb 22, 2014. Available from:

http://bit.ly/1yhxdKO 66. Fabregas, Luis. TribLIVE. “Health care community renews focus to avoid medical mistakes” Feb 22, 2014. Available

from: http://bit.ly/1yhxdKO 67. McKinney, Maureen. Modern Healthcare. “Boston Children's devises handoff procedures to reduce errors and

improve patient safety” Mar 1, 2014. Available from: http://bit.ly/1pcZqrX 68. Logsdon, Tina. Children’s Hospitals Today. “Improving Handoffs, Communication and Patient Safety” Jul 13, 2014.

Available from: http://bit.ly/2kI6bw0 69. Gallegos, Alicia. Hospitalist News. “Inpatient handoff program reduced errors” Nov 5, 2014. Available from:

http://bit.ly/1Fr8zYm 70. Weber, Meghan. EurekAlert!. “Multicenter study: Hospital medical errors reduced 30 percent with improved patient

handoffs” Nov 5, 2014. Available from: http://bit.ly/1yhEh8g 71. Goomansingh, Crystal. Global News. “SickKids hospital using new tool to reduce medical errors” Nov 5, 2014.

Available from: http://bit.ly/1FoNtbp 72. MedicalXpress.com. “Hospital medical errors reduced 30 percent with improved patient handoffs” Nov 5, 2014.

Available from: http://bit.ly/1ychppA 73. Iterry, Lynne. The Oregonian. “Hospital medical errors that harm patients, a leading cause of death, plummet in

study” Nov 5, 2014. Available from: http://bit.ly/1ydlRTO 74. PM360. “Inpatient handoff program reduced errors” Nov 5, 2014. Available from: http://bit.ly/1vHBBA6 75. Hayes, Elizabeth. Portland Business Journal. “Doernbecher residents minimize ‘handoff’ errors with a new system”

Nov 5, 2014. Available from: http://bit.ly/12lgXK4 76. Press-­‐news.org “Hospital medical errors reduced 30 percent with improved patient handoffs” Nov 5, 2014. Available

from: http://bit.ly/1w18hXg 77. Sciencecodex.com. “Multicenter study: Hospital medical errors reduced 30 percent with improved patient handoffs”

Nov 5, 2014. Available from: http://bit.ly/1Ad2uMd 78. Xu, Rena. Now@ NEJM. “The Good Word: Improving Patient Handoffs” Nov 5, 2014. Available from:

http://bit.ly/1vbWuyI 79. Jones, Val. Better Health “Medical Errors Reduced By 30% When Doctors Required To Speak To One Another At Shift

Change" Nov 6, 2014. Available from: http://bit.ly/1tB9iib 80. Malamut, Melissa. Boston Magazine. “Improved Handoff Communications Reduced Hospital Injuries” Nov 6, 2014.

Available from: http://bit.ly/1JTQvtg 81. Healthcanal. “Shift-­‐change handoff program enhances communication, reduces risk of injury due to medical error by

30 per cent: new study” Nov 6, 2014. Available from: http://bit.ly/1Azd0wU

(PDF) I-PASS CV in progress. Closing!the!GapinHandoff!Communications:!Evaluating!the!Effects!of!anIPASS!Medical!Student!Handoff!Bundle! (2013U2014)Council!on!MedicalStudent!Education!in!Pediatrics!(PI:Guiot)! - DOKUMEN.TIPS (21)

82. Healthcare Informatics. “Study: Better Verbal, Written Communication during Provider Handoffs Reduces Medical Errors” Nov 6, 2014. Available from: http://bit.ly/1zWBAtp

83. Health News. “Health News -­‐ Multicenter patient-­‐safety study reduces injuries from hospital medical” Nov 6, 2014. Available from: http://bit.ly/1BPqWqB

84. Reinberg, Steven. CBS News. “A key thing doctors can do to reduce hospital errors” Nov 6, 2014. Available from: http://cbsn.ws/1B25pYc

85. iPickNews. “SickKids hospital using new tool to reduce medical errors | Toronto's FrontPage” Nov 6, 2014. Available from: http://bit.ly/1zFpLcs

86. Klamm.de. “Finalists Announced in Harvard Business School/Harvard Medical School Health Acceleration Challenge” Nov 6, 2014. Available from: http://bit.ly/1CXeFOG

87. KSWO-­‐TV – Online. “Multicenter patient-­‐safety study reduces injuries from hospital medical errors by 30% with improved handoff communications” Nov6, 2014. Available from: http://bit.ly/1zFrleD

88. Medscape. “Better Handoffs Cut Medical Errors 30% in Multicenter Trial” Nov 6, 2014. Available from: http://bit.ly/1H2zj2f

89. P&T Community. “Hospital Medical Errors Reduced 30% with Improved Patient Handoffs” Nov6, 2014. Available from: http://bit.ly/1zYq9AJ

90. ScienceDaily. “Multicenter study: Hospital medical errors reduced 30 percent with improved patient handoffs” Nov 6, 2014. Available from: http://bit.ly/1wr6Bjp

91. ScienceNewsline. “Multicenter Study: Hospital Medical Errors Reduced 30% with Improved Patient Handoffs” Nov 6, 2014. Available from: http://bit.ly/1H2zNFx

92. Trends der Zukunft. “I-­‐PASS: Verbesserte Kommunikation verhindert Behandlungsfehler” Nov 6, 2014. Available from: http://bit.ly/16TK4Hk

93. Deutsches Ärzteblatt. “Übergabe-­‐Protokoll verbessert Patientensicherheit in Studie” Nov 7, 2014. Available from: http://bit.ly/1HM3auc

94. Bresnick, Jennifer. HealthITAnalytics. “Care Coordination Technique Reduces Medical Errors by 30%” Nov 7, 2014. Available from: http://bit.ly/1zFuwmx

95. Medical News Today. “Improved patient handoffs reduce hospital medical errors by 30 percent” Nov 7, 2014. Available from: http://bit.ly/1zAQ832

96. Rice, Sabriya. Modern Healthcare. “Modern Healthcare | the leader in healthcare business news, research & data” Nov 7, 2014. Available from: http://bit.ly/1xcLwwG

97. Lab Soft News. “Standardizing Hospital Patient Handoffs with I-­‐PASS to Reduce Errors” Nov 11, 2014. Available from: http://bit.ly/1zO3VDM

98. Kime, Patricia. Air Force Times. “New protocols at Walter Reed reduce medical errors” Nov 12, 2014. Available from: http://bit.ly/1thFgQI

99. Todays Technician. “Print Communication Key in Preventing Medical Errors” Nov 12, 2014. Available from: http://bit.ly/1vEoyMm

100. Halldale-­‐Medical news. “Boston Children's Hospital Patient Handoff Program Improves Patient-­‐Safety” Nov 12, 2014. Available from: http://bit.ly/1A8ndkU

101. Health Management. “I-­‐PASS Reduces Medical Errors during Patient Handoffs” Nov 17, 2014. Available from: http://bit.ly/14aQ79u

102. Nidhi, Subbaraman. Beta Boston. “Boston health tech groups are finalists in Harvard’s Health Acceleration Challenge” Nov 20, 2014. Available from: http://bit.ly/1A5aDUL

103. Harvard Business School. “Finalists Announced in Harvard Business School/Harvard Medical School Health Acceleration Challenge” Nov 20, 2014. Available from: http://hbs.me/1vsEt4M

104. HospiMedica.com. “Improved Patient Handoffs Reduce Hospital Errors” Nov 20, 2014. Available from: http://bit.ly/1HeJuRx

105. Hethco*ck, Bill. “In the market for blood? Here’s how to keep from getting squeezed” Nov 20, 2014. Available from: http://bit.ly/1zO6LJ8

106. KATV-­‐TV – Online. “Finalists Announced in Harvard Business School/Harvard Medical School Health Acceleration Challenge” Nov 20, 2014. Available from: http://bit.ly/1CXeFOG

(PDF) I-PASS CV in progress. Closing!the!GapinHandoff!Communications:!Evaluating!the!Effects!of!anIPASS!Medical!Student!Handoff!Bundle! (2013U2014)Council!on!MedicalStudent!Education!in!Pediatrics!(PI:Guiot)! - DOKUMEN.TIPS (22)

107. MedCity News. “Which healthcare startups did Harvard shortlist for finals in acceleration contest? (Video)” Nov 22, 2014. Available from: http://bit.ly/1AMXYHu

108. Moore, Duncan. MedPage Today. “I-­‐PASS Handoff System Leads to Decline in Medical Errors” Nov 26, 2014. Available from: http://bit.ly/1zyj4ZZ

109. Sehgal, Niraj. AHRQ's Patient Safety Network “Annual Perspective 2014: Handoffs and Transitions”. March 2015. Available from: http://1.usa.gov/1BBUXIq

110. Bailey, Melissa. STAT reporting from the frontiers of health and medicine “Communication failures linked to 1,744 deaths in five years, US malpractice study finds” February 1, 2016. Available from: http://bit.ly/1SnJEi9

111. Huth, Simpkin and Simpkin, Arabella. Harvard Macy Community Blog. “Educating physicians to navigate the complexity and uncertainty of clinical care”. Sept 5, 2016. Available from: http://bit.ly/2codvrG

112. Gross, Toni and Jewell, Jennifer. AAP News. “What are the best handoff practices in inpatient critical care units?”. October 31, 2016. Available from: http://bit.ly/2eRYtLs

113. Colwell, Janet. Better Handoffs: Hospitalists explore new tech and face-­‐to-­‐face strategies. Cover story in ACP Hospitalist magazine. December 2016. Available from: http://www.acphospitalist.org/archives/2016/12/improving-­‐handoffs.htm


Implementation within I-­‐PASS Study Sites (July 2012 – May 2013) • 267 faculty participants, an average of nearly 30 faculty members per site • 32 three-­‐hour sessions (two-­‐hour workshops followed by one-­‐hour simulation sessions) • 855 residents were trained (91% of all pediatric residents at the nine study institutions) • 20 faculty development training sessions were conducted • 888 faculty observations of resident handoffs

Dissemination beyond I-­‐PASS Study Sites

1. I-­‐PASS Study Web site, http://www.ipasshandoffstudy.com 2. MedEdPORTAL (Seven separate modules) 2014 3. 190 academic presentations (23 Platform/plenary research presentations , 72 Grand rounds, 45 invited talks, 32

workshops, 13 posters, 5 Invited plenaries) plus 2 Letters to the editor, 3 Newsletters, and 9 Webinars 4. Overall impact (May 2010 – April 21st , 2017)

o 3,851 individuals requested access to the materials o More than 500 unique institutions and organizations (non-­‐inclusive of study sites) o 50 states and the District of Columbia o 59 countries outside the United States o Individuals requesting the curricular materials indicated an interest in applying them across a range of

provider types § Physicians, 49% § Physician Assistant, 5% § Nurse Practitioner, 8% § Registered Nurse, 15% § Medical students, 8%

o Clinical disciplines § Pediatrics, 17% § Internal medicine, 17% § Intensive care, 10% § Emergency medicine, 9% § Surgery, 8% § Family medicine, 8% § Obstetrics–gynecology, 5% § And others

(PDF) I-PASS CV in progress. Closing!the!GapinHandoff!Communications:!Evaluating!the!Effects!of!anIPASS!Medical!Student!Handoff!Bundle! (2013U2014)Council!on!MedicalStudent!Education!in!Pediatrics!(PI:Guiot)! - DOKUMEN.TIPS (2024)


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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

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Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.