Lexington Herald-Leader from Lexington, Kentucky (2024)

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Lexington Herald-Leaderi

Lexington, Kentucky

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FRIDAY THE LEXINGTON APRIL 30 1937 PAGE TWENTY-TWO Let A Leader Ad Rent Your Room Phone 4800 30c Brought Many Who Wanted Rooms TWO OK THRU furnished or unfurnished rooms private entrance garage Ha Tin Lana Phono 1314-Z This Ad Rented Rooms First Others Answered The Ad But Arrived Too Late' USE WANT ADS PAPER HANQINO Phone 06S7 Work guaranteed FURNISHED ROOM Running water close to town' and tea rooms 147 Forest avenue BATH TUB toilet lavatory 03250 Kitchen sink 6800s Good condition McMahon 159 Main PACKARD WE ARE OVERSTOCKED ON COUPES MUST BE MOVED AT Check the following list pick the ear you would like to own then stop by and let us figure with you All offers will be given consideration Packard Trade-Ins at New Low Prices wa INVITE YOU TO INSPECT THESE FINE CABS 1936 Plymouth Touring Sedan New Save $100 1937 Chevrolet Master Deluxe Business Coupe Only driven 1600 mile Priced for Immediate sale PACKARDS 1931 120 Town-Sedan 135 130 Town Sedan 1933 Sport Sedan 1933 Sedan Ada ordered op telephone are ae-eapted from paraona Hated In tha telephone directory on memorandum chariot only in return far thlseour-May tha advertiser la aspaetad to remit promptly ddjaatmaats All claims for adjustments and refunds must no made within 10 days Tha Leader assumes no responsibility for error after the first Insertion Closing time Want ads accepted until 10 a on days of publication Saturday for Sunday's edition A la a word 1 day Be a word a eonaeeutlve days 10a a word 1 eonaecuUve days ISa a word 30 eonaeeuUva days Minimum number of words IS Discount 10ft discount allowed on transient classified advertising paid cash in advance Chngaes- Cancellation Changes and cancellation must bo made before 10 a for the days of Subllcatlon and before Ip a Satur-ay for Sunday's paper PBONI (SOI AUBUBNS 1832 Sedan $24S CHRYSLEBS 1935 Royal Sedan i DS 132 Sedan 192 Sedan 134 Sedan 1911 Coupe 0MiiHiiH96tl6(6(ll BUICKS 12 445 245 SO' i M6M0OO0M9IM FORDS 124 Sedan 245 1921 Panel extra good 195 129 Roadster ossooeoooooo 15 1329 Sedan 195 HUPMOBILES 1939 Sport Roadster 295 1929 Sedan 99 HUDSONS 1921 245 PLYMOUTIIS 1934 Plymouth 4-naas coupe 375 PONT1ACS 1936 Two-door town sedan 945 1936 Pour-door town sedan 975 OTHERS TO SELECT FROM 35 Oldsmobile 8 Business Coupe Only 16000 mile radio snd heater 35 Oldsmobile 6 Business Coupe Radio and heater very clean 35 Chevrolet Standard Coupe Very low price 34 Chevrolet Spt Coupe Six-wheel equipment heater new tires 34 Chevrolet Master Business Coupe $10000 below market price 34 Dodge Business Coupe Deluxe model new tire 35 Ford Business Coupe New tire heater new paint 29 Ford Sport Coupe Priced to sell immediately 28 Buick 4-passenger Coupe New tire ALSO THE FOLLOWING 36 Dodge 4-door Touzing Sedan Heater etc 36 Oldsmobile 6 Tudor Touring Sedan Radio heater 35 Chevrolet 4-door Sport Touring Sedan 36 Ford Deluxe Sport Phateoq Very dean 29 Ford Tudor Two to choose from 29 Buick 4-door Sedan Low mileage 29 Reo Flying Cloud Radio TERMS OR TRADE FRED BRYANT MOTOR CO OLDSMOBILE DEALER Tana la aa WLAP Every Week Day A IL fer "Wean Oaly- ALEXANDER-THOMPSON CO Viaduct at High 241 EAST MAIN Phone 197 Take Your Pick all ene-ewner cars traded is on the new Pontiae 1935 Plymouth Deluxe Tudor Sedan clean as a pin Can't be beat at $49500 1935 Pontiac Tudor Sedan with built-in trunk Equipped with Seiber-ling air-cooled tire Driven only 13000 miles jtnd is in perfect condition Owners name furnished on request 54500 Special 1936 Plymouth Tudor Sedan finished in blue with black fenders Driven only 15000 miles by a very careful owner 54500 1936 Chevrolet Master Coach good tires low mileage tip-top in every way See this one Saturday and Sunday only 47500 Charlie Sturgill Motor Co Used Car Let 356 Main Phone 3398 FOR 1932 Chevrolet coach good condition S175 cash Phona 2265 PLYMOUTH Leather upholstered driven 1000 mile 34350 Cheaper car In trade 1305 north Limestone 1936 CHRYSLER Six Sedan 9000 mile hke new car 670000 no trade Ina Phone 3460-Y 1933 PORD V-I Four-door delux sedan Oood condition 6175 Apply Servlet Station Seventh and Maple FOR Master Six good heater four new tire Onc-ton Foid truck Phone 803 News Of The Trotters BY JOHNNY CLARK WALL PAPER CLEANED and walls washed and ctarched skilled workman highly recommended Phone Paul Ramey 6J29-Y STENCER COBdETEBIA to have your foundation garments and surgical supports individually designed for you call Mrs Mabel Ballard Phone 1S21 132 West Short tViNT Save money work guaranteed prices reasonable Call 2267 between a and 5 OLD RELIABLE WALLPAPER CLEANERS 75c up expert workmen James Offutt 439 Georgetown Phone 2746 (XPERT CHAIR CAKER baskelmakor Koona 667 West Short Phone 1706 SEE CARDINAL OPTICAL COMPANY for quick dependable service and economy Phone 6761 155 west Short street LAWNMOWERS Shortened and repaired Guaranteed Ceded for and delivered SAUNIER BROS Iron Machine and Boiler Works General Blacksmiths 152-166 SAUNIER STREET See ns for anything in iron Repairing of all kinds forging a specialty a lac trie and acetylene welding Phone Day Night 2469Y BAUGH GARNER Moves You In Padded Closed Vans Reasonable Rates Phones 1440-4044 WALLPAPER furnished and hung large selection shown in vour home Long S079-Y FLOORS SANDED and reflnlshed Work Karanteedt price reasonable Call lay for estimates PLASTERING setting grate painting pointing chimney Work guaranteed Quick service Milford Wickliffe Phone 2317 WALLPAPER All kinds In terior cleaning and painting Referenca Baker Carter and Baxter Phone 1075 PAPER Por quick efficient service and reasonable price call Wilson Phone 1394 HAY AND STRAW At barn or delivered Stanley Penn Paris pike Lexington No 3 Phone County 1356-M COAL AND LOCUST We deliver Pennington Coxl Company Seventh and Montgomery Avenue Phone 1540 33 caliber revolver awlng-out cylinder Write Box 329 Leader giving prica and make WILL PAY $300 for late model automobile Must be In good condition Prefer Chevrolet Dodge or Plymouth Write Box 305 care Leader AU answers given Immediate attention No dealers please WILL PAY 685 cash for 1930 or 1931 Pord No dealers Write Box 266 care Lexington Leader WANTED Used filing cabinets desk other office furniture Butler's 117 West Short street Phone 1511 WE PAY WELL for used clothing and shoes 116 south Mill Call 6146 STANDARD FURNITURE CO PHONE Ittt CASH rOK YOUB USED FURNITURE Wa ouy man's used clothing shoes Ill Water St Phone 6844 Miscellaneous For Sale BREAKFAST CHAIRS 200 new but slightly damaged chairs Retail from 1135 to 1225 Special price 75c each in lota of 4 or more SPROLES FURN CO 357 Short Ph 1389-Y 50 Used Refrigerators As Low As $300 Standard Furniture Co Rats Cash 145 West Short St 1 LLOYD BABY Excellent condition Very reasonable 384 Bassett Orands small studio finest makes the best stock also new player piano few fine used pianos we seU sheet music beginners books band and string Instruments We tune planes and repair aU instruments Candioto Piano Company 351 West Main Street P1RE CHIEF GAS 20c OAL PENN Certified Oil 35c QT PARK IN HOUR 3 HOURS 15c 5 HOURS 10 HOURS 25e KITE STORAOE 35c WASH 50c GREA8 ING 15c SXSTRUNK'S PUBLIC STORAOE OARAGE VINE MILL STS NICE BLUEGRASS SOD FOR SALE CLOSE IN ON RICH MOND ROAD PHONE 3325X RADIOS FOR New 61099 Radio for battery new 61999 Oet Europe and all American stations new sets only 61999 Candioto Plano Company 151 West Main Street FOR 8x10 photo view outfit complete Other photo material che Phona 1119 Humphrey in Richmond road HEMLOCKS AND BOD Free eitimatrs on sodding grading and planting Byers and Dennia Phona 3917 FOR Two gaa ranges Phone Mr Newell 1300 PLANTS AU varieties tomato cabbage and pepper Also pansy and petunia plants Prices reasonable Pem berton A Son Greenhouses 131 East Sixth Phona 7020 NEW HAND-MADE candicwlck bed spreads twins and double Beautiful patterns and colon Lovely with antique Can be seen Lakeview Tea Room Richmond road BAND World famous Bel mer See them trumpets slide from bones clarinets saxophone cornets Bee the new Bundy instrument Oretseh finest makes vaiolln banjo ukuleles Gibson guitars mbandolin baaa violin La Taso piano accordion Easy terms Candioto Piano Company FOR Icebox with Kelvinator colls: 014x3x3 feet double glass Apply 149 Northeastern avenue GAS Good condition 142 east Fourth Four-burner coal oil stove Can be seen Van Deren Hardware THREE CABINET MANTLES window aash and frames screened windows and doors Phoi-a 4863-5117 Bam Preston ANYTHINO In building repairing remodeling rasing or moving Burton Phona 5615 CABBAGE 10c dosen 3 doxen 35c Many hardy flowers 435 Clifton avanue Phona 3441 DELICIOUS POTATO CHIPS Fresh and crisp Cooked every day at our atore Wa deliver Miles Coffee House 165 Esplanade Largs six Suitable for largo horns or boarding bouse Less than 40 per cent of cost Mr Chla-holm 141 Park Avenue FOR 18-ineh electric fan for sale Room for rent 157 Walnut second floor ORDSON TRACTOR two bottom plow mowing machine attachment good condition Phone 884 olovcr Motor Co Wllmort Kjr FOR 8ALE Tullpe perennial plants Evans Garden Twelfth and Broadway ONE GOOD 9 niece dining room suite Glass top table 14950 Trading Post 416 Short FOR Large Walnut wardrobe Medium size oak wardrobe Reasonably priced Phone 639 NEW PHONOGRAPH RECORDS 10c each Sharp's Furniture Store North Broadway and Church FOR Two complete paint spray outfit first class condition 6135 and 6175 Phono County S147X COUNTRY EGGS Home dressed springers hens Jerry Moore 1418 Elisabeth street Phone 2059 Will deliver HANDMADE QUILTS Various patterns Including Wild Rose Dresden Plate Brides Necktie 493 West Third after 4 PHILCO One half prica tubes all wavs 1939 model Just like new Was 65995 now 82995 Easy Terms POR Store fixtures cash register Smith-Carroll 138 North Limestone All makes at greatly reduced prices Standard Typewrtler Company Short Street Opp court house FOR 193d Chevrolet standard coape good as new driven enly 1700 miles Disrannt for cash Call 6043X or writ Bex 815 Leader NEW COAL COMPANY Coal at summer prices 259 East Vina Phone 463 WHITE ENAMEL ICE 100-pound capacity Good condition 612 Phone 7590 WALNUT DINING ROOM TABLE With six leave and buffet 240 Campsia Place NEW PROCESS OAS Oood condition cheap Phona 7016-X ANTHRACITE for chicken brooders Ash' less Coal Sales Company Phona 241-244 Lexington Ky BEAUTIFUL crotch mahogany sideboard end china cabinet Phono 3440-X 252 Rodes avenue FOR SALE DeLaval cream separator good condition Mrs Shull Fhon 1700 Georgetown Ky ANTIQUE FURNITURE Small cherry three cornered cupboard one biscuit cornered swell front mahogany chest six Duncan Phyfe chairs pair end tables Mrs Burke 430 Payette Park TWO BEAUTIFUL antique walnut mantels 1337 Bulck Coach good condition Steele Rt 3 corner Mayavilie-Hud-son Pikes QUALITY BABY CHICKS An popular breeds 8 approved by licensed state Inspectors Also sexed chicks started chick custom batching leads Phone us day or night Phona 3317 Payette Hatchery Lexington Ky ONE AND HALF pound boilers White Rocks lor sals We deliver County 3351-X- THOROUGHBRED mare Chapeau by Ma5 Hatter out of Hostess iby Star Shoott Eight years old Mr Townsend Russell Cave pika Phona 8338 SCOTTIES co*ckers bull terriers fox-terriers severs! coon-bred pups Also board dog Phona 4918 BABY CHICKS that make rou profits All leading breeds 8 approved by licensed state inspector Oet our prices Also sexed cmcki custom hatching 327 Fourth St started Kentucky Hatchery BABY CHICKS and Custom Hatching Coleman Hatchery Versailles Road Lexington Ky Phone 3009 WHITE ROCK frying chickens for sale 30c lb Carl Yeager Edgemoor Drive FOR BALE CHOW pupple Reasonably priced Phono 650 FOR Milk goat Togzenberg good milker 100 Hiitonla Park Phona 436S-Y LOANS up to $300 at Rates Fixed By State Law on NOTES FURNITURE AUTOS and other personal property One to twenty months to repay Owned and controlled by Kentucky Citizens STATE LICENSE NO 9 PROVIDENT LOAN ASSOCIATION (Iwiorporatrd) 709 Citizens Bank Bldg Phone 8661 (7th Floor) AUTO LOANS him To $1 teeee ANY YEAR MAKE OB MODEL Ho endorsers 3 Payments Reduced 3 Mortgages Refinanced Used Car 8als Financed 6 First and Second Mortgage 6 Car la Only Security Car Does Not Hava to paid (or to gat additional cash I Loan Mad In 15 Minute Guaranty Finance Co In 352 Main St Larvagton Phona 682 Wanted To Rent MAY 15-Juaa Three bedroom modern house Ashland Park Rent about 649 Box 328 Leader By couple taro or three unfurnished room East reasonabl Reference Write Box 213 Leader Rooms For Rent TO PROFESSIONAL OR BUSINESS Beautiful room adjoining bath in modern nrlvata home of adult Ideally located Oaraga bus stops at door Phona ION LARGE NICELY furnished room private family large closet Oarage optolnal Business person 327 Aylesford 8347 FRONT Nicely furnished private home to desirable person 369 Oroavenor Phono 4213-Y NICE room with board and garag Prica reasonable Call 696 135 RANSOM Nicely furnished front room Business man preferred Oarage Private family Phona 4591-X DOWNSTAIRS PRO1T ROOMZNext to bath with shower Close in 471 East Maxwell FURNISHED BED ROOM on bus line phone 6482' man Ave FURN1BHED Single beds next to bath Excellent meals 316 South Lime NICELY furnished front room for rent to lady Vary reasonable Phona 34S1-Y ATTRACTIVE Close in quiet Reasonable near bath FJlvate honl' 463 Eact MaxwelL Phona 3003-X POR THE RIGHT Clean bright comfortable room near bath in smau family 140 Park 7530-Y NICE furnished room in private family Next to hath 209 State street Phone 7013 ROOM AND BOARD Close In Good horns cooked meals 65310 week 439 East High 121 WARREN Single room running water Ladles only second floor Call 5901 ROOMS FOR 149 north Broadway Apartments For Rent ASHLAND PARK Upper duplt very modem laige porch furnace and garage Telephone 3409-Y FOUR-BOOM furnished apartment front porch Frlgldaire furnace centrally located Phone 5497 ASHLAND PARK Modem five-room apartment basem*nt furnace 65000 Coleman and Davis 7890 SOUTH -Near University modern three-room beautifully furnished agart-ment 63750 Coleman and Pavia 1699 LOWER-APARTMENT Four large room unfurnished separate front and back entrance Porche 163 Forest avenue FOUR-ROOM Murphy bed Kitchen furnished Also heat and water 64250 Chinn and Rankin Phone 1726 BRICK Three rooms hardwood tile bath steam heat Cooicrator Ideal location $3150 Phone 3799 ATTRACTIVE MODERN five-room apartment 355 Walnut upstairs Apply Smith Phone 7679 ATTRACTIVELY furnished three-room apartment Private bath Frlgldaire garage Also furnished modern house Phone 1191 MODERN EFFICIENCY One-two and three-room furnished apartment Murphy bed Centrally located Attractive residential district Wooded lawn Coed residence Bill paid 614 617 and 620 per month Phono CM 101 EAST Upper apartment five room sleeping porch bath garag lovely porche Phone 4IH-X MODERN efficiency three-room furnished apartment steam heat Murphy bed private shower clou in: attractive 635 and 630 Bills paid Phone 030 THREE-ROOM APARTMENT Separate meters 413 Merino Adults only Apply 100 West Maxwell FURNISHED APARTMENT FOR RENT-411 East Main St with two bed rooms and two bath Call Mr Bushier 719 or 6267 FOR Three-room apartment va cant May I Newly papered Apply 141 Aurora FURNISHED APARTMENT In El Apartment Phone 1109 or 7074 Patio LARGE five-room unfurnished modern apartment Heat water and garage tur nished Apply 240 Lexington avenue LOWER Newly decorated Two large tooms kitchen dinette hall garage Phona 7346X cr 7939 POUR-ROOM new upper duplex apartment Rode avenue tile bath Reasonable Apply 153 East High FURNISHED two room sun parlor prt vat bath and entranca garagt bills nald 313 Woodland TWO ROOM apartment furnished Private entrance Garage 124 Clay Avs Pitona Mil Houses For Rent SOUTH Five room brick hardwood floors furnace and garase 130 EAST END Six room brick furnace and garage 840 11ADDIX REALTY CO Phone 405 FOR "53 Pina Btreet two-story seven room suitable for two families Phone 6112 i FOR RENT 5-room furnished liouae to man snd wile no children modern convenience 369 Bucoto Court FOR 5 room oil convenience furnace garage 920 Delaware Avenue 82509 John King 135 North Mill Street Six-room house modem furnace 84350 CHINN AND RANKIN Phono 1729 LARGE eight-room modern hom*o two baths Ideal location East $75 Chinn dan Rankin Phono 112 SIX-ROOM 914 South Broadway on cor lint Coll 4799 SEVEN-ROOM COTTAGE with gas light and water Three-car garage Facing Woodland Park Phona 96 Morrell FOR RENT Seven-room residence near University of Kentucky 63 Nice atone bungalow threa bed room furnace two-car garag southeast section 840 Nice home east section taro bath MS Barney Treacy Realtor No 110 West Short Btreet Phona 355 On Look Means A Lot NINE-ROOM house two bath acre gar den ground Arranged for two apartment 650 month 1073 Broadway Phone 6111 EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE Rosemont Garden Five bedrooms Heatrolo furnished $3 Call 3876 Ileuses For Sale ASHLAND 316 Bycamora road Six-room modem duplex apartment built-in cabinets tiled baths All of building Insulated with Celotex Large concrete basem*nt 3 furnace four-car garag Ideal for hom*o and Invest" men 614000 Term Call owner 780 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION IT Orchard avenue Stone houa six room breakfast room largo attic with space for two extra room hardwood floors throughout clone to University and school Reasonabl price and term MORRIS LEVY 114 Church St Phones 030 and 74 FIVE-ROOM BUFF Two unlln Uhed room In Rosemont section Mod' ern Call owner County 8110-R $300 DOWN balanca 820 month buys four-room modern house Liberty Heights Exclusive listing Mrs Ina Jones 3910-Y YELLOW TILE Five room all modern By owner sell privately Box 339 Leader MODERN BRICK DUPLEX Furnas porches Close in owner laav-Ing town Phono 8694-X $15u DOWN balance $10 month buys four room house cast end Price 61450 Mr Ina Jane Phono 3910-Y FOR SALE The two residences comer Breckinridge and Magoffin Street opposite Government Housing Project Both for $2000 Terns Warren Phona 8450 EAST END Modern five-room buff brick concrete basem*nt hot water heat 65500 Coleman and Davl 16M SIX-ROOM BRICK Three large bedrooms one-floor plan see owner 611 North Broadway MODERN suburban horns with large lot eight room doublo garag on mils out Phona 6206Y New five-room brick house Concrete basem*nt and furnace One acre of ground Only 8560000 HINKLE AND CO Phono 6500 HOLLYWOOD Six-room one-floor plan large lot Special price 64200 CHINN AND RANKIN Phone 1126 FOR SALE Three room house electricity water 6M Ellis Av Sea Henry Hick ardson 220 Race St NEW Three room tils bath each Furnace garage well financed Small house in trad Phona 1(61 IHh eoeoDSQsoooooo 1 ino sedan new paint and PdR EWMI 1 1 a wg softp REO IMS Reo Sedan extra good STUDEBAKEES JJ2 Mmb ieu a WOTsBB gaeaeeeaeeaeeeeaaoaai tesbaplahe 1SI4 Two-door Sedan SEVEN PASSENGERS 1 ftodthAkiF A MUUVUIMI TRUCKS IMS 1-ton Reo Lons Wheelbtai Ok Van TntRpnsMmi ml 5 ITS Us LIBERAL TEADES-IEIRi DISTRIBUTORS EVENPfOS 1332 BARGAINS Easy Term Liberal Allewances sn Traie-bs Small Down PaymenU No Finance Charges ON UNPAID BALANCE ISM Studebaker Roadster ISM Ford Coach trunk low mUs- 6 lewoo oo is 491 $11 Hudson Coupe new paint IS 1931 Pontiae Coach completely overhauled seat covan IN 1934 Ford Coach new ring pins valves and Inserts Mi 1S3S Plymouth Coach new tire new pain motor overhauled 161 1936 Chevrolet Sedan very nice Ill 1935 Tcrraplane Coach above the average condition 1933 Studebaker Dictator Seda new pain good tine IN 1M4 Plymouth Deluxe Coach original paint extra clean HI 1S34 Hudson Coach very good IMS Pontiae Coach completely overhauled XM4 Plymouth Deluxo Seda aeat cover a real bargain at 411 TRUCKS IMS Chevrolet Pick-up one of tho In town IKS ISM Chevrolet lVa-ton long wheel- baa a bargain at IS 1S34 Dodga Ift-to long wheelbase new $49 license IMS Reo Itt-to a bargain IN IMS Ford 1 14 -ton long wbcelbaa a smart buy (or 4U THE USED CAR BARN West Main SL Lexinrlea Phone 1355 JAS PYLES Sales est mile this year was in 2:32 lad week Queen Mary a 3-yeir-oid filly by Peter Lady Bird trained a second faster in 25L Thk filly handicapped by unsound limbi last year is training well and per-haps will trot to a low record thi falL Dillola by Protector-Enoli Dillon has trained in 2:30 Marea at Walnut Hall Neal Houslet Wisconsin horsema shipped Adbella Axworthy to Walnut Hall farm to be bred to Volomit this spring She has a bay fdly fod by Volomite Dr Harrison Union City Ind shipped the fast pacing mart Wilma daughter of KiM Direct by Walter Direct to Walnut Hall to be bred to Scotland Wilms has by her side a bay colt by Volomite Walnut Hall Feal Eevt foals made their appearin' at Walnut Hall Farm last by Guy Day and three by Guy Abbey An interesting foal is by colt by Guy Day out of i Gay 2:08 Harkness Edwards ineed Princess Gay in the local dun and then sve was retired at Wdw Hall Her first foal was Heather 2:05 also matineed Harkness Edward The second the fast gelding Fez 2:03 and Fionne 2:07 matineed by Mr toward Gunar 2:12 is from Process Gay and raced successfully 1 year over the half-mile tracks New York The foal list follows: Bay filly by Guy Day-Queeniy Volo 2:14 by Peter Volo-Que-ly McKinney Bay colt by Guy Princes Ga by Chestnut Peter Bay filly by Guy TaurO dam of Ironsides 2:07 Bay colt by Guy Miw leen Brooke dam of Hussar Bay filly by Guy Todd 2:05 by The Laurel Hau-Bay filly by Guy Abbey-Snoia Dillon by Dillon Axworthy Bay filly by Guy Brucw (first foal) full sister to Volomiw 2-03 by Peter Cita Frhea A new type of propeller which has one blade is being tried out VJ the cub fliwerplane This OT propeller Is said to increase plane's speed about 25 per cent an to make necessary only hau ordinary take-off speed Bogof Colombia i cheap homes for municipal wor me L08T Red Persian eat In Fairway reward Phone 1160 Red male chow answers to name Wing Reward Call 4050 LOST Sterling silver whisky flask Keeneland Reward Phone 4255-X LOST Belgian police dog brown streaks of black Answers to name Reward Phone 7401 at Downtown brown coin containing 01250 Reward Phone 7484-Y On South Broadway Antique walnut post off chifferobe Reward Telephone 4269 H'NIjTGn IHD-JVTRlSS MOVED TO MILL AND BOLIVAR Open for business Saturday Mey 1 An persona having claims against the estate ol Luther Whitaker are hereby notified to present seme to the undersigned properly proven sccordlng to law on or before June 1 1937 or be barred SELLERS Executor Estate of Luther Whitaker Care Pint National Bank and Trust Co Lexington Kentucky NOTICE OP DISSOLUTION OP CORPORATION Notice Is hereby given that tha Flash Messenger Service Company incorporated is closing up its business FLASH MESSENGER SERVICE CO INC By Alice Marie McEvoy President To do hauling of any kind with my truck Reasonable prices 466 Ash street NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION The public is hereby notified that we ha undersignad composing the firm oi WILLIAMS JOHNSON heretofore lo-sted at No 117 South Mill Street will ie iissolved on the COth day of April 1937 til persons indebted is said firm are larnestly requested to aettlo their ae-rounta on or before Mat 10th 1637 WILLIMS GEO JOHNSON WOULD YOU ilka to learn beauty culture Our new catalogue wU be aent to yon on request HELLEMS BEAUTY SCHOOL L19 Short St Phono 2943 SCHOOLS AND SOCIETIES of Central tnd Eastern Kentucky Kentucky Natural kndga State Park Powell County the ideal place for picnics and outings Refreshment stand In Park KENTUCKY NATURAL BRIDGE STATE PARK in tha mountain 35 mile 8 Winchester open lor aeason MT 1st Hemlock Lodge Natural Bridze Ky rates and reservations CASH Suite pressed 25c Zippers nut on Expert relinlng alterations MORRIS CLEANERS 270 SHORT ST RHEUMATISM Neuritis Lumbago Gat PRESCRIPTION TWENTY-FIVE Not a pain killer but a treatment that remove! tha causa AU LEXINGTON Drug Stores Male Help Wanted FARM HAND WANTED Must be experienced sober and industrious able to handle responsibility best reference required good house Hamilton Phone 714 Paris Ky IAL SILK HOSIERY MILLS Is qualifying sales representatives under National Security Act Have several opening for local man who are Interested In advancement Apply 452 McClelland Bldg To aell boys' wash suits as side line on commission basis Write Box 130 care Leader TWO YOUNO Free to travel to assist in order department See Mr Orll- tlth 7 144 Barr Btree At once good barber Call at 1 Hollywood Barber Shop 040 East High Phone 1710 HELP WANTED INSTRUCTIONS LEARN BARBERING NOW Shortage of Better pay New New New opportunities Like a new trade Booklet mailed free Write Molar College 111 Fifth 8L Cincinnati Ohio Female Help Wanted WHITE Ure on place Wild-Caywood Employment Agency 104 axeman Court Employment Wanted BOOKKEEPING office work by expert- eneed lady Best of local references FuU or part time Phone 2P94-Y WANTED Stenographic and office work i by competent young woman University graduate Write Box 210 care Leader YOUNO Wants work as electrician or plumbers helper Maintenance ex- verlenc good driver Excellent references Addrts Box 314 Leader EXPERIENCED practical nurse Oood ref- trances Call 7271-X Business Services MATTRESS UPHOLSTERY Cushions pillows ahaira mattresses bos springs living room suites etc expertly repaired aad rebuilt Quick service tew prices Free estimates rbens sen SOUTHERN BEDDING COMPANI Hi Wart That Yew May SCOTT Paper hanging: aU work neatly dona guaranteed Quick service Call SI92-X John Scott REMLEY BOILER AND MACHINE WORKS Electric and acetylene welding auto repairing log Snort St Phono 418 night 1211 REFRIGERATOR SERVICE Commercial and domestic Wa spedal-Ize on Kelvinator and Copeland LEXINGTON tEFRIOERATION CO Phona 3610 LPAPER HANQINO Old paper reived by steam Paper cleaning by ex rieneed workman Phona 6763 WALLAPEfC HANGING CLEANING Painted wall window washed Contract painting (loors vended Hass and Company Fbona 630 -X or 6166 Vina and Southeastern PACKARD OPEN 1937 Ford Trade-Ins Used Chevrolet CARS AND TRUCKS 1936 Chevrolet Master Coupe $525 1935 Chevrolet Standard Fordor Sedan 395 1934 Chevrolet Master Fordor Sedan- heater 375 1934 Chevrolet Master Fordor Sedan 375 1934 Chevrolet Master Coupe 345 1933 Chevrolet Master Fordor Sedan 40 OS 325 1933 Chevrolet Master Coupe 295 1930 Chevrolet Tudor heater 195 1929 Chevrolet Fordor Sedan 150 TRUCKS 1935 Chevrolet WB 1-ton 495 1936 Chevrolet 4 -ton Sedan Delivery 450 1935 Chevrolet ltt-ton WB C8cC 225 "WE ARE NEVER Willis Stewart Motors FORD DEALER Bryant Manager Used Car Store Used Car Lot 263 Main 111 Walnut St 1215 3194 Farm where she will be bred to Scotian 1 159 Dearie is by Holly-rood Harkaway out of the now-exported Alma Lee a daughter of Lee Worthy Branch In Berry Stable A new member added to the Thomas Berry stable last week was Broncho 2:05 by Broncho Queen 2:09 one of last crack juvenile pacers The Broncho was purchased last fall by George Johnson Eureka Kan from How ard McVay Berry will prepare Broncho for a Grand Circuit cam' paign this year Tom Berry did not sent any of his pupils brisk miles last week but gave them little rest after their trip here from Florida While training at Longwood the Berry colts turned in some noticeable miles 1: st of the 2-yeir-olds In this stable fx Exeter by Peter Emm i Eva who reeled off a mile in 2:13 the final quarter in 31 seconds Along with Exeter was Primrose Polly by Peter Volv-Primrose Helen impressive pacing prospect for the juvenile stakes this season Mr Will by Gaylworthy Hester Volo showed a mft in 2:16 quarter in 30 second -nny Morn by Tilhorthy Summer Harvest turned in a 2:20 mile the final quarter in 32 see onds De Mar brother to Muscleton by Mr McElwyn Ruth Chen-ault trotted in 2:16 quarter In 31 second Spencerian 2:06 worked in 2:19 He is a Hambleton-tan candidate Annette McElwyn by Mr Calumet Ann worked in 2:19 Spears Filly Fast The fastest mark by a 2-year-old trotter on the local track this year was set last week when Claud Spears worked Princess Mar thi a mile in 2:27: On thii occasion Princess Martha daughter of Protector Mignon covered the final quarter in 33 second the trotting trainers who went to Keeneland last Friday and backed Charley Wee Hedwig received $134 for a $2 ticket It is the longest price paid so far during the Keeneland meeting and the victory gave the veteran reiiuman a great thrill Benyan Works Fllliea John Benyon has started to turn In some worth-while miles with his charge To date John Benyon who talks little of his speed admits that he has two outstanding fil-lie The first is a bay filly by Peter Volo the first foal from the former matinee mare True Charm 2:04 by Guy Axworthy This filly Sweet Mis has trotted a mile in 2:43 with the last quarter in 37 second The other filly Allegro by Peter Volo from Almeda McKinney by' Lord Dewey has trot -d in the same time Margaret Castleton has not been moved along much as yet Her fast- Phone Union Station 897 Used Car Store ASHLAND One of the finest seven room English type brick houses now offered for sale at a very low price For further Information call Coleman and Davi 7699 EIGHT-ROOM modern hems In Ashland Park threa b-droom an lower floor bedroom and playroom on second floor Beautifully landscaped Owner leaving city Phona 4073 CAMP AND COTTAGES THE MOST beautiful cabin sites on Lake Herrington for sale on mil from Dlx Dam Visit or writ Caatlewood Buena Vista Kentucky Business Locations For Sale Or Rent FOR Suite of flvo offices over Brooks Clothing Store northwest corner of Main and Limestone Streets suitable for Doctor Dentist Beauty Shop At torneys rinenelal Institutions Photographer's Studios Priced reasonably Barney Treacy Realtor No 110 West Short Street Phono 355 On Look Means A Lot SEVERAL desirable office rooms now ova liable at reasonable prices: in CIU-xens Bank Building Apply Room 417 Real Estate Deportment FOR "Three-Mil Inn" on Versailles pike Ossollno station Apply within FOR Largo tors room Southeast corner Third and Dewees Strett Formerly used as a drug stor Fhon S405-X FOR Store room suitable for res taurant or most any business Good location Phona 1057- DANDY LITTLE HORSE FARM About 45 kcrei douce to famous breeding establishments Bos stalls and pad-dock Plrniy of water and grass com tenant house IP YOU WANT THE BEAT TOBACCO LAND this Is It Only Sta000 Barney Treacy Realtor Phone 355 110 West Short Street One Look Means A Lot hers IS WHAT you all have been looking forl Baby farm-hom*o site 25 acres Tales Cieek pike 4' miles out nothing on It except bluegrass two nice springs and fencing Quick sale price 812500 acre We get 'em low and sell quick Come to office 256 West Short Street Real Estate Trading Company FOR 200 acres Improved land Flvo miles out 6100 Ons hundred and ninety acres Oood improvement 10 miles out 6105 Warren Phona 6456 POR Three and half acres of good tobacco land Phono 7I52-X Retd Elliott between 6 and 7 CHEVY CHASE Highly desirable location still nvallobl Sal ret now before spring prices advene CLAY SIMPSON 149 Market Street POR BALE 50x160 Bellaira Avenut near Sixth Btreet 60x145 Klngsway Bargain if sold at once By Owner Phono HUB POR Soma of tho brat lota cheap and easy term Warren Phone 945 Real Estate For Exchange SALE OR TRADE Liquor dispensary and restaurant good location: doing a good paying builnes 62500 cash or will trad for real estate and pay soma dlffarenc ltarka-bury 1673-Y FIVE-ROOM HOUSE with large lo Oood East or south Box 323 Lead' ar ITS A FACT About threo-nftha of Tha Loader's stipulation la delivered to subscribers outalda the city ot Lexington Consider this Important fact whan you want to reach out-of-town Yuma The new Boeing plane with four motors is capable of 250 miles an hour and has a cruising radius of 3000 mile The Army has ordered 13 of these planes for use as bomber Each plane has five machine guns and is said to have no spot un guarded A new dirigible being built In Germany will alternate with the Hindenburg in weekly trans-Atlantic trips between Germany and the United State Among the many theatrical super' stitions is the belief that stepping out of an entrance with the right foot brings good luck with the left foot bad luck Prof Hepburn of the Uni' versity of Alabama Law School observes: "Dissenters are valuable citizens and their expressions of opinion should be encouraged" Almost any morning at the local training colony these spring days is an enjoyable one Already many of the old railbirds have mounted their perches to see the colts train Erskine had quite a bit to say about his star pupil Apollo owned by Aaron Williams Cornmg when the speedy free-legged 2-year-old reeled off a mile in 2:30 On dismounting from the cart Mr Erskine exclaimed Here is one that you will hear from before fall! Why he can pace a 2:00 right now if I would let Trainer Erskine seldom says anything about what he expects from his pupils but waits until race time and lets them show for themselve Apollo paced an eighth in better than 16 seconds last fall as a yearling He comes from the first crop of colts by Calumet Adam 1 and is out of Hollyrood Abigail 2:05 The giant trotting gelding Juniper owned by A Duke Maysville has worked the fastest in the Erskine outfit this year Ilis mile last week was in 2:22 By Peter the Brewer he comes from Daisydale dam of Abeedale 2:01 Andy Duke's Hi Jack by Belwin May turned the mile course in 2:25 and had as company Athlone Santos Boy 2:10 The latter owned by A Duke looks impressive in his workouts and will no doubt annex a number of his rich engagements in the 3-year-old futurities this year Vagabond King and the Hamble-tonian candidate Buss Hanover paired in their mile in 2:25 Vagabond King is being pointed for several rich engagements this summer Among them is a $25000 trot over one and one-half miles Buss Hanover by Sandy Flash is out of Lu by Lu Princeton The notable old campaigner Angel Child 2:00 trotted a mile in 2:30 She looks her very best this spring carrying a great deal of flesh Angel Child has been racing with the toughest trotters for several season Every year she has trotted to a lower record White Ifere Ben White has returned from Tucson Ariz where he visited Gib son White who is there for his health The White stable did not have any speed to offer last week as the juv' enile members are being freshened a bit by running in the paddock The older horses were merely blown out Ellts A and Abigail 2-year-old trotter were turned out at Arrow-point Farm o- arrival from the south There they will run out this year and be reserved for 3-year-old racing Ellis A by Elizabeth is a half-brother to Grey hound Abigail by Abbacy is a half-sister to Guy Abbey Dearl' half-sister to Rosalind 2:01 was sent to Walnut Hall.

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The Herald-Leader is owned and published by the McClatchy Company. The paper is one of 29 daily newspaper papers published by McClatchy and is the only McClatchy publication in Kentucky.

Where is the Lexington Herald-Leader located? ›

"Lexington Herald-Leader," located in Lexington, Ky., is a daily newspaper circulated in more than 70 counties in central and eastern Kentucky.

How do I contact the Herald editor? ›

Complaints - Who to contact

Complaints and requests for editorial corrections or clarifications should be referred to the editor in the first instance, who can be contacted as follows: editor@heraldandtimes.co.uk.

Who is the editor of The Lexington Herald-Leader? ›

Richard A. Green is the executive editor of the Herald-Leader.

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Where is Lexington Herald-Leader printed? ›

The Lexington Herald-Leader is a newspaper owned by the McClatchy Company and based in Lexington, Kentucky.

Who is the new mayor of Lexington KY? ›

Linda Gorton is an American politician currently serving as the mayor of Lexington, Kentucky.

Who founded Lexington KY? ›

While the ostensible founder of Lexington, William McConnell, is not one of the signees, an Alexander McConnell is.

Who represents Lexington KY in Congress? ›

Andy Barr | Congress.gov | Library of Congress.

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You can cancel at any time by contacting our customer service center at 1-800-999-8881. Your subscription is subject to additional Terms of Service at http://www.kentucky.com/terms-of-service.

Who is the health reporter for the Lexington Herald-Leader? ›

Alex Acquisto covers health and social services for the Lexington Herald-Leader and Kentucky.com.

How do I contact the mayor of Lexington KY? ›

  1. Office of the Mayor. 200 E. Main St. Lexington, KY.
  2. (859) 258-3100.
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